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File:Ludovico Alessandro Tactical Publishing Using Senses Software and Archives in the Twenty-First Century 2024.pdf

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Tactical Publishing: Using Senses, Software, and Archives in the Twenty-First Century

by Alessandro Ludovico

"How to level up to the next transformative phase of publishing—with a critical methodology that transcends the dichotomy of paper and digital media production.

Publishing is experiencing one of the most transformative phases in its history. In Tactical Publishing, a sequel to Post-Digital Print, Alessandro Ludovico explores the forces driving this historical phase, highlighting the tremendous opportunities it presents. Our task, he believes, is to develop an alternative publishing system that transcends the dichotomy between paper and digital media. He focuses first on the two activities on which publishing is premised—reading and writing (with an emphasis on writing machines and post-truth in the latter)—and then deconstructs the concept, proposing alternative strategies inspired by recent practices and unconventional uses of technology.

Ludovico shows how the radical and strategic use of print in the past can serve as the basis for our transition to the next phase of publishing. He argues that the new ecology of publishing should be based on three main elements: the stimulation of our senses, the role of software in forming the publishing infrastructure, and the importance of archives. During this transition from the current post-digital phase to the next phase, independent publishers and artists, as well as readers and machines, will enable new structures and actions that realize the potential of publishing and the preservation of content, thereby enriching social practices. The author also considers the crucial social role played by new forms of libraries, as artists and publishers shape the coming publishing world in its various manifestations. Combining analytical accounts of tactical strategies with examples from artworks and experimental practices, the book concludes with a manifesto for publishing in the twenty-first century and an appendix with a selection of one hundred publications representing the “periodic table” of future publishing."

 Foreword by Nick Montfort
 Publisher: The MIT Press
 Series: Leonardo
 Pub date: January 16, 2024
 Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license
 ISBN: 9780262542050
 xii+324 pages

Publisher. Publisher.


File:Lindgren Jacob ed Extra-curricular 2018.pdf

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edited by Jacob Lindgren

"Extra-curricular is a reader of texts on and around the topic of self-organized learning, curriculum, experiments, and alternatives in graphic design education. Occurring both within and separate from existing institutions, these other forms of learning and organization question how such learning takes place, for whom, and the ideologies inherent in existing models, among many other things. An (admittedly) incomplete inventory inspired by the widespread activity and educational turn (or shift) in the field, this book aims to serve as a point of departure for further discussion and experimentation."

With contributions from: Adam Cruickshank, Chris Lee, Decolonising Design, Diego Bustamante, Katharina Hetzeneder, & Ariadna Serrahima (Parallel School Cali), Elisabeth Klement & Laura Pappa (Signals from the Periphery), Esther McManus, Evening Class, Francisco Laranjo, Jack Henrie Fisher, James Langdon, Joe Potts (Southland Institute), Kristina Ketola Bore & João Doria (The Ventriloquist Summerschool), Leigh Mignogna & Frances Pharr (Recreating a Women’s School), Mark Owens, Robert Preusse, Till Wittwer, & Stefanie Rau (Parallel School Berlin/Brno), Sean Yendrys (A School, A Park), Silvio Lorusso, Sopie Demay & Clara Degay, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey and David Reinfurt (The Serving Library), and Will Street (The Transparent School).

 Publisher Onomatopee, Eindhoven, 2018
 Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License
 ISBN 978-94-91677-92-2
 340 pages



File:Messe 2ok 1996.pdf

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Messe 2ok : ökonoMiese machen

Edited by / Herausgegeben von Alice Creischer, Dierk Schmidt, Andreas Siekmann

A reader from a fair for political initiatives and art groups, organised by Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann, Birger Huebel, Michaela Odinius and Dierk Schmidt. Took place parallel to Art Cologne 1995.

"Ein nahezu legendäres Buch im Großformat. Ein umfassendes Resümee zur politischen Diskussion autonomer Künstlergruppierung der 90er. Die Schwerpunktthemen sind:
Autonomie, Sponsoring, Stadtplanung und Ökonomie.
Die Messe 2ok war ein selbstorganisiertes und selbstfinanziertes Treffen von ca. 30 Gruppierungen aus dem Kunst-, Polit-, und Musikbereich aus der BRD, den Niederlanden, Dänemark, Italien, Ungarn, Österreich und der Schweiz parallel zur Art Cologne im November 1995.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind . . .

der politische Anspruch von nichtinstitutioneller Organisationsarbeit, deren Entscheidungsprozesse und deren ökonomische und politische Konsequenzen. Daran schließt sich eine ausführliche Behandlung des Themas Sponsoring an. Im Reader werden, neben zahlreichen Recherchen, Quellenmaterial und einer kritischen Bestandsaufnahme des bisherigen Standes der Diskussion in der Feuilletons (in denen Sponsoring seit dem vergangenen Jahr zum bevorzugten Thema avanciert), Vertragsentwürfe und die Diskussion von Strategien gegenüber Finanzierungsangeboten von politisch fragwürdigen Firmen (z.B. Siemens) vorgestellt.

und weiterhin: . . .

Autonomie: der Abgleich zwischen künstlerischen und politischen Autonomieverständnis Stadtplanung: der öffentliche Raum als privatwirtschaftliche Disposition: Strategien, Gegen-Projekte Ökonomie: kritische Diskussion der Paradigmen der politischen Ökonomie bzgl. der Aktualität der repressiven wirtschaftlichen Machtverhältnisse: Waren-, Geld-, Tausch- und Vermittlungsproblematik.

Der Reader bietet mit Beiträgen von über 20 AutorInnen einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der politische Diskussion im Kunstbereich, den damaligen Strategien und dem daraus resultierenden Selbstverständnis autonomer künstlerischer Gruppierungen. Der Reader enthält Projektbeschreibungen, Interviews, Diskussionen, Aufsätze und Essays und vielfältige Materialien zu den einzelnen Themenschwerpunkten. Er enthält zahlreiche Abbildungen und gehört mit seinem bemerkenswerten Layout zu den diesbezüglichen Highlights der 90er Jahre." [1]

 permanent press verlag, Köln / Berlin, 1996
 ISBN 3-931184-02-1
 Language: German
 120 Seiten, A3
 PDF (382 mb)
 1990s Cologne


File:The Constituent Museum Constellations of Knowledge Politics and Mediation 2018.pdf

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The Constituent Museum. Constellations of Knowledge, Politics and Mediation

"What would happen if museums put relationships at the centre of their operations? This question inspires this publication, which offers a diverse, rigorous, and experimental analysis of what is commonly known as education, mediation or interpretation within museum institutions. It regards the visitor not as a passive receiver of predefined content, but as an active member of a constituent body, whom it facilitates, provokes, inspires and learns from. Moving beyond the practice of mediation as such, the publication situates constituent practices of collaboration and co-production within the existing social-political (neoliberal) context. It does this to reimagine and affect both the physical and organizational structures of museums and galleries.

Understanding the challenges of a constituent practice in an integral, interdisciplinary manner is what this publication aspires to. This is explored by placing the museum's constituents – museum professionals, active audience/co-curator, local and political agencies, operational structures and contexts – at the centre of the museum organization and looking at how their positions in society start to shift and change.

Issues that are addressed: ownership and power dynamics, collective pedagogy, pedagogy of encounter, collaboration, assent, dissent and consent, co-labour and co-curation (economies of exchange), precarity, and working with interns, archives and how to activate them, broadcasting, digital cultivation, crowdsourcing, and many other topics."

Editors: John Byrne (Lead Editor, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool), Elinor Morgan (MIMA, Middlesbrough), November Paynter (MOCA, Toronto), Aida Sánchez de Serdio (UOC, Barcelona), and Adela Železnik (MG+msum, Ljubljana).

Contributors: Azra Akšamija, Alberto Altés Arlandis, Burak Arikan, James Beighton, Manuel Borja-Villel, Sara Buraya, John Byrne, Jesús Carrillo, Alejandro Cevallos Narváez, Céline Condorelli, Sean Dockray, Özge Ersoy, Carmen Esbrí, Oriol Fontdevila, Amy Franceschini, Janna Graham, Nav Haq, Yaiza Hernández Velázquez, Emily Hesse, John Hill, Alistair Hudson, Adelita Husni-Bey, Kristine Khouri, Nora Landkammer, Maria Lind, Isabell Lorey, Francis McKee, Elinor Morgan, Paula Moliner, November Paynter, Manuela Pedrón Nicolau, Elliot Perkins, Bojana Piškur, Tjaša Pogačar Podgornik, Alan Quireyns, RedCSur, Rasha Salti, Francesco Salvini / pantxo ramas, Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, Aida Sánchez de Serdio, Somateca, Igor Španjol, Nora Sternfeld, Subtramas, Tiziana Terranova, Piet Van Hecke, Onur Yıldız, and Adela Železnik.

 Published by Valiz, Amsterdam, with L'internationale, 2018
 ISBN 978-94-92095-42-8
 Open access (2024)
 384 pages

Publisher. Publisher.


File:Lozhkina Alisa Permanent Revolution Art in Ukraine the 20th to the Early 21st Century 2020.pdf

Lozhkina Alisa Permanent Revolution Art in Ukraine the 20th to the Early 21st Century 2020.jpg

Permanent Revolution: Art in Ukraine, the 20th to the Early 21st Century

by Alisa Lozhkina (Аліса Ложкіна)

"Written by a leading Ukrainian curator and art critic, this book is an attempt to draw the history of the development of visual art practices in Ukraine, from the birth of modernism to the present day, into a cohesive narrative. Particular emphasis is given to the period since independence. How has the language of art changed over the last century and a half? What role has turbulence played in this process as Ukraine has undergone a series of transformations from its provincial status on the edge of the Russian Empire, through the difficult stage of building socialism, all the way to achieving independence, the Orange Revolution, the Revolution of Dignity, and the coming challenges of its most recent history? This analysis offers a brief overview of the main events and phenomena in Ukrainian art, as well as a variety of illustrative material from dozens of museum and private collections, and the archives of artists and their families.

This publication was made possible thanks to a grant from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF) as a continuation of a 2019 project. Then, the support of the Zenko Foundation and the UCF made possible the publication of a Ukrainian-language version of this book with the publisher ArtHuss, as well as a French translation and publication of the manuscript with the publisher Nouvelles Éditions Place. Special gratitude is due to the head of the Zenko Foundation, Zenko Aftanaziv, as well as the project’s producer, Karina Kachurovska."

Reviews: Milbach (Rev études slaves), Kilesso Contant (Slovo).

 Ukrainian edition
 Permanentna revolyutsiya: Mistetstvo Ukrayini HH – poch. HHI st.
 Перманентна революція: Мистецтво України ХХ – поч. ХХІ ст.
 Published by ArtHuss, Kyiv, 2019
 ISBN 978-617-7799-06-0
 543 pages
 English edition
 Published by ArtHuss, Kyiv, 2020
 Translated by Nathan Jeffers
 ISBN: 978-617-7799-77-0
 543 pages
 Open access
 French edition
 Une révolution permanente: l'art ukrainien contemporain et ses racines 1880-2020
 Published by Nouvelles éditions Place, Paris, 2020
 Translated by Igor Sokologorsky
 ISBN: 978-2-37628-059-0
 381 pages

Publisher (EN). Publisher (UA). Publisher (FR). Author (UA). Author (FR).

 Ukraine  Art history


File:Fabus Palo Svoboda Lubos Prednaska o vznikavosti 2017.pdf

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Přednáška o vznikavosti

by Palo Fabuš with Luboš Svoboda

"Vnímáme čas a prostor spolu nebo odděleně? Na pokraji digitální doby nás Palo Fabuš přirovnává k světelnému paprsku plynoucímu časoprostorem, abychom se našli ve „vznikavém prostředí“. Vyvstává tak před námi poetická alternativa k současnému imperativu kreativity. Vedle svých dosavadních prací umělecké a kulturní kritiky autor otevírá novou kapitolu filosofie tvorby."

Kniha O vznikavosti završila cyklus čtyř přednášek Pala Fabuše přerývaných poezií Luboše Svobody.

 Lačnit Press, Prague, 2017
 50 pages 

