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Étienne-Louis Boullée, proposal for the Cénotaphe à Newton [Newton Memorial], interior, 1784.
Manhattan Map Guide, AD 7, 1972, PDF.
Aldo Rossi, et al., The Analogous City, 1976.
R(&)Sie(n), I've Heard About ... (a Flat, Fat, Growing Urban Experiment), 2005-06. Source. Discussed in Parisi 2013.
The Monoskop Architecture page printed as a single scroll and displayed as part of the Public Library / Javna knjižnica exhibition in May 2017 in Novi Sad, Serbia.

A collection of source documents in the history, theory and criticism of 20th-century architecture.


For a flat library of architecture

Building a digital library of writings on architecture offers itself also as an opportunity to rethink the architecture of digital library itself and ask how it can open up to new methods of research and discovery. In the experiment, primary function of the library is kept – it firstly exists to serve as a resource for architectural research. But does it? Digital libraries are composed of numerous screens linked to each other by the complex logic of database design and bibliographic data. They are tremendously useful when we know what we are looking for, but not so great when we are interested in learning and discovering things closely related to those we are already familiar with. Neither advanced search options nor long lists of results are very helpful here. Digital libraries can be great in content but usually lack in form.

How can they be designed differently? As opposed to physical libraries, digital libraries are two-dimensional, they are screen-based. What if we take advantage of this two-dimensional spatiality more fully and view it as planar linearity, linearity so familiar from reading and navigating inside books? What if our collection of books is organised in a way texts are organised in books? We can take several organizational elements of the book and turn them into architectural features of our library, namely: bibliography, anthology, and one from ancient history – scroll.

As a bibliography, it may offer an enumerative list of publications relevant for partial themes, while it may also give a glimpse of their transmission and reception in the forms of translations and reviews, all directly linked to their digital versions (we can call this aspect the “annotated source bibliography”).
As an anthology, it may bring together texts informing a given discourse, while it may also give in to its incoherent nature that can described as a range of mutually conditioning discursive fields, the interactions of which in turn serve as starting points for the selection of publications for inclusion in the library (we can call this aspect the “knot-anthology”).
As a scroll (or roll), instead of organising texts as a database with multiple entries, its interface may consist of a single page that can be searched using the function of a web browser (CTRL+F or Apple+F) and navigated through internal links (we can call this aspect the “flat library”).

This page is one such an architectural library. It gathers some of the writings on history, theory and criticism that have shaped the discourse of architecture in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is designed for both the novice in the field and the more experienced researcher. The table of contents provides a general structure. Another way of navigation is to search for a specific name, keyword or publication and explore neighboring elements.

The page is divided into five main sections.

The first three contain a selection of books, catalogues and magazine issues. The first is dedicated to canonical books, loosely grouped into themes. The citation of a volume is followed by its published translations into five languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish), short annotation and list of reviews and commentaries available online. This selection is further expanded in the next section listing some one hundred, primarily English-language volumes grouped into 25 themes. The third section contains anthologies and readers compiling historical texts in several languages, some sourced from the volumes listed above but their scope is much wider, with each book following its own selection criteria.

The contents of five English-language anthologies is listed in a separate table that can be sorted by name of the author, year of the publication, title of the text, and collection it is included in. More than 270 programs, manifestos, statements, theoretical and critical essays are included along with editors' introductions.

The last main section consists of an extensive listing of 180 architectural periodicals in multiple languages, about one half of which is available online. The journals can be sorted by title, year of the first publication, city of the first publisher, and primary language. Many are accompanied in the rightmost column by interviews and commentaries situating the journal in its historical context. Interestingly, among the magazines accessible online are, with some significant exceptions, mostly those published until the 1930s and those launched in the 2000s or later.

Note that this is a work in progress, comments and further suggestions are welcome.

First published on 23 July 2015. Updated on 5 May 2017 on the occasion of Public Library / Javna knjižnica exhibition in Novi Sad. Also available in Serbo-Croatian translation.


This section contains a selection of books on architecture, loosely grouped. The citation of a volume is followed by its published translations, a brief annotation, and a list of reviews and commentaries available online. For more writings by individual authors, see their respective pages.


Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture, 1923, Log.
  • Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture, Paris: G. Crès et Cie, 1923, 230 pp. A collection of articles written for the avant-garde magazine L'Esprit Nouveau he co-edited. Dismisses the then contemporary trends of eclecticism and art deco, replacing them with architecture that was meant to be more than a stylistic experiment; rather, an architecture that would fundamentally change how humans interacted with buildings. This new mode of living derived from a new spirit defining the industrial age, demanding a rebirth of architecture based on function and a new aesthetic based on pure form. (French)
    • Kommende Baukunst, trans. & ed. Hans Hildebrandt, Berlin/Stuttgart/Leipzig: Deutsche Verlags, 1926, xv+253 pp; new ed. as Ausblick auf eine Architektur, rev. Eva Gärtner, Berlin: Ullstein, 1963, 215 pp. (German)
    • Towards a New Architecture, London: John Rodker, 1927, xix+289 pp; London: Architectural Press, 1946, OL; Praeger, 1970, OL; New York: Dover, 1986, 320 pp. (English)
    • Hacia una arquitectura, trans. Luis A. Romero, Buenos Aires: El Distribuidor Americano, 1939, 208 pp. (Spanish)
    • Hacia una arquitectura, trans. Josefina Martinez Alinari, Barcelona: Apostrofe, 1977. (Spanish)
    • Verso una architettura, trans. Pierluigi Cerri, Pierluigi Nicolin and Carlo Fioroni, Milan: Longanesi, 1973, xlii+246 pp. (Italian)
    • Toward an Architecture, intro. Jean-Louis Cohen, trans. John Goodman, Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2007, xiii+341 pp. [1] (English)
    • more translations
Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time & Architecture, 1941, Log.
  • Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time & Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, Harvard UP, 1941, 16+601 pp; 3th ed., enl., 1954, 778 pp; 5th ed., 2003. A defense of Gropius, the Bauhaus, and modernism. Based on his 1938-39 Charles Eliot Norton Lectures at Harvard. Reviews: Redman (Saturday Review 1954), Molella (Tech & Culture 2002), Williams (Art Book Review 2013). (English)
    • Spazio, tempo ed architettura: lo sviluppo di una nuova tradizione, Milan: U. Hoepli, 1954, xxiv+755 pp. (Italian)
    • Espacio, tiempo y arquitectura: el futuro de una nueva tradición, trans. Isidro Puig Boada, Barcelona: Científico-Médica, 1958, 808 pp. (Spanish)
    • Raum, Zeit, Architektur: die Entstehung einer neuen Tradition, Ravensburg: Maier, 1964, 536 pp. (German)
    • Espace, temps, architecture. La naissance d'une nouvelle tradition, trans. Irmeline Lebeer and Franc̨oise-Marie Rosset, Brussels: La Connaissance, 1968, 552 pp. (French)
  • Sigfried Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History, Oxford UP, 1948, xiv+743 pp, Log; U Minnesota Press, 2013. Examines mechanization and its effects on everyday life. Reviews: Sawyer (JEH 1949), Bames (AJS 1949), Ogburn (AHR 1948), Guerlac (AQ 1949), Horton (ASR 1948), Zucker (JAAC 1949), Molella (Tech & Culture 2002), Vanderbilt (Bookforum 2010). (English)
    • L èra della meccanizzazione, trans. Maria Labò, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1967, 674 pp. (Italian)
    • La mecanización toma el mando, trans. Esteve Riambau i Suarí, Barcelona: Gili, 1978, 731 pp. (Spanish)
    • La mécanisation au pouvoir: contribution à l'histoire anonyme, trans. Paule Guivarch, Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1980, 592 pp. (French)
    • Die Herrschaft der Mechanisierung: ein Beitrag zur anonymen Geschichte, afterw. Stanislaus von Moos, Frankfurt am Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1982, 843 pp. (German)

More works.


Walter Gropius (ed.), Internationale Architektur, 1925, PDF.
  • Walter Gropius, Bauhausbauten Dessau, Munich: Albert Langen (Bauhausbücher 12), 1930, 221 pp. (German)
    • [The Bauhaus at Dessau], trans. Dennis Sharp, U Kansas, 19xx, 73 leaves. Unpublished typescript. [2] (English)
  • László Moholy-Nagy, Von Material zur Architektur, Munich: Albert Langen, Bauhausbücher 14, 1929, 241 pp; facsimile repr., Mainz and Berlin: Florian Kupferberg, 1968, 251 pp. (German)

More works. More on Bauhaus.

Urban theory, public space, the city[edit]

Ludwig Hilberseimer, Grossstadtarchitektur, 1927.
  • Ludwig Hilberseimer, Grossstadtarchitektur, Stuttgart: Hoffmann, 1927, 108 pp. Expanded from Grossstadtarchitektur, Hannover: Merzverlag, 1926, 28 pp, KHZ. (German)
    • La Arquitectura de la gran ciudad: la gran ciudad, urbanismo, edificios de vivienda, trans. Pedro Madrigal Devesa, Barcelona: Gili, 1979, 106 pp. (Spanish)
    • Groszstadt Architektur: l'architettura della grande città, trans. Bianca Spagnuolo Vigorita, Naples: Clean, 1981, 107 pp. (Italian)
    • "Metropolisarchitecture", trans. Richard Anderson, in Hilberseimer, Metropolisarchitecture and Selected Essays, ed. Richard Anderson, Columbia U/GSAPP Books, 2012, pp 83-280. Review: Zimmerman (JSAH 2014). (English)
Aldo Rossi, L'architettura della città, 1966, Log.
  • Aldo Rossi, L'architettura della città, Padova: Marsilio, 1966; Torino: CittàStudi, 2006, 235 pp; new ed., Macerata: Quodlibet, 2011. (Italian)
    • La arquitectura de la ciudad, intro. Salvador Tarragó Cid, trans. María Ferrer Ferrer, Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1971, 239+13 pp. (Spanish)
    • Die Architektur der Stadt, trans. Arianna Giachi, Düsseldorf: Bertelsmann, 1973; new ed., Munich: Technische Universität, 1998, 117 pp. Of 2nd ed. (German)
    • L'architecture de la ville, trans. Françoise Brun, Paris: L'Equerre, 1981, 295 pp. (French)
    • The Architecture of the City, intro. Peter Eisenman, trans. Diane Ghirardo and Joan Ockman, MIT Press, Oppositions Books series, 1982, 208 pp. Reviews & comm.: Vogt & Donnell (JSAH 1983), Lobsinger (JAE 2006), Nilufar (Protibesh 2004). (English)
    • more translations
Colin Rowe, Fred Koetter, Collage City, 1978, Log, PDF.
  • Colin Rowe, Fred Koetter, Collage City, MIT Press, 1978, 186 pp. Examines urban structure of selected cities as found, revealing it to be the end product of a ceaseless process of fragmentation, the collision, superimposition, contamination of many diverse ideas imposed on it by successive generations, each with its own idea; introduces the concept of bricolage to urban theory. Manuscript in circulation already from 1973. Commentary: Somol, et al. (ANY 1994), Hays (1998), Ockman (JSAH 1998), Vidler (2011). Review: Cutler (2010). (English)
    • Collage city, trans. Chiara Dazzi, Milan: Saggiatore, 1981, 285 pp. (Italian)
    • Collage City, trans. Bernhard Hoesli, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1984, 286 pp. (German)
    • Collage City, trans. Kenneth Hylton, Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1993, 271 pp. Preface. (French)
    • Ciudad collage, trans. Esteve Riambau Sauri, Barcelona: Gili, 1998. (Spanish)
  • Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, Thames & Hudson, 1978; Monacelli Press, 1994, 317 pp. (English) Reviews: Muschamp (NYT 1994), Watson (2010). Commentary: Crary (Any 1994), Foster (LRB 2001).
    • Delirious New York: ein retroaktives Manifest für Manhattan, trans. Fritz Schneider, Aachen: Arch+, 1978, 327 pp. (German)
    • New York délire: un manifeste retroactif pour Manhattan, trans. Catherine Collet, Paris: Chêne, 1978, 264 pp. (French)
    • Delirious New York: un manifesto retroattivo per Manhattan, trans. Ruggero Baldasso and Marco Biraghi, Milan: Electa, 2001, 305 pp. (Italian)
    • Delirio de Nueva York: un manifiesto retroactivo para Manhattan, trans. Jorge Sainz, Barcelona: Gili, 2004, 318 pp. (Spanish)

More works.


