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'''Event listings''': [[Nonsense NYC]], [http://www.screenslate.com/ Screen Slate], [https://theskint.com/ The Skint].
; Venues
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: 1em;">
* [https://98bowery.com/ 98 Bowery], 1969-1989
* [http://www.abcnorio.org/ ABC No Rio], *1980, [https://98bowery.com/return-to-the-bowery/abcnorio-the-book], [http://web.archive.org/web/20110621063415/http://collaborativeprojectsarchive.wikispaces.com/ABC+No+Rio], [http://web.archive.org/web/19990424070122/http://www.panix.com/%7Eblackout/abcnorio.html]
* [https://www.airgallery.org/ A.I.R.], artist-run exhibition space for women artists, *1972
* [http://anthologyfilmarchives.org/ Anthology Film Archives], *1970
* [https://www.artingeneral.org Art in General], *1981
* [http://artistsspace.org/ Artists Space], *1972
* [https://babycastles.com/ Babycastles], *2009
* [http://bhqfu.org BHQFU], artist-run school, *2010
* [http://www.bitforms.com/ Bitforms], gallery, *2001
* [http://bluestockings.com/ Bluestockings], bookstore cafe and activist center, *1999
* [[Cabinet]], magazine and [http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/events/ events], *2000, [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=373 Log]
* [https://centralbookingnyc.com/ Central Booking], *2009
* [http://cueartfoundation.org CUE Art Foundation], *2002
* [http://www.current.mu/ The Current Museum of Art], *2016
* [http://www.danspaceproject.org/ Danspace Project], *1974
* [http://www.drawingcenter.org The Drawing Center], museum, *1977
* [http://www.projectspace-efanyc.org EFA Project Space], arts venue, *2008
* [http://www.e-flux.com/program/ e-flux]
* [[Electronic Arts Intermix]], *1971
* [https://www.elsewherebrooklyn.com/ Elsewhere], live music venue
* nightclub and arts space, *2014
* [http://www.fluxfactory.org/ Flux Factory], *1993
* [[Franklin Furnace]], *1976
* [https://thefreeblackwomanslibrary.tumblr.com/ The Free Black Women's Library], *2015
* [https://www.genspace.org/ Genspace], community biolab, *2009
* [http://gowanusstudio.org/ Gowanus Studio Space], cooperative workspace, *2007
* [http://www.happyluckyno1.com happylucky no.1], space for art and music, *2015
* [http://www.harvestworks.org/ Harvestworks]
* [https://industrycity.com/ Industry City], *2009
* [https://interferencearchive.org/ Interference Archive], *2011
* [http://theinvisibledog.org The Invisible Dog Art Center], *2009
* [http://issueprojectroom.org/ Issue Project Room], performance venue, *2003
* [[The Kitchen]], *1971
* [https://knockdown.center/ Knockdown Center], art center and performance space, *2012
* [http://lightindustry.org/ Light Industry], film and electronic art venue, *2008
* [http://metrograph.com/ Metrograph], movie theatre, *2015
* [https://miriamgallery.com/ Miriam], artist-run gallery and [https://miriam.shoplightspeed.com/ bookshop], *2019.
