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'''Prague''', [[Czech Republic]]. Geographical and social links to [[Brno]], [[Bratislava]].
; Venues
'''Groups and initiatives''': [[A.M. 180]] (*2003), [[C2C]] (*2006), [[Centre of Global Studies]] (*2007), [[CIANT]] (*1998), [[Guma Guar]] (*2001), [[IQ+1]] ensemble (*2010), [[M77]] (*2009), [[Macula]], [[MLOK]] (*2004), [[Muteme]] (*2003), [[Publick]], [[ScArt]] (*2004), [[SEAH]] (*1990), [[Silver]] (*1994), [[Tranzit]] (*2002), [[Video Salon]] (*1987), [[Vilém Flusser Centre for Media and Culture Philosophy]], [[Yo-Yo]] (*2008).<br>
<div class=threecol>
'''Past initiatives''': [[Radio Jeleni]] (2000-2004).
'''Festivals''': [[Cafe Neu Romance]] (2012), [[Babel Prague]] (2012), [[KontrA2punkt]] (2012), [[Reset]] (2008, 2010), [[Anemic]] (*2010), [[Lunchmeat]] (2010), [[/tmp/ Creative Destruction]] (*2008), [[Stimul]] (*2005) , [[Multiplace]] (since 2004), [[Datatransfer]] (*2001), [[Enter Multimediale]] (2000, 05, 07), [[Videoart Festival Prague]] (*2007).<br>
* [[22PRESENTS]], *2009
'''Past festivals''': [[Transgenesis]] (2006), [[In Out]] (2003), [[Digital.ZOOO]] (2000), [[Last Underground]] (1999), [[Festival of Light]] (1991).<br>
* [https://www.acidcoffee.cz/ Acid Coffee], *2020
'''Events''': [[Cybercultures]] conference (*2003), [[Confidence]] (*2003).<br>
* [https://altenburg1964.cz/ Altenburg1964], music venue
'''Past events''': [[Urban Popcultures]] conference (2011), [[Media Archaeology]] conference (2010), [[Umění, věda a filosofie (pohledem třicátníků)]] lecture series (2010), [[Mutamorphosis]] conference (2007), [[Small Etudes]] (2007), [[Upgrade.Komensky.Dot.Org]] (2007), [[Share TAZ]] (2007), [[Blind Date]] (2006), [[New Media programs in the Czech Republic]] (2006), [[Trans DADA Express]] (2006), [[Art's Birthday Party]] (since 2005), [[Media-Performance]] symposium (2005), [[FM@dia]] (2004), [[Streets, Stories, Faces]] (2003), [[deKartografie]] (2003), [[Excavating the Future]] symposium (2001), [[Ready To...]] conference (2001), [[Media and Imagery]] symposium (2000), [[Translocation new media/art]] exhibition and symposium (1999), [[Action Word Movement Space]] exhibition (1999), [[Softmodern]] (1998), [[Dawn of the Magicians?]] (1996-7), [[Culture, Communication and New Technologies]] (1996), [[Along the Frontier]] (1996), [[Orbis Fictus]] (1994), [[Český obraz elektronický]] exhibition (1994), [[Computer Graphics in Fine Arts]] exhibition (1993), [[Prague Media Symposium]] (1991-98).
* [https://anka.li/ Ankali], club space, *2017
* [https://knihy.artmap.cz ArtMap], art bookstore
* [https://www.artwallgallery.cz/ Artwall], gallery, CCA, *2005
* [https://bikejesus.com/ Bike Jesus], music bar
* [[BrmLab]], hackerspace, *2010
* [[Café V lese]], music bar, *2010
* [http://www.praha.camp/ CAMP], centre for architecture and urban planning, *2017
* [https://cca.fcca.cz/galerie/galerie-kurzor/ Cursor Gallery / Galerie Kurzor], CCA, *2017, [https://artycok.tv/44441/galerie-kurzor]
* [[DigiLab AVU Prague|DigiLab]], *2001
* [https://entrancegallery.com Entrance Gallery], *2005
* [[etc. gallery]], *2004
* [[Final]], club
* [https://www.fuchs2.cz/ Fuchs2], venue for adventurous music and performing arts, *2018
* [http://futuraprague.com/ Futura], centre for contemporary art, *2003
* [[Display]], gallery, *2001
* [https://www.hudebni3.cz/ Hudební 3], concert venue, *2017
* [http://www.iniproject.org/ INI Project / Prostor], *2010/2013
* [http://www.institutuzkosti.cz Institute of Anxiety], *2018
* [[Jelení Gallery|Jelení Gallery / Galerie Jelení]], CCA, *1999
* [http://futuraprague.com/karlin-studios Karlín Studios], artists studios
* [https://www.kavkabook.cz/ Kavka], art bookstore
* [https://klub007strahov.cz/ Klub 007], rock club, *1969, [https://klub007strahov.cz/historie/]
* [[Meet Factory]], centre for contemporary art, 2001-2002, *2007