Bruno Zevi, Saper vedere l'architettura, 1948.
  • Emil Kaufmann, Three Revolutionary Architects: Boullée, Ledoux, and Lequeu, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1952, 564 pp. (English)
    • Tre architetti rivoluzionari: Boullée, Ledoux, Lequeu, intro. Georges Teyssot, trans. Maurizio Grandi and Vittorio Saredi, Milan: Angeli, 1976, 412 pp. (Italian)
    • Trois architectes révolutionnaires: Boullée, Ledoux, Lequeu, intro. & notes Gilbert Erouart et Georges Teyssot, trans. Françoise Revers, Paris: SADG, 1978, 318 pp. (French)
    • Tres arquitectos revolucionarios: Boullé, Ledoux y Lequeu, intro. & notes Gilbert Érouart and Georges Teyssot, Barcelona: Gili, 1980, 324 pp. (Spanish)
Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 1960, Log.
  • Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, London: Architectural Press, 1960; New York: Praeger, 1960, 338 pp; 2nd ed., 1967, 338 pp. Reviews: Gardner-Medwin (TPR 1961), Hilberry (JSAH 1963), Young, Fontenas (Critique d'art 2010), Lebar (2012). (English)
    • Die Revolution der Architektur. Theorie und Gestaltung im Ersten Maschinenzeitalter, trans. Wolfram Wagmuth, Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1964, 296 pp. (German)
    • Teoría y diseño arquitectónico en la era de la máquina, trans. Luis Fabricant, Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión, 1965, 316+64 pp. (Spanish)
    • Architettura della prima eta della macchina, trans. Marco Biraghi, Bologna: Calderini, 1970, 355+42 pp. (Italian)
    • Théorie et design à l'ère industrielle, trans. Christelle Bécant, intro. Frédéric Migayrou, Orléans: HYX, 2009, 415 pp. (French)
  • William J.R. Curtis, Modern Architecture Since 1900, Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1982; Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982, 416 pp; 2nd ed., 1987; 3rd ed., Phaidon, 1996. Reviews: Curtis (JSAH 1982), Moos (Art Journal 1983). (English)
    • La arquitectura moderna desde 1900, trans. Jorge Sainz Avia, Madrid: Blume, 1986, 416 pp. (Spanish)
    • L'architettura moderna del Novecento, ed. & trans. Anna Barbara and Chiara Rodriquez, Milan: Mondadori, 1999, 739 pp. (Italian)

More works.

Marxist critique[edit]

Manfredo Tafuri, Progetto e utopia, 1973.
  • Manfredo Tafuri, Progetto e utopia: architettura e sviluppo capitalistico, Bari: Laterza & Figli, 1973. Retraces the development of architecture from the late 18th C to the early 1970s; concludes by discounting any possibility of utopia for the architecture of the era of late capitalism. Expanded from his "Per una critica dell'ideologia architettonica" (1969; EN: "Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology", 1998). See also Tafuri 1980 and Ockman 1985. (Italian)

More works.

Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space [1958], 1964, Log.


More works.

Gestalt theory[edit]

Colin Rowe, Robert Slutzky, Transparency, 1983/1997, PDF.
  • Colin Rowe, Robert Slutzky, Transparency [1963, 1971], comm. Bernhard Hoesli, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983; new ed., intro. Werner Oechslin, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1997, 120 pp. Makes the distinction between literal and phenomenal transparency, taking cubist painting and Gestalt psychology as the bases for a new theory of visual perception in architecture. Written 1955-56 while teaching at U Texas in Austin (as part of the group of educators later called the "Texas Rangers"); a two-part essay that belatedly appeared in Perspecta in 1963 and 1971 after being rejected by Pevsner at AR. Commentary: Ockman (JSAH 1998). (English)
    • Transparenz, trans. & comm. Bernhard Hoesli, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1968, 71 pp; 3rd ed., exp., 1989, 107 pp; 4th ed., exp., intro. Werner Oechslin, 1997, 119 pp. First edition contains only the first essay, amplified by Hoesli's extensive commentary as well as previously unpublished notes by the authors in English. (German)
    • Transparence: réelle et virtuelle, trans. Marianne Brausch and Sylvain Malfroy, pref. Werner Oechslin, Paris: Demi-Cercle, 1992, 143 pp. (French)


Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966/1977.
  • Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, intro. Vincent Scully, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1966; 2nd ed., 1977, 131 pp. Implies that Modernist buildings are without meaning, as their puritanical design lack the irony and complexity that enrich historical architecture. Developed out of a course Venturi began teaching at U Penn in 1957. Reviews: Rowe (NYT 1967), Finkelpearl (JSAH 1979). (English)
    • De l'ambiguïté en architecture, trans. Maurin Schlumberger and Jean-Louis Vénard, Paris: Dunod, 1971, 135 pp. (French)
    • Complejidad y contradicción en la arquitectura, trans. Antón Aguirregoitia Arechavaleta and Eduardo de Felipe Alonso, Barcelona: Gili, 1972, 234 pp. (Spanish)
    • Komplexität und Widerspruch in der Architektur, trans. Heinz Schollwöck, ed. Heinrich Klotz, 1978, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 232 pp. (German)
    • Complessità e contraddizioni nell' architettura, trans. Raffaele Gorjux and Margherita Rossi Paulis, Bari: Dedalo, 1980, 163 pp. (Italian)
Hans Hollein, et al., Alles ist Architektur, 1968, PDF.
  • Hans Hollein, et al., "Alles ist Architektur", a special issue of Bau, 23:1/2, Vienna, 1968, 35 pp. Lead essay (HTML). Calls for expanding the concept of architecture to embrace other media and to transcend its own physicality into a comprehensive and invisible technical environment. Commentary: Lefaivre (HDM 2003). (German)
    • Hans Hollein, "Everything is Architecture", in Hollein, Chicago: Richard Feigen Gallery, 1969; repr. in Architecture Culture, 1943-1968, ed. Joan Ockman, Rizzoli, 1993, pp 460-462. (English)
Venturi, Brown, Izenour, Learning From Las Vegas, 1972/1977, PDF.
  • Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour, Learning From Las Vegas, MIT Press, 1972, xvi+188 pp; rev.ed. as Learning From Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form, MIT Press, 1977, xvii+192 pp. Studies of the Las Vegas Strip, undertaken with students in a research studio Scott Brown taught with Venturi in 1968-70 at Yale's School of Architecture and Planning. 2009 retrospective brochure. Reviews: Wolf (JSAH 1973), Unruh (JCE 1979), Finkelpearl (JSAH 1979). Commentary: Stierli (Radical Pedagogies c2010), Colomina (Radical Pedagogies c2010), Marshall (Guardian 2015). (English)
    • Aprendiendo de todas las cosas, trans. Xavier Sust and Beatriz de Moura, Barcelona: Tusquets, 1971, 104 pp. (Spanish)
    • L'enseignement de Las Vegas, ou, Le symbolisme oublié de la forme architecturale, Brussels: Mardaga, 1977, 190 pp. (French)
    • Lernen von Las Vegas. Zur Ikonographie und Architektursymbolik der Geschäftsstadt, trans. Heinz Schollwöck, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1979, 220 pp; 2nd ed., 1997, 213 pp. (German)
    • Imparando da Las Vegas: il simbolismo dimenticato della forma architettonica, intro. Alessandro Mendini and Stefano Casciani, trans. Maurizio Sabini, Venice: Culva, 1985, 122 pp. (Italian)

See also Rowe & Koetter 1978.

More works.


Beatriz Colomina (ed.), Sexuality & Space, 1992, Log, PDF.

More works.

Computational architecture[edit]

  • Mario Carpo, The Alphabet and the Algorithm, MIT Press, 2011, 190 pp. Charting the rise and fall of the paradigm of identicality, Carpo compares new forms of postindustrial, digital craftsmanship to traditional hand-making, and to the cultures and technologies of variations that existed before the coming of machine-made, identical copies. Reviews: Aureli (AR 2011), Djajali (2011), Abrahamson (2011), Diamanti (2012), Allen (RCT 2014). (English)
  • Luciana Parisi, Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space, MIT Press, 2013, 392 pp.A philosophical inquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design; Parisi's thesis is that algorithmic computation is not simply an abstract mathematical tool but constitutes a mode of thought in its own right, in that its operation extends into forms of abstraction that lie beyond direct human cognition and control. Reviews: Lecomte (Mute 2013), Ikoniadou (Computational Culture 2014). (English)

More works.


  • Bernard Tschumi, Architecture and Disjunction, MIT Press, 1994, 278 pp. Collects 13 articles from 1975-1991. Publisher. Reviews: Hine (NYT 1994), La Marche (JAE 1995). (English)
    • Architecture et disjonction, trans. Jean-Marc Grimaldi, Orléans: HYX, 2014, 188 pp. (French)
  • Hal Foster, The Art-Architecture Complex, London: Verso, 2011, 316 pp, EPUB. Argues that a fusion of architecture and art is a defining feature of contemporary culture; identifies a "global style" of architecture—as practiced by Norman Foster, Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano—analogous to the international style of Le Corbusier, Gropius and Mies. Publisher. Reviews: Moore (Guardian 2011), Long (Icon 2012), Cava (Arcade 2012), Home (Menlo Park 2013), Petts (Marx & Philosophy 2014). (English)

More works.

More works[edit]

This section continues the one on books. The focus is on monographs, catalogues and journal issues published in English. For more writings by individual authors, see their respective pages; for anthologies and readers compiling historical texts, see anthologies.



  • Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture [c15], trans. Morris H. Morgan, Harvard UP, 1914, 331 pp, IA. Review: Wetmore (Classical Weekly 1916). Previous translations.
    • On Architecture, 1 [Book I-V], ed. & trans. Frank Granger, London: Heinemann, and New York: Putnam, Loeb Classical Library, 1931, 317 pp.
    • Ten Books on Architecture, trans. Ingrid D. Rowland, comm. & illustr. Thomas Noble Howe, add. comm. Ingrid D. Rowland and Michael J. Dewar, Cambridge UP, 1999, xvi+333 pp.
    • more translations


  • Andrea Palladio, The Four Books on Architecture [1570], trans. Robert Tavernor and Richard Schofield, MIT Press, 1997, 472 pp; repr., Dover, 2013. First EN trans. since Isaac Ware's 1738. Publisher.


Historicism, eclecticism[edit]

Modern Movement, Modernism[edit]

  • Otto Wagner, Modern Architecture: A Guidebook for His Students to This Field of Art [1896], intro. & trans. Harry Francis Mallgrave, Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 1988, 200 pp.
  • Hendrik Petrus Berlage, Thoughts on Style, 1886–1909, intro. Iain Boyd Whyte, trans. Iain Boyd Whyte and Wim de Wit, Santa Monica, CA: Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1996, 331 pp.
  • Hermann Muthesius, Style-Architecture and Building-Art: Transformations of Architecture in the Nineteenth Century and Its Present Condition [1902], intro. & trans. Stanford Anderson, Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 1994, 144 pp.
  • Adolf Loos, Spoken into the Void: Collected Essays, 1897-1900 [1921], intro. Aldo Rossi, trans. Jane O. Newman and John H. Smith, MIT Press, Oppositions Books series, 1982. Excerpt.
  • Machine-Age Exposition, New York, 1927, 44 pp. Catalogue of a large-scale international NY exhibition advertised as the first event bringing together "architecture, engineering, industrial arts and modern art."
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, Modern Architecture: Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930, pref. E. Baldwin Smith, Princeton UP, 1931, 114 pp; repr. in Wright, The Future of Architecture, 1953, pp 67-182. The six lectures include "Machine, Materials and Men", "Style in Industry", "The Passing of the Cornice", "The Cardboard House", "The Tyranny of the Skyscraper", "The City". 2008 introduction. Review: Jardine (Leonardo 2009).
  • Karel Teige, The Minimum Dwelling [1932], trans. Eric Dluhosch, MIT Press, 2002.
  • Nikolaus Pevsner, Pioneers of the Modern Movement, London: Faber and Faber, 1936; 2nd ed. as Pioneers of Modern Design, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1949; new ed., rev., Penguin, 1960. Views Modernism as a synthesis of three main sources: William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement, the 19th-century engineers, and Art Nouveau. Review: Payne (HDM 2002). Analysis: Hoekstra (Getty RJ 2016).
  • Ricardo Camacho, Dalal Musaed Alsayer, Sara Saragoça Soares, Pan-Arab Modernism 1968-2018: The History of Architectural Practice in The Middle East, Barcelona: Actar, 2021, 542 pp. Publisher.

See also Key monographs.



See also Key monographs.

International Style[edit]

  • Henry Russell Hitchcock, Philip Johnson, The International Style: Architecture Since 1922, New York: W.W. Norton, 1932, 240 pp; new ed., foreword Philip Johnson, New York: W.W. Norton, 1997, 272 pp. Excerpts: [4], [5], [6]. A book to accompany a 1932 MoMA show of the then new architecture emerging in Europe and America.
    • trans. into Italian (1982), Spanish (1984), German (1985), French (2001).

Urban theory, public space, the city[edit]

  • "Outrage", a Special Issue of Architectural Review, ed. Ian Nairn, London: Architectural Press, Jun 1955; repr. as Nairn, Outrage, 1956. Nairn's impassioned response to the spoliation of the English landscape: "this death by slow decay we have called Subtopia, a compound word formed from suburb and utopia, i.e. making an ideal of suburbia."
  • "Counter-Attack Against Subtopia", a Special Issue of Architectural Review, ed. Ian Nairn, London: Architectural Press, Dec 1956; repr. as Nairn, Counter-Attack, 1957. Shows how towns, villages and the countryside could be improved with good design.
  • Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Vintage, 1961. Criticizes the destruction of urban coherence wrought by the presence of Modernist buildings.

See also Key monographs.


  • Noboru Kawazoe, et al., Metabolism 1960: The Proposals for a New Urbanism, Bitjsutu Shuppan Sha, 1960, 89 pp. (Japanese)/(English)
  • Kisho Kurokawa, Metabolism in Architecture, London: Studio Vista, 1977, 208 pp.

Vernacular architecture[edit]

New Brutalism[edit]

Tendenza, Neo-Rationalism[edit]

  • Vittorio Gregotti, Il territorio dell'architettura, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1966, 183 pp. (Italian)
  • Giorgio Grassi, La costruzione logica dell'architettura, Padova: Marsilio, 1967, 160 pp. (Italian)
  • Aldo Rossi, et al., Architettura razionale, Milan: F. Angeli, 1973, 267 pp. Exhibition catalogue of the XV Triennale di Milano, 1973, of which Rossi was principal curator. Review: Moschini (1973). (Italian)
  • Aldo Rossi, et al., "La città analoga: tavola / The Analogous City: Panel", Lotus 13 (1976), pp 4-9. A radical pedagogical experiment proposing a theory in the form of a single, collectively produced image. Commentary: Szacka (Radical Pedagogies c2010). (Italian)/(English)
  • Roma interrotta, Rome: Incontri internazionali d'arte, 1978, 208 pp. In 1978, 12 international architects gathered around the project Roma interrotta: based on the map of Rome drawn in 1784 by Gian Battista Nolli, the last architectural planning for the Eternal City, the architects reinterpreted the city with a critical view towards what had been built and destroyed throughout the centuries. The projects were exhibited in Rome in 1978 and then travelled around the world. (Italian)

See also Rossi 1966, Controspazio, and Ungers 1977.



  • Christian Norberg-Schulz, Intentions in Architecture, MIT Press, 1968. Commentary: Møystad (AN 2012).
  • Christian Norberg-Schulz, Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, New York: Rizzoli, 1979, 212 pp.
  • Chora: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture, 6 vols., eds. Alberto Pérez-Gómez and Stephen Parcell, Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1994-2011, PDFs/1-4. [8]


  • Five Architects: Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier, preface Arthur Drexler, intro. Colin Rowe, critique Kenneth Frampton, postcript Philip Johnson, New York: Wittenborn, 1972, 137 pp; repr., New York: Oxford UP, 1975. Introduction, Excerpt. Based on a meeting of the CASE group (Conference of Architects for the Study of the Environment) held at the MoMA in 1969 at the time of an exhibition organised by Arthur Drexler and Colin Rowe and featuring works by the five NYC architects. Response: Goldberger (AR 1974), Tafuri (Oppositions 1976), Stern (AA 1976), Bletter (JSAH 1979).


  • Charles Jencks, Language of Post-Modern Architecture, London: Academy Editions, 1977; New York: Rizzoli, 1977. Excerpt.
  • "Beyond the Modern Movement", the inaugural issue of Harvard Architecture Review, Spring 1980.
  • Andres Kurg, Mari Laanemets, Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders, 1960s to 1980s, Tallinn: Lugemik, and Tallinn: Estonian Museum of Architecture, 2023, 400 pp. Publisher. Publisher. Exh. review: Lähteenmäki (Drawing Matter).

See also Key monographs.


  • Architectural Design 58(3/4): "Deconstruction in Architecture", 1988, viii+80 pp. Special issue.
  • Philip Johnson, Mark Wigley, Deconstructivist Architecture, New York: MoMA, 1988, 104 pp. A catalogue to accompany a 1988 MoMA show of seven architects: Gehry, Libeskind, Koolhaas, Eisenman, Hadid, Tschumi, and Coop Himmelblau; curated by Wigley and Johnson. 25th anniversary debate (video; report).
  • Deconstruction: Omnibus Volume, eds. Andreas Papadakis, Catherine Cooke and Andrew Benjamin, London: Academy Editions, 1989, 264 pp.
  • Mark Wigley, The Architecture of Deconstruction Derridas Haunt, MIT Press, 1993, 278 pp.

Digital & computational architecture[edit]

See also Key monographs.


See also Key monographs.

For historical examinations of specific schools and groups see separate entries with writings on De Stijl, Bauhaus, VKhUTEMAS, CIAM, Situationists, Archigram.


  • Colin Rowe, The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other Essays, MIT Press, 1976. Lead essay; "Chicago Frame"; "La Tourette".
  • Alan Colquhoun, Essays in Architectural Criticism: Modern Architecture and Historical Change, pref. Kenneth Frampton, MIT Press, Oppositions Books series, 1981, 215 pp. Review: Schallenberg (JSAH 1982), Grignon (Racar 1986 FR).
  • Architecture, Criticism, Ideology, ed. & postscript Joan Ockman, intro. Mary McLeod, Princeton Architectural Press, 1985, 191 pp. TOC. Essays by Porphyrios, Llorens, Jameson, Karahan, Schwarting, Colquhoun, and Tafuri examining the role of ideology in architectural criticism and politics. The collection was to sketch out a 'reading programme' for a community in New York concerned with the Marxist critique of architecture, loosely attached to IAUS. See also Tafuri 1973 and Colquhoun 1981.
  • Diana Agrest, Architecture from Without: Theoretical Framings for a Critical Practice, MIT Press, 1991, 203 pp. A collection of essays incl. her "Architecture from without: Body, Logic, and Sex" (1988).
  • O.M.A., Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau, S, M, L, XL, New York: Monacelli, 1995, 1376 pp. A compendium of 20 years of OMA's projects accompanied by Koolhaas's texts including Whatever Happened to Urbanism? and The Generic City.
  • Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Differences: Topographies of Contemporary Architecture [1995], ed. Sarah Whiting, trans. Graham Thompson, MIT Press, 1997, 172 pp. Publisher. Review: Ballantyne (ARQ 1997).
  • Vincent Scully, Jr., Modern Architecture and Other Essays, ed. & intro. Neil Levine, Princeton UP, 2003, 400 pp. Publisher. Reviews: Massey (CAA 2004), Scalbert (AA Files 2005).
  • The State of Architecture at the Beginning of the 21st Century, eds. Bernard Tschumi and Irene Cheng, Monacelli Press, 2004, 135 pp.
  • Svetlana Boym, Architecture of the Off-Modern, Buell Center / FORuM Project, and New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008, 80 pp.
  • Owen Hatherley, Militant Modernism, London: Zero Books, 2009, 146 pp.

See also Key monographs.


See also Key monographs.


See also Key monographs.

Capitalism, labour[edit]

See also Key monographs.



  • Architecture and Film, ed. Mark Lamster, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2000.
  • Giuliana Bruno, Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture, and Film, Verso, 2002.

Infrastructure, governance, globalisation[edit]

Anthologies, readers[edit]


  • Programme und Manifeste zur Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. Ulrich Conrads, Frankfurt/M and Berlin: Ullstein, 1964. TOC.
  • Quellentexte zur Architekturtheorie, ed. Fritz Neumeyer, Munich: Prestel, 2002. TOC. Review: Whyte (WBW 2003).
  • architektur_theorie.doc. Texte seit 1960, eds. Gerd de Bruyn and Stephan Trüby, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2003, 351 pp. [13]
  • Architekturtheorie. Von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart. 89 Beiträge zu 117 Traktaten, eds. Bernd Evers and Christof Thoenes, Cologne: Taschen, 2003, 845 pp; new ed., 2011, 845 pp. [14] Reviews: Tauber (FAZ 2003), Werner (Sehepunkte 2004).
  • Architekturtheorie im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine kritische Anthologie, ed. Ákos Moravánszky, Vienna: Springer, 2003, viii+591 pp. [15] Review: Whyte (WBW 2003).
  • Architekturtheorie 20. Jahrhundert. Positionen, Programme, Manifeste, eds. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Ruth Hanisch, Ulrich Maximilian Schumann and Wolfgang Son, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2004, 336 pp. TOC, [16].
  • Einfühlung und phänomenologische Reduktion Grundlagentexte zu Architektur, Design und Kunst, eds. Thomas Friedrich and Jörg H. Gleiter, Münster: LIT, 2009, 344 pp. TOC, [17], [18].
  • Architekturwissen. Grundlagentexte aus den Kulturwissenschaften, 2 vols., eds. Susanne Hauser, Christa Kamleithner and Roland Meyer, Bielefeld: transcript, 2011 & 2013. TOC/1, TOC/2, [19], [20].
  • Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte, ed. Christoph Baumberger, Münster: Mentis, 2013, 208 pp. TOC, Introduction, [21].


  • Il codice dell'architettura. Antologia di trattatisti, ed. Renato De Fusco, Naples: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 1968, xv+669 pp. [22]
  • Manifesti e programmi per l'architettura del XX secolo, ed. Ulrich Conrads, Firenze: Vallecchi, 1970, 165 pp.
  • Antologia dell'architettura moderna. Testi, manifesti, utopie, eds. Mara De Benedetti and Attilio Pracchi, Bologna: Zanichelli, 1988, 850 pp. Review: Gabetti (1990).



  • Textos de arquitectura de la modernidad, eds. & intro. Josep Maria Montaner, Jordi Oliveras and Pere Hereu, Madrid: Nerea, 1994, 492 pp; 2nd ed., 1999; 3rd ed., 2012. [26]


  • Architektura na prahu informačního věku, ed. Jana Tichá, Prague: Zlatý řez, 2001, 131 pp.
  • Architektura v informačním věku, ed. Jana Tichá, Prague: Zlatý řez, 2006, 129 pp. [27]. Review: Svobodová (A2 2006).
  • Architektura: tělo nebo obraz?, ed. Jana Tichá, Prague: Zlatý řez, 2009, 124 pp. [28]
  • Architektura a veřejný prostor, ed. Petr Kratochvíl, Prague: Zlatý řez, 2012, 165 pp. [29]
  • Česká a slovenská architektura 1971–2011. Texty, rozhovory, dokumenty, eds. Jiří Ševčík and Monika Mitášová, Prague: VVP AVU, 2013, 954 pp. [30]
  • Architektura a globalizace, ed. Jana Tichá, Prague: Zlatý řez, 2015. Eight texts from 1993-2012. [31] Review: Doležal (CzechDesign 2015).

Anthologised texts[edit]

A collection of texts from selected English-language anthologies (Conrads 1970 = PMA, Ockman 1993 = AC, Nesbitt 1996 = TNA, Hays 1998 = ATS, and Sykes 2010 = CNA). These include programs, manifestos, statements, criticism, theory. Links in the fourth column lead to versions of the texts as they appear in the anthologies, together with editorial introductions. Each column is sortable.

Author Yr Title Bk.
Velde 1903 Programme PMA
Poelzig 1906 Fermentation in Architecture PMA
Velde 1907 Credo PMA
Loos 1908 Ornament and Crime PMA
Wright 1910 Organic Architecture PMA
Hermann Muthesius 1911 Aims of the Werkbund PMA
Muthesius; Velde 1914 Werkbund Theses and Antitheses PMA
Scheerbart 1914 Glass Architecture PMA
Sant'Elia; Marinetti 1914 Futurist Architecture PMA
De Stijl 1918 Manifesto I PMA
Taut 1918 A Programme for Architecture PMA
Work Council for Art 1919 Under the Wing of a Great Architecture PMA
Gropius; Taut; Behne 1919 New Ideas on Architecture PMA
Gropius 1919 Programme of the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar PMA
Mendelsohn 1919 The Problem of a New Architecture PMA
Gabo; Pevsner 1920 Basic Principles of Constructivism PMA
Taut 1920 Down with Seriousism! PMA
Corbusier 1920 Towards a New Architecture: Guiding Principles PMA
Taut 1921 Frühlicht (Daybreak) PMA
De Stijl 1922 Creative Demands PMA
De Stijl 1923 Manifesto V PMA
Doesburg; Eesteren 1923 Towards Collective Building (Commentary on Manifesto V) PMA
Schlemmer 1923 Manifesto for the First Bauhaus Exhibition PMA
Graeff 1923 The New Engineer is Coming PMA
Mendelsohn 1923 Dynamics and Function PMA
Mies van der Rohe 1923 Working Theses PMA
Korn 1923 Analytical and Utopian Architecture PMA
Doesburg 1924 Towards a Plastic Architecture PMA
Mies van der Rohe 1924 Industrialized Building PMA
Finsterlin 1924 Casa Nova PMA
Malevich 1924 Suprematist Manifesto Unovis PMA
Corbusier 1925 Guiding Principles of Town Planning PMA
Gropius 1926 Principles of Bauhaus Production (Dessau) PMA
Kiesler 1926 Space City Architecture PMA
Corbusier; Jeanneret 1926 Five Points Towards a New Architecture PMA
Mies van der Rohe 1927 On Form in Architecture PMA
Häring 1927 Formulations Towards a Reorientation in the Applied Arts PMA
Mendelsohn; Hoetger 1928 Synthesis: World Architecture PMA
CIAM 1928 La Sarraz Declaration PMA
1928 ABC Demands the Dictatorship of the Machine PMA
Meyer 1928 Building PMA
Lissitzky 1929 Ideological Superstructure PMA
Mies van der Rohe 1930 The New Era PMA
Wright 1931 Young Architecture PMA
Häring 1932 The House as an Organic Structure PMA
Fuller 1932 Universal Architecture PMA
CIAM 4 1933 Charter of Athens: Tenets PMA
Gropius; Wagner 1943 A Programme for City Reconstruction PMA
Sert; Leger; Giedion 1943 Nine Points on Monumentality AC
Wright 1943 In the Nature of Materials: A Philosophy AC
Backström 1943 A Swede Looks at Sweden AC
Kahn 1944 Monumentality AC
Moses 1944 Mr. Moses Dissects the 'Long-Haired Planners' AC
Corbusier 1945 Ineffable Space AC
APAO 1945 Constitution of the Association for Organic Architecture in Rome AC
Hudnut 1945 The Post-Modern House AC
Rogers 1946 Program: Domus, the House of Man AC
Lods 1946 Return from America AC
Fuller 1946 Designing a New Industry AC
Moholy-Nagy 1946 New Education - Organic Approach AC
1947 A Post-War Appeal: Fundamental Demands PMA
Kiesler 1947 Magical Architecture PMA
CIAM 6 1947 Reaffirmation of the Aims of CIAM AC
Oud 1947 Mr. Oud Replies AC
Mumford 1947 The Skyline [Bay Region Style] AC
Bachelard 1948 The Oneiric House AC
Velde 1949 Forms PMA
Cronin Hastings 1949 Townscape: A Plea for an English Visual Philosophy AC
Syrkus 1949 Art Belongs to the People AC
Mies van der Rohe 1950 Technology and Architecture PMA
German Democratic Rep. 1950 Sixteen Principles for the Restructuring of Cities AC
Schwarz 1951 Concerning the Building Art AC
CIAM 8 1951 Summary of Needs at the Core AC
Hitchcock 1951 The International Style Twenty Years After AC
Nowicki 1951 Origins and Trends in Modern Architecture AC
Bill 1952 Education and Design AC
Mies van der Rohe 1953 With Infinite Slowness Arises the Great Form AC
Ivain [Chtcheglov] 1953 Formulary for a New Urbanism AC
Fillon 1954 New Games! PMA
Jorn 1954 Arguments apropos of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, against an Imaginary Bauhaus, and Its Purpose Today AC
Gropius 1954 Eight Steps toward a Solid Architecture AC
Bakema; Eyck; Ginkel; Hovens-Greve; Smithson; Voelker 1954 Doorn Manifesto AC
Khrushchev 1954 Remove Shortcomings in Design, Improve Work of Architects AC
Johnson 1955 The Seven Crutches of Modern Architecture AC
Gruen 1955 Cityscape and Landscape AC
Rogers 1955 Preexisting Conditions and Issues of Contemporary Building Practice AC
Rowe; Slutzky 1956 Transparency: Literal and Phenomenal (Part 2) AC
Summerson 1957 The Case for a Theory of Modern Architecture AC
McHale 1957 Machine Made America AC
Smithsons 1957 The New Brutalism AC
Stirling 1957 Regionalism and Modern Architecture AC
Aalto 1957 The Architect's Conscience AC
Argan 1957 Architecture and Ideology AC
Ponti 1957 The Architect, the Artist AC
Wachsmann 1957 Seven Theses PMA
Wachsmann 1957 On Building in Our Time AC
Kahn 1957 Architecture Is the Thoughtful Making of Spaces AC
Hundertwasser 1958 Mould Manifesto Against Rationalism in Architecture PMA
Constant; Debord 1958 Situationist Definitions PMA
Friedman 1958 Program of Mobile Urbanism AC
Neutra 1958 Human Setting in an Industrial Civilization AC
Maldonado 1958 New Developments in Industry and the Training of the Designer AC
Rogers 1959 The Evolution of Architecture: Reply to the Custodian of Frigidaires AC
Niemeyer 1959 Form and Function in Architecture AC
Constant 1959 The Great Game to Come AC
Katavolos 1960 Organics PMA
Gieselman; Ungers 1960 Towards a New Architecture PMA
GEAM 1960 Programme for a Mobile Architecture PMA
Kahn 1960 Order Is PMA
Ruhnau; Klein 1960 Project for an Aerial Architecture PMA
Situationists 1960 International Manifesto PMA
Schulze-Fielitz 1960 The Space City PMA
Constant 1960 New Babylon PMA
Maki; Ohtaka 1960 Toward Group Form AC
Fuller 1961 The Architecture as World Planner PMA
Tange 1961 A Plan for Tokyo, 1960: Toward a Structural Reorganization AC
Sentmenat 1961 It's Not Geniuses We Need Now AC
Jacobs 1961 The Death and Life of Great American Cities [excerpt] AC
Pichler; Hollein 1962 Absolute Architecture PMA
Friedman 1962 The Ten Principles of Space Town Planning PMA
Colquhoun 1962 The Modern Movement in Architecture AC
Eyck 1962 Steps toward a Configurative Discipline AC
1963 We demand PMA
Ungers 1963 The City as a Work of Art AC
Argan 1963 On the Typology of Architecture TNA
Cook 1964 Zoom and 'Real' Architecture AC
Banham 1965 A Home Is Not a House AC
Alexander 1965 A City Is Not a Tree (Part 2) AC
Venturi 1965 Nonstraightforward Architecture: A Gentle Manifesto AC
Venturi 1965 Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture: Selections from a Forthcoming Book TNA
Rossi 1966 The Architecture of the City [excerpt] AC
Gregotti 1966 Architecture, Environment, Nature AC
Isozaki 1966 Invisible City AC
Virilio 1966 The Oblique Function AC
Barthes 1967 Semiology and Urbanism AC
Foucault 1967 Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias AC
Lefebvre 1967 The Right to the City AC
Superstudio 1967 Invention Design and Evasion Design AC
Davidoff 1967 Democratic Planning AC
Colquhoun 1967 Typology and Design Method TNA
Scott Brown; Venturi 1968 On Ducks and Decoration AC
Scott Brown; Venturi 1968 A Significance for A&P Parking Lots or Learning from Las Vegas TNA
Tafuri 1968 Introduction to Theories and History of Architecture AC
Strike Committee, ENSBA 1968 Motion of May 15 AC
Hollein 1968 Everything Is Architecture AC
Tafuri 1969 Toward a Critique of Architectural Ideology ATS
Baird 1969 'La Dimension Amoureuse' in Architecture ATS
Scott Brown 1971 Learning from Pop ATS
Schumacher 1971 Contextualism: Urban Ideals and Deformations TNA
Rowe 1972 Introduction to Five Architects ATS
Gandelsonas 1973 Linguistics in Architecture ATS
Scolari 1973 The New Architecture and the Avant-Garde ATS
Agrest; Gandelsonas 1973 Semiotics and Architecture: Ideological Consumption or Theoretical Work TNA
Tafuri 1974 L'Architecture dans le Boudoir: The Language of Criticism and the Criticism of Language ATS
Lefebvre 1974 from The Production of Space ATS
Frampton 1974 On Reading Heidegger TNA
Hollier 1974 Architectural Metaphors ATS
Tschumi 1975 The Architectural Paradox ATS
Rowe; Koetter 1975 Collage City TNA
Harries 1975 The Ethical Function of Architecture TNA
Agrest 1976 Design versus Non-Design ATS
Eisenman 1976 Post-Functionalism TNA, ATS
Stern 1976 Gray Architecture as Post-Modernism, or, Up and Down from Orthodoxy ATS
Steinmann 1976 Reality as History: Notes for a Discussion of Realism in Architecture ATS
Norberg-Schulz 1976 The Phenomenon of Place TNA
Rossi 1976 An Analogical Architecture TNA
Rossi 1976 Thoughts About My Recent Work TNA
Huet 1977 Formalism--Realism ATS
Silvetti 1977 The Beauty of Shadows ATS
Vidler 1977 The Third Typology TNA, ATS
Teyssot 1977 Heterotopias and the History of Spaces ATS
Jencks 1977 Post-Modern Architecture ATS
Koolhaas 1977 'Life in the Metropolis', or 'The Culture of Congestion' ATS
Colquhoun 1977 From Bricolage to Myth, or How to Put Humpty-Dumpty Together Again ATS
Stern 1977 New Directions in Modern American Architecture: Postscript at the Edge of Modernism TNA
Broadbent 1977 A Plain Man's Guide to the Theory of Signs in Architecture TNA
Tschumi 1977 The Pleasure of Architecture TNA
Rowe; Koetter 1978 from Collage City ATS
Culot; Krier 1978 The Only Path for Architecture ATS
Frampton 1979 The Status of Man and the Status of His Objects: A Reading of The Human Condition ATS
Quetglas 1980 Loss of Synthesis: Mies's Pavilion ATS
Cacciari 1980 Eupalinos or Architecture ATS
Tafuri 1980 Problems in the Form of a Conclusion TNA
Tschumi 1980 Architecture and Limits I TNA
Tschumi 1981 Architecture and Limits II TNA
Tschumi 1981 Architecture and Limits III TNA
Foucault 1982 Space, Knowledge, and Power ATS
Graves 1982 A Case for Figurative Architecture TNA
Abraham 1982 Negation and Reconciliation TNA
Perez-Gomez 1983 Introduction to Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science ATS
Frampton 1983 Prospects for a Critical Regionalism TNA
Gregotti 1983 The Exercise of Detailing TNA
Colquhoun 1983 Three Kinds of Historicism TNA
Norberg-Schulz 1983 Heidegger's Thinking on Architecture TNA
Evans 1984 In Front of Lines That Leave Nothing Behind ATS
Anderson 1984 Architectural Design as a System of Research Programs ATS
Cohen 1984 The Italophiles at Work ATS
Eisenman 1984 The End of the Classical: The End of the Beginning, the End of the End TNA, ATS
Frascari 1984 The Tell-the-Tale Detail TNA
Ghirardo 1984 The Architecture of Deceit TNA
Jameson 1985 Architecture and the Critique of Ideology ATS
Sola-Morales 1985 From Contrast to Analogy: Developments in the Concept of Architectural Intervention TNA
Gregotti 1985 Territory and Architecture TNA
Virilio 1986 The Overexposed City ATS
Segrest 1986 The Perimeter Projects: Notes for Design ATS
Derrida 1986 Point de folie--Maintenant l'architecture ATS
Kwinter 1986 La Citta Nuova; Modernity and Continuity ATS
Derrida; Meyer 1986 Architecture Where Desire Can Live TNA
Pallasmaa 1986 The Geometry of Feeling: A Look at the Phenomenology of Architecture TNA
Eisenman 1987 Architecture and the Problem of the Rhetorical Figure TNA
Sola-Morales 1988 Weak Architecture ATS
Colomina 1988 L'Esprit Nouveau: Architecture and Publicite ATS
Tschumi 1988 Introduction: Notes Towards a Theory of Architectural Disjunction TNA
Mugerauer 1988 Derrida and Beyond TNA
Koolhaas 1988 Postscript: Introduction for New Research "the Contemporary City" TNA
Agrest 1988 Architecture from Without: Body, Logic, and Sex TNA
Eisenman 1988 En Terror Firma: In Trails of Grotextes TNA
Habermas 1989 Modern and Postmodern Architecture ATS
Koolhaas 1989 Toward the Contemporary City TNA
Porphyrios 1989 The Relevance of Classical Architecture TNA
Wigley 1989 The Translation of Architecture, the Production of Babel ATS
McLeod 1989 Architecture and Politics in the Reagan Era: From Postmodernism to Deconstructivism ATS
Tzonis; Lefaivre 1990 Why Critical Regionalism Today? TNA
Frampton 1990 Rappel a l'ordre, the Case for the Tectonic TNA
Vidler 1990 Theorizing the Unhomely TNA
Kipnis 1991 /Twisting the Separatrix/ ATS
Ando 1991 Toward New Horizons in Architecture TNA
Ingraham 1992 The Burdens of Linearity: Donkey Urbanism ATS
Vidler 1992 from The Architectual Uncanny: Essay in the Modern Unhomely ATS
Bloomer 1992 Abodes of Theory and Flesh: Tabbles of Bower ATS
Eisenman 1992 Visions' Unfolding: Architecture in the Age of Electronic Media TNA
McDonough 1992 The Hannover Principles TNA
McDonough 1993 Design, Ecology, Ethics, and the Making of Things TNA
Bess 1993 Communitarianism and Emotivism: Two Rival Views of Ethics and Architecture TNA
Lynn 1993 Architectural Curvilinearity: The Folded, the Pliant, and the Supple CNA
Koolhaas 1993 Beyond Delirious TNA
Somol 1996 One or Several Masters? ATS
Congress for the New Urbanism 1996 Charter of the New Urbanism CNA
Berke 1997 Thoughts on the Everyday CNA
Kwinter 1997 Mach 1 (and Other Mystic Vistations) CNA
Rajchman 1998 A New Pragmatism? CNA
Mockbee 1998 The Rural Studio CNA
Allen 1999 Field Conditions CNA
Koolhaas 2000 Junkspace CNA
Kipnis 2000 The Cunning of Cosmetics CNA
Foster; Kaplicky; Rogers; Yeang; Herzog 2001 Green Questionnaire CNA
Sassen 2001 Scale and Span in a Global Digital World CNA
Somol; Whiting 2002 Notes Around the Doppler Effect and Other Moods CNA
Speaks 2002 Design Intelligence CNA
McDonough; Braungart 2003 From Principles to Practices: Creating a Sustaining Architecture for the Twenty-first-Century CNA
Mitchell 2003 Boundaries/Networks CNA
Jameson 2003 Future City CNA
Picon 2004 Architecture and the Virtual: Towards a New Materiality CNA
Toorn 2004/5 No More Dreams? The Passion for Reality in Recent Dutch Architecture... and Its Limitations CNA
Vidler 2005 Architecture's Expanded Field CNA
Hays 2005 Architecture by Numbers CNA
Martin 2005 Critical of What? Toward a New Utopian Realism CNA
Moore 2005 Technology, Place and Nonmodern Regionalism CNA
Murcutt 2005 Raised to Observe: Glenn Murcutt CNA
Graafland 2006 On Criticality CNA
Chu 2006 Metaphysics of Genetic Architecture and Computation CNA
Reiser + Umemoto 2006 Introduction to Atlas of Novel Tectonics CNA
Lavin 2006-7 Practice Makes Perfect CNA
McMorrough 2008 Ru(m)inations: The Haunts of Contemporary Architecture CNA


By default sorted chronologically according to the first issue published. No longer active journals are included as well. The 'Online' column lists freely accessible digitized versions of each magazine. Some columns are sortable. Monoskop also maintains a page with avant-garde and modernist magazines.

