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* Hurl Barbe [Pierre Laurendeau], ''[[Media:Barbe Hurl Pompe le Mousse 1982 2013.pdf|Pompe le mousse]]'', Paris: Brigandine, 1982, 188 pp; repr., Sous la Cape, 2013, 144 pp. Novel. [https://situationnisteblog.com/2018/09/14/4676/] [http://www.souslacape.fr/livres/fiche_livre/242] {{fr}}
* Hurl Barbe [Pierre Laurendeau], ''[[Media:Barbe Hurl Pompe le Mousse 1982 2013.pdf|Pompe le mousse]]'', Paris: Brigandine, 1982, 188 pp; repr., Sous la Cape, 2013, 144 pp. Novel. [https://situationnisteblog.com/2018/09/14/4676/] [http://www.souslacape.fr/livres/fiche_livre/242] {{fr}}
* Greil Marcus, ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=12932 Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century]'', London: Secker & Warburg, 1989, 496 pp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989, 496 pp; new ed., London: Penguin, 1993, 512 pp; repr., Harvard University Press, 2009. {{en}}
** ''Tracce di rossetto: percorsi segreti nella cultura del Novecento dal dada ai Sex Pistols'', trans. Mita Vitti, Milan: Leonardo, 1991, 506 pp; repr., Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2018, 523 pp. {{it}}
** ''Lipstick Traces: von Dada bis Punk - eine geheime Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts'', trans. Hans M. Herzog and Friedrich Schneider, Hamburg: Rogner & Bernhard bei Zweitausendeins, 1992, 512 pp. {{de}}
** ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=12932 Rastros de carmín. Una historia secreta del siglo XX]'', trans. Damián Alou, Barcelona: Anagrama, 1993, 527 pp. {{es}}
** ''Lipstick traces: une histoire secrète du vingtième siècle'', trans. Guillaume Godard, Paris: Gallimard, 1998, 602 pp. [https://www.librairie-gallimard.com/livre/9782070410774-lipstick-traces-une-histoire-secrete-du-vingtieme-siecle-greil-marcus/] {{fr}}
** ''Stopy rtěnky: tajná historie dvacátého století'', trans. Dušan Krejčí, Olomouc: Votobia, 1998, 427 pp. {{cz}}
** ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=12932  Ruj lekesi: Yirminci Yüzyılın gizli tarihi]'', trans. Gürol Koca, Istanbul: Ayrıntı, 1999, 496 pp. {{tr}}
** ''Sledy pomady: Taynaya istoriya XX veka'' [Следы помады: Тайная история XX века], trans. A. Umnyashov, Moscow: Hylaea (Гилея), 2019, 640 pp. [http://hylaea.ru/220-sledi_pomadi_taynaja_istorija_xx_veka__per._s_angl._a._umnjashova_pod_red._v._sadovskogo.html] {{ru}}
* Roberto Ohrt, ''Phantom Avantgarde: eine Geschichte der Situationistischen Internationale und der modernen Kunst'', Hamburg: Nautilus, 1990, 333 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 333 pp. [https://edition-nautilus.de/programm/phantom-avantgarde/] {{de}}
* Roberto Ohrt, ''Phantom Avantgarde: eine Geschichte der Situationistischen Internationale und der modernen Kunst'', Hamburg: Nautilus, 1990, 333 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 333 pp. [https://edition-nautilus.de/programm/phantom-avantgarde/] {{de}}
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* [https://1000littlehammers.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/grey-room-on-debord.pdf ''Grey Room'' 52: "Guy Debord's Cinema"], Summer 2013. [http://www.greyroom.org/issues/52/] [https://1000littlehammers.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/grey-room-on-debords/] {{en}}
* [https://1000littlehammers.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/grey-room-on-debord.pdf ''Grey Room'' 52: "Guy Debord's Cinema"], Summer 2013. [http://www.greyroom.org/issues/52/] [https://1000littlehammers.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/grey-room-on-debords/] {{en}}
* Frances Stracey, ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/4c33abc9-254d-4078-9740-e77db13dc308 Constructed Situations: A New History of the Situationist International]'', Pluto Press, 2014, [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/54c499b3334fe022f5e338cc ARG]. Reviews: [http://review31.co.uk/article/view/306/events-are-dust Cosma] (review31), [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1386/pop.6.1-2.159_5 Memou] (Phil Photography), [https://www.mythogeography.com/constructed-situations.html Man] (Mytho), [https://www.timeshighereducation.com/books/constructed-situations-a-new-history-of-the-situationist-international-by-frances-stracey/2017262.article Danchev] (THE), [https://journals.openedition.org/critiquedart/17476?lang=en Brulhart] (Critique d'art, FR). {{en}}
* Frances Stracey, ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/4c33abc9-254d-4078-9740-e77db13dc308 Constructed Situations: A New History of the Situationist International]'', Pluto Press, 2014, [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/54c499b3334fe022f5e338cc ARG]. Reviews: [http://review31.co.uk/article/view/306/events-are-dust Cosma] (review31), [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1386/pop.6.1-2.159_5 Memou] (Phil Photography), [https://www.mythogeography.com/constructed-situations.html Man] (Mytho), [https://www.timeshighereducation.com/books/constructed-situations-a-new-history-of-the-situationist-international-by-frances-stracey/2017262.article Danchev] (THE), [https://journals.openedition.org/critiquedart/17476?lang=en Brulhart] (Critique d'art, FR). {{en}}
* Éric Brun, ''Les situationnistes: une avant-garde totale (1950-1972)'', Paris: CNRS, 2014, 454 pp. Reviews: [https://laviedesidees.fr/L-avant-garde-situationniste-une-analyse-sociologique.html Trespeuch-Berthelot] (La vies des idées), [https://journals.openedition.org/lectures/15605 Mathieu] (Lectures). {{fr}}
* Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, ''Playmates and Playboys at a Higher Level: J.V. Martin and the Situationist International'', Berlin: Sternberg, and Stockholm: Moderna Museet, 2015, 64 pp. [http://www.sternberg-press.com/index.php?pageId=1569&bookId=463&l=en] {{en}}
* Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, ''Playmates and Playboys at a Higher Level: J.V. Martin and the Situationist International'', Berlin: Sternberg, and Stockholm: Moderna Museet, 2015, 64 pp. [http://www.sternberg-press.com/index.php?pageId=1569&bookId=463&l=en] {{en}}
* Anna Trespeuch-Berthelot, ''L'Internationale situationniste: de l'histoire au mythe, (1948-2013)'', pref. Pascal Ory, Paris: PUF, 2015, 564 pp. Review: [https://journals.openedition.org/lectures/19111 Zerilli] (Lectures). [https://www.puf.com/content/LInternationale_situationniste] {{fr}}
* Nicholas Thoburn, [https://slowrotation.memoryoftheworld.org/Nicholas%20Thoburn/Anti-Book_%20On%20the%20Art%20and%20Politics%20%2829149%29/Anti-Book_%20On%20the%20Art%20and%20Polit%20-%20Nicholas%20Thoburn.pdf#page=166 "Sandpaper ''Memoires''"], in Thoburn, ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=18214 Anti-Book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing]'', University of Minnesota Press, 2016, pp 149-167. {{en}}
* Nicholas Thoburn, [https://slowrotation.memoryoftheworld.org/Nicholas%20Thoburn/Anti-Book_%20On%20the%20Art%20and%20Politics%20%2829149%29/Anti-Book_%20On%20the%20Art%20and%20Polit%20-%20Nicholas%20Thoburn.pdf#page=166 "Sandpaper ''Memoires''"], in Thoburn, ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=18214 Anti-Book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing]'', University of Minnesota Press, 2016, pp 149-167. {{en}}
* Marvin Chlada, Bernd Kalus (eds.), ''Situationistische Internationale'', Duisburg: Dialog & Trikont, 130 pp. [https://www.dialog-edition.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=32] {{de}}
* Marvin Chlada, Bernd Kalus (eds.), ''Situationistische Internationale'', Duisburg: Dialog & Trikont, 130 pp. [https://www.dialog-edition.de/shop/product_info.php?products_id=32] {{de}}

