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- Peter Ablinger
- Clausthome
- Eleonora Oreggia
- Harald Fetveit
- John Hegre
- Cat Hope
- Ryan Jordan
- Jonathan Kemp
- Melle Kromhout
- Alexander Lebedev
- Lasse Marhaug
- Mattin
- Minóy
- Narkoleptik
- Noise Research Union
- Noise=Noise
- Alberto Novello
- Rubén Patiño
- Alejandra Pérez Núñez
- Horacio Pollard
- PolyFøkt
- Luigi Russolo
- Helge Sten
- Jean Tinguely
- Yasunao Tone
- Marco Vanoppen
- Inigo Wilkins

Luigi Russolo, The Art of Noises, 1916-, Log (IT, EN, ES, DE, FR, RU).

Jacques Attali, Noise: The Political Economy of Music, 1977-, Log (FR, EN).
- Luigi Russolo, L'Arte dei rumori, Milan: Edizioni Futuriste di Poesia, 1916, 92+[2] pp. The manifesto was first published in French and Italian on 11 March 1913. (Italian)
- The Art of Noises, trans. Robert Filliou, Something Else Press, 1967. The manifesto only.
- L'art des bruits, ed. & intro. Giovanni Lista, trans. Nina Sparta, postf. Pierre Henry, Lausanne: Editions l'Age d'Homme, and Paris: Centre de diffusion de l'édition, 1975, 164 pp; new ed., 2001, 164 pp. (French)
- The Art of Noises, trans. Barclay Brown, New York: Pendragon, 1987, 87 pp.
- "El arte de los ruidos. Manifiesto Futurista", Sin Titulo 3, 1996, UCLM, pp 8-15. The manifesto only. (Spanish)
- El arte de los ruidos, trans. Olga and Leopoldo Alas, Cuenca: Centro de Creación Experimental, 1998, 93 pp; repr., Barcelona: Casimiro, 2020, 96 pp. (Spanish)
- Die Geräuschkunst, trans. Justin Winkler and Albert Mayr, Basel: Akroama, 1999. (German)
- Die Kunst der Geräusche, trans. Owig DasGupta, ed. & afterw. Johannes Ullmaier, Mainz: Schott, 2000, 111 pp; repr., 2005. With an audio CD. (German)
- L'Art des bruits: manifeste futuriste, 1913, Paris: Allia, 2003, 38 pp; 2nd ed., 2006, 38 pp; 3rd ed., 2009, 38 pp; 4th ed., 2013, 44 pp; 6th ed., 2016, 44 pp. The manifesto only. (French)
- Iskusstvo shumov [Искусство шумов], n.d. The manifesto only. (Russian)
- Hälyjen taide, trans. Tanja Tiekso and Janne Löppönen, Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 2018, 99 pp. (Finnish)
- Jacques Attali, Bruits: essai sur l’economie politique de la musique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1977, 301 pp; new ed., Paris: Fayard / PUF, 2001, 304 pp. (French)
- Ruidos: ensayo sobre la economía política de la música, trans. José Martín Arancibia, Barcelona: Ruedo Ibérico, 1978, 303 pp. (Spanish)
- Rumori: saggio sull'economia politica della musica, trans. Sergio Mancini, Milan: G. Mazzotta, 1978, 222 pp. (Italian)
- Buka: ogled o ekonomiji muzike, forew. & trans. Eleonora Prohić, Belgrade: Vuk Karadžić, 1983, 204 pp; repr. as Buka: ogled o političkoj ekonomiji muzike, Belgrade: Krug, 2007, 238 pp. (Serbian)
- Noise: The Political Economy of Music, forew. Fredric Jameson, trans. Brian Massumi, afterw. Susan McClary, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985, 179 pp.