* [https://neone.cz/ Neone], pop-up club, *2013
* [[NoD]], culture centre, *1999
* [http://norm-a.com/index.php?page=home_gallery Norma Space], gallery, *2016
* [[Output Gallery]], *2006
* [http://pagefive.com PageFive], art bookstore, *2013
* [[Paralelní Polis]], *2014
* [[Petrohradská kolektiv]], artist-run initiative, *2015
* [https://www.facebook.com/planeta.za Planeta Za], community centre, *2020
* [[Prádelna Bohnice]], *2012
* [https://pragovka.com/ Pragovka], arts district, *2016
* [https://www.kinopritomnost.cz/about-cinema Přítomnost], boutique cinema, *2020
* [https://prostor39.cz/ Prostor39] (Studio39, Tep39, Roleta39), community cultural centre, Žižkov, [https://www.donio.cz/prostor39]
* [https://www.punctum.cz/ Punctum], community-run event venue, *2016
* [https://www.stalinletna.cz/ Stalin], outdoor culture centre
* [[Studio Béla]], cinefile club, *2012
* [https://studiohrdinu.cz/ Studio Hrdinů], theatre, *2012
* [[SVIT]], gallery, *2010
* [http://www.zvukpraha.cz/synthlibraryprague/ Synth Library Prague], community centre for electronic music education, *2018
* [https://underdogsprague.org/ Underdogs], music venue
* [http://www.vipergallery.org Vi per], gallery for architecture, *2016, [https://artycok.tv/42685/vi-per-2]
* [https://vnitroblock.cz/ Vnitroblock], multifunctional space, *2016
* [https://vzlet.cz/ Vzlet], cultural centre, *2021
* [http://www.xaoxax.cz/ Xaoxax], gallery & bookstore, *2013
* [https://www.facebook.com/klubovnaZAZEMI Zázemí], klubovna, *2015
* [http://zvukpraha.cz/ Zvuk], open media lab, *2017
* more: [https://www.use-it.travel/cities/detail/prague/ USE-IT], city guide, 2017.
'''Media''': [[A2]] (*2005), [[Artlist]], [[Artyčok]], [[Ateliér]], [[Cinepur]], [[jlbjlt]] (*2006), [[konvergence.info]], [[HIS Voice]], [[Lemurie]] (*2004), [[Mediabaze.cz]] (*2010), [[Umělec]] (*1997), [[Živel]] (*1994).
* ''Past venues'': [https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomní_sociální_centrum_Klinika Klinika] squatted self-managed social centre (2014-2019), [[The Hole Gallery]] (*2013), [[Tranzitdisplay]] (2007-2017), [[Ciant Gallery]] (*2007), [[Trafačka]] (*2006), [[C2C Gallery]] (*2006), [http://web.archive.org/web/20161012063552/http://www.fra.cz/cafe-fra Café Fra] (2004-2023) [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1348432932725654], [[Utopia bar|Utopia]] (*2003), [[NoD Media Lab]] (2000-2001), [[Školská 28]] (communication space, 1999-2016), [[LABoratory]] (1998-2003), [https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vila_Milada Milada] (1998-2009), [[Terminal Bar]] (1997-2000?), [http://citarna.unijazz.cz/ Čítárna Unijazzu] (1994-2018) [https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=3524361727616260&id=1131517003567423], [https://wave.rozhlas.cz/byl-tady-hlad-po-svobodnych-mistech-uplynulo-20-let-od-vyklizeni-prazskeho-8371415 Ladronka] autonomous cultural social centre (1993-2000) [https://is.muni.cz/th/ry2no/DP_W.pdf], [[Black Hand]] (1992-1997), [https://facebook.com/1131517003567423/posts/2501155256603584/ Zlatá loď] (1991-1994), [https://www.facebook.com/people/Zaniklé-pražské-kluby/100064434262179/ more].
'''Initiatives''' ''with no permanent event venue''
'''Academy programs''': [[New Media AVU Prague|New Media AVU]] (*1991), [[New Media 2 AVU Prague|New Media 2 AVU]], [[CAS Prague|CAS]], [[Supermedia UMPRUM Prague|Supermedia UMPRUM]] (*2008), [[Graphic Design and New Media UMPRUM Prague|Graphic Design and New Media UMPRUM]] (*2005), [[New Media Studies UISK UK Prague|New Media Studies UISK UK]] (*2006), [[Electronic Culture and Semiotics FHS UK Prague|Electronic Culture and Semiotics FHS UK]], [[Electroacoustic and Multimedia Art HAMU Prague|Electroacoustic and Multimedia Art HAMU]], [[Institute of Intermedia Prague|Institute of Intermedia]] (*2007).
<div class=threecol>
* [https://www.advojka.cz/ A2], critical bi-weekly, *2005
* [https://denikalarm.cz/ Alarm], activist daily, *2013
* [[A.M. 180]], *2003
* [[Artlist]], contemporary art database, *2006
* [[Artyčok]], online platform for contemporary art, *2005
* [http://are-events.org/ Are], curatorial platform, *2015
* [[Baba Vanga]], music label, *2013
* [[BCAA system]], art collective, *2017
* [[Center for Contemporary Arts Prague]] (CCA), *1992
* [http://cinepur.cz/ Cinepur], film magazine, *1991
* [[City Surfer]], *2007
* [http://feministinstitution.cz Feminist Art Institution], *2017
* [https://www.gloryaffairs.com/ Glory Affairs], artist collective, *2018
* [[Guma Guar]], *2001
* [[Handa Gote]]
* [[HIS Voice]], music magazine, *2001
* [https://www.musica.cz/ Hudební informační středisko] (HIS), since 2017
* [[IQ+1]], ensemble, *2010
* [https://www.sjch.cz Jindřich Chalupecký Society], *1990
* [[Kolektiv]], *2014
* [[konvergence.info]]
* [[M77]], *2009
* [[MLOK]], *2004
* [[Muteme]], *2003
* [https://pagenotfound.cz/ Page Not Found], digital magazine, *2024, [https://pagenotfound.start.page/]
* [http://pgs.gallery/ Proto Gallery Systems], *2018
* [[Publick]]
* [https://radiopunctum.cz/ Radio Punctum], community radio
* [https://www.artlist.cz/skupiny/rafani-131/ Rafani], art collective, *2000
* [[ScArt]], *2004
* [[SEAH]], *1990
* [[Signals from Arkaim]], music label
* [[Tranzit]], *2002
* [[Umělec]], art magazine, *1997
* [[Vilém Flusser Centre for Media and Culture Philosophy]]
* [[Yo-Yo]], *2008
* [[Živel]], culture magazine, *1995
'''Spaces''': [[BrmLab]] hackerspace (*2010), [[DigiLab AVU Prague|DigiLab]] (*2001), [[Entrance Gallery]], [[Futura]], [[Final]] club, [[The Hole Gallery]] (*2013), [[Gallery Jelení]], [[Karlín Studios]], [[Meet Factory]] (*2007), [[NoD]] (*1999), [[Output Gallery]] (*2006), [[Prádelna Bohnice]] gallery (*2012), [[Školská 28]] (*1999), [[SVIT]] gallery (*2010), [[Trafačka]] (*2006), [[Tranzitdisplay]] (*2007), [[Václav Špála Gallery]], [[Café V lese]], [[22PRESENTS]] (*2009).<br>
''Academy and university programs''<br>
'''Past spaces''': [[Ciant Gallery]] (*2007), [[C2C Gallery]] (*2006), [[Display Gallery]], [[NoD Media Lab]] (2000-2001), [[LABoratory]] (1998-2003), [[Terminal Bar]] (1996-?), [[Utopia bar|Utopia]] (*2003).
* [[CAS Prague|CAS]], *2005
* [[Centre of Global Studies]], *2007
* [[Graphic Design and New Media UMPRUM Prague|Graphic Design and New Media UMPRUM]], *2005
* [[Electronic Culture and Semiotics FHS UK Prague|Electronic Culture and Semiotics FHS UK]]
* [[Electroacoustic and Multimedia Art HAMU Prague|Electroacoustic and Multimedia Art HAMU]]
* [[Institute of Intermedia Prague|Institute of Intermedia]], *2007
* [[New Media AVU Prague|New Media AVU]], *1991
* [[New Media 2 AVU Prague|New Media 2 AVU]]
* [[New Media Studies UISK UK Prague|New Media Studies UISK UK]], *2006
* [[Supermedia UMPRUM Prague|Supermedia UMPRUM]], *2008
* ''Past initiatives'': [[Mediabaze.cz]] (*2010), [https://www.signalfestival.com/umelec/the-macula/ Macula] (art collective, *2007), [[C2C]] (*2006), [[Lemurie]] (*2004), [[Radio Jeleni]] (2000-2004), [[CIANT]] (1998-2015), [http://web.archive.org/web/20091119223432/http://mamapapa.cz/cs/projects Mamapapa] [http://encyklopedie.idu.cz/index.php/Mamapapa] (1997-2007), [[Silver]] (*1994), [http://web.archive.org/web/20150227090216/http://www.atelier-journal.cz/ Ateliér] (art magazine, 1988-2015) [http://web.archive.org/web/19980208231317/http://www.ecn.cz/osf/scca/eng/calendar/atelier.htm] [https://art.ihned.cz/umeni/c1-65037460-casopis-atelier] [https://dspace.cuni.cz/handle/20.500.11956/78507], [[Video Salon]] (*1987).
'''Art workers''': [[Alena Kupčíková]], [[Aleš Černý]] (1977), [[Aleš Zemene]] (1968), [[Alexandra Moralesová]] (1989), [[Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou]] (1972), [[Andrej Boleslavský]], [[Anetta Mona Chisa]] (1975), [[Bohuš Získal]] (1971), [[Borjana Dodova]], [[Darina Alster]] (1979), [[David Černý]] (1967), [[David Šmitmajer]] (1986), [[Denisa Kera]] (1974), [[Federico Díaz]] (1971), [[František Týmal]] (1987), [[František Zachoval]] (1979), [[Gabriela Jurkovičová]] (1981), [[George