Michal Murin

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Born in 1963. Performance, conceptual and sound artist. Studied mathematic analysis and management at University of Economics in Bratislava (MA) and arts at Faculty of Fine Arts of Technical University in Brno (MA), then he continued his postgraduate studies at AFAD Bratislava (PhD. in Art). Started his artistic career as an autodidact in 1983 with manifestos 'Plays of the Plays'. Co-founded the group Balvan (1987 - 92), Transmusic comp. (1989-96), Lengow & HEyeRMEarS (1997). He collaborated with Jozef Cseres, Rose Bolleter, Ben Patterson, Jon Rose, Sachiko M, DJ MAO, Otomo Yoshihide, Bob Ostertag etc. Was lecturing sound art, intermedia, new media, performance art at Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno. Is lecturing at the Faculty of Fine Arts AA in Banská Bystrica and Faculty of Art in Košice. Co-founded SNEH and WARPS society. Editor of Profil - Contemporary Art Magazine. Writes for radioART. Founded VAF(ex) festival. Lives in Bratislava.

E-mail: murin(at)aku.sk.

* Sound Art, * Video Art and New Media, * New Media, * Performance Art, * Conceptual Art, * Language, * Texts, * Theory, * Exhibitions.


Museum in signature - digital architecture http://www.muzeum.si/the-gesture/michal-murin%20.htm
Harald Szeemann - Memory (W)hole, from project "Your name in my signature" - http://www.muzeum.si/continental/participants/murin.htm
Edited the issue of magazine dedicated to new media: http://www.profil-art.sk/00_4/index.htm

Texts on computer art, Ars Electronica review, videoart, interactive instalations

Mashroom hunter: http://www.nahuby.sk/sources/fotosutaz_autor.php?year=2004&uzivatel_id=349