Copyleft activism

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open access, intellectual property, copyright, copyleft, public domain, creative commons, access to knowledge, free culture, licensing, digital rights management (DRM), digital rights, culture flat-rate, software patents, Pirate Party, ACTA, SOPA, PROTECT IP Act, etc.

Activists, initiatives, events[edit]

Projects, services, resources[edit]

  • Open Library, an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Launched 2006. An initiative of the Internet Archive.
  • OApen, online library and publication platform for humanities and social sciences monographs. Developed in 2008-2010. Based at the National Library in The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Radical Open Access, a community of scholar-led, not-for-profit presses, journals and other open access projects; founded in 2015.
  • Humanities Commons, nonprofit network where humanities scholars can create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work. A project of the office of scholarly communication at the Modern Language Association (MLA). Launched 2016.
  • Open Access in Media Studies, informs about and promote open access publishing in the field of media studies. Maintained and curated by Jeroen Sondervan and Jeff Pooley, and in close collaboration with the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS). Launched 2016.

Declarations, statements[edit]

  • "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities", 22 Oct 2003. Signed by 200 universities, research institutions, funding agencies, foundations, libraries, museums and archives from all over the world. The declaration states that "our mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if the information is not made widely and readily available to society".

Books, articles[edit]

  • Samuel A. Moore, Publishing Beyond the Market: Open Access, Care, and the Commons, Michigan University Press, forthcoming 2025. Publisher.


See also[edit]

File sharing, FLOSS, Data activism, Internet activism, Commons, Digital libraries, Privacy, Open design