* [[No-Space]], *2004
* [http://participantinc.org/ Participant Inc], alternative art space, *2001
* [https://performancespacenewyork.org/ Performance Space New York], *1980/2018
* [http://pioneerworks.org/ Pioneer Works], culture centre, *2014
* [http://www.playgroundcoffeeshop.com/ Playground Coffee Shop & Annex], community space and bookstore
* [http://primeproduce.coop/ Prime Produce], multi-use space, *2018
* [[Printed Matter]], art space & artists books, *1976
* [http://reanimationlibrary.org/ Reanimation Library]
* [https://www.recessart.org/ Recess], *2009
* [http://reversespace.org Reverse], art space, *2012
* [[School for Poetic Computation]] (SFPC), artist-run school, *2013
* [http://www.sculpture-center.org/ SculptureCenter], *1928
* [http://instagram.com/softsurplus/ Soft Surplus], *2018
* [https://www.spectacletheater.com/ Spectacle], collectively-run screening space, *2010
* [http://www.thestonenyc.com The Stone], improvised music venue, *2005, [https://ww2.newschool.edu/pressroom/pressreleases/2018/thestone2018.htm]
* [http://storefrontnews.org/ Storefront for Art and Architecture], *1982
* [http://www.wendyssubway.com Wendy's Subway], library and workspace, *2013
* [https://whitecolumns.org White Columns], alternative art space, *1970
'''Spaces''': [http://www.abcnorio.org/ ABC No Rio] (*1980), [http://anthologyfilmarchives.org/ Anthology Film Archives] (*1970), [http://artistsspace.org/ Artists Space] (*1972), [http://bhqfu.org BHQFU] artist-run school (*2010), [http://www.bitforms.com/ Bitforms] gallery (*2001), [http://bluestockings.com/ Bluestockings] bookstore cafe and activist center (*1999), [http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/events/ Cabinet], [http://cueartfoundation.org CUE Art Foundation] (*2002), [http://www.current.mu/ The Current Museum of Art] (*2016), [http://www.danspaceproject.org/ Danspace Project] (*1974), [http://www.drawingcenter.org The Drawing Center] museum (*1977), [http://www.e-flux.com/program/ e-flux], [http://www.eai.org/ Electronic Arts Intermix] (*1971), [https://www.elsewherebrooklyn.com/ Elsewhere] live music venue, nightclub and arts space (*2014), [http://www.fluxfactory.org/ Flux Factory] (*1993), [[Franklin Furnace]] (*1976), [http://www.happyluckyno1.com happylucky no.1] space for art and music (*2015), [http://www.harvestworks.org/ Harvestworks], [https://industrycity.com/ Industry City] (*2009), [http://theinvisibledog.org The Invisible Dog Art Center] (*2009), [http://issueprojectroom.org/ Issue Project Room] performance venue (*2003), [[The Kitchen]] (*1971), [https://knockdown.center/ Knockdown Center] art center and performance space (*2012), [http://lightindustry.org/ Light Industry] film and electronic art venue (*2008), [http://metrograph.com/ Metrograph] movie theatre (*2015), [[No-Space]] (*2004), [http://participantinc.org/ Participant Inc] alternative art space (*2001), [https://performancespacenewyork.org/ Performance Space New York] (*1980/2018), [http://pioneerworks.org/ Pioneer Works] culture centre (*2014), [http://primeproduce.coop/ Prime Produce] multi-use space (*2018), [[Printed Matter]] art space & artists books (*1976), [http://reanimationlibrary.org/ Reanimation Library], [https://www.recessart.org/ Recess] (*2009), [http://reversespace.org Reverse] art space (*2012), [[School for Poetic Computation]] artist-run school (*2013), [http://www.sculpture-center.org/ SculptureCenter] (*1928), [http://www.thestonenyc.com The Stone] improvised music venue (*2005) [https://ww2.newschool.edu/pressroom/pressreleases/2018/thestone2018.htm], [http://storefrontnews.org/ Storefront for Art and Architecture] (*1982), [http://www.wendyssubway.com Wendy's Subway] library and workspace (*2013), [https://whitecolumns.org White Columns] alternative art space (*1970).<br>
* ''Past venues'': [https://hyperallergic.com/55653/112-greene-street-the-soho-that-used-to-be/ 112 Greene Street] (1970-).  
'''Past spaces''': [https://hyperallergic.com/55653/112-greene-street-the-soho-that-used-to-be/ 112 Greene Street] (1970-). <br>
* more: [http://as-ap.org/organizations/list Art Spaces Archives Project], [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=20687 Alternatives in Retrospect: An Historical Overview 1969-1975], [http://www.exitart.org/alternative-histories/] [https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/alternative-histories], [https://greyartgallery.nyu.edu/publications/the-downtown-book-the-new-york-art-scene-1974-1984/], [http://artsandlabor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Alternative_Art_Economies_A_Primer_Ault_Lawson.pdf], [http://s3.amazonaws.com/arena-attachments/1557114/d09b9e1697fcbdcb0a8aeb9daa33fc2b.pdf], [http://www.halfletterpress.com/geologic-city-a-field-guide-to-the-geoarchitecture-of-new-york/].
more: [http://as-ap.org/organizations/list Art Spaces Archives Project], [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=20687 Alternatives in Retrospect: An Historical Overview 1969-1975], [http://www.exitart.org/alternative-histories/] [https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/alternative-histories], [https://greyartgallery.nyu.edu/publications/the-downtown-book-the-new-york-art-scene-1974-1984/], [http://artsandlabor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Alternative_Art_Economies_A_Primer_Ault_Lawson.pdf], [http://s3.amazonaws.com/arena-attachments/1557114/d09b9e1697fcbdcb0a8aeb9daa33fc2b.pdf], [http://www.halfletterpress.com/geologic-city-a-field-guide-to-the-geoarchitecture-of-new-york/].
