The Hague
Event listings: The Hague Contemporary (*2016).
Initiatives: LocatieZ (*2004), Loos Foundation (*1982), No Purpose collective (*2016), Stroom Den Haag (*1989), TAG.
Festivals: Streams of Waste (2023), Dutch Modular Fest (2019), Grauzone (*2014), On Air – On Site experimental community radio festival (*2023), The Other Book art book festival (*2019), State X (*2004), Streaming Festival (*2006), Todaysart (*2005), Wired Festival.
Events: Borderlines event series, The Reading Room [1] [2] (*2015), No Patent Pending performance series (*2012), Kernel Panic concert series (*2011), Zzondag (*2009).
Past festivals: 2.Dh5 festival (2015), Image and Sound Festival (*1986).
Past events: SuperCollider Symposium (2007).
Academy programs: ArtScience Interfaculty, Institute of Sonology KONCON, Interactive/Media/Design KABK
Spaces: 1646 project space, Billytown artist-run-gallery (*2003), CabFabLab (*2009), Crawl space venue for experimental music (*2022), DCR multidisciplinary arts building (*2005), De Grafische Werkplaats production workshop for artists (*1974), The Grey Space in the Middle art and digital culture space (*2017), iii artist-run platform for interdisciplinary practices, LhGWR exhibition space (*2007), Nest, Page Not Found non-profit space for publishing as art practice (*2018), Quartair platform for production, presentation and artistic debate (*1992), Revelation Space hackerspace, Studio Loos new music venue (*2005), Super8 Reversal Lab film lab, TAG, Vrijhaven, West (*2007).
Past spaces: V2_ (1981-94).
Art workers: Anne Wellmer (1966), Bjarni Gunnarsson (1980), Danny van der Kleij, Dmitry Gelfand (1974), Evelina Domnitch (1972), Flora Reznik (1986), Frans Evers, Ingrid Lee, Gaby Felten (1981), Justin Bennett (1964), Koen Nutters (1976), Klara Ravat, Mariska de Groot, Matteo Marangoni, Mike Rijnierse (1974), Panagiotis Tomaras, Peter Biľak, Roberto Garretón, Sissel Marie Tonn, Vincent van Gerven Oei (1983).
Formerly: Jonáš Gruska, Matúš Kobolka, Slávo Krekovič (1977).
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