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'''Han Hoogerbrugge'''
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Han Hoogerbrugge (narodený 11. októbra 1963) je holandský umelec pochádzajúci z Rotterdamu, kde stále aktívne pôsobí. Do druhej polovice deväťdesiatych rokov pôsobil najmä ako maliar a tvorca komiksov, až kým v roku 1996 neobjavil internet a nevytvoril svoje prvé gif-animácie. Dnes je známy najmä ako digtálny umelec tvoriaci krátke interaktívne príbehy.
Welcome to [[About Monoskop|Monoskop]], a wiki for arts and studies.
Hoogerbruggerovo dielo charakterizuje ironický, miestami až čierny humor, časté odkazy na popkultúru, celebrity a hollywoodske pozlátko, ľudské návyky a zlozvyky a preňho prirodzená a typická komixová štylizácia týchto veľmi súčasných tém. Hlavnou postavou Hoogerbruggeových príbehov a krátkych filmov je väčšinou on sám, respektíve pokrútená, prevrátená a najmä zmetená reflexia jeho samého. 
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Dodnes však tvorí aj prostredníctvom klasických médií – jeho kresby a maľby sa objavili v galériách ako sú Centraal Museum v Utrechte, Museo Tamayo v Mexiku a Design Museum v Londýne. V septembri roku 2008 bola o Hanovi Hoogenbruggeovi a o jeho diele publikovaná kniha s názvom Modern Living: The Graphic Universe of Han Hoogerbrugge.
<!-- Recent sections /// Communities, movements -->
== Modern Living/ Neurotica ==
Fediposter_Jan_2020.png|link=Fediverse|[[Fediverse|Federated networks: Fediverse]]
Modern Living/Neurotica je séria krátkych mini sekvencií, ktoré boli pôvodne vytvorené ako komixové stripy inšpirované umelcovým životom počas deväťdesiatych rokov, kedy sa pomaly dostával do kontaktu s internetom a s jeho dovtedy umelecky neprebádanými a nevyužitými možnosťami. Neskôr bola táto séria publikovaná na Hoggerbruggeovom webe ako animované gify, neskôr prevedená pomocou Micromedia Flash do interaktívnej formy, ktorá sa stala typickou pre Hoggerbruggeovu neskoršiu prácu. O Neurotice sa umelec vyjadril ako o neustále pokračujúcom a meniacom sa autoportréte. Séria bola ukončená v roku 2001 poslednou stou epizódou.
Bibliotecha.jpg|link=Shadow_libraries|[[Shadow libraries]]
Counter_Cloud_Action_2023.jpg|link=Community servers|[[Community servers]]
Old Boys Network 1997 100 Anti-Theses of Cyberfeminism.jpg|link=Technofeminism|[[Technofeminisms]]
== Hotel ==
Ehlers_Jeannette_2013_Whip_It_Good_photo_Casper_Maare.jpg|link=Decolonial aestheSis|[[Decolonial aestheSis]]
Kuenstlerinnengruppe_Erfurt.jpg|link=East_Central_Europe|[[East Central Europe]]
Hotel je desaťdielny interaktívny príbeh o Dr. Doglinovi vytvorený pre SubmarineChannel, v ktorom doktor robí zvláštne experimenty na svojich dobrovoľníckych subjektoch. Príbeh je tvorený krátkymi sekvenciami a je možné prechádzať ním viacerými spôsobmi; nie je nevyhnutné následovať hlavnú dejovú linku, je zložený z viacerých vrstiev, ktoré je možné ľubovoľne kombinovať.  
The Years Without Art 1990-1993 c1989.png|link=Art_and_activism|[[Art and activism|Activism]]
== NAILS ==
Bibliotecha_Stuff_Youll_need.jpg|link=Free software|[[Free software|Free software, libre culture]]
Séria s názvom NAILS bola vytvorená v rozmedzí rokov 2002 až 2007 a pripomína krátke epizódy z Modern Living/ Neurotica.  Toto dielo tvorí 27 krátkych Flash animácií, ktorých aktérom je opäť sám umelec, ironicky reflektujúci  naše vysporiadavanie sa s každodenným životom.  
Radio_Punctum_.jpg|link=Community radio|[[Community radio]]
Ono_Yoko_Grapefruit_1964.jpg|link=Artists publishing|[[Publishing]]
== Pro Stress ==
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Kolaboratívny  projekt s názvom Pro Stress, na ktorom Hoggerbrugge spolupracoval so spisovateľom Paulom A. Hallom, tvorí sedem „epizód“ vytvorených od augusta až do októbra roku 2006. Tento internetový projekt pokračuje až dodnes a to vo verzii Pro Stress 2.0; výsledkom sú tradičnejšie krátke komixy, v ktorých sa humorom jemu vlastným Hoggenbrugge vyjadruje k náboženským, politickým, či sociálnym témam. Z času na čas tu svoju úlohu zohrajú známe osobnosti ako napríklad David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino či Ross zo známeho sitcomu Priatelia. Zozbieraním týchto internetových komixov vznikla neskôr rovnomenná kniha.
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== Hudobné videoklipy ==
[[Monoskop:Recent files|{{inf}}]]
Hoogerbrugge mimo svojich početných aktivít spolupracuje okrem iného s hudobnými skupinami. Vytvoril tak videoklip k piesni „Lanslide“ od skupiny Dead man ray,  „You´ve got to..“, „Your music is killing me“, „Wake up, make up, bring i tup, shake up“, „MASHitUP“ od  The Young Punx,  a v roku 2009 režíroval klip k piesni „Love etc.“ od Pet Shop Boys.
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Externé linky
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[[Monoskop:Recent pages|{{inf}}]]
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[[Base:Mastodon|Mastodon:]] [[Mastodon::https://post.lurk.org/@monoskop]]  
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The_Situationist_Times_5_1964.jpg|link=Situationists|[[Situationist International]]
Rosler Martha 1975 Semiotics of the Kitchen.jpg|link=Video|[[Video]]
Marey_1894_Falling_cat.jpg|link=Experimental_film|[[Experimental film|Film]]
Fuer_Augen_und_Ohren_1980.jpg|link=Sound_art|[[Sound art|Sound]]
Varlez_Robert_Suites_2016.jpg|link=Conceptual_comics|[[Conceptual comics|Comics]]
<!-- Sister projects -->
Monoskop_Log_Screenshot_2022-05-16.png|link=Monoskop_Log|[[Monoskop_Log|Monoskop log]]
Dusan_Barok_and_Monoskop_2018_Exhibition_Library_at_Mediacity_Biennale_Seoul_1_small.jpg|link=Exhibition Library|[[Exhibition Library]]
The_Ghassulian_star.jpg|link=Mundaneum_symposium|[[Mundaneum symposium]]
Griffiths_Mansoux_de_Valk_2010_Naked_on_Pluto.png|link=Naked on Pluto|[[Naked on Pluto]]
The_worlds_protected_areas_2015.jpg|link=Anthropocene|[[Anthropocene|Climate action]]
<!-- Writers, artists, scholars -->
Steina_Woody.jpg|link=Vasulkas|[[The Vasulkas]]
Frantz Fanon.jpg|link=Fanon|[[Fanon]]
The_worlds_protected_areas_2015.jpg|link=Anthropocene|[[Anthropocene|Living on a ruined planet]]
<!-- Fields, media, themes -->
0100101110101101.org_Epidemic_2001_Biennale_py.jpg|link=Software_art|[[Software art]]
Valie_Export_1967-68_Abstract_Film_No_1.jpg|link=Expanded cinema|[[Cinema]]
Lippard_Lucy_R_Six_Years_The_Dematerialization_of_the_Art_Object_from_1966_to_1972_1973.jpg|link=Conceptual art|[[Conceptual art]]
Kay_Emma_1999_Worldview.jpg|link=Conceptual_writing|[[Conceptual writing|Writing]]
New_Tendencies_5_poster_by_Ivan_Picelj_1973.png|link=New Tendencies|[[New Tendencies]]
HfG_Ulm_Metal_workshop_1958.jpg|link=Design research|[[Design]]
Buren_Mosset_Parmentier_Toroni_1967_Photo-souvenir_Manifestation_3.jpg|link=Art|[[Visual art]]
[[Series:Monoskop]] __NOTOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__

Revision as of 14:49, 28 August 2024

Welcome to Monoskop, a wiki for arts and studies.


File:Zamotka zine 2024.pdf

Zamotka zine 2024.jpg

compiled by Freefilmers

"Zamotka is a kind of wrap made by spreading hummus on lavash flatbread and adding toppings of your liking, which was popularised by Mariupol’s underground creative scene in 2017–2018.

It is also the name given to a self-published zine that explores grassroots food practices, communal dining, food related trauma caused by the war and its social and personal dimensions in the context of Mariupol’s devastation. To honour this legendary wrap and personal memories of the city, Freefilmers have compiled a series of visual and textual contributions in Zamotka."

 Nychka Lishchynska: literary editing of the zine, text project coordination, interviews.
 Sashko Protiah: coordination, project management.
 Natasha Tseliuba: art and photo project coordination, design, zine layout.
 Concept and implementation: Freefilmers
 Published January 2024


File:Oroza Ernesto Rikimbili une etude sur la desobeissance technologique et quelques formes de reinvention 2009.pdf

Oroza Ernesto Rikimbili une etude sur la desobeissance technologique et quelques formes de reinvention 2009.jpg

Rikimbili: une étude sur la désobéissance technologique et quelques formes de réinvention

by Ernesto Oroza

"Quand nous acceptons le critère bourgeois qui sanctionne la nécessité comme indigne et celui qui exprime ses besoins comme faible et vulgaire, nous participons à la réduction systématique de la créativité et de la liberté qui pourrait se traduire dans la culture contemporaine." (Ernesto Oroza)

Cite du design is a broad church. Whilst hordes of courtiers flocked around the Minister like starlings at sunset, copies of a subversive new book, by Ernesto Oroza, were being distributed by Cite’s publications team. Rikimbili – “a study of technological disobedience and other forms of re-invention” – describes how Cubans have adapted and recycled industrial objects during fifty years of US sanctions. The book’s title, Rikimbili, is named after a two-wheeled vehicle that started its life as a bicycle. The book is subversive because, for me anyway, it describes the kind of design we’ll be doing in the coming age of scarcity industrialism (a phrase of John Michael Greer). Design shows filled with shiny objects, by contrast, are best perceived as historical events about a pardigm that has passed. Write direct to obtain your copy of Rikimbili to: emilie.chabert at citedudesign dot com.” (John Thackara)

 Publisher Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, 2009
 Translated by Nicole Marchand-Zanartu
 ISBN 978-2-86272-527-7
 67 pages
 PDF (8mb)

Video interview (8 min, 2013). Research blog (est. 2016). Author. Publisher.

See also


File:Archiving Activism in the Digital Age 2024.pdf

Archiving Activism in the Digital Age 2024.png

Archiving Activism in the Digital Age

Edited by Daniele Salerno and Ann Rigney

"The archiving of social movements has long contributed to their cultural impact. Given the wide availability of digital tools for the making and storing of records, ‘autonomous’ archiving is today becoming a significant part of the activist toolkit itself. In parallel, professional archiving has undergone significant change, leading to more participatory and community-based practices that belie the idea of ‘the Archive’ as an institution merely serving the interests of the state.

This collection brings together academics, archivists, and activists to explore some of the many new sites where activist archives are being produced at the present time. With case studies ranging between Turkey, Afghanistan, the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, and the US, it offers new insights into the opportunities and challenges posed by digitization as well as into the tensions between autonomy and long-term sustainability. It shows above all the potential of archives to become sites of renewed critical engagement."

Contributors: Michelle Caswell, Özge Çelikaslan, Rosemary Grennan, Flore Janssen, Kera Lovell, Eline Pollaert, Ann-Katrine Schmidt Nielsen, Paul van Trigt, Daniel Villar-Onrubia.

 Publisher Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, May 2024
 INC Theory on Demand #52
 ISBN 9789083328287
 Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
 153 pages
 PDF (9mb), EPUB (9mb)



File:Promiscuous Infrastructures Practicing Care 2024.pdf

Promiscuous Infrastructures Practicing Care 2024.jpg

Promiscuous Infrastructures: Practicing Care

Edited by Michelle Teran, Marc Herbst, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Renée Turner and The Promiscuous Care Study Group

"Promiscuous Infrastructures brings together more than twenty contributors—art and social practitioners, researchers, and educators—who have been researching and writing about caring infrastructures and promiscuous care for the past several years. This interdisciplinary publication comprises essays, visual schematics and scores, personal letters, recipes, and conversations, which emerge from the work of the Promiscuous Care Study Group, situated around the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.

Promiscuous Infrastructures calls for an ethics of care and attentiveness to one another within and beyond the shared context of a structurally dispassionate institution that requires innovation, expediency, and accountable results. The promiscuity it explores is defined by a collective refusal of efficiency, and favors generosity, care, love, and attention. Together, the group and their interlocutors address themes ranging from institutional change, communal responsibility and accountability practices, mental health and collective care, hospitality and hosting, soil, counter-histories, intergenerational learning, joy and collective grief and the poetics of imagining otherwise."

With contributions from: Carla Arcos, Jacquill Basdew, Selma Bellal, Seecum Cheung, Cooking Something Up, Yoeri Guépin, Marc Herbst, Czar Kristoff P., Pablo Lerma, Judith Leijdekkers, Carmen José, Edwin Mingard, Skye Maule-O’Brien, Lola Olufemi, Laurence Rassel, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Reading Room Rotterdam, Kari Robertson, Yusser al Obaidi, Michelle Teran, Renée Turner, and Julia Wilhelm.

 Publisher  Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Leipzig, and WdKA Research Center, Rotterdam, May 2024
 ISBN       9798218366827
 Creative Commons BY—NC—ND 4.0 License
 285 pages
 PDF (38mb)



File:Home Works A Cooking Book Recipes for Organising with Art and Domestic Work 2020.pdf

Home Works A Cooking Book Recipes for Organising with Art and Domestic Work 2020.jpg

(Home Works) - A Cooking Book: Recipes for Organising with Art and Domestic Work

Edited by Jenny Richards and Jens Strandberg

"Home Works – A Cooking Book: Recipes for Organising with Art and Domestic Work expands on cooking with art and food as a process for coming together and building collectivity. The book highlights the art and politics of eating together through a number of artistic, curatorial and tasty dinner recipes. Recipes that nourish and nurture conversations around domestic labour, collaborative practices and feminist politics, expanded upon through a series of essays and interviews.

The recipes were learnt during the cooking of Home Works; a research and exhibition programme investigating domestic labour and the politics of the home, hosted by the art space Konsthall C in Stockholm 2015-2017.

Home Works – A Cooking Book is a tool for everyone that wants to use art to challenge what work we value and how work is organised.

Without further ado...let’s cook!"

Contributors: Samira Ariadad, Jonna Bornemark, Marie Ehrenbåge, Silvia Federici, Sandi Hilal, Dady de Maximo, Temi Odumosu, Jenny Richards and Jens Strandberg, Khasrow Hamid Othman, Halla Þórlaug Óskarsdóttir.

 Publisher  Onomatopee, Eindhoven, October 2020
 ISBN      9789493148376
 280 pages
 PDF (33mb)

Publisher, Exhibition. Source.






Mastodon: https://post.lurk.org/@monoskop