'''Initiatives''' (with no permanent event venue): [http://avant.org Avant.org] (*2014), [http://blankforms.org/ Blank Forms] curatorial platform for performance (*2016), [http://commonpracticeny.org/ Common Practice New York] advocacy group (*2012), [https://cybernetics.social/ Cybernetics Library] (*2017), [http://www.deeplab.net/ Deep Lab] (*2015), [http://www.hyphen-labs.com Hyphen-Labs], [http://www.livingroomlightexchange.com/lrlxny/ Living Room Light Exchange New York] (*2016), [http://www.primaryinformation.org Primary Information] (*2006), [http://signalculture.org Signal Culture] (*2012).<br>
'''Initiatives and collectives''' ''with no permanent event venue''
'''Past initiatives''': [https://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2012/artistinplace/ Institute for Art and Urban Resources] (IAUR, *1971).
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: 1em;">
* [http://avant.org Avant.org], *2014
* [http://blankforms.org/ Blank Forms], curatorial platform for performance, *2016
* [http://clocktower.org/ Clocktower Radio], all-art online museum radio station, *2003
* [http://commonpracticeny.org/ Common Practice New York], advocacy group, *2012
* [https://cybernetics.social/ Cybernetics Library], *2017
* [http://www.deeplab.net/ Deep Lab], *2015
* [http://www.hyphen-labs.com Hyphen-Labs]
* [http://www.livingroomlightexchange.com/lrlxny/ Living Room Light Exchange New York], *2016
* [http://www.primaryinformation.org Primary Information], *2006
* [[Rhizome]], *1996
* [http://signalculture.org Signal Culture], *2012
* [[UbuWeb]], avant-garde arts resource, *1996
* [https://unbag.net/ Unbag], *2017, [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=21128 Log]
* [https://wageforwork.com W.A.G.E.] (Working Artists and the Greater Economy), *2008
* [https://wfmu.org/ WFMU], independent freeform radio, *1958
* ''Past initiatives'': [https://98bowery.com/return-to-the-bowery/art-new-york-introduction ART/new York] (video magazine on art, *1981) [http://www.artnewyork.org/], [http://web.archive.org/web/20110618051255/http://collaborativeprojectsarchive.wikispaces.com/ Collaborative Projects Inc. (Colab)] (1978-1986) [https://98bowery.com/return-to-the-bowery/abcnorio-colab], [https://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2012/artistinplace/ Institute for Art and Urban Resources] (IAUR, *1971).
'''Events''': [http://bangbangcon.com/ !!Con] conference (*2014), [http://platformcoop.net/ Platform Cooperativism] conference (*2015), [http://radicalnetworks.org/ Radical Networks] conference (*2015), [http://theorizingtheweb.tumblr.com Theorizing the Web] (since 2013).<br>
'''Past festivals''': [[Breakout]] (2009), [[9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering]] (1966).<br>
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: .95em;">
'''Past exhibitions''': [http://ops.thejewishmuseum.org/ Other Primary Structures] (2014), [[Software - Information Technology: Its New Meaning for Art]] (1970), [[Information (1970 exhibition)|Information]] (1970), [[Kinesthetics]] (1969), [[Some More Beginnings]] (1968), [[The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age]] (1968), [http://ops.thejewishmuseum.org/1966/ Primary Structures] (1966), [[The Responsive Eye]] (1965), [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=17511 Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism] (1936), [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=17514 Cubism and Abstract Art] (1936), [[Machine-Age Exposition]] (1927), [[International Exhibition of Modern Art Assembled by Société Anonyme]] (1926-27).<br>
* [http://bangbangcon.com/ !!Con], conference, *2014
'''Past events''': [https://cybernetics.social/ Cybernetics Conference] ([https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/cybercon videos], 2017), [http://pioneerworks.org/alternative-art-school-fair/ Alternative Art School Fair] (2016), [http://alt-ai.net/ alt-AI] (2016), [http://digitallabor.org/ Digital Labor] conference (2014), [http://prismbreakup.org/ PRISM Breakup] (2013), [[The Internet as Playground and Factory]] conference (2009), [[Schizo-Culture]] (1975), [http://www.eai.org/webpages/1175 Annual Avant Garde Festival] (1963-1982).
* [http://platformcoop.net/ Platform Cooperativism], conference, *2015
* [http://radicalnetworks.org/ Radical Networks], conference, *2015
* [https://pioneerworks.org/programs/software-for-artists-day/ Software for Artists (S4AD)], annual event, *2015, [https://pioneerworks.org/programs/software-for-artists-day-5/]
* [http://theorizingtheweb.tumblr.com Theorizing the Web], since 2013
* ''Event listings'': [[Nonsense NYC]], [http://www.screenslate.com/ Screen Slate], [https://theskint.com/ The Skint].
'''Art workers''': [http://www.tegabrain.com/ Tega Brain], [[Ted Byfield]], [[Taeyoon Choi]], [[Charles Eppley]], [http://benfinoradin.info/ Ben Fino-Radin], [[Alexander R. Galloway]], [[Kenneth Goldsmith]], [[Sarah Hamerman]], [[Sam Hart]], [https://twitter.com/wileycount David Hecht], [https://melanie-hoff.com/about/ Melanie Hoff], [https://noranahidkhan.com Nora Khan], [[Shannon Mattern]], [https://laiyiohlsen.com/ Lai Yi Ohlsen], [[Trebor Scholz]], [[Paul Soulellis]], [[Dan Taeyoung]], [[Dennis Tenen]], [[Francis Tseng]], [[McKenzie Wark]], [https://chriswoebken.com Chris Woebken].
; Past events
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: .95em;">
* [https://cybernetics.social/ Cybernetics Conference], 2017, [https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/cybercon videos]
* [http://pioneerworks.org/alternative-art-school-fair/ Alternative Art School Fair], 2016
* [http://alt-ai.net/ alt-AI], 2016
* [http://ops.thejewishmuseum.org/ Other Primary Structures], exhibition, 2014
* [http://digitallabor.org/ Digital Labor], conference, 2014
* [http://prismbreakup.org/ PRISM Breakup], 2013
* [[Breakout]], festival, 2009
* [[The Internet as Playground and Factory]], conference, 2009
* [http://web.archive.org/web/19970615211755/http://www.panix.com/~blackout/anticopy.html Anticopyright Network], exhibition, 1997
* [https://98bowery.com/return-to-the-bowery/abcnorio-the-real-estate-show Real Estate Show], exhibition, 1980 [http://web.archive.org/web/19981202123821/http://www.panix.com/%7Eblackout/real-estate.html]
* [https://98bowery.com/punk-years/punk-art-show Punk Art], exhibition, 1978
* [https://98bowery.com/conceptual-artist/lives-catalogue Lives], exhibition, 1975
* [[Schizo-Culture]], 1975
* [http://www.eai.org/webpages/1176 Open Circuits], conference, 1974
* [http://www.eai.org/webpages/1173 Computer Art Festival], 1973-1975
* [http://www.eai.org/webpages/1174 Women's Video Festival], 1972-1980
* [[Software - Information Technology: Its New Meaning for Art]], exhibition, 1970
* [[Information (1970 exhibition)|Information]], exhibition, 1970
* [[Kinesthetics]], exhibition, 1969
* [[TV as a Creative Medium]], exhibition, 1969
* [[Some More Beginnings]], exhibition, 1968
* [[The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age]], exhibition, 1968
* [[9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering]], festival, 1966
* [http://ops.thejewishmuseum.org/1966/ Primary Structures], exhibition, 1966
* [[The Responsive Eye]], exhibition, 1965
* [http://www.eai.org/webpages/1175 Annual Avant Garde Festival], 1963-1982
* [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=17511 Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism], exhibition, 1936
* [https://monoskop.org/log/?p=17514 Cubism and Abstract Art], exhibition, 1936
* [[Machine-Age Exposition]], exhibition, 1927
* [[International Exhibition of Modern Art Assembled by Société Anonyme]], exhibition, 1926-1927
==Art workers==
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: .95em;">