Revision as of 21:57, 10 November 2019

Internationale situationniste 1, Jun 1958, Log.
Guy Debord, The Society of Spectacle, 1967–, Log.
Ken Knabb (ed.), Situationist International Anthology, 1981/2006, Log, EPUB, HTML.
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Jakob Jakobsen (eds.), Cosmonauts of the Future: Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere, 2015, Log, PDF.

Founded in July 1957, the Situationist International brought together currents of experimental poetry, avant-garde art, and radical social criticism to explore new techniques of engagement in cultural protest and revolutionary praxis. Although the organization itself remained small and disbanded in 1972, the SI shaped the interaction of art and politics at crucial moments in the evolution of postwar culture, including the transnational uprisings of 1968 and 1977. Its influence continues to be felt today. (Source)





Manifestos, proclamations

  • "Manifeste", Internationale situationniste 4, ed. G.-E. Debord, Paris, Jun 1960, pp 36-38. Dated 17 May 1960. (French)
    • "Situationist Manifesto", trans. Fabian Tompsett, in Cosmonauts of the Future, eds. Bolt and Jakobsen, 2015, pp 47-49. (English)



  • Situationister 1957-70, eds. Ambrosius Fjord and Patrick O'Brien [Jørgen Nash and Jens-Jørgen Thorsen], Copenhagen: Bauhaus Situationniste, 1971. Preface. Thorsen's text, (2). (Danish)
  • Situationist International Anthology, ed. & trans. Ken Knabb, 1981; rev. & exp. ed., Berkeley, CA: Bureau of Public Secrets, 2006, 532 pp, Log, EPUB, HTML. (English)
  • An Endless Passion... an Endless Banquet: A Situationist Scrapbook, ed. Iwona Blazwick, London: Verso, and London: Institute for Contemporary Art, 1989, 96 pp. Selected documents from the SI from 1957-1962, and documents tracing the impact on British culture from the 1960s to the 1980s. Review: Smith (Oxford Art J). (English)
  • Der Beginn einer Epoche. Texte der Situationisten, forew. Roberto Ohrt, trans. Pierre Gallissaires, Hanna Mittelstädt, and Roberto Ohrt, Hamburg: Nautilus, 1995, 320 pp; 2nd ed., 2008. [5] (German)
  • Beneath the Paving Stones: Situationists and the Beach, May 1968, ed. Dark Star, Edinburgh and San Francisco: AK Press, and Dark Star, 2001, 120 pp. Contains 3 pamphlets from the 1960s: The Poverty of Student Life; Totality for Kids; and The Decline and Fall of the Spectacular Commodity Economy; and other documents. (English)
  • Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents, ed. Tom McDonough, MIT Press, 2002. (English)
  • The Situationists and the City: A Reader, ed. Tom McDonough, London: Verso, 2010, 288 pp. [6] (English)
  • Cosmonauts of the Future: Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere, eds. Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen and Jakob Jakobsen, Copenhagen: Nebula, and New York: Autonomedia, 2015, 304 pp. [7] (English)





  • Mario Perniola, Agar-Agar 4: "I Situazionisti", Rome: Arcana, Apr-Aug 1972, 92 pp; repr. as I Situazionisti: il movimento che ha profetizzato la società dello spettacolo, Rome: Castelvecchi, 1998, 123 pp; repr., 2005. (Italian)
  • Pinot Gallizio et il Laboratorio Sperimentale d’Alba del Movimento Internazionale per una Bauhaus Imaginista (1955-57) e dell’Internazionale Situazionista (1957-60), Torino: Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, 1974, [128+50] pp. Catalogue. [8] [9] [10] (Italian)
  • Mirella Bandini, L'estetico il politico: da Cobra all'Internazionale Situazionista, 1948-1957, Rome: Officina, 1977, 391 pp. (Italian)
    • L'Esthétique, le politique: de Cobra à l’internationale Situationniste, 1948-1957, trans. Claude Galli, Arles: Sulliver, and Marseille: Via Valeriano, 1998, 353 pp. Review: Debecque-Michel (Critique d'art). (French)
  • Hurl Barbe [Pierre Laurendeau], Pompe le mousse, Paris: Brigandine, 1982, 188 pp; repr., Sous la Cape, 2013, 144 pp. Novel. [11] [12] (French)
  • Greil Marcus, Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the Twentieth Century, London: Secker & Warburg, 1989, 496 pp; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989, 496 pp; new ed., London: Penguin, 1993, 512 pp; repr., Harvard University Press, 2009. (English)
    • Tracce di rossetto: percorsi segreti nella cultura del Novecento dal dada ai Sex Pistols, trans. Mita Vitti, Milan: Leonardo, 1991, 506 pp; repr., Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2018, 523 pp. (Italian)
    • Lipstick Traces: von Dada bis Punk - eine geheime Kulturgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, trans. Hans M. Herzog and Friedrich Schneider, Hamburg: Rogner & Bernhard bei Zweitausendeins, 1992, 512 pp. (German)
    • Rastros de carmín. Una historia secreta del siglo XX, trans. Damián Alou, Barcelona: Anagrama, 1993, 527 pp. (Spanish)
    • Lipstick traces: une histoire secrète du vingtième siècle, trans. Guillaume Godard, Paris: Gallimard, 1998, 602 pp. [13] (French)
    • Stopy rtěnky: tajná historie dvacátého století, trans. Dušan Krejčí, Olomouc: Votobia, 1998, 427 pp. (Czech)
    • Ruj lekesi: Yirminci Yüzyılın gizli tarihi, trans. Gürol Koca, Istanbul: Ayrıntı, 1999, 496 pp. (Turkish)
    • Sledy pomady: Taynaya istoriya XX veka [Следы помады: Тайная история XX века], trans. A. Umnyashov, Moscow: Hylaea (Гилея), 2019, 640 pp. [14] (Russian)
  • Roberto Ohrt, Phantom Avantgarde: eine Geschichte der Situationistischen Internationale und der modernen Kunst, Hamburg: Nautilus, 1990, 333 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 333 pp. [15] (German)
  • Giorgio Agamben, Guy Debord, Enrico Ghezzi, Luisa Passerini, Alberto Piccinini, Francesco Poli, Filippo Scarpelli, Roberto Silvestri, Paolo Virno, I Situazionisti, Rome: Manifestolibri Set, 1991, 94 pp. (Italian)
  • On the Passage of a Few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International, 1957-1972, ed. Elisabeth Sussman, MIT Press, and Boston: ICA, 1991, vii+200 pp. Catalogue for exh. held at Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1989; texts by David A. Ross, Elisabeth Sussman, Mark Francis, Peter Wöllen, Troels Anderson, Mirella Bandini, Thomas Y. Levin, and Greil Marcus. [16]. Review: Smith (Oxford Art J). (English)
  • Sadie Plant, The Most Radical Gesture: The Situationist International and After, London: Routledge, 1992, 240 pp. (English)
  • Lund Art Press 2(3): "Bauhaus Situationist", 1992. Special issue on the Scandinavian Bauhaus Situationist movement. (English)
  • Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration, 5 numbers, ed. Alastair Bonnett, London: Salamander Press, 1995-2001. [17] [18] [19] [20] (English)
  • Stewart Home (ed.), What Is Situationism? A Reader, Edinburgh and San Francisco: AK Press, 1996, 203 pp. (English)
  • Situacionistas: arte, politica, urbanismo / Situationists: Art, Politics, Urbanism, ed. Libero Andreotti, Barcelona: Museu d`Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), 1996, 167 pp. Catalogue. (Spanish)/(English)
  • Gianfranco Marelli, L'amara vittoria del Situazionismo: per una storia critica dell'Internationale Situationniste, 1957-1972, Pisa: Biblioteca Franco Serantini, 1996, 396 pp; new ed., rev., upd. & exp., Milan: Mimesis, 2017, 445 pp. (Italian)
    • L'Amère victoire du Situationnisme: pour une histoire critique du Situationnisme, 1957-1972, trans. David Bosc, Arles: Sulliver, 1998, 427 pp. Review: Debecque-Michel (Critique d'art). (French)
  • Oiseau-tempête: revue de critique sociale, 13 numbers, ed. Barthélémy Schwartz et al., Paris: Ab Irato, 1997-2006. Journal. [21] (French)
  • October 79: "Guy Debord and the Internationale situationniste", ed. Thomas F. McDonough, MIT Press, Winter 1997, PDF. (English)
  • Simon Sadler, The Situationist City, MIT Press, 1998, ix+233 pp. (English)
  • Situationistische Internationale 1957-1972, ed. Dieter Schrage, Vienna: MUMOK and Triton, 1998, 120 pp. Catalogue for an exh. held 31 Jan-15 Mar 1998. (German)
  • Roberto Ohrt (ed.), Das große Spiel. Die Situationisten zwischen Politik und Kunst, Hamburg: Nautilus, 2000, 224 pp. [22] (German)
  • Catherine de Zegher, Mark Wigley (eds.), The Activist Drawing: Retracing Situationist Architectures from Constant's New Babylon to Beyond, New York: Drawing Center, and MIT Press, 2001. (English)
  • Archives et documents situationnistes, 5 issues, Paris: Denoël, 2001-2005. Journal. [23] (French)
  • J.U.P. [Jane Heiss, Ulrike Müller, Patricia Reschenbach], Situationistinnen und andere..., afterw. Renée Green, Berlin: b_books, 2001, 77 pp. [24] [25] [26] (German)
  • Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Situationistisk Danmarkskort. Noter om Situationistisk Internationale i Danmark, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Free University, 2003, 35 pp. (Danish)
  • Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Den sidste avantgarde. Situationistisk Internationale hinsides kunst og politik, Copenhagen: Politisk Revy, 2004. (Danish)
  • Laurent Chollet, Les Situationnistes: l'utopie incarnée, Paris: Gallimard, 2004, 127 pp. [27] [28] (French)
  • Figures de la négation: avant-gardes du dépassement de l'art, ed. Yan Ciret, Saint-Étienne: Musée d'art moderne, 2004, 178 pp. TOC. Catalogue for exh. held 22 Nov 2003-22 Feb 2004. (French)
  • Simon Ford, Situationist International: A User’s Guide, London: Black Dog, 2004, 208 pp. Review: Westermann (Leonardo). (English)
    • Die Situationistische Internationale: eine Gebrauchsanleitung, trans. Egon Günther, Hamburg: Nautilus, 2007, 224 pp. [29] (German)
  • In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni: The Situationist International, 1957-1972, eds. Stefan Zweifel, Juri Steiner, and Heinz Stahlhut, Zürich: JRP/Ringier, 2006, 247 pp. Catalogue for an exh. held at the Centraal Museum Utrecht, 14 Dec 2006-11 Mar 2007; Museum Tinguely, Basel, 4 Apr-5 Aug 2007. (English)
  • Stephan Grigat, Günther Friesinger, Johannes Grenzfurthner (eds.), Spektakel – Kunst – Gesellschaft. Guy Debord und die Situationistische Internationale, Berlin: Verbrecher, 2006, 250 pp. (German)
  • T.J. Clark, Donald Nicholson-Smith, Pourquoi l'art ne peut pas tuer l'Internationale situationniste, Marseille: Egrégores, 2006, 47 pp. (French)
  • De Nieuwe 11(15): "Spectacle", Amsterdam: Arti et Amicitiae, May 2007, 23 pp. (Dutch)
  • Kelly Baum, "The Sex of the Situationist International", October 126, Fall 2008, pp 23-43. (English)
Encyclopedic entries

en Oxford DA, Tate, Wikipedia. it Treccani. cr Šuvaković.

  • Simon Ford, The Realization And Suppression Of The Situationist International: An Annotated Bibliography 1972–1992, AK Press, 1996, 155 pp. [46] (English)



  • Situationister 1957-71 Drakabygget, Skånska Konstmuseum, Lund/Sweden, 1971. Catalogue text.
  • On the Passage of a Few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International, 1957-1972, Musée National d’Art Modern Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 21 Feb-9 Apr 1989; Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 23 Jun-13 Aug 1989; Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 20 Oct 1989-7 Jan 1990. Catalogue published. Exh. review: Smith (NY Times).
  • An Army of Liars: Situationists in Scandinavia, Kunsthall Oslo, 25 Nov 2016-29 Jan 2017. First major exhibition to examine the legacy of the Situationist movement in the region. Archive material.
  • The World We Must Leave: An Idea of Revolution by Jakob Jakobsen and Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Kunsthal Aarhus, 19 Nov 2010-9 Jan 2011; Kunsthall Oslo, 25 Nov 2016-29 Jan 2017. Works and documents from the SI and 3 short films. Exhibition guides: Aarhus, Oslo.
  • Jacqueline De Jong: The Situationist Times, 1962-1967, exhibition, Boo-Hurray, New York, 9-25 May 2012.
  • An Army of Liars: Situationists in Scandinavia, Kunsthall Oslo, Oslo, 25 Nov 2016-29 Jan 2017. The first major exhibition to examine the legacy of the Situationist movement across Scandinavia. Review: Norton (Kunstkritikk, NO).
  • Die Welt als Labyrint, MAMCO, Geneva, 28 Feb-6 May 2018. An exhibition on Letterism, Letterist International, Second Letterist International, Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, Experimental Laboratory of Alba, London Psychogeographical Association, Situationist International, Situationist Times, and SPUR. Curated by John Armleder, Gérard Berreby, Paul Bernard, Lionel Bovier, Alexandra Catana Tucknott, Julien Fronsacq, and Mai-Thu Perret.
  • Jacqueline De Jong & The Situationist Times: Same Player Shoots Again!, exhibition, Torpedo/PUB, Oslo, 11 May-2 Sep 2018; Konsthall Malmö, 15 Sep 2018-13 Jan 2019; Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark, 31 Aug-1 Dec 2019. Curated by Ellef Prestsæter in collaboration with Torpedo and Jacqueline de Jong. Review: Henriksen (Kunstkritikk).
  • The Most Dangerous Game: The Situationist International en route for May '68, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 27 Sep-10 Dec 2018. First reconstruction of the unfinished project Bibliothèque situationniste de Silkeborg outlined by Debord with Asger Jorn. Devised by Wolfgang Scheppe in collaboration with Roberto Ohrt and Eleonora Sovrani. Two-volume book published. Exh. review: Henriksen (Kunstkritikk).

See also