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* The [https://monoskop.org/File:NS.zip leaked 2019 version] of the TSA "no fly list". How do we engage a library of people built and maintained by the world's predominant evil empire?

Revision as of 15:22, 24 January 2023

Independent, shadow, self-hosted, artists' digital libraries.


  • The leaked 2019 version of the TSA "no fly list". How do we engage a library of people built and maintained by the world's predominant evil empire?


  • Monoskop is an independent online educational resource and research platform for arts, culture and humanities. Monoskop was initiated in 2004 in the context of experimental digital culture in Bratislava and the wider region. Founding editor: Dušan Barok. The Monoskop Log library has branched out in 2009. Monoskop. Monoskop Log.
  • Sci-Hub provides mass and public access to 60 million research papers. Established 2011 by Alexandra Elbakyan. Twitter.
  • Anna's Archive, search engine for Z-Library, Library Genesis and Sci-Hub.

Conferences, symposia, exhibitions, workshops, seminars, discussions

  • Interfacing the Law, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, Spring 2017. Seminar in experimental publishing, convened by Femke Snelting.
  • Artistic Shadow Libraries video installation, within Find the File festival, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 21-24 Mar 2019. Cornelia Sollfrank’s interview montage shows artists creating web archives as commons practice.
  • Pirate Care, conference, Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University, 19-20 Jun 2019. CfP. FB. Video.
  • Unarchive, online exhibition, mur.at, Graz, 2023. Artists: Ricardo Ginès, Steffen Köhn, Nicole Kouts, Wouter Moraal, Martin Nadal, Miguel Rangil, Tabita Rezaire, Nestor Siré, Huda Takriti, Pim Zwier, and the Schuberttheater.

Interventions, research, projects

  • AAAARG Library, a site-specific installation, in conjunction with the the fifth annual NY Art Book Fair, Fall 2010.
  • Worm Pirate Bay, a physical library at WORM, Rotterdam, hosting an eclectic collection of avant-garde media, from zines and books to CDs and DVDs. Visitors can burn DVDs, digitise VHS tapes, and copy books and magazines using photocopier.
  • Creating Commons, research project exploring interstitial practices which open the space between art and commons, Jan 2017-Jan 2020. Conducted by Felix Stalder, Cornelia Sollfrank and Shusha Niederberger. Based at the Institute for Contemporary Art Research, Zurich University of the Arts. In cooperation with HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel).
  • Pirate Care, a syllabus, a research process - primarily based in the transnational European space - that maps the increasingly present forms of activism at the intersection of “care” and “piracy”.


Publications, resources


  • Pirate Care, Coventry, 19-20 Jun 2019. Video recordings of talks held at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University.
  • Javna knjižnica / Public Library, eds. Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and WHW, Zagreb: WHW & Multimedia Institute, 2015, 144 pp. Texts by McKenzie Wark, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug, and Paul Otlet. (English)/(Croatian)
  • Guerrilla Open Access, ed. Memory of the World, Coventry: Post Office Press, Rope Press, and Memory of the World, 2018, 34 pp. Texts by Memory of the World, Christopher Kelty, Balázs Bodó, and Laurie Allen. (English)
  • Aesthetics of the Commons, eds. Cornelia Sollfrank, Felix Stalder and Shusha Niederberger, Zurich: diaphanes, Jan 2021, 275 pp. (English)
  • Interfacing the Law, Rotterdam: Piet Zwart Institute (XPUB Special Issue 3), Jun 2017. (English)
  • Interfacing the Law, Rotterdam: Piet Zwart Institute (XPUB Special Issue 06), Jun 2018. (English)
  • Inverse Reader, ed. Dušan Barok, Monoskop, Sep 2019ff. A collection of 64 texts, talks and conversations about shadow, independent and artists’ digital libraries. [17] (English)

Essays, talks, statements, conversations, interviews

  • Sean Dockray, "The Scan and the Export", Fillip 12: "Critical Forms of Publicness", Fall 2010, pp 98-110. [18] A short meditation on book scanning and document exporting. Discusses machines, the people who use them, and the contrasting forms of publicity and collectivity emerging from these technical configurations. (English)
  • Sean Dockray, "Openings and Closings", in Contestations: Learning From Critical Experiments in Education, eds. Tim Ivison and Tom Vandeputte, Bedford Press, 2013. On open access and education. (English)
  • Sean Dockray, "Interface, Access, Loss", Discipline magazine lecture, 2013. Revised version of a chapter in Undoing Property, eds. Marysia Lewandowska and Laurel Ptak, Sternberg Press, 2013. A critique of the cloud. (English)
  • Dušan Barok, "Techniques of Publishing", Information Between Commodity and Community seminar, Prague, May 2014. On the reciprocity between electronic publishing and scholarly research today. (English)
  • Dušan Barok, "Communing Texts", Off the Press conference, WORM, Rotterdam, May 2014. On the relevance of plain text in publishing; a proposal for discursive entanglement of scholarly references and hyperlinks. (English)
  • Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug, Tomislav Medak, "Public Library (An Essay)", Memory of the World blog, 27 Oct 2014; printed in Javna knjižnica / Public Library, eds. Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and WHW, Zagreb: WHW & Multimedia Institute, 2015, pp 75-85; reposted on Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft: Open-Media-Studies-Blog, 17 Dec 2018. On the idea of public library. (English)
    • "Javna knjižnica (Esej)", trans. Una Bauer, in Javna knjižnica / Public Library, eds. Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and WHW, Zagreb: WHW & Multimedia Institute, 2015, pp 7-17. (Croatian)
  • Dušan Barok, "Poetics of Research", Public Library conference, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 1 Nov 2014. On the cultural algorithms historically conditioned by scholarly research and publishing. (English)
  • McKenzie Wark, "Metadata Punk", in Javna knjižnica / Public Library, eds. Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and WHW, Zagreb: WHW & Multimedia Institute, 2015, pp 111-117. (English)
    • "Metapodatkovni punk", trans. Dušanka Profeta, in Javna knjižnica / Public Library, eds. Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and WHW, Zagreb: WHW & Multimedia Institute, 2015, pp 41-47. (Croatian)
  • Marcell Mars, "Memory of the World", IZK Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz, 12 May 2016, 40 min. Video; invited talk as part of the annual 'Graz Architecture Lectures'. [22] (English)
  • Matthew Fuller, "The Indexalist", in Mondothèque: A Radiated Book / Un livre irradiant / Een irradiërend boek, Brussels: Constant, Sep 2016, pp 84-87, PDF. (English)
    • "De Indexalist", in Mondothèque: A Radiated Book / Un livre irradiant / Een irradiërend boek, Brussels: Constant, Sep 2016, pp 88-91, PDF. (Dutch)
  • Clemens Apprich, "Ora et labora (et lege). Zur Politik postdigitaler Handlungsfelder", Kunstforum 242: "Postdigital 1", Sep-Oct 2016. [23] (German)
  • Sean Dockray, Benjamin Forster, "README.md", Hyperreadings, 15 Feb 2018; repr. in Distributed, eds. David Blamey and Brad Haylock, London: Open Editions, 2018, pp 198-213. (English)
  • Dušan Barok, "Shadow Libraries", Shadow Libraries: UbuWeb in Athens symposium, National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Athens, Mar 2018. On access to culture and knowledge. [25] (English)
  • Alexandra Elbakyan (Александра элбакян), Avtobiografiya versiya 1.1 [Автобиография версия 1.1], 22 May 2020, 92 pp. Autobiographical essay by the founder of Sci-Hub. [30] (Russian)
  • Nick Thurston, "In Solidarity and From Curiosity", in Ubu@50 – 50 Ubus: Everything Is Temporary, eds. Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak, Zagreb: Multimedia Institute, May 2024. Conversation with Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak, and Dušan Barok. (English)

Journal issues and special sections


Academic research and writing

  • Roger Chartier, "Bibliothèques sans murs", ch. 3 in Chartier, L'ordre des livres, Aix-en-Provence: Alinea, 1992. (French)
    • "Libraries Without Walls", trans. Lydia Cochrane, Representations 42: "Future Libraries" (Spring 1993), pp 38-52; rev. as ch. 3 in Chartier, The Order of Books, Stanford University Press, 1994, pp 61-88, n108-112, PDF.
  • Hans-Christoph Hobohm, "Can Digital Libraries Generate Knowledge?", Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 37:3 (141): "Controversies around the Digital Humanities", 2012, pp 218-229. [40]
  • Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Matthew Battles, The Library Beyond the Book, Harvard University Press, 2014, 176 pp. [41] [42]
  • Jonas Andersson Schwarz, "Honorability and the Pirate Ethic", ch 4 in A Reader in International Media Piracy: Pirate Essays, ed. Tilman Baumgärtel, Amsterdam University Press, 2015, pp 81-110.
  • Davide Giorgetta, Valerio Nicoletti, Amateur: Non-Institutional Practices Between Digital Archiving and Publishing, ISIA Urbino, 2015. Master's thesis. Features interviews with Janneke Adema, Dušan Barok, Balázs Bodó, Josephine Bosma, Annet Dekker, Sean Dockray, Kenneth Goldsmith, Geert Lovink, Marcell Mars & Tomislav Medak, Domenico Quaranta, Gino Roncaglia, Femke Snelting, Henry Warwick, and Eva Weinmayr. [43] (Italian),(English)
  • Pelle Snickars, "Publikationshack", in Universitetet som medium, eds. Matts Lindström and Adam Wickberg Månsson, Stockholm: Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 2015, pp 9-46. (Swedish)

Further reading

Texts listed on the wiki pages of respective initiatives: UbuWeb, Aaaaarg, Monoskop, Library Genesis.

See also

Digital libraries, Art servers, Commons, Copyright activism, Internet activism