Miško Šuvaković
Miško (Miodrag) Šuvaković (1954, Belgrade) is a theorist, aesthetician, artist, curator, and professor of theory of art, culture, and aesthetics.
He is a co-founder and member of the conceptual art collective Group 143 (1975-80), as well as the "Community for Space Investigation" (1982-89). Since 1988 he is a member of the Slovenian Aesthetic Society. In 1993, he received a PhD degree with the thesis Analytical Philosophy and Visual Art (Faculty of Visual Art, University of Arts, Belgrade). He is a Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Art at the Faculty of Music, Belgrade, and since 2002 he also teaches Theory of Art and Theory of Culture at the Faculty of Architecture at Belgrade University. He has published over 30 books.
His research interests are 20th and 21st century art, art theory and philosophy. He wrote or collaborated on a number of books, book chapters and articles, which have been published in Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, German, Hungarian, Chinese and English languages. Besides writing about art and teaching, he has been active as a curator of exhibitions on contemporary art since 1979. He conceptualised or collaborated on conceptions for exhibitions shown in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia and he wrote one book on curation. (Source)
- co-editor, Katalog 143, Belgrade, 1975-1978.
- co-editor, Mentalni prostor, 4 issues, Belgrade, 1982-1987.
- co-editor, Transkatalog, Novi Sad, 1995-1998.
- co-editor, Teorija koja Hoda/TkH/Walking Theory, Belgrade, 2001ff.
- co-editor, Razlika/Differance, Tuzla, 2002.
- co-editor, Anomalija, Novi Sad, 2004.
- co-editor, Sarajevske sveske, Sarajevo/Zagreb/Ljubljana/Belgrade/Skopje, 2006.
- co-editor, Art + Media, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2011ff.
Books, catalogues
- editor, grupa 143, seminar, Belgrade: Galerija studentskog kulturnog centra, 1978, 70 pp. [1] (Serbo-Croatian)
- grupa 143, 1979, [17] pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Scene jezika: uloga teksta u likovnim umetnostima. Fragmentarne istorije, 1920-1990, Belgrade: ULUS, 1989, 158 pp. [2] (Serbian)
- Pas Tout: Fragments on Art, Culture, Politics, Poetics and Art Theory, 1994-1974, Buffalo: Meow Press, 1994, 29 pp. (English)
- editor, Grupa Kôd, Grupa E, Grupa E-Kôd, Novi Sad: Galerija savremen likovne umetnosti, 1995, 153 pp. Exh. catalogue. [3] (Serbo-Croatian)
- Postmoderna, Belgrade: Narodna knjiga, 1995, 180 pp. (Serbian)
- Farenhajt 387: teorijske ispovesti, Novi Sad, 1996, 218 pp. [4] (Serbian)
- Asimetrični drugi: eseji o umetnicima i konceptima, Novi Sad: Prometej, 1996, 359 pp. [5] (Serbian)
- Paragrami tela/figure: predavanja i rasprave o strategijama i taktikama teorijskog izvođenja u modernom i postmodernom performance art-u, teatru, operi, muzici, filmu i tehnoumetnosti, Belgrade: CENPI, 2001, 430 pp. [6] (Serbian)
- Dragomir Ugren, et al., Centralnoevropski aspekti Vojvođanskih avangardi, 1920-2000: granični fenomeni, fenomeni granica, Novi Sad: MSUV, 2002, 193 pp. (Serbian)
- editor, with Dubravka Djurić, Impossible Histories: Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, MIT Press, 2003, xviii+605 pp. (English)
- Mapiranje tijela/tijelom / Mapping of the Body/with the Body, trans. Suncica Kragulj, Zagreb: Meandar, 2005, 137 pp. (Croatian)/(English)
- Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb: Horetzky, and Ghent: Vlees & Beton, 2005, 856 pp. (Croatian)
- Studije slučaja: diskurzivna analiza izvođenja identiteta u umetničkim praksama, Pančevo: Mali Nemo, 2006, 210 pp. [7] (Serbian)
- Diskurzivna analiza: prestupi i/ili pristupi ‘diskurzivne analize’ filozofiji, poetici, estetici, teoriji i studijama umetnosti i kulture, Belgrade: University of Arts in Belgrade, 2006; new ed., Belgrade: Orion Art, 2010, 532 pp. [8] (Serbian)
- KFS – Kritične forme savremenosti i žudnja za demokratijom, Novi Sad: Orpheus, 2007, 303 pp. [9] (Serbian)
- CCF: Critical Contemporary Forms and a Desire for Democracy, self-published, 2008, DOC. [10] (English)
- Konceptualna umetnost, Novi Sad: MSUV, 2007, 862 pp; new ed., Belgrade: Orion Art, 2012, 862 pp. [11] [12] (Serbian)