Title Dates Editors Publisher Text Nos. Online Notes
L'Émulation 1874-1939 Valère Dumortier Brussels: Société centrale d'architecture de Belgique FR WP-FR
American Architect and Architecture 1876-1938 New York: Hearst EN JPG, PDF (1886-99) Merged with Architectural Record.
L'Architecture 1888-1939 Paris: Société centrale des architectes FR weekly JPG, PDF
Architectural Record 1891- Cathleen McGuigan New York: Dodge Data & Analytics (until 2014 McGraw-Hill Construction) EN monthly JPG, PDF (1891-1921) Home page, WP
Architectural Forum 1892-1974 Boston: Rogers and Manson EN JPG, PDF (1892-1916), JPG, PDF (1917-22) Formerly titled The Brickbuilder (1892-1916) and The Magazine of Building (1952-54); absorbed Architect's World in 1938. WP.
Architectura: orgaan van het Genootschap Architectura et Amicitia 1893-1926 Amsterdam: J. van der Endt & Zoon NL PDF
The Studio: an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art 1893-1964 Charles Holme (1895-1919), Geoffrey Holme (1919-?) London: The Studio EN 853; monthly JPG, PDF, TXT (1893-1925) Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Modernism, Good Design. The American edition was titled The International Studio (1897-1931). From 1906 also published an annual, The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art. In 1964 absorbed into Studio International. Info, WP.
RIBA Journal 1893- Malcolm MacEwen (1964-71), Monica Pidgeon (1975-79), Amanda Baillieu (1999-2006), Hugh Pearman (since 2006) London: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) EN monthly Home page, History, WP
Architects' Journal (AJ) 1895- Colin Boyne (1949-70), Christine Murray (2010-15), Rory Olcayto (since 2015) London: Emap (until 1986 Architectural Press) EN weekly Formerly The Builder's Journal (until 1919). Home page, WP.
Architectural Review (AR) 1896- H. de Cronin Hastings (1927-73), Nikolaus Pevsner (1943-45), Peter Davey (1982-2005), Catherine Slessor (2010-15), Christine Murray (since 2015) London: Emap (until 1986 Architectural Press) EN monthly Formerly Architectural Review for the Artist and Craftsman. E-shop, History, WP.
Arkitektur: The Swedish Review of Architecture 1901- Dan Hallemar Stockholm: Arkitektur Förlag SW 8/year Home page, E-shop.
Moderne Bauformen: Monatshefte für Architektur und Raumkunst 1902-44 Stuttgart: Julius Hoffmann DE monthly JPG, PDF, TXT (1906) WP-DE
L'Architecte 1906-35 Paris: Société des architectes diplômés par le gouvernement (SADG) FR weekly JPG, PDF See also SADG.
Arhitectura. Revista Uniunii Arhitecţilor din România 1906- Bucharest: Romanian Architects Society RO Home page
Das Werk 1914-76 Zurich: Bund Schweizer Architekten (BSA) DE JPG, PDF Preceded by Die Schweizerische Baukunst (1909-20); followed by Werk - Antithese (1977-79) and WBW (1980-).
De Stijl: Maandblad voor de moderne beeldende vakken (en kultuur) 1917-20, 1921-32 Theo van Doesburg Delft (1917-18), Leiden (1918-21), Meudon: Theo van Doesburg NL 90; started monthly JPG, PDF, JPG, PDF (1917-20), TXT (1917-20), TXT (1921-32) art, architecture, design
Wendingen 1918-31 Hendrik Wijdeveld Amsterdam: De Hooge Brug NL 144; monthly PDF
Arkitektur N: The Norwegian Review of Architecture 1919- Ingerid Helsing Almaas Oslo: National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL) NO 8/year Formerly Byggekunst. Home page. See also AN.
La Cité: urbanisme, architecture, art public 1919-35 Brussels: Lamertin FR 147; monthly; later irregular JPG, PDF, TXT
L'Esprit nouveau: revue internationale illustrée de l'activité contemporaine 1920-25 Paul Dermée and Michel Seuphor, later Charles-Edouard Jeanneret and Amédée Ozenfant Paris: Éditions de l'Esprit Nouveau FR 28; bimonthly JPG, PDF art, literature, architecture
Architettura e arti decorative: organo del Sindacato Nazionale Architetti 1921-31 Gustavo Giovannoni (1921-27), Alberto Calza Bini (1927-31) Milan: Bestetti & Tuminelli IT JPG (1921-31), PDF (1926-31) Turned into Architettura.
7 Arts: tous les arts 1922-28 Pierre Bourgeois, Victor Bourgeois Brussels: L'Equerre FR 156 constructivist arts
Die Form: Zeitschrift für gestaltende Arbeit 1922, 1925-35 Walter Curt Behrendt (-1926), Walter Riezler (1926-) Berlin DE JPG, PDF, TXT architecture, design
Stavba: měsíčník pro stavební umění 1922-38 Karel Teige (1923-28), Oldřich Starý (1928-37), Jan E. Koula (1928-37), et al. Prague: Klub architektů CZ monthly
L'Architecture vivante 1923-33 Jean Badovici Paris: A. Morancé FR 21; biannual JPG, PDF
G: Material zur elementaren Gestaltung 1923-26 Hans Richter Berlin DE 5 JPG (1), PDF (1) architecture, industrial design, photography, art, film
Blok: czasopismo awangardy artystycznej 1924-26 Blok Warsaw: Blok PL 11 PDF, JDL constructivist art, architecture, theatre
ABC: Beiträge zum Bauen 1924-28 Hans Schmidt, Mart Stam, El Lissitzky, Emil Roth Basel DE 10 PDF constructivist architecture
Shinkenchiku [New Architecture] 1925- Tokyo: Shinkenchiku-sha JP Home page
ASNOVA: Izvestiya assotsiatsii novykh arkhitektorov 1926 El Lissitzky, Nikolai Ladovsky Moscow: ASNOVA RU 1 PDF, JPG, PDF, JPG, PDF rationalist architecture
bauhaus: zeitschrift für gestaltung 1926-31 Walter Gropius, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1926-28), Ernst Kallai (1928-30) Dessau DE 15 PDF (3 issues), PDF (5 issues), JPG (1 issue) art, craft, design, architecture
Kritisk Revy 1926-28 Poul Henningsen, Edvard Heiberg, et al. Copenhagen: Poul Henningsen DK 7 JPG, TXT architecture, politics
Das neue Frankfurt 1926-31 Ernst May Frankfurt a.M.: Englert und Schlosser DE 55; monthly JPG, PDF, TXT urbanism, architecture
Praesens: revue moderne 1926, 1930 Szymon Syrkus Warsaw PL, FR 2 PDF architecture, painting, photography, theatre, film, poetry
Sovremennaya arkhitektura 1926-30 Moisei Ginzburg (1926-28), Vesnin brothers (1926-28), Roman Khiger (1928-30) Moscow: OSA RU 30; bimonthly PDF (2 issues missing), HTML (1926-27) constructivist architecture
Horizont: revue současné kultury v Československu 1927-32 Jiří Kroha, Jaroslav B. Svrček Brno: Václav Roštlapil CZ 38 PDF (1927) architecture, art, theatre
Casabella: rivista internazionale di architettura 1928- Guido Marangoni (1928-30), Ernesto Nathan Rogers (1953-65), Alessandro Mendini (1970-76), Tomás Maldonado (1977-82), Vittorio Gregotti (1982-96), Francesco Dal Co (since 1996) Milan: Domus, then Milan: Mondadori IT, EN monthly PDF (1928-31), PDF (1933-37), PDF (1938-41) Formerly La Casa Bella (1928-33), Casabella-Costruzioni and Costruzioni-Casabella (1938-43), Casabella-Continuità (1954-65). Home page, History, Commentary, SBN, WP. Commentary.
Domus 1928- Gio Ponti (1928-40 & 48-79), Ernesto Nathan Rogers (1946-47), Alessandro Mendini (1979-86), Mario Bellini (1986-91), François Burkhardt (1996-2000), Stefano Boeri (2004-07), Nicola Di Battista (since 2013) Milan: Domus IT, EN, CN monthly PDF (1929-33) architecture, design; Archive, WP.
Urbanistica: rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica 1928- Pietro Betta (1932), Armando Melis (1932-44) Turin, later Rome IT bimonthly PDF (1934-37)
Archis 1929-c2005 NL, EN (from 1993) monthly (from 1986) Formerly R.K. Bouwblad (1929-40s), Katholiek Bouwblad, TABK, Wonen-TABK (1972-86). History. Continues as Volume.
Edilizia moderna: periodico tecnico trimestrale 1929-43, 1948-63 Ernesto Giorgi Milan: Modiano IT quarterly PDF (1933-42)
Rassegna di architettura: rivista mensile di architettura e decorazione 1929-40 Giovanni Rocco Milan: Istituto grafico Bertieri IT 108 JPG, PDF Merged with Architettura.
L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui (AA) 1930- Pierre Vago (1932-47), André Bloc and Alexandre Persitz (1947-74), Marc Emery (1967-72 & 1974-87), Bernard Huet (1974-77), François Chaslin (1987-94), Axel Sowa (2000-07), Antoine Vernholes (since 2011) Paris: Groupe Expansion (1975-2000), Paris: Jean-Michel Place (2000-09), Paris: Archipress & Associates (since 2009) FR, EN bimonthly JPG, PDF (1930-40) Home page, Interview (FR), WP-FR. See also Aujourd'hui.
Architectural Design (AD) 1930- Monica Pidgeon (1946-75), Theo Crosby (tech editor 1953-62), Kenneth Frampton (tech editor 1962-64), Robin Middleton (tech editor 1965-72), Maggie Toy (1993-2001), Helen Castle (since 2001) London: Academy Editions (1977-91), VCH (1991-97), John Wiley & Sons (since 1997) EN bimonthly Formerly Architect’s Standard Catalogue (1930-32), AD&C (1932-46). Subscription access (Wiley), History, WP.
Architettura 1931-43 Marcello Piacentini Milan: Treves-Treccani-Tuminelli (1932-33), Fratelli Treves (1934-38), Aldo Garzanti (1939-43) IT PDF (1932-38) Commentary.
Die neue Stadt 1932-33 Joseph Gantner Frankfurt a.M.: Philipp L. Fink DE 13; monthly JPG, PDF, TXT urbanism, architecture
Arkitektur och samhälle 1932-40 Sven Markelius (1932), Viking Göransson (1933), Josef Riwkin (1935-36), Gösta Verner Uhlén (1937), Axel Knut Robert Öhrström (1938-40) Stockholm: Spektrum SW Emerged from Spektrum. Commentary.
PLAN: tidsskrift for bolig- og byggespørsmål 1933-36 Oslo: Socialist Architects' Society NO 4
Quadrante: mensile di arte, lettere e vita 1933-36 Massimo Bontempelli, Pier Maria Bardi Massimo Bontempelli IT JPG WP-IT
Plus: orientations of contemporary architecture 1938-39 Wallace K. Harrison, William Lescaze, et al. New York: Time EN 3; bimonthly PDF architecture, design
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) 1941- Patricia Morton Chicago: Society of Architectural Historians EN Home page. Commentary.
Architecture 1944-2006 Washington, DC: American Institute of Architects EN monthly Formerly titled Journal of the American Institute of Architects (1944-51) and The American Institute of Architects Journal (1951-76). WP, archINFORM.
Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme 1944- José Zabala, Anna Puigjaner, Guillermo López, Ethel Baraona Pohl (all since 2011) Barcelona: Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) CAT, ES, EN 265+ PDF (1944-70), PDF (1971-80), PDF (1981-), HTML (2011-) Open access. Formerly Cuadernos de arquitectura (1944-70) and Cuadernos de arquitectura y urbanismo (1971-80). Home page.
Metron: rivista internazionale d'architettura 1945-54 Luigi Piccinato, Mario Ridolfi Rome: Sandron (1947-48), Milan: Comunità (1951-54) IT From 1955 continued as L'architettura: cronache e storia.
Progressive Architecture 1945-95 New York: Reinhold EN Subsumed by Architecture. archINFORM.
Design Quarterly 1946- Peter Seitz (1964-68) Minneapolis: Walker Art Center EN Until 1954 as Everyday Art Quarterly. Info.
Journal of Architectural Education (JAE) 1947- Marc Neveu Washington, DC: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture EN HTML
Nueva Visión (New Vision): revista de cultura visual 1951-57 Tomás Maldonado (1951-54), Carlos Méndez Mosquera, Alfredo Hlito Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión Editorial ES 9 art, architecture, industrial design, typography; Info.
SADG: bulletin mensuel d'informations de la Société des architectes diplômés par le gouvernement 1951-67 Paris: Société française des architectes FR Turned into AMC. See also L'Architecte.
Der Architekt 1952- Andreas Denk Berlin: Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) DE bimonthly (since 2007) Home page, WP-DE.
Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal 1952- New Haven: Yale School of Architecture EN annual Subscription access (MIT), Home page
Čovjek i prostor [Man and Space] 1954- Dominko Blažević Zagreb: Croatian Architects' Association CR Home page
L'architettura: cronache e storia 1955-2005 Bruno Zevi (1955-2000), Furio Colombo (2000-05) Rome: Fabbri, later Rome: Poligrafico dello Stato (1995-98), Venice: Canal & Stamperia (1998-2000), Rome: Mancosu (1999-2005) IT monthly Continuation of Metron. WP.
Aujourd'hui: art et architecture 1955-? André Bloc Paris FR See also L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui. Info.
Ekistics: The Problems and Science of Human Settlements 1955-? Athens EN During first two years titled Tropical Housing and Planning Monthly Bulletin. Info, Info, Info.
Hogar y arquitectura: revista bimestral de la obra sindical del hogar (HyA) 1955-77 Madrid: Ediciones y Publicaciones Populares ES 122; bimonthly Info, Info.
JA [Japan Architect] 1956- Tokyo: Shinkenchiku-sha EN, JP quarterly Info.
Polygon 1956-? John Outram, Wilfred Marden, Andrew Rabeneck, Peter Britton, Paul Power, John Spence London: Regent Street Polytechnic EN An "underground architectural protest magazine" (Banham 1966). Info, Interview.
Architectural History 1958- David Hemsoll London: Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB) EN annual Subscription access (JStor). Home page.
Le Carré bleu: feuille internationale d'architecture 1958- André Schimmerling (1958-2003), Massimo Pica Ciamarra (since 2006) Helsinki (until 1962), Paris (since 1963): les amis du Carré Bleu EN, FR, IT quarterly PDF, JPG, PDF (1958-2001) Home page, Old home page, History. 1988 book (FR).
Internationale situationniste 1958-69 G.-E. Debord Paris FR 12 PDF, PDF, Flash
Arquitectura 1959- Madrid: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM) ES quarterly Home page, [32]
Forum 1959- Jurriaan van Stigt Amsterdam: Architectura et Amicitia NL Formerly Forum voor architectuur en daarmee verbonden kunsten. Publisher, Info, WP.
Melpomène 1959-66 Paris: La Grande Masse FR 24 Published by the student association of the École des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA). Numbers 22 and 23/24 (1966) entitled Melp!. Commentary, Commentary (FR), Info. See also Utopie.
Abitare: International Design Magazine 1961- Piera Peroni (1961-74), Franca Santi Gualteri (1974-92), Italo Lupi (1992-2007), Stefano Boeri (2007-11), Silvia Botti (since 2014) Milan: Abitare Segesta (1976-2005), Milan: RCS (since 2005) IT Formerly Casa Novità (until number 5). Home page, WP.
Archigram 1961-74 Archigram London: Archigram EN 10 JPG Interview, Interview.
Detail. Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail 1961- Christian Schittich Munich: Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation DE, EN, CN, FR, IT monthly Home page, WP.
A: fritt forum for alle som er interessert i arkitektur 1962-64 Lars Fasting, Svein Hatløy Trondheim: Norwegian Institute of Technology NO A student magazine. Info.
Lotus international 1963- Bruno Alfieri (1963-77), Pierluigi Nicolin (since 1977) Venice (1963-70), Milan: Industrie Grafiche, then Electa (1974-94), Milan: Mondadori (1994-2001), Milan: Lotus (since 2002) IT, EN 157+ Formerly Lotus (until 1974). E-shop, History.
Summa: revista de arquitectura, tecnologia, y diseño 1963-92 Carlos Méndez Mosquera (first 3 issues), Lala Mosquera (from issue 4) Buenos Aires ES Info, Info, WP-ES. See also Cuadernos Summa-Nueva Visión and Summa+.
ACC: Action Communications Centre / Symbols 1964-65 Grahame Shane, Jasper Vaughan, Justin de Syllas London EN Student-run newssheets. Info, Info, Info, Info, Interview.
Klub 1964-68 Günther Feuerstein Vienna DE 10 Info, Interview.
Op. cit.: selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea 1964- Renato De Fusco Naples: Il Centro (1964-96), Electa (1997-2014), Grafica Elettronica (from 2015) IT 153+ TXT (selections) Info.
Bau: Schrift für Architektur und Städtebau 1965-67 Günther Feuerstein, Hans Hollein, Gustav Peichl, Sokratis Dimitriou, Walter Pichler Vienna DE Info, Info, Interview.
Architecture principe 1966 Claude Parent, Paul Virilio Paris: Groupe architecture principe FR 9 CCindex
Form 1966-68 Philip Steadman, Mike Weaver, Stephen Bann Cambridge, UK EN 10
Nueva forma: arquitectura, urbanismo, diseño, ambiente, arte 1966-75 Madrid: Nueva forma ES Info.
AMC: Architecture, mouvement, continuité 1967- Philippe Boudon and Alain Sarfati (1967-69), Patrice Noviant (1973-81), Jacques Lucan (1978-88), Gilles Davoine (current) Paris: Société française des architectes (1967-83), Paris: Groupe Moniteur (since 1983) FR monthly (since 1989) Replaced SADG. AMC added to the title in 1973. Home page, History, WP-FR.
Cuadernos Summa-Nueva Visión 1967-70 Leonardo Aizenberg, Ernesto Katzenstein Buenos Aires ES 51 A collaboration between Summa and ediciones Nueva Visión.
Utopie: sociologie de l'urbain 1967-78 Hubert Tonka Paris: Anthropos (issues 1-3), then Paris: Imprimerie Quotidienne FR 17 urban sociology. 2011 book (Introduction), 2006 book of Baudrillard's essays, Commentary. See also Melp! and Archigram.
ARCH+ 1968- Sabine Kraft, Nikolaus Kuhnert, Anh-Linh Ngo Aachen & Berlin (since 1987): ARCH+ DE 219+; quarterly Home page, History, WP-DE.
AAQ: Architectural Association Quarterly 1969-82 Dennis Sharp London EN quarterly Interview.
Controspazio 1969- Paolo Portoghesi (1969-83), Massimo Solari (1969-73), Ezio Bonfanti, Marcello Fabbri (1988-2006, 2012-) Bari: Dedalo (until 1985), Rome: Gangemi (since 1988) IT Neo-Rationalism, Tendenza. Info, WP-IT.
ArchiteXt 1970-72 Takefumi Aida, Takamitsu Azuma, Mayumi Miyawaki, Makoto Suzuki, Minoru Takeyama Tokyo JP 5 Info, Info.
Espaces et sociétés: revue critique internationale de l'aménagement, de l'architecture et de l'urbanisation 1970- Henri Lefebvre and Anatole Kopp (1970-78), Raymond Ledrut (1979-87), Maurice Blanc (current) Paris: Anthropos, now Harmattan FR 162+ urban sociology. JPG, PDF (1970-2003) Home page
Transparent: Manuskripte für Architektur, Theorie, Kritik, Polemik, Umraum 1970-88 Günther Feuerstein Vienna DE monthly Interview.
Architectura: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Baukunst 1971- Dorothée Sack, Johannes Cramer Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag DE, EN biannual Subscription access.
Archithese: internationale Zeitschrift und Schriftenreihe für Architektur 1971- Stanislaus von Moos (1971-80), Hans Reinhard, Jørg Himmelreich (current) Zurich DE, EN, FR bimonthly Home page, E-shop, History.
a+u: Architecture and Urbanism 1971-c2012 Tokyo: A+U Publishing JP, EN monthly Publisher. Merged into ja+u.
In 1971-72 Pierpaolo Saporito Milan IT, EN 9; bimonthly Info.
2c: construcción de la ciudad 1972-85 Barcelona: Novographos ES 23 PDF
On Site 1972-76 Alison Sky (1972-74) New York: SITE EN 7 Interview, List of issues
Oppositions: A Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture 1973-84 Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, Mario Gandelsonas, Anthony Vidler (from issue 6), Kurt Forster (from issue 12), Diana Agrest (issue 26) New York: Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS) EN 26 1998 Reader, History. See also Skyline and Assemblage. See also titles in Oppositions book series: Colquhoun 1981, Rossi 1981, Rossi 1982, Loos 1982, Ginzburg 1982.
Arquitecturas bis: información gráfica de actualidad 1974-85 Oriol Bohigas Barcelona: La Gaya Ciencia ES 52; bimonthly Index, [33]
Global Tools 1974-75 Milan IT, EN 2 2015 book
Carrer de la ciutat: revista de arquitectura 1977-80 Beatriz Colomina, et al. Barcelona: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura (ETSAB) ES 13 PDF Interview, Commentary.
Hinterland: disegno e contesto dell'architettura per la gestione degli interveni sul territorio 1977-85 Guido Canella Milan IT 32; quarterly
Summarios 1977-90 Marina Waisman ES bimonthly
Skyline: The New York Architecture and Design Review 1978-83 Andrew MacNair (1978-80), Craig Owens (1978-80), Suzanne Stephens (1981-83) New York: Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS) EN monthly Info, Skyline Calendar. See also Oppositions.
Archetype: The Magazine of Architecture and Other Arts 1979-83 Andrew Batey, Henry Bowles, Kurt Forster, Diane Ghirardo, Mark Mack San Francisco EN
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen (WBW) 1980- Daniel Kurz (since 2012) Zurich: Werk / Bund Schweizer Architekten (BSA) DE monthly JPG, PDF architecture, urban planning. Home page. Preceded by Das Werk and other titles.
AA Files 1981- Mary Wall (1981-2000), Mark Rappolt (2000-04), David Terrien (2004-07), Thomas Weaver (since 2007) London: Architectural Association School of Architecture EN 70+; biannual Publisher, History, Interview.
Cornell Journal of Architecture 1981- Ithaca, NY: Cornell University EN PDF Open access.
Daidalos 1981-2001 Ulrich Conrads (until 1992), Gerrit Confurius (from 1992) Berlin: Bertelsmann EN, DE 75
OASE Journal for Architecture 1981- Rotterdam: NAi Publishers EN, NL PDF Open access.
El Croquis 1982- Fernando Márquez, Richard Levene Madrid: El Croquis ES, EN bimonthly PDF (several issues) E-shop
Arcade 1983- Kelly Rodriguez Seattle: Arcade EN HTML (2010-) Open access.
Eupalino 1983-90 Paolo Portoghesi Rome IT, EN 12
Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World 1983- Gülru Necipoğlu Cambridge, MA: Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard U EN annual Subscription access (Brill).
Places 1983- Nancy Levinson San Francisco EN PDF (1983-2009), HTML (2009-) architecture, landscape, urbanism. Open access.
AV Monografías / AV Monographs 1985- Luis Fernández-Galiano, José Jaime S. Yuste Madrid: Arquitectura Viva ES, EN 177+ E-shop, Info.
Pratt Journal of Architecture 1985- New York: Pratt Institute EN 3+ PDF Open access.
Skala: Nordic Magazine of Architecture and Art 1985-95 Copenhagen: Henning Larsen DK, EN 30
Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture 1986-2000 K. Michael Hays, Alicia Kennedy EN 41; triannual Subscription access (JStor), WP. Commentary. See also Oppositions.
Phalaris 1987-91 Luciano Semerani Venice IT 9+20 Until 1988 as Giornale della Fondazione Masieri (9 numbers). Covers.
Arquitectura Viva 1988- Luis Fernández-Galiano, José Yuste Madrid: Arquitectura Viva ES, EN 175+; monthly E-shop.
Zodiac 1989-99 Guido Canella, Enrico Bordogna Milan IT 21; biannual
Architectural Heritage 1990- Mark Cousins, Dawn McDowell Edinburgh: Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland EN annual Subscription access (Edinburgh UP).
Arhitext 1990- Arpad Zachi Bucharest: Arhitext RO Home page
Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts 1990- Ross Jenner, Andrew Douglas Auckland EN 15+ PDF Open access.
Summa+ 1992- Martha Magis (1992-94), Fernando Diez (since 1994) Buenos Aires ES 143+ Home page. See also Summa.
Piranesi 1992- Vojteh Ravnikar (1992-2010), Robert Potokar Ljubljana SL, EN Home page
Thresholds: Journal of the MIT Department of Architecture 1992- Cambridge, MA: SA+P Press EN 43+; biannual PDF Open access.
Zlatý řez 1992- Jana Tichá Prague: Zlatý řez CZ annual, until 2000 quarterly Home page, Info.
3ZU: revista d'arquitectura 1993-95 Santiago Roqueta Barcelona: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura CAT 4 PDF
ANY (Architecture New York) 1993-2000 Cynthia C. Davidson New York: Anyone Corporation EN 27 PDF (7-8), PDF (23) WP. See also Log.
Prostor: a Scholarly Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning 1993- Zlatko Karac Zagreb: Faculty of Architecture U Zagreb CR 49+; biannual PDF Open access. Info.
Arhitektura i urbanizam 1994- Mila Pucar Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia SR 39+ PDF SCIndeks
ARCH: o architektúre a inej kultúre 1995- Andrea Bacová Bratislava: Eurostav SK monthly Home page.
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 1995- Adam Sharr, Richard Weston Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP EN quarterly Subscription access (Cambridge)
eaV: Enseignement Architecture Ville 1995-2010 Anne-Marie Châtelet and Michel Denès Versailles: École d'Architecture FR, EN 15; annual Architecture history. Issues.
The Journal of Architecture 1995- Peter Gibbs-Kennet, Charles Rice London: Royal Institute of British Architects EN bimonthly Subscription access (Taylor & Francis).
Kerb: Journal of Landscape Architecture 1995- Cynthia Davidson Melbourne: RMIT U School of Architecture and Design EN 23+; annual Student-run. Home page.
Le Visiteur: revue critique d'architecture 1995- Sébastien Marot (1995-2003), Françoise Fromonot (1999-2003), Karim Basbous (since 2007) Paris: Société Française des Architectes (SFA) FR, EN 20+; annual Home page.
Cloud Cuckoo Land 1996- Eduard Heinrich Führ Cottbus: Brandenburg University of Technology EN, DE, RU 19+; biannual PDF Open access.
UME 1996- Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper Brisbane: Haig Beck EN 22+ JPG, PDF Open access.
Revista 180: arquitectura, arte, diseño 1997- Marcelo Vizcaíno Santiago de Chile: Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño UDP ES 33+ PDF Open access.
Frame 1997- Amsterdam: Frame Publishers EN, CN, KO, TR 105+; bimonthly interior design, architecture, product design, exhibition design; E-shop
Harvard Design Magazine 1997- Jennifer Sigler Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design EN HTML (selected articles)
RA: revista de arquitectura 1997- Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra ES, EN 15+; annual Home page, Info.
Space and Culture 1997- Joost van Loon, Justine Lloyd, Michael Schillmeier, Rob Shields EN quarterly Subscription access (Sage).
Metalocus 1998- José Juan Barba, Pedro Navarro Madrid ES, EN 27+ Home page, Issues.
Oris magazine for architecture and culture of living 1998- Zagreb: Oris - House of Architecture CR, EN 93+; bimonthly Home page, WP.
Hunch: the Berlage Institute Report 1999- Rotterdam: NAI Publishers EN 14+ Home page
Praxis: Journal of Writing + Building 1999- Amanda Reeser Lawrence, Ashley Schafer Boston EN 14+; biannual Home page
Grey Room 2000- Branden Joseph, Reinhold Martin, Felicity Scott (all three: 2000-13) EN 59+; quarterly Subscription access (MIT).
On Site review: Architecture, Urbanism, Design, Infrastructure, Culture, Construction 2000- Alberta: Architectural Fieldwork EN 32+ Home page
306090: a Journal of Emergent Architecture and Design 2001- New York: Princeton Architectural Press EN 15+ Publisher
Centropa: a Journal of Central European Architecture and Related Arts 2001- Dora Wiebenson New York: Centropa EN 40+; 3/year Issues
An Architektur: Production and Use of the Built Environment 2002-2010 Oliver Clemens, Jesko Fezer, Kim Förster, Anke Hagemann, Sabine Horlitz, Anita Kaspar, Andreas Müller Berlin: An Architektur EN, DE 23; biannual Home page (archived), Issues, History.
Log 2003- Cynthia Davidson New York: Anyone Corporation EN 34+ Subscription access. See also ANY.
A10: new European architecture 2004- Hans Ibelings, Indira van 't Klooster (since 2012) Amsterdam: A10 Publishers EN 64+; bimonthly Home page, WP.
Era 21 2004- Zuzana Morávková Brno: ERA Média CZ bimonthly Home page, Info.
Project Baikal 2004- Elena Grigoryeva Irkutsk: Vostoksibacademcenter of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences RU, EN 43+; quarterly PDF Open access.
Mark 2005- Amsterdam: Archis Foundation EN 56+; bimonthly E-shop.
Volume 2005- Arjen Oosterman Amsterdam: Archis Foundation EN 44+; quarterly Continues Archis. Home page, WP.
Architecture Norway: An Online Review of Architecture 2008- Ingerid Helsing Almaas Oslo: National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL) EN monthly HTML Open access. Based on projects and articles published in Arkitektur N.
Bracket: Architecture, Environment, Digital Culture 2008- New York: Altar EN 4+; annual HTML Open access.
ACE: Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno / Architecture, City and Environment 2006- Josep Roca Cladera Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya CAT, ES, EN 28+ PDF, PDF Open access.
field: a free journal for architecture 2007- Doina Petrescu, Stephen Walker, a.o. Sheffield: Sheffield School of Architecture (SSoA) EN 7+ PDF Open access.
Footprint: Delft Architecture Theory Journal 2007- Delft: Delft University of Technology EN 16+ PDF Open access.
Manifold 2007-10 Izabel Gass Houston, TX: Rice University EN 4 PDF post-critical arch. theory. Open access. Continued by Apeira.
ArchDaily 2008- David Basulto, David Assael New York: Plataforma Arquitectura EN daily HTML News website.
Criticat: revue semestrielle de critique d’architecture 2008- Pierre Chabard, Valéry Didelon, Françoise Fromonot, et al. Paris: Association Criticat FR 15+; biannual Home page, History.
Candide: Journal for Architectural Knowledge 2009- Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler, Anne Kockelkorn Berlin: Hatje Cantz EN, DE 8+ PDF
Urban Omnibus 2009- Mariana Mogilevich, Joshua McWhirter New York: Architectural League of New York EN HTML Open access.
The New City Reader: A Newspaper Of Public Space 2010-11 Joseph Grima, Kazys Varnelis New York EN 7 JPG Open access.
Scapegoat: Landscape, Architecture, Political Economy 2010- Toronto EN 9+ PDF Open access.
CriticalProductive 2011-2013, 2023- Milton S. F. Curry Cambridge, MA: MIT Press EN [34] [35]
Soiled: a periodical of architectural stories 2011- Joseph Altshuler Chicago: Cartogram EN 5+ Home page
Apeira 2012- Etien Santiago EN 1+ PDF Open access. Continues Manifold.
Architecture_MPS (Amps) 2012- Graham Cairns EN monthly PDF Open access.
ja+u 2012- Tokyo: Shinkenchiku-sha EN Home page. See also a+u.
Uncube 2012- Sophie Lovell Berlin: BauNetz EN 35+ HTML Open access.
Aggregate 2013- Meredith TenHoor Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative EN HTML Online publishing platform.
The Avery Review 2014- James Graham New York: Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation EN 16+ HTML, PDFs Open access.
ARPA Journal 2014- Janette Kim New York: Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation EN 4+ HTML Open access.
Real Review: What It Means To Live Today 2016- London: Real Foundation EN 7+ [36]

Publications on architectural periodicals[edit]

  • Rassegna 4(12): "Architettura nelle riviste d'avanguardia / Architecture in the Avant-Garde Magazines", Milan, Dec 1982. (Italian)/(English)
  • Architecture in Print: Design and Debate in the Soviet Union, 1919-1935, eds. Richard Anderson and Kristin Romberg, New York: Wallach Art Gallery, 2005. Catalogue. [37] (English)
  • Clip, Stamp, Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X to 197X, eds. Beatriz Colomina and Craig Buckley, Barcelona: Actar, 2010, 671 pp. Published in conjunction with a travelling exhibition. Excerpt. Project website (archived). Publisher. Info. Review: Neuman (JAE 2008). [38] (English)
  • Archizines, ed. Elias Redstone, London: Bedford Press, 2011, 152 pp. On the occasion of an exhibition at the Architectural Association, London. [39] [40] [41] (English)
  • Las revistas de arquitectura (1900-1975): crónicas, manifiestos, propaganda, Pamplona: T6) Ediciones, 2012. TOC. Proceedings from the Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna Española, Pamplona, 2012. (Spanish)
  • Mediated Messages: Periodicals, Exhibitions and the Shaping of Postmodern Architecture, eds. Véronique Patteeuw and Léa-Catherine Szacka, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, xix+256 pp. (English)

Research initiatives and resources[edit]

Research initiatives and databases
  • Archipool, a search engine for architectural magazines.
  • Quondam, a bibliographical resource on architecture.

See also[edit]

Architects, theorists, historians, initiatives[edit]

Each entry contains a short biography/description and select bibliography.

Related fields[edit]