- Ruidos: ensayo sobre la economía política de la música, trans. Ana María Palos, México: Siglo XXI, 1995, 227 pp. (Spanish)
- Zao yin: yin yue de zheng zhi jing ji xue [噪音: 音樂的政治經濟學], Taipei: Shi bao wen hua, 1995, 238 pp. (Chinese)
- Zao yin: yin le de zheng zhi jing ji xue [噪音: 音乐的政治经济学], Shanghai: Shang hai ren min chu ban she, 2000, 211 pp; repr., Zheng zhou shi: he nan da xue chu ban she, 2017, 330 pp. (Chinese)
- Gürültüden müziğe: müziğin ekonomi-politiği üzerine, trans. Gülüş Gülcügil Türkmen, ed. Işıl Özcan. Istanbul: Ayrıntı, 2005; 2nd ed., 2014. (Turkish)
- Hrup: esej o politični ekonomiji glasbe, trans. Suzana Koncut, afterw. Mladen Dolar, Ljubljana: Maska, 2008, 167 pp. [1] (Slovenian)
- Ongaku kahei zatsuon [音楽/貨幣/雑音], trans. Sadafumi Kanezuka, Tokyo: Misuzushobo, 2012, 306 pp. (Japanese)
- Ulrich Holbein, Der belauschte Lärm, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1991, 209 pp. (German)
- Douglas Kahn, Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts, MIT Press, 1999, 455 pp.
- Alfred Birnbaum (ed.), n01se, Cambridge, UK: Kettle’s Yard, 2000, 118 pp. Catalogue.
- Craig Dworkin, "The Politics of Noise", in Reading the Illegible, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2003.
- Bart Kosko, Noise, Viking, 2006.
- Paul Hegarty, Noise/Music: A History, Bloomsbury, 2007, 232 pp.
- Karin Bijsterveld, Mechanical Sound: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise in the Twentieth Century, MIT Press, 2008, 350 pp.
- Mattin, Anthony Iles (eds.), Noise & Capitalism, Arteleku Audiolab, and San Sebastián: Donostia, 2009, 191 pp.
- Ruido y capitalismo, Arteleku Audiolab, and San Sebastián: Donostia, 2009. (Catalan)
- Cat Hope, "Cultural terrorism and anti-music: Noise music and its impact on experimental music in Australia", in Experimental Music: Audio Explorations in Australia, ed. Gail Priest, UNSW Press, 2009, pp 57-74.
- Caleb Kelly, Cracked Media: The Sound of Malfunction, MIT Press, 2009, Log.
- Thomas Bey William Bailey, Micro Bionic: Radical Electronic Music & Sound Art in the 21st Century, Creation Books, 2009; 2nd ed., Belsona Books, 2012, 418 pp.
- Salomé Voegelin, Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art, Continuum, 2010, 256 pp.
- George Prochnik, In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise, Doubleday, 2010, 352 pp.
- Mark Nunes (ed.), Error: Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures, Continuum, 2010, 288 pp, Log.
- Peter Krapp, Noise Channels: Glitch and Error in Digital Culture, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, Log.
- Joseph Nechvatal, Immersion Into Noise, Open Humanities Press, 2011.
- Hillel Schwartz, Making Noise: From Babel to the Big Bang and Beyond, Zone Books, 2011, 912+349 pp, Endnotes. Reviews: Mattern, Voegelin, Chéenne, Tofts, Parmar, Hagood, Pellicer, Holmes, Morton, English. [2] [3]
- "Hluk a ticho: Zvuková krajina a spiritualita", trans. Miloš Vojtěchovský, Agosto Foundation, Oct 2021. Trans. of excerpt. (Czech)
- Michael Goddard, Benjamin Halligan, Paul Hegarty (eds.), Reverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics and Politics of Noise, Bloomsbury, 2012, 304 pp.
- Eldritch Priest, Boring Formless Nonsense: Experimental Music and the Aesthetics of Failure, Bloomsbury, 2013. Publisher. Excerpt. Reviews: Hainge, Key, Neural, Hugill.
- David Novak, Japanoise: Music at the Edge of Circulation, Duke University Press, 2013, x+292 pp.