* [http://www.tegabrain.com/ Tega Brain]
* [[Ingrid Burrington]]
* [[Ted Byfield]]
* [[Taeyoon Choi]]
* [[Michael Connor]]
* [[Aria Dean]]
* [[Charles Eppley]]
* [http://benfinoradin.info/ Ben Fino-Radin]
* [[Alexander R. Galloway]]
* [[Kenneth Goldsmith]]
* [[Sarah Hamerman]]
* [[Sam Hart]]
* [https://nabilhassein.github.io/ Nabil Hassein]
* [http://twitter.com/wileycount David Hecht]
* [http://melanie-hoff.com Melanie Hoff]
* [http://noranahidkhan.com Nora N. Khan]
* [[Shannon Mattern]]
* [[Alan W. Moore]]
* [http://laiyiohlsen.com/ Lai Yi Ohlsen]
* [https://laurelptak.com Laurel Ptak]
* [https://www.legacyrussell.com/ Legacy Russell]
* [[Trebor Scholz]]
* [[Mindy Seu]]
* [[Paul Soulellis]]
* [[Dan Taeyoung]]
* [[Dennis Tenen]]
* [[Francis Tseng]]
* [[Charles Turner]]
* [[McKenzie Wark]]
* [http://chriswoebken.com Chris Woebken]
; See also
; See also
* [https://twitter.com/monoskop/lists/nyc Monoskop's NYC Twitter list]  
* [https://twitter.com/i/lists/788461176174829568 Monoskop's NYC Twitter list]
* Alan W. Moore, ''Art Gangs: Protest and Counterculture in New York City'', Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 2011, 185 pp. Street-level history of artists’ groups and collective activity by artists in New York from 1969 to 1985. Review: [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/61973713/Oxford_Art_J-2015-Anderson-oxartj-kcv02620200203-77016-6t3rrl-libre.pdf Anderson] (Oxford Art J).
* Lauren Rosati, Mary Anne Staniszewski (eds.), ''Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces, 1960 to 2010'', Exit Art, and University Press Group, 2012, 408 pp. Review: [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/61973713/Oxford_Art_J-2015-Anderson-oxartj-kcv02620200203-77016-6t3rrl-libre.pdf Anderson] (Oxford Art J).
* Jessamyn Fiore (ed.), ''112 Greene Street: the Early Years, 1970–1974'', New York: Radius Books, 2012, 192 pp. Review: [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/61973713/Oxford_Art_J-2015-Anderson-oxartj-kcv02620200203-77016-6t3rrl-libre.pdf Anderson] (Oxford Art J).
* Klaus Biesenbach, Bettina Funcke (eds.), ''MoMA PS1: A History'', New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2019, 304 pp. [https://store.moma.org/books/moma-publications/moma-ps1-a-history---hardcover/900069-900069.html] [https://www.artbook.com/9781633450691.html]

Revision as of 12:12, 27 June 2022



Initiatives and collectives with no permanent event venue


Past events

Art workers

See also


  • Alan W. Moore, Art Gangs: Protest and Counterculture in New York City, Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 2011, 185 pp. Street-level history of artists’ groups and collective activity by artists in New York from 1969 to 1985. Review: Anderson (Oxford Art J).
  • Lauren Rosati, Mary Anne Staniszewski (eds.), Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces, 1960 to 2010, Exit Art, and University Press Group, 2012, 408 pp. Review: Anderson (Oxford Art J).
  • Jessamyn Fiore (ed.), 112 Greene Street: the Early Years, 1970–1974, New York: Radius Books, 2012, 192 pp. Review: Anderson (Oxford Art J).
  • Klaus Biesenbach, Bettina Funcke (eds.), MoMA PS1: A History, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2019, 304 pp. [15] [16]

alternative base

Amsterdam, Bergen, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Kyiv, London, New York City, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rotterdam, Seoul, Tokyo, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb