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Nikolai Kulbin (St. Petersburg), Alexei Kruchenykh, Arseny Avraamov, Kazimir Malevich (Moscow/St. Petersburg), Wassily Kandinsky (Moscow/Weimar), Naum Gabo (Moscow/Berlin), Vladimir Tatlin (Moscow), El Lissitzky (Moscow/St. Petersburg/Vitebsk), Alexander Rodchenko (Moscow), Varvara Stepanova, Vesnin brothers, Mikhail Larionov, Natalia Goncharova, Alexandra Exter, Lyubov Popova, Olga Rozanova, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Velimir Khlebnikov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Osip Brik, Lilya Brik, Sergei Tretyakov, Mikhail Matyushin, Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine (optophonic piano, 1924)


Hylaea (Moscow, *1910), Blue Rose (Moscow, 1906-08), Union of Youth (St. Petersburg, 1909-17), Knave of Diamonds (Moscow, 1910-17), Donkey's Tail (c1910-13), Ego-Futurists (St. Petersburg, (*1911), Tsentrifuga futurist group (Moscow, 1913–17), Supremus (1915-16), Zhivskulptarkh (1919–20), OBMOKhU (at IZO, 1919–22), UNOVIS (at Vitebsk Art School, 1920–22), Projectionists, October.


IZO Narkompros (Moscow, *1918), INKhUK (at IZO, 1920–24), GINKhUK (St. Petersburg, 1923–27).


Vitebsk Popular Art Institute (1919–22), VGIK (*1919), VKhUTEMAS (1920–26), RAKhN (Moscow, 1921–30, from 1925 GAKhN), VKhUTEIN (1926–c30).


0.10 (St. Petersburg, 1915), First State Exhibition (Moscow, 1918), Tenth State Exhibition: Non-Objective Creativity and Suprematism (Moscow, 1919), OBMOKhU exhibitions (Moscow, May 1920 and May 1921), First Russian Art Exhibition (Berlin, 1922). More.



Source writings (in Russian)

A Slap in the Face of Public Taste: In Defense of Free Art: Poems, Prose, Essays, 1912. Download.
  • 140+ books of Russian Futurism, 1910-1930. [2]
  • Selected articles on music and technology.
  • Sadok sudey [Садок Судей], St. Petersburg: Zhuravl', April 1910, 131 pp.
  • Igor Severyanin, Prolog. Ego-futurizm [Пролог. Эго-футуризм], Summer 1911.
  • Igor Severyanin, Konstantin Olimpov, Skrizhali Akademii ego-poezii (Vselenskiy futurizm) [Скрижали Академии эго-поэзии (Вселенский футуризм)], January 1912.
  • David Burliuk, Nikolai Burliuk, Alexander Kruchenykh, Wassily Kandinsky, Benedikt Livshits, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Victor Khlebnikov, Poshchechina obshchestvennomu vkusu. V zashchitu svobodnogo iskusstva. Stikhi, proza, stat'i [Пощёчина общественному вкусу. В защиту свободного искусства: Стихи, проза, статьи; A Slap in the Face of Public Taste: In Defense of Free Art: Poems, Prose, Essays], Moscow: Georgy L. Kuzmin, December 1912.
  • Alexei Kruchenykh, Pobeda nad solntsem [Победа над Cолнцем], Moscow, 1913.
    • Victory Over the Sun, trans. Ewa Bartos and Victoria Nes Kirby, The Drama Review 15:4 (Fall 1971), pp 106-124. (in English)
  • Strelets [Стрелец], 3 Vols, St. Petersburg, 1915, 1916, 1922. Futurist almanac.
  • E.P. Radin, Futurizm i bezumie [Futurism and Madness], St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Konstantin Umansky, Neue Kunst in Russland, 1914-1919, Potsdam: G. Kiepenheuer, 1920. (in German)
  • Sergei Sharshun, Dadaizm, Berlin: Evropa Gomeopat, 1922; repr. in Moscow: Salamandra, 2012, 115 pp.
  • Alexander Tufanov, K zaumi, St. Petersburg, 1924.
Selected covers of the journal LEF. Download.

Readers, Anthologies

  • Vladimir Markov (ed.), Manifesty i programmy russkich futuristov, Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1967, 182 pp. (in Russian). Review.
  • Léon Robel (ed.), Manifestes futuristes russes, Français Réunis, 1971, 132 pp. (in French)
  • Screen 12(4): Documents from Lef, 1971-72, pp 25-160.
  • Stephen Bann, John E. Bowlt (eds.), Russian Formalism: A Collection of Articles and Texts in Translation, Edinburgh: Scottish Academy Press, 1973, 178 pp; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1974, 178 pp. Review.
  • Stephen Bann (ed.), The Tradition of Constructivism, Viking Press, 1974, 334 pp.
  • John E. Bowlt (ed.), Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism, 1902-1934, Viking Press, 1976.
  • N. Khardzhiev, Kazimir Malevich, Mikhail Matiushin, The Russian Avant-Garde / K istorii russkogo avangarda, Stockholm: Hylaea Prints, 1976, 189 pp. (in English/Russian)
  • Hubertus Gaßner, Eckhart Gillen, Zwischen Revolutionskunst und Sozialistischem Realismus. Dokumente und Kommentare. Kunstdebatten in der Sowjetunion von 1917–1934, Cologne: DuMont, 1979, 560 pp. (in German). Contents.
  • Anna Lawton (ed.), Russian Futurism through its Manifestoes, 1912-1928, Cornell University Press, 1988, 353 pp.
  • A.G. Sokolov (ed.), Poeticheskiye techeniya v russkoy literature kontsa XIX - nachala XX veka. Khrestomatiya [Поэтические течения в русской литературе конца XIX - начала XX века. Хрестоматия], Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1988, 368 pp. (in Russian)
  • Charles Harrison, Paul Wood (eds.), Art in Theory 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas, Blackwell, 1992; 1999, 1220 pp.
  • Hubertus Gassner (ed.), Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Bd. 3, Bonn, 1994. (in German)
  • Anna Lawton, Herbert Eagle (eds.), Words in Revolution: Russian Futurist Manifestoes 1912-1928, New Academia Publishing, 2005, 360 pp. [3] Introduction and Afterword [4]
  • K.E. Shtayn (ed.), Tri veka russkoy metapoetiki: Legitimatsiya diskursa, Tom 2: Konets XIX — nachalo XX vv. Realizm. Simvolizm. Akmeizm. Modernizm [Три века русской метапоэтики: Легитимация дискурса, том 2: Конец XIX — начало XX вв. Реализм. Символизм. Акмеизм. Модернизм], Stavropol: Izdatelstvo Stavropolskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2005, 884 pp. (in Russian)
  • K.E. Shtayn (ed.), Tri veka russkoy metapoetiki: Legitimatsiya diskursa, Tom 3: Pervaya polovina XX veka. Avangard: Kubofuturizm. Egofuturizm. Tsentrifuga. Luchizm. Imazhinizm. Proletkul't. Lef. VAPP. Konstruktivizm. OBERIU [Три века русской метапоэтики: Легитимация дискурса, том 3: Первая половина XX века. Авангард: Кубофутуризм. Эгофутуризм. Центрифуга. Лучизм. Имажинизм. Пролеткульт. Леф. ВАПП. Конструктивизм. ОБЭРИУ], Stavropol: Izdatelstvo Stavropolskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006, 830 pp. (in Russian)
  • Dennis G. Ioffe, Frederick H. White (eds.), The Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism: An Introductory Reader, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2012. [5]
  • Alex Cigale, "Back to Futurism", in (ĕm): A Review of Text and Image 1 (2012), pp 100-159. Commented English translations of poems by D. Burliuk, Khlebnikov, Kruchenykh, Severyanin, Aseev, Gnedov, Pasternak, Mayakovsky, Kharms, Shershenevich, Selvinsky, Kirsanov, Voznesensky, Khvostenko and Segay.


Glossaries, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries

  • Jan van der Eng (ed.), Compendium of Russian Avant-Garde Terminology, Part 1, John Benjamins, 1983.
  • Alexander Flaker, Dubravka Ugrešić (eds.), Pojmovnik Ruske Avangarde, Vols. 1-9, Zagreb, 1984-1993. (in Serbo-Croatian) [15]
  • Tomáš Glanc, Jana Kleňhová, Lexikon ruských avantgard 20. století, Libri, 2005. (in Czech) Review.
  • K.E. Shtayn, D.I. Petrenko, Russkaya metapoetika. Uchebnyy slovar [Русская метапоэтика. Учебный словарь], Stavropol: Izdatelstvo Stavropolskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006, 601 pp. (in Russian)
  • V.I. Rakitin, A.D. Sarabyanov (eds.), Entsiklopediya russkogo avangarda [Энциклопедия русского авангарда], 2 Vols, Moscow, 2013. (in Russian) [16] [17]


  • Russian Literature, Special Issues on Russian Avant-Garde. (in Russian, multiple languages) [18]
  • Art Journal, Special Issue on "The Russian Avant-Garde", Vol. 41, No. 3 (Autumn 1981). [19]
  • Jan van der Eng, Willem Weststeijn (eds.), Avant Garde, Vols. 5-6, Special Issue on "USSR", Amsterdam and Atlanta/GA: Rodopi, 1991, 239 pp. [20]
  • Experiment: A Journal of Russian Culture, ed. John Bowlt, Institute of Modern Russian Culture, University of South California, and Leiden: Brill (from the Issue 17 onwards), 1995-. Published annually, focuses on the movements of the early 20th century. [21], [22], Review of Volumes 1-2.

Monographs, Edited books

  • Camilla Gray, The Russian Experiment in Art, 1863-1922, Thames & Hudson, 1962, 324 pp.
    • Die russische Avantgarde der modernen Kunst 1863-1922, Cologne, 1963. (in German)
  • Vladimir Markov, Russian Futurism: A History, University of California Press, 1968, 467 pp.
    • Storia del futurismo russo, Torino: Einaudi, 1973, 421 pp. (in Italian) [23]
  • Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos, Boris Schnaiderman, Poesia russa moderna, São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1968. (in Portuguese)
  • Susan Compton, World Backwards: Russian Futurist Book 1912-1916, London: British Library, 1978, 136 pp.
  • Halina Stephan, “Lef” and the Left Front of the Arts, Munich: Otto Sagner, 1981, 242 pp.
  • J.H. Eagle, Russian Formalist Film Theory, Michigan Slavic Publications, 1981, 174 pp. [24]
  • Rainer Georg Grübel, Russischer Konstruktivismus: künstlerische Konzeptionen, literarische Theorie und kultureller Kontext, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1981, 263 pp. (in German) [25]
  • Christina Lodder, Russian Constructivism, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983, 328 pp.
    • El Constructivsmo Russo, Madrid: Editorial Alianza S.A.C., 1988, 327 pp. (in Spanish)
  • Marjorie Perloff, The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture, University of California Press, 1985. [26] [27]
  • Richard Stites, Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution, Oxford University Press, 1988, 344 pp.
  • E.F. Kovtun, Russkaya futuristicheskaya kniga [Русская футуристическая книга], Moscow: Kniga, 1989, 248 pp. (in Russian) [28] [29]
  • Richard Andrews , Milena Kalinovska, Art Into Life: Russian Constructivism 1914-1932, New York: Rizzoli, 1990.
  • Lynn Mally, Culture of the Future: The Proletkult Movement in Revolutionary Russia, University of California Press, 1990.
  • William Craft Brumfield, The Origins of Modernism in Russian Architecture, University of California Press, 1991.
  • G. Harrison Roman and V. Hagelstein Marquardt (eds.), The Avant-Garde Frontier: Russia Meets the West 1910-1930, Gainesville, FL.: University Press of Florida, 1992.
  • Susan Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-1934, The MIT Press, 1992, 175 pp.
  • Ronald E. Peterson, A History of Russian Symbolism, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin, 1993.
  • Christina Lodder, Russian Painting of the Avant-Garde 1906-1924, Edinburgh: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, 1993, 95 pp.
  • James von Geldern, Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920, University of California Press, 1993.
  • Elena Sidorina (Елена Викторовна Сидорина), Skvoz ves dvadtsatyy vek. Khudozhestvenno-proyektnyye kontseptsii russkogo avangarda [Сквозь весь двадцатый век. Художественно-проектные концепции русского авангарда], Moscow, 1994. (in Russian)
  • Larry Sitsky, Music of the Repressed Russian Avant-garde, 1900-1929, Greenwood, 1994, 347 pp. [30]
  • Gerald Janecek, Zaum: The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism, San Diego State University Press, 1996, 428 pp.
  • John E. Bowlt, Olga Matich (eds.), Laboratory of Dreams: The Russian Avant-garde and Cultural Experiment, Stanford University Press, 1996, 359 pp. [31]
  • Selim Khan-Magomedov (Селим Хан-Магомедов), Архитектура советского авангарда, Книга первая: Проблемы формообразования. Мастера и течения [Soviet avant-garde architecture, I: Problems of morphogenesis. Masters and currents], Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1996, 709 pp. (in Russian)
  • Yevgeny Kovtun, Avant-Garde in Russia 1920-1930, Parkstone, 1997, 256 pp. [32]
  • Georgii Kovalenko (ed.), Avangard 1910kh - 1920kh godov, Vzaimodeistvie iskussty, Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi institut iskusstvoznaiya, 1998. (in Russian)
  • Tomáš Glanc, Videnie russkich avangardov, Prague: Univerzita Karlova, 1999, 175 pp. (in Russian)
  • Tatyana Nikolskaya (Татьяна Никольская), Fantasticheskiy gorod. Russkaya kulturnaya zhizn' v Tbilisi (1917-1921) [Фантастический город. Русская культурная жизнь в Тбилиси (1917-1921)], Moscow: Pyataya strana, 2000. (in Russian)
  • Александра Шатских, Vitebsk. Zhizn' iskusstva 1917-1922 [Витебск. Жизнь искусства 1917-1922], Moscow: Языки русской культуры, 2001, 256 pp. (in Russian). Interview, Review.
    • Aleksandra Shatskikh, Vitebsk: The Life of Art, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007, 408 pp. [33], Contents.
  • Evgenii Petrova (ed.), The Russian Avant-Garde: Personality and School, St Petersburg: Palace Editions, 2003.
  • Barrett Watten, The Constructivist Moment: From Material Text to Cultural Poetics, Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2003.
  • The Russian Avant-Garde (1910-1930): An Unfulfilled Plan: Symposium Proceedings, European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 2004, 357 pp. [34]
  • Maria Gough, The Artist as Producer: Russian Constructivism in Revolution, University of California Press, 2005, 257 pp. [35]
  • A.P. Kudryavtsev, N.O. Dushkina (eds.), From VKhUTEMAS to MARKhI, 1920-36, Moscow: A-Fond Publishers, 2005, 231 pp. (in English/Russian)
  • Christina Lodder, Constructive Strands in Russian Art, London: Pindar Press, 2005, 596 pp.
  • Hans Günther, Sabine Hänsgen (eds.), Sovetskaya vlast' i media [Советская власть и медиа; Soviet Power and the Media], St. Petersburg: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2005, 621 pp. [36] (in Russian). Review.
  • Alan Bartram, Futurist Typography and the Liberated Text, Yale University Press, 2006, 160 pp. [37]
  • Andrew Spira, The Avant-Garde Icon: Russian Avant-Garde Art and the Icon Painting Tradition, Lund Humphries, 2008, 224 pp.
  • Ilia Dorontchenkov (ed.), Russian and Soviet Views of Modern Western Art, 1890s to Mid-1930s, trans. Charles Rougle, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.
  • Wolfgang Mende, Musik und Kunst in der sowjetischen Revolutionskultur, Cologne/Weimar: Böhlau, 2009, 644 pp. (in German) [38]
  • S. Shargorodsky (ed.) Obvaly serdtsa: Avangard v Krymu, Moscow: Salamandra, 2011, 187 pp. (in Russian)
  • Gennadiy Aygi, Tvortsy budushchikh znakov [Творцы будущих знаков], Moscow: Salamandra, 2011, 157 pp. (in Russian)
  • Rosamund Bartlett, Sarah Dadswell (eds.), Victory over the Sun: The World’s First Futurist Opera, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2012.
  • Julia Vaingurt, Wonderlands of the Avant-Garde: Technology and the Arts in Russia of the 1920s, Northwestern University Press, 2013, 322 pp. [39] [40]
  • Andrey Smirnov, Sound in Z: Experiments in Sound and Electronic Music in Early 20th-century Russia, London: Koenig Books & Sound and Music, 2013, 281 pp.
  • Eva Birkenstock, Kerstin Stakemier, Nina Köller (eds.), Anfang Gut, Alles Gut - Actualizations of the Futurist Opera Victory Over the Sun 1913, Kunsthaus Bregenz, 2013. Contributors: Roger Behrens, Devin Fore, Anke Hennig, Oliver Jelinski, Christiane Ketteler, Avigail Moss, Nikolai Punin, Marina Vishmidt. (in German/English)
  • Pamela Kachurin, Making Modernism Soviet: The Russian Avant-Garde in the Early Soviet Era, 1918-1928 , Northwestern University Press, 2013, 176 pp. Revised version of the author's 1998 thesis. [41]
  • Philip Cavendish, The Men With the Movie Camera: The Poetics of Visual Style in Soviet Avant-Garde Cinema of the 1920s, Berghahn, 2013, 362 pp. [42] [43]

Book chapters, Papers, Articles



Experimental film

Constructivist film
  • Aelita, Queen of Mars (1924), dir. Iakov Protozanov, based on the novel by Alexei Tolstoy (1923).
  • Interplanetary Revolution (1924), dir. N. Khodataev, Z. Komisarenko, and Y. Merkulov. Animated film.

Interactive environments and installations

  • 1965 - Exhibition - Kinetic Art, Dvizheniye (Movement) group, House of Architect, Leningrad
  • 1967 - EXPO '67, Soviet Pavilion, Montreal, Canada
  • 1978 - Science and Art, House of Scientists, exhibition, Moscow
  • 1979 - Colour - Form - Space, Exhibition Hall on Malaja Gruzinskaja, exhibition, Moscow
  • 1987 - Retrospection of Moscow Unofficial Art (1957-1987), Exhibition Hall of the association "Ermitazh" in Belajevo, Moscow
  • 1988 - Geometry in Art, Exhibition Hall on Kashirskaja, Moscow
  • Cybertheater, 1967, Lev Nusberg and the 'Movement' Group. A 20 m2 complex of kinetic "cyber-creatures", mostly 130 X 80 cm. Members of the Russian 'Movement' Group built in St. Petersburg (then, Leningrad) cyber-creatures, or "cybers", which had five to six degrees of freedom. In this theater of artificial creatures, the actors were capable of controlling the color and intensity of the lights, as well as sounds and smells. A color film was planned by the "Movement" Group. A much bigger and more complex programmed "Cybertheater" was also projected.
  • Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 5, 1994. Prometheus: Art, Science and Technology in the Former Soviet Union: Special Issue. [47]

Computer art

  • Kitty, 1968, computer animation. A group of russian physicists and mathematicians with N.Konstantinov in the head of it created mathematic model of the cat and its moving and realized this model in the program for the computer “BESM-4”. Computer printed hundreds of frames on the paper using alphabet symbols and then they were converted to the cinefilm. [48] [49] [50]

Video art

  • First experiments with video 8 cameras date back to the late 80s, when western video art started to cross the borders of the Soviet Union, which at that period became less resistant not only to the formerly viciously denounced "degenerate, imperialistic" forms of art, but also to the technical devices necessary to produce first Russian works of video art. [51]
Video installations
  • 1990s: Isupov, Galeyev, Isaev, Fishkin
  • Anatoly V. Prokhorov, "HALF A KINGDOM FOR A STRANGE HORSE !". [52]
  • "From Underground to Foreground: The Rise of Video Art in Russia". [53]
  • Lucie Buechting, "Carbon Club: On Russian Video Art", 2004. [54]

Electroacoustic and experimental music, sound art

Electro-acoustic music
Electronic music
  • 1996 - Concert program for Lev Theremin’s 100 anniversary.
  • 1997 - The Theremin Center. The Multimedia Concert Program at Russian Musical Academy, Moscow.
  • Generation Z exhibition in Budapest, 2011
  • "Recent Russian Texts on the Theremin", compiled by N. Nesturkh, B. Galeyev, S. Zorin, I. Vanechkina and S. Sintzova. Leonardo. [64]
  • "Theremin International Resource Directory. Documents, Publications, Written Materials, Films and Other Resources on the Theremin; Archives, Museums, Libraries Containing Theremin Materials; Musical Works and Film Scores Written for the Theremin." Compiled by Matthias Sauer. Leonardo. [65]

New media art, Media culture


Moscow, St Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Sebastopol, Perm

  • Collaborative research on internet in Russia, [71]
  • Katherine Liberovskaya, "Behind the Cyrillic Curtain : Notes on Internet Art and Culture in Russia", 2001, [72]
  • Lev Manovich, "Behind the Screen / Russian New Media", 1997. [73]
  • Andrea Hapke, Andrea Jana Korb, "Russische cyberfeministische Strategien", course plan, 2002. [74]
  • Andrea Hapke and Andrea Jana Korb, "'Russische' cyberfeministische Strategien zwischen Realität, Virtualität und Fiktion – Ein Dialog", German. [75]
  • Florian Schneider and James Allen. Runet - interview with olia lialina. 2000. [76]
  • Jürgen Bruchhaus, "Runet 2000 - Politik und russisches Internet", Master thesis, 2000, German. [77] [78]
  • Media Art in Russia. ISEA Newsletter #95, January-February 2004. [79], [80]


  • "Soviet Bibliography". Books on the theme "Art, Science and Technology" published in the Soviet Union from 1917-1991 (in Russian). Compiled by Bulat M. Galeyev. Leonardo. [81]
  • "Bibliography of Articles Published in Leonardo on Art, Science and Technology in the Former Soviet Union", Leonardo. [82]
  • "Russian Books on Art, Science and Technology (1992-2000)", compiled by Leonardo International Co-Editor Bulat M. Galeyev and Vladimir G. Chudnovsky. [83]