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REMAKE / REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments
; REMAKE / REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments
The international art project REMAKE stems from the ongoing collaborative research initiative [[Monoskop]], focusing on the history of media arts and culture. Several cultural organizations, coordinated by [[Atrakt Art]] as main organizer, started REMAKE with a simple idea: to approach this online resource as a starting point for creating contemporary artworks inspired by the history of media art particularly in Central and Eastern Europe.
<blockquote> ''“Postproduction artists are agents of the evolution, the specialized workers of cultural reappropriation. [...] Now what is at stake is to positivize the REMAKE, to articulate uses, to place forms in relation to each other, rather than to embark on the heroic quest for the forbidden and the sublime that characterized modernism.“
The central piece of this two-year creative and social experiment is a traveling exhibition ''REMAKE''. Artists and independent curators from a network of congenial international teams worked to find the best way to mediate important pioneering media art works (ignored by the art historical canon) and approach them in today’s context. Works and practices of artists such as [[Stanisław Dróżdż]], [[Vladimir Bonačić]] or a pioneer of Slovak acoustic-electric music, [[Jozef Malovec]] had proven to be an invaluable source of inspiration and a great material for progressive contemporary art. Several artists found works that were most inspiring for them: team from the Icelandic [[The Lost Horse Gallery|Lost Horse Gallery]] chose synaesthetic works of the Russian group [[Prometei]] from the 1960s, the student platform [[Standuino]] was inspired by ''kludging'' of the musician and teacher from the Faculty of Fine Arts (Brno University of Technology) [[Stanislav Filip]] and his specific DIY pieces.
(Nicolas Bourriaud: Postproduction)'' </blockquote>
The project aimed to lift the art works from their embeddedness in their local histories to an international context. Their relationships and connections within the exhibition reflected subjective view of important parts of art history and development of technologies. The exhibition had several stages, and offered visitors a range of events as well as a space for research and interaction. The idea of the show – working with already existing art works – contributed also to a discussion about perception of art as intellectual property or, on the contrary, as a source of inspiration.
REMAKE is an Atrakt Art project funded by Culture Programme of the EU. It is aimed at collaborative production and international presentation of new artworks, inspired by the rich history of European media art. The project is building on a research conducted in the recent years by a group of art theorists, called MONOSKOP (leaded by [[Dusan Barok]]), a collaborative research on new media art and electronic culture in Europe. The research examines also the social context of historical developments in new media art in Europe (with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe): analysis of sociopoetic conditions of art and technology crossings from 1960s to 2000s draws upon the undertakings in experimental and avantgarde film, performance art, computer art, video art, experimental music, sound art, and media theory.
Another outcome of this project is a bilingual issue of [[3/4|3/4 magazine]]. It serves as a catalogue for the exhibition, and it also brings, for the first time, a selection of interviews done by [[Dušan Barok]] with personalities and in media arts and culture such as [[Diana McCarty]], [[Michal Murin]], [[Călin Man]], [[Rasa Smite]] and [[Raitis Smits]]. Interviews are complemented by a passage from a monograph about [[Steina and Woody Vasulka]], entitled ''Dialogue with Daemons of Tools'' by art historian [[Lenka Dolanová]], views on art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and an appendix detailing the process of development of works for the ''REMAKE'' exhibition.  
The aim of the REMAKE project (2010-2012) is to enhance this on-going research in an appealing, playful and artistically-challenging way: by producing and presenting a set of up-to-date artworks which will be inspired by particular well-known (but also forgotten) pieces of media art history in different European countries. The public outputs will be supervised and the artistic selection conducted by outstanding as well as young media art curators from several countries invited by the project coorganizers. An important part of the project is circulation of ideas and connection to universities, research and education. Therefore, project will involve not only well-known artists, but also gifted young generation including art students and their teachers.
; Project curators
[[Dušan Barok]] (SK/NL), [[Katarína Gatialová]] (CZ), [[Mária Rišková]] (SK), [[František Kowolowski]] (CZ), [[Slávo Krekovič]] (SK), [[Catherine Lenoble]] (FR), [[István Szakáts]] (RO), [[Barbora Šedivá]] (CZ), [[Alexander Zaklynsky]] (IS), [[Rarita Zbranca]] (RO).
REMAKE focuses on creating artworks, collaborative shows and academic events in selected centers for contemporary art of Europe. The project consists of workshops, artistic residencies, public shows (exhibitions in Brno, Cluj, Nantes, Reykjavik, multimedia performances in Bratislava, Brno and other venues), university lectures and public discussions supporting mobility of lecturers/artists, as well as „collaborative lectures“ and other presentation formats combining theory and practice.
; Cooperating organisations
[[The Brno House of Arts]] (CZ), [[Atrakt Art]] (SK), [[Alt Art]] (RO), [[Ping]] (FR), [[Multiplace]] (SK), [[The Lost Horse Gallery]] (IS), Institute of Music Science – Theory of Interactive Media MUNI (CZ), Olomouc Museum of Art (CZ), [[CIANT]] (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts and Design (SK), and others.
Project page :: http://remakeme.eu
; Project page
The main visible outcome and public achievement of the project is the exhibition in [[The Brno House of Arts]] (from March 6 until April 15, 2012, [[The Brno House of Arts|The House of Lords from Kunstat]]), travelling in May 2012 to in Bratislava (SK) and Cluj (RO).
; Works
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 1 / Z. Husárová a Ľ. Panák / I : * ttter ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 2 / Lia Perjovschi / Subjective Media Art History ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 3 / A. Boleslavský / Hi Woody ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 4 / Aleksandra Hirszfeld / Infotainment ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 5 / J.Bellanger, G.Brunet, C.Doutriaux, C.Lenoble / ReCYSP1]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 6 / A. Prior, D. Strang / Distributed Presence]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 7 / J. Šicko, M. Rišková / Hit Bonačić]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 8 / The Lost Horse Gallery project / Lucid Light Comp.#2 ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 9 / R. Loskot / Záznamy přítomnosti]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 10 / Standuino]]
; Profiles of the authors of remade works
[[Stanisław Dróżdż]], [[Steina and Woody Vasulka]], [[Nicolas Schöffer]], [[Guy Debord]], [[Jozef Malovec]], [[Vladimir Bonačić]], [[Bulat Galeyev]], [[Stanislav Filip]].
; Coordination
[[Barbora Šedivá]], [[Katarína Gatialová]]
; Video documentation
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
|{{#ev:vimeo|38806849|320||''Remake opening II'', by [[Markéta Cilečková]]}} || &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; || {{#ev:youtube|s3Y6Fq17ris|320||''REMAKE: komentář k tvůrčí strategii'', by Ivan Floreš}}
* [http://artycok.tv/lang/cs-cz/13721/remake-re-thinking-media-arts-in-ckollaborative-environments Remake report], by Patrick Sedlaczek, Artycok.tv
[[Image:Remake-catalogue-cover.jpg|right|thumb|250px|''Remake'' catalogue, August 2012. [[Media:Sediva_Barbora_ed_Remake_catalogue_English_Czech.pdf|Free PDF]].]]
; Photo documentation
* [http://emartina.rajce.idnes.cz/remake12/ Remake opening], by Martina Uhlířová
* [http://emartina.rajce.idnes.cz/Remake_II./ Remake 2], by Martina Uhlířová
* [https://secure.flickr.com/photos/barboralinka/sets/72157629532377987/ Remake opening], by Barbora Linková
* [https://plus.google.com/photos/103256148807826211593/albums/5716906412547013873?authkey=CIGD57KfmKLq3QE Remake opening], by Jakub Hamerský
* [http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150696283383979.421881.748703978 Standuino / Remake 3], by Andrej Boleslavsky
* [http://emartina.rajce.idnes.cz/4AM_standuino/ Remake 3: Standuino], by Martina Uhlířová
* [http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.312246028845143.66738.142338092502605 Remake I. opening, Bratislava]
* [http://snaptheslap.blogspot.com/2012/04/remake-i.html Remake I. opening, Bratislava]
; Catalogue
* [[Media:Sediva_Barbora_ed_Remake_catalogue_English_Czech.pdf|''Remake'']], ed. Barbora Šedivá, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2012, [http://issuu.com/vjtexa/docs/2012_07_24_remake_4_issuu Issuu]. Design: [http://www.therodina.com/remake/ The Rodina]. ISBN: 9788097108908.
; More information
* [http://exhibition.remakeme.eu Exhibition guide]
* [http://remakebrno.tumblr.com/ Remake blog], includes many interviews and recordings
* http://www.dum-umeni.cz/en/vystava/remake
* http://remakeme.eu/exhibition
* http://multiplace.org/blog/?tag=festival+2012
* All parts below still in progress ::  
* [[Standuino]] (by Václav Peloušek, Ondrej Merta), [http://kyberia.sk/id/6596884 In Bratislava]
; Photo set
* [http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.305682542834825.65409.142338092502605 Standuino workshop, Bratislava]
The main visible outcome and public achievement of the project will be the exhibition in [[The Brno House of Arts]] (from 6th March till 15th April 2012, The House of Lords from Kunstat, http://www.dum-umeni.cz), and interesting parts of the exhibition will take place in May 2012 in Bratislava(SK) and Cluj (RO).
[[Image:Remake.brno.conference.april.2012.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Remake conference. Photo: [[Martina Uhlířová]].]]
; Talks
* [[Dušan Barok]] (SK/NL): ''Monoskop collaborative research''
* [[Ianina Prudenko]] (UA): ''Ukrainian Media Art: Twenty Years of Experience''
* [[Bartosz Łukasiewicz]] (PL): ''Dangerous relations / about the term of “relation” in art on the example of conceptual and post-conceptual art''
* [[Johana Švarcová]] (CZ): ''Black Movie'
* [[Mircea Dan Duta]] (RO/CZ): ''Forgotten premieres in the history of the Romanian cinematography''
* [[Michal Murin]] (SK): ''Recidivist palimpsest. About primary necessity of permanent vividness of dematerialized reality already gone''
* [[Darko Fritz]] (CR/NL): ''Computer-generated art by Vladimir Bonačić''
* [[Juraj Ďuriš]] and [[Miroslav Tóth]] (SK): ''Experimentálne štúdio SRo Bratislava''
; Program
* [http://multiplace.org/blog/?p=152 Program in English]
* [http://multiplace.org/blog/?p=147 Program in Czech]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 1 / Electroacustic music SK]]
; Coordination
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 2 / Standuino]]
[[Barbora Šedivá]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 3 / Interactive sculpture - Ping proposal]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 4 / V.A.L.]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 5 / Mircea Nicolae ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 6 / Jan Sicko + Marisa Riskova]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 7 / Kontinuum N+N ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 8 / Crystalline Light Project ]]
* [[Remake/Exhibition/Work 9 / Idea Remaker ]]
==Other proposals and notes to the exhibition==
; Photo set
* [http://emartina.rajce.idnes.cz/Multiplace_konference/ Conference], by Martina Uhlířová
here comes the text...
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
|[[Image:Multiplace.brno.concerts.2012.jpg|left|thumb|360px|[[Multiplace]] Brno. Design: [[Marek Kianička]].]]||[[Image:Poo.bratislava.photo-by-gabriela-zigova.april.2012.jpg|thumb|400px|[[Poo]]. Photo: [[Gabriela Žigová]].]]
* [http://multiplace.org/blog/?p=146 Concerts in Brno] — [[Jamka]] (SK/UK), Piernikowski/Etamski (PL), [[Stroon]] (SK), [[Mika Vainio]] (FI), [[Urbanfailure]] (SK), [[Ventolin]] (CZ), Bumbum Satori DJs (CZ)
* [http://kyberia.sk/id/6603905 Concerts in Bratislava] — [[Dokuro]] (Agnes Szelag & The Norman Conquest), [[Poo]]
== Exhibition Program==
; Video
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0YtIEj6scc Dokuro in Bratislava], by Gabriela Žigová
; Photo sets
* [http://emartina.rajce.idnes.cz/Multiplace_koncerty/ Concerts in Brno], by Martina Uhlířová
* [http://www.a4.sk/galeria/multiplace-network-2012-dokuro-agnes-szelag-the-norman-conquest-usa-poo-sk-0 Concerts in Bratislava: Dokuro / Agnes Szelag & The Norman Conquest (USA), Poo (SK)], [http://kyberia.sk/id/6624467] by Branislav Grebečí
* [http://kyberia.sk/id/6622736 Concerts in Bratislava: Dokuro / Agnes Szelag & The Norman Conquest (USA), Poo (SK)], by Gabriela Žigová
'''3/4 magazine, No. 27-28 (2012)'''<br>
'''Special issue on media art history: Remake''' (English/Slovak)
Special bilingual issue of [[3/4|3/4 magazine]] dedicated to media art history. Serves as a catalogue of a travelling exhibition Remake. It also brings, for the first time, selection of interviews done by [[Dušan Barok]] with personalities and media art and culture history-makers [[Diana McCarty]], [[Michal Murin]], [[Călin Man]], [[Rasa Smite]] and [[Raitis Smits]]. Interviews are complemented by a passage from monograph about [[Steina and Woody Vasulka]], entitled ''Dialogue with Daemons of Tools'' by art historian [[Lenka Dolanová]], views on art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and appendix showing the process of development of works for Remake exhibition.
Editor: [[Barbora Šedivá]]<br>
Editor-in-chief: [[Slávo Krekovič]]<br>
Contributing editors: [[Dušan Barok]], [[Katarína Gatialová]], [[Oliver Rehák]], [[Mária Rišková]], [[Catherine Lenoble]]<br>
Publisher: [[Atrakt Art]], Bratislava, Slovakia<br>
ISSN 1335-5309<br>
134 pages
[https://34.sk/archiv/archiv.php#27 View HTML version]<br>
[https://34.sk/archiv/pdf/34_27-28_Remake.pdf Download PDF]<br>
[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=4121 View on Monoskop Log]<br>
[http://issuu.com/dusanson/docs/34_27-28_remake View on Issuu]<br>
[http://www.scribd.com/doc/94116667/3-4-magazine-No-27-28-2012-Special-issue-on-media-art-history-Remake View on Scribd]
'''TIM – Teorie Interaktivních Médií, No. 4: Remake (2012)''' (Czech)
TIM ezin je odborný magazín studentů oboru Teorie interaktivních médií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Číslo 4 je věnované tématu REMAKE a také aktuálnímu projektu REMAKE z dílny Sdružení pro aktuální umění a kulturu Atrakt Art.
Projekt, který je založen na kolaborativní produkci a mezinárodní prezentaci nových uměleckých prací, inspirovaných bohatou historií mediálního umění v Evropě, představuje tematické východisko článků druhého čísla ezinu TIM.
Klíčová slova: remake, remix, remixability, postprodukce, apropriace, znovu provedení (reenactment), koláž, montáž, pastiš, postmodernismus, vizuální kultura, DJ culture, nová historiografie, produsage, prosumer technologies, autorské právo, open source, free software.
Editors [[Zuzana Kobíková]], [[Jana Horáková]]<br>
Publisher Ústav hudební vědy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Brno<br>
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License<br>
ISSN 1805-2606
[http://www.phil.muni.cz/journals/index.php/tim/issue/view/19 View online] (PDFs)<br>
[[Media:TIM_Teorie_Interaktivnich_Medii_4_Remake.pdf|Download PDF]]<br>
[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=4128 View on Monoskop Log]<br>
* Silvie Šeborová, [https://flashart.cz/2012/04/11/remake/ "Remake"], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 23-24, Apr-Aug 2012. Review. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-23-24-volume/] {{cz}}
; Unrealised proposals for the exhibition
Original artworks - TO BE REMADE:

Latest revision as of 11:57, 12 April 2021

REMAKE / REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments

The international art project REMAKE stems from the ongoing collaborative research initiative Monoskop, focusing on the history of media arts and culture. Several cultural organizations, coordinated by Atrakt Art as main organizer, started REMAKE with a simple idea: to approach this online resource as a starting point for creating contemporary artworks inspired by the history of media art particularly in Central and Eastern Europe.

The central piece of this two-year creative and social experiment is a traveling exhibition REMAKE. Artists and independent curators from a network of congenial international teams worked to find the best way to mediate important pioneering media art works (ignored by the art historical canon) and approach them in today’s context. Works and practices of artists such as Stanisław Dróżdż, Vladimir Bonačić or a pioneer of Slovak acoustic-electric music, Jozef Malovec had proven to be an invaluable source of inspiration and a great material for progressive contemporary art. Several artists found works that were most inspiring for them: team from the Icelandic Lost Horse Gallery chose synaesthetic works of the Russian group Prometei from the 1960s, the student platform Standuino was inspired by kludging of the musician and teacher from the Faculty of Fine Arts (Brno University of Technology) Stanislav Filip and his specific DIY pieces.

The project aimed to lift the art works from their embeddedness in their local histories to an international context. Their relationships and connections within the exhibition reflected subjective view of important parts of art history and development of technologies. The exhibition had several stages, and offered visitors a range of events as well as a space for research and interaction. The idea of the show – working with already existing art works – contributed also to a discussion about perception of art as intellectual property or, on the contrary, as a source of inspiration.

Another outcome of this project is a bilingual issue of 3/4 magazine. It serves as a catalogue for the exhibition, and it also brings, for the first time, a selection of interviews done by Dušan Barok with personalities and in media arts and culture such as Diana McCarty, Michal Murin, Călin Man, Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits. Interviews are complemented by a passage from a monograph about Steina and Woody Vasulka, entitled Dialogue with Daemons of Tools by art historian Lenka Dolanová, views on art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and an appendix detailing the process of development of works for the REMAKE exhibition.

Project curators

Dušan Barok (SK/NL), Katarína Gatialová (CZ), Mária Rišková (SK), František Kowolowski (CZ), Slávo Krekovič (SK), Catherine Lenoble (FR), István Szakáts (RO), Barbora Šedivá (CZ), Alexander Zaklynsky (IS), Rarita Zbranca (RO).

Cooperating organisations

The Brno House of Arts (CZ), Atrakt Art (SK), Alt Art (RO), Ping (FR), Multiplace (SK), The Lost Horse Gallery (IS), Institute of Music Science – Theory of Interactive Media MUNI (CZ), Olomouc Museum of Art (CZ), CIANT (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts and Design (SK), and others.

Project page



The main visible outcome and public achievement of the project is the exhibition in The Brno House of Arts (from March 6 until April 15, 2012, The House of Lords from Kunstat), travelling in May 2012 to in Bratislava (SK) and Cluj (RO).

Profiles of the authors of remade works

Stanisław Dróżdż, Steina and Woody Vasulka, Nicolas Schöffer, Guy Debord, Jozef Malovec, Vladimir Bonačić, Bulat Galeyev, Stanislav Filip.


Barbora Šedivá, Katarína Gatialová

Video documentation
Remake opening II, by Markéta Cilečková
REMAKE: komentář k tvůrčí strategii, by Ivan Floreš
Remake catalogue, August 2012. Free PDF.
Photo documentation
  • Remake, ed. Barbora Šedivá, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2012, Issuu. Design: The Rodina. ISBN: 9788097108908.
More information


Photo set


Remake conference. Photo: Martina Uhlířová.
  • Dušan Barok (SK/NL): Monoskop collaborative research
  • Ianina Prudenko (UA): Ukrainian Media Art: Twenty Years of Experience
  • Bartosz Łukasiewicz (PL): Dangerous relations / about the term of “relation” in art on the example of conceptual and post-conceptual art
  • Johana Švarcová (CZ): Black Movie'
  • Mircea Dan Duta (RO/CZ): Forgotten premieres in the history of the Romanian cinematography
  • Michal Murin (SK): Recidivist palimpsest. About primary necessity of permanent vividness of dematerialized reality already gone
  • Darko Fritz (CR/NL): Computer-generated art by Vladimir Bonačić
  • Juraj Ďuriš and Miroslav Tóth (SK): Experimentálne štúdio SRo Bratislava

Barbora Šedivá

Photo set


Photo sets



3/4 magazine, No. 27-28 (2012)
Special issue on media art history: Remake (English/Slovak)

Special bilingual issue of 3/4 magazine dedicated to media art history. Serves as a catalogue of a travelling exhibition Remake. It also brings, for the first time, selection of interviews done by Dušan Barok with personalities and media art and culture history-makers Diana McCarty, Michal Murin, Călin Man, Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits. Interviews are complemented by a passage from monograph about Steina and Woody Vasulka, entitled Dialogue with Daemons of Tools by art historian Lenka Dolanová, views on art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and appendix showing the process of development of works for Remake exhibition.

Editor: Barbora Šedivá
Editor-in-chief: Slávo Krekovič
Contributing editors: Dušan Barok, Katarína Gatialová, Oliver Rehák, Mária Rišková, Catherine Lenoble
Publisher: Atrakt Art, Bratislava, Slovakia
ISSN 1335-5309
134 pages

View HTML version
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View on Issuu
View on Scribd



TIM – Teorie Interaktivních Médií, No. 4: Remake (2012) (Czech)

TIM ezin je odborný magazín studentů oboru Teorie interaktivních médií Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Číslo 4 je věnované tématu REMAKE a také aktuálnímu projektu REMAKE z dílny Sdružení pro aktuální umění a kulturu Atrakt Art.

Projekt, který je založen na kolaborativní produkci a mezinárodní prezentaci nových uměleckých prací, inspirovaných bohatou historií mediálního umění v Evropě, představuje tematické východisko článků druhého čísla ezinu TIM.

Klíčová slova: remake, remix, remixability, postprodukce, apropriace, znovu provedení (reenactment), koláž, montáž, pastiš, postmodernismus, vizuální kultura, DJ culture, nová historiografie, produsage, prosumer technologies, autorské právo, open source, free software.

Editors Zuzana Kobíková, Jana Horáková
Publisher Ústav hudební vědy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Brno
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
ISSN 1805-2606

View online (PDFs)
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View on Monoskop Log


  • Silvie Šeborová, "Remake", Flash Art CZ/SK 23-24, Apr-Aug 2012. Review. [2] (Czech)


Unrealised proposals for the exhibition

Original artworks - TO BE REMADE: