Media archives
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- Documentation
- Indexing, metadata, taxonomies, tagging, folksonomy, classification [1]
- Transclusion, contextualisation, discourse analysis, clustering [2]
- Visualisation, representation, interfaces [3] [4]
- Licensing, copyright issues
- File formats, conversion
- Physical storage media, preservation [5]
- Scientific fields, Academic disciplines
- Library science, Documentation science, Information science
- Archival science, Archival studies
- Museology, Museum studies, Museum informatics
- Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage
- Heritage studies
Selected media archives[edit]
- Monoskop
- UbuWeb
- Internet Archive
- MediaArtHistories, a blog dedicated to discussing the study of Media Art Histories.
- Dead Media Project
- compArt, Database of Early Computer Art
-, a history of cybernetic animals and early robots
- Prehystories of New Media, class at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Fall 2008, instructor: Nina Wenhart
- Prehysteries of New Media, Nina Wenhart's collection of resources on the various histories of new media art. it is the base for a forthcoming book
- GenderArtNet, experimental mapping project exploring the interrelation of gender, ethnicity, race, class and sexualities in contemporary Europe
- Archeologia mediów, czyli mgliste początki, Joanna Walewska, (Polish)
- Dr. Reinhold Grether's Media Arts List (Netzwissenschaft), rescued by Golan Levin, 2008.
- Rosalind, new media art lexicon
- NOMAD aims to produce a curricular history of the teaching of media art in Australian higher education, as well as facilitating socially networked exchange of ideas and examples of current practices.; MASS, media/electronic art scoping study is an overview of the current and pioneering educators, artists and scientists who have brought about the dissolution of boundaries that have traditionally existed between the artistic and technological disciplines.
- Media Art Net
- Rhizome Artbase
- MediaArtHistoriesArchive
-, media arts and electronic culture
- Media.Art.Research Bibliography
- Database of Virtual Art
- M.A.D., media art database
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Media.Art.Research.
- 0xdb, movie database with full text search within movies
- art.deb, project examines the strategies and approaches for archiving and exhibiting software art in the context of FLOSS
- "The living archive" is a practice-lead research trajectory at De Balie, Amsterdam. At the media department of De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics, they have over the last few years investigated the question how the notion of the 'archive' can be reinterpreted as a discursive principle, rather than a fixed canon or static repository,
- Media Art Archive Vienna
- Variable Media Initiative
- Leonardo Electronic Directory
- more:
Media archives in CEE[edit]
- Artyčok, video archive of emerging art in Europe
- Artlist, database of contemporary art in Czech Republic.
- I-datum, Internet database of contemporary Czech art.
- Archfilm, archive of Polish experimental film
-, online archive of experimental film and video from Slovakia
- Lemurie
- Digitální kultura, wiki for digital culture, in Czech [6]
- Karass Suite
- CEAD – Central European Art Database
- Digitizing ideas, archives of conceptual and neo-avantgarde art practices
- Archiwa społeczne, resource on archives of Polish society, in Polish.
- MAP: media archive presents, new media artworks created in/related to Brno.
- IDM Net.Data, works by students from the Faculty of Fine Arts AKU Banská Bystrica, SK.
Selected events[edit]
- Events organised by Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Linz, since 2005. [7]
- Open Archives, IIM Prague, November 2007.
- New Media. Variety of Perspectives. Web Archives, Databases and Art Distribution Projects, Multiplace Brno, April 2008.
- Rethinking Archives: History, Media, Memory, a series of four workshops Michelle Henning and Julian Warren, Arnolfini, Bristol, October 2008 - May 2009.
- Archive2020: Sustainable Archiving of Born Digital Content, Virtueel Platform, Amsterdam, May 2009. Publication, Report
- Database|Narrative|Archive. An International Symposium on Nonlinear Digital Storytelling. Concordia University, Montréal (13-15 May 2011). Discussions covered database documentaries, interactive narratives, and experimental archiving.
- Animating Archives: Making New Media Matter, Brown University, December 2009. [8]
- Digital Art Conservation symposia and exhibition, ZKM, 2010-12.
- Collecting and Presenting Born-Digital Art, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, December 2012.
- Post-Media Archives, workshop/roundtable, Post-Media Lab, Lüneburg, April 2013. Organised by Clemens Apprich and Oliver Lerone Schultz.
Management software[edit]
- collection management systems: CollectiveAccess, OpenCollection (OSS)
- content management systems: Plone (GNU GPL), Drupal (GNU)
- mind mapping and knowledge management systems: DeepaMehta (based on Ted Nelson's research results)
Data visualisation tools[edit]
- - search engine obraz+text->rozhodene po obrazovke, chce aj audio/video ale zatial nie, teraz na tom nepracuje; BY jaume
- - vztahy v sieti
- - kolab titulkovanie/preklady videa
- - filtracia textov na zaklade 2 parametrov
- - multistream
- - work with concepts in common, fajn pre dragdrop obrazky+texty ??, teraz bug s DB
- + - SW actionscript, flash; OUT grafy; C BSD; DOWN beta, oct 2007; EG vzajomna zavislost suborov v ramci sw balika, vyvoj typov zamestnanosti v USA
- - EG migracia ludi z kalifornie do inych statov; C berkeley SDL; DOWN alpha
- - EG social network analysis; DOWN ?
- more: [9] [10]
Twine, Celtx, Scalar, Vue (Tufts), Popcorn, WebGL, Will Luers’s HTML5/CSS/WebApp resource page, Sophie, Korsakow, CombinInformation
- in 1903 Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss published their essay on primitive classification systems to show how they are determined by the shape of society [11]
- Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think", Atlantic Monthly 176 (July 1945), pp 101-108. later versions and translations. Memex
- D.C. Engelbart, Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, 1962. [12]. NLS. 1968 demo.
- Ted Nelson, "A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate", 1965.
- Ted Nelson, Computer Lib/Dream Machines, 1974.
- Ted Nelson, Literary Machines, 1981. Xanadu
- Tim Berners-Lee, The ENQUIRE System, 1980.
- Jacques Derrida, Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. University of Chicago Press, 1996. [13]
- Esther Weltevrede, "Archiving Web dynamics" [14]
- Alain Depocas, Jon Ippolito, Caitlin Jones (eds.), Permanence Through Change: The Variable media Approach, New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, with Montreal: Daniel Langlois Foundation, 2003. English and French. [15]
- Sandra Fauconnier, Rens Frommé, Capturing Unstable Media: "Summary of Research Results", March 2003 [16]
- Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder (eds.), Making Art of Databases, Rotterdam: V2, 2003. [17]
- Charles Merewether (ed.), The Archive. London: Whitechapel, 2006. [18]
- Annet Dekker (ed.), Archive2020 – Sustainable Archiving of Born-Digital Cultural Content. Virtueel Platform, 2010. [19]
- Nina Wenhart, "W0rdM4g1x. Or how to put a spell on Media Art Archives", January 2011, [20]
- Publications on archiving at Monoskop Log