Cabinet (2000–)

13 July 2009, dusan

Cabinet is a quarterly, Brooklyn, New York-based, non-profit art & culture periodical launched in 2000. Cabinet also operates an event and exhibition space in Brooklyn.

Cabinet is an award-winning quarterly magazine of art and culture that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,” “culture,” and sometimes even “magazine.” Like the 17th-century cabinet of curiosities to which its name alludes, Cabinet is as interested in the margins of culture as its center. Presenting wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary content in each issue through the varied formats of regular columns, essays, interviews, and special artist projects, Cabinet‘s hybrid sensibility merges the popular appeal of an arts periodical, the visually engaging style of a design magazine, and the in-depth exploration of a scholarly journal. Playful and serious, exuberant and committed, Cabinet‘s omnivorous appetite for understanding the world makes each of its issues a valuable sourcebook of ideas for a wide range of readers, from artists and designers to scientists and historians. In an age of increasing specialization, Cabinet looks to previous models of the well-rounded thinker to forge a new type of magazine for the intellectually curious reader of the future.”

Cabinet is a non-profit organization. Consider supporting it by subscribing to the magazine, buying a limited edition artwork, or making a tax-deductible donation.


HTML (sold-out issues as HTML articles; click on the covers; updated on 2013-10-10; the download links were removed)

6 Responses to “Cabinet (2000–)”

  1. Karl on September 3, 2013 11:16 am

    Any chance of re-up for Cabinet issues 29 and 30? Both download links refused… Long Live Monoskop!

  2. dusan on September 3, 2013 12:23 pm

    They’re lost, sorry.

  3. Karl on September 3, 2013 1:01 pm

    Thanks anyway Dusan. Your work is much appreciated.

  4. Sina Najafi on October 9, 2013 8:19 pm

    I’m the editor-in-chief of Cabinet magazine. We’re a non-profit that only manages to survive because we have earned income from sales of the magazine. All 37 sold-out back issues are available in HTML format for free on our site (this task took almost 2,000 hours of our time and it’s there for free because we believe in free dissemination of material as much as possible). We made a decision, however, to sell PDFs of the 37 sold-out issues (for the very cheap price of $15 for all 37 issues, but free to all subscribers) to help support our work. We send PDFs in open format and without locking them into some proprietary platform for e-content because we don’t support proprietary forms and because we like a culture of trust. Given all this, it’s hard to see why having all our PDFs made available for free here without asking us is in any way fair or useful (and we found out because someone who’d asked to buy the PDFs cancelled his order because he said he can get them for free here). Please read the articles on our own site for free, and pay the little we ask for if you really need them in PDF format. And we ask Monoskop to please take down the above PDFs.

  5. dusan on October 10, 2013 2:38 pm

    This is amazing news, thank you!!

  6. dusan on October 10, 2013 2:51 pm

    The single most beautiful take down notice we have ever received.

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