- editor, with Dragomir Ugren, European Contexts of the 20th Century Art in Vojvodina, Novi Sad: Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, 2008, 125 pp. Catalogue. [13] (English)
- Epistemologija umetnosti, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2008, 131 pp. [14] (Serbian)
- Epistemology of Art: Critical Design for Procedures and Platforms of Contemporary Art Education, Belgrade: TkH, 2008, 162 pp. [15] (English)
- Skrite zgodovine skupine OHO, Ljubljana: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2009, 144 pp. Exh. held at P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana, 23 Apr-21 May 2009. [16] (Slovenian)
- The Clandestine Histories of the OHO Group: A Cold War Era Transgressive and Subversive Artistic Practice; Transgression, Sexuality, and Politics in the Pursuits of the OHO Group and the Movement OHO-Katalog, 1965-1971, trans. Irena Sentevska, Ljubljana: P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2010, 149 pp. [17] [18] (English)
- editor, with Aleš Erjavec, Figure u pokretu: savremena zapadna estetika, filozofija i teorija umetnosti, Belgrade: Atoča, 2009, 895 pp. [19] (Serbian)
- Attila Černik, Novi Sad: Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, 2009, 110 pp. Catalogue. [20] (Serbian)
- editor, Istorija umetnosti u Srbiji: XX vek, 3 vols., Belgrade: Orion Art, 2010-2014. [21] [22] [23]. Interview (ArtMargins 2012 EN). Review: Dragana Stojanović (of Vol 2, Art+Media 2012). (Serbian)
- Nika Radić, Dietmar Unterkofler, et al., Miško Šuvaković: Umetnost kao istraživanje / Art as Research, Belgrade: Orion Art, and Ljubljana: Zavod PARASITE, 2011, 295 pp. [24] (Serbian)/(English)
- Pojmovnik teorije umetnosti, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2011, 950 pp. [25] (Serbian)
- Umetnost i politika: savremena estetika, filozofija, teorija umetnosti u vremenu globalne tranzicije, Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2012, 686 pp. Review: Tijana Đuričić (Art+Media 2015 EN). (Serbian)
- editor, with Nikola Dedić and Ješa Denegri, Radikalna apstrakcija: apstraktno slikarstvo i granice prikazivanja, Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2013, 237 pp. (Serbian)
- editor, with Ješa Denegri and Darko Šimičić, Bauhaus: ex-Yu recepcija Bauhausa, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2014, 200 pp. [26] (Serbian)
- Instinktivne teorije, Zavod za kulturu Vojvodine, 2016, 300 pp. [27] (Serbian)
- editor, with Marina Gržinić and Aneta Stojnić, Regimes of Invisibility in Contemporary Art, Theory and Culture: Image, Racialization, History, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. (English)
- Neo-Aesthetic Theory: Complexity and Complicity Must Be Defended, Hollitzer, 2017, 344 pp. [28]. Review: Nikolić (AM Journal). (English)
- editor, with Nataša Lah, Teorija umetnosti kao teorija vrednosti. Teorija vrijednosti kao teorija umjetnosti, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2017, 259 pp. [29] [30] (Serbian)
- editor, Prolegomena za pojmovnik estetike, filozofije i teorije arhitekture, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2017, 387 pp. [31] (Serbian)
- editor, with Jovan Čekić, Nova povezivanja: od scene do mreže, Belgrade: FMK, 2017. [32] (Serbian)
- Neo-Aesthetic Theory: Complexity and Complicity Must Be Defended, Vienna: Hollitzer, 2017, 343 pp. [33] (English)
- with Ješa Denegri and Nikola Dedić, Veliki modernizam: Gabrijel Stupica, Olga Jevrić, Julije Knifer, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2018, 144 pp. [34] (Serbian)
- Diagram aesthesis, Belgrade: Orion Art, 2018, 268 pp. (Serbian)
- 3E. Estetika, epistemologija, etika spekulativnih i De Re medija: istraživanja iz savremene estetičke teorije umetnosti i medija, Belgrade: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, 2020, 643 pp. Review: Nataša Š. Lah (AM). (Serbian)
- Nika Radić, Dietmar Unterkofler, Miško Šuvaković: umetnost kao istraživanje / Art as Research, Belgrade: Orion Art, and Ljubljana: Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2011, 295 pp. [35] (English)/(Serbian)