Early computer art in Slovakia (1970s-80s)

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Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók, Juraj Bartusz with Vladimír Haltenberger, Daniel Fischer with Igor Klačanský, Martin Šperka, Agnes Sigetová.


  • lithographies and serigraphies based on computer-generated drawings (*1974, Jankovič with Bertók)
  • manufactured sculptures based on computer-generated curves (*1976, Bartusz with Haltenberger)
  • computer morphing line drawings (*1978, Fischer with Klačanský)
  • computer animations (*1980s, Sigetová, Slivka)


  • Počítačové umění v ČSSR a ve světě, Palác kultury, Praha, 1989
  • Druhá celostátní výstava počítačového umění v ČSSR, ÚKDŽ, Praha, 1985
  • Československá počítačová grafika Institut průmyslového designu, Praha, 1976


Ikarus, 1974. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók.
Movement in a circle, 1974. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók. Transformation of figure into abstract image.
Window, 1984. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók. Dynamics of line in a given frame.
Squash, 1985. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók. Dynamics of line in a given frame.
Neverending Line, 1985. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók. Applied random number generator.
decoration for facade of Výpočtové stredisko dopravy in Bratislava, 1971-1974. Jozef Jankovič with Imrich Bertók.

Spacetime sculpture, 1976-78. Juraj Bartusz with Vladimír Haltenberger.
Cosmic Head, 1976-78. Juraj Bartusz with Vladimír Haltenberger

Altamira, 1978-. Daniel Fischer with Igor Klačanský. Cave bull morphing into sign of infinity, first computer animation in Slovakia. Single frames plotted by CalComp plotter were photographed step by step by an animation camera, then processed by painter's interventions. Fischer: "Úlohou lineárnej transformácie je postihnúť kultúrne kontexty v čase fázovaním premien východiskových kresieb do cieľových, priamo modelovať časové premeny a vizualizovať čas ako fenomén spätý s ľudským bytím."
Solentine Apocalypse, 1982. Daniel Fischer with Igor Klačanský. Computer-generated illustrations for Slovak edition of the book by J Cortazar.

?, 1986. Ondrej Slivka. 7' cartoon with some sections animated by a computer program of Martin Sepp and Martin Šperka. The film received awards at several international animation festivals abroad.

01, 1987. Michal Murin, project for Ars Electronica, software art, performance, sound, concept in big computer hall MEOPTA - výpočtové stredisko.



Pioneers of the computer graphics art in the Czech and Slovak Republics, http://web.archive.org/web/20021129093558/http://www.dcs.elf.stuba.sk/~sperka/emart/pioneers/cspion.htm

Arts in Slovakia
Video art in Slovakia (1960s-80s) | Performance art in Slovakia (1960s-2000s) | Sound art in Slovakia (1960s-2000s) | Early computer art in Slovakia (1970s-80s) | Electroacoustic music in Slovakia | Experimental film in Slovakia | Video art in Slovakia (1990s-2000s) | Digital prints in Slovakia | Digital art in Slovakia (1990s-2000s) | Bibliography of writings on media art in Slovakia | Bibliography of writings on media art (outside Slovakia) in Slovak