Bosnia and Herzegovina
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- People
- Selman Selmanagić, Bauhaus student. [1]
- Literature
- Heide Frensel, "Yugoslavia. Bauhaus students: Selman Selmanagić", Centropa 3 (2003) 1
Experimental film[edit]
- Filmmakers
- Centres
- Sarajevo Cinema Club (Kino klub Sarajevo). A group of film buffs founded the Club in order to "spread the culture of love for the cinema." Among the club's first authors were Mirko Komosar, Amir Hadžidedić, Nikola and Velimir Stojanović, Zlatko Lavanić, Mirza Idrizović; later they were joined by Ivica Matić and Vesko Kadić. The expansion of the Sarajevo television network provided them with opportunities for professional work in documentary and feature films, which led to the gradual decline of this most influential cinema club in Sarajevo. Some technically proficient 16 mm experimental and short feature films were produced by the club, some of which also exist as 35 mm copies. In 1967, the club members started a film magazine Sineast, which is still being published today.
- The Word of the Young Cinema Club (Filmski klub Riječ mladih). In 1957 a group of film lovers in Sarajevo, who met through the magazine Riječ mladih (The Word of the Young), formed a cinema club of the same name. They would meet on Sundays at the Tesla Cinema, watch films and discuss them and general cinema topics afterwards, with growing ambitions to produce their own works. Out of this a process of amateur film production started that was to become the learning ground for Ratko Orozović, Duško Dimitrovski and Mladen Sihrovsky, cinematographers Stipe Svetinović and Mustafa Mustafić, and later in the 1970s, Nedžad Begović, Milenko Prstojević, Midhat Ajanović, and, for some time, Emir Kusturica as well.
- Academic Photo Cinema Club Sarajevo (Akademski foto-kino klub Sarajevo). The third Sarajevo filmmakers' club was founded in 1967 as the film section of the Sarajevo University Academic Photo Club. The club premises were located in Marsal Tito Street, just as the premises of several other student clubs, whose members would participate in the Club's rilms as actors, visual artists, musicians, and photographers. After numerous creative discussions the first film, Žed [Thirst], was produced in 1968.
- Publications
- Riječ mladih magazine.
- Sineast magazine, started in 1967 by the members of Sarajevo Cinema Club.
- Literature
- Amir Muratović, Slatka slast periferije: Enciklopedija Ivice Matića. [2]
- Nevena Daković, "The Unfilmable Scenario and Neglected Theory: Yugoslav Film Avant-Garde: 1895-1992" in Impossible Histories: Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes, and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, eds. Dubravka Djurić and Miško Šuvaković, MIT Press, 2003, pp 466-489. (English)
- "Experimental Ex-Yu", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [3]
- Ana Janevski (ed.), As Soon as I Open My Eyes I See a Film. Experiment in the Art of Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s, Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2010, 344 pp. With essays by Ana Janevski (on experimental art and film in Yugoslavia), Stevan Vuković (on political upheaval in 1968 in Belgrade), and Łukasz Ronduda (on contacts between Yugoslav and Polish artists in the 1970s). Publisher. Distributor. Exhibition. Interview with Ana Janevski, June 2011.
- Kiedy rano otwieram oczy, widzę film. Eksperyment w sztuce Jugoslawii w latach 60. i 70., Warsaw: Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie, 2011. Excerpt. (Polish)
- Bojana Piškur, et al. (eds.), This Is All Film: Experimental Film in Yugoslavia 1951-1991 / Vse to je film: Eksperimentalni film v Jugoslaviji 1951-1991, Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art, 2010, 154 pp. (English)/(Slovenian)
- Pavle Levi, Cinema by Other Means, Oxford University Press, 2012, 224 pp.
- Gal Kirn, Dubravka Sekulić, Žiga Testen (eds.), Surfing the Black: Yugoslav Black Wave Cinema and Its Transgressive Moments, Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Academie, 2012, 216 pp.
- Pavle Levi, Jolted Images: Unbound Analytic, Amsterdam University Press, 2017, 216 pp. TOC, Excerpt.
- Programs
- Portraits and the Sky: Yugoslav Experimental Films, 1960s–1990s, eds. Petra Belc and Pavle Levi, 2020. [4]
- Eksperimentisanje bilo koga - jugoslovenski i postjugoslovenski eksperimentalni film od 1963. do danas, ed. Ivana Momčilović, 2020.
Experimental art, contemporary culture[edit]
- Cities
Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar, Bihać
- Literature
- Darko Zovko, "Sarajevo Link", 1995. [5]
- Seki Tatlic, "Fragmentation space. A brief overview of media and art in Bosnia", ISEA Newsletter #93, 2003. [6]
- Tom Bass, "A Travellogue from the Balkan", Telepolis, 19 Jun 1997.
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