- Greg Hainge, Noise Matters: Towards an Ontology of Noise, Bloomsbury, 2013, 240 pp, ARG. Publisher.
- Michael Goddard, Benjamin Halligan, Nicola Spelman (eds.), Resonances: Noise and Contemporary Music, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013, 288 pp, PDF.
- Josh Epstein, Sublime Noise: Musical Culture and the Modernist Writer, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014, 384 pp. Based on the dissertation (2008).
- Cedrik Fermont, Dimitri della Faille, Not Your World Music: Noise In South East Asia, Berlin: Syrphe, and Ottawa: Hushush, 2016, 276 pp. [4]
- Jennifer Wallis (ed.), Fight Your Own War. Power Electronics And Noise Culture, Headpress, 2016, 260 pp. [5]
- Inigo Wilkins, Irreversible Noise, Urbanomic, 2017, 200 pp. [6]
- Kerstin Ergenziner: Navigating Noise, eds. Nathanja van Dijk, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Christian Kassung, and Sebastian Schwesinger, Cologne: Walther König, 2017, 304 pp. Text by African Noise Foundation, Lino Camprubí, Felix Gerloff, Paul Hegarty, Seth Horowitz, Tim Ingold, Eleni Ikoniadou, Brandon LaBelle, Thomas Laepple, Heike Catherina Mertens, Patricia Pisters, Wolfgang Schäffner, Martin Skrydstrup et al. [7] [8]
- Stephen Kennedy, Future Sounds: The Temporality of Noise, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 167 pp.
- Cecile Malaspina, An Epistemology of Noise: From Information Entropy to Normative Uncertainty, pref. Ray Brassier, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, 256 pp, ARG. Publisher.
- Aaron Zwintscher, Noise Thinks the Anthropocene: An Experiment in Noise Poetics, Punctum Books, 2019, 162 pp. [9]
- Carolyn L. Kane, High-Tech Trash: Glitch, Noise, and Aesthetic Failure, University of California Press, 2019, 253 pp.
- John Melillo, The Poetics of Noise from Dada to Punk, Bloomsbury, 2020, ARG.
- Mattin, Social Dissonance, forew. Ray Brassier, Falmouth: Urbanomic, 2022, 238 pp. Reviews.
- Stephen Graham, Becoming Noise Music: Style, Aesthetics, and History, Bloomsbury, Feb 2023, 248 pp. Publisher.
- Miguel Prado Casanova, The Noise in Noise: Uncertainty, Randomness and Control, Rowman & Littlefield (Media Philosophy), Nov 2023, 278 pp. Publisher.
- Special Interests: Power Electronics Industrial Noise Experimental Avantgarde Ambient, 9+ issues, since 2009?. [10] [11]
- As Loud As Possible: The Noise Culture Magazine, 1 issue, ed. Steve Underwood, 2010, 166 pp. [12] [13] [14]
- Personal Best: Fanzine for Noise, Music and the Cosmic Soup, 5+ issues, ed. Lasse Marhaug, Oslo: Marhaug Forlag, since Dec 2011, 100 pp per issue. [15]
Journal issues[edit]
- Verksted 4: "Sonic North", Oslo: Office for Contemporary Art Norway, 2005, 102 pp. [16]
- Interference 3: "Noise", 2013.
Selected essays[edit]
- Max Neuhaus, "BANG, BOOooom, ThumP, EEEK, tinkle", New York Times, 6 Dec 1974, p 39.
- Aden Evens, "Sound and Noise", chapter 1 in Evens, Sound Ideas: Music, Machines, and Experience, University of Minnesota Press, 2005, pp 1-23.
- Noise Identities, a research blog by Melle Kromhout.
See also[edit]
Sound and Music communities of practice |
Music magazines, Radio art, Pirate radio, Community radio, Electroacoustic music, Computer music, Sound art, Field recording, Noise, Cassette culture, Max/MSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider, Net radio, Live coding, Writers. Art and culture, Contents, Index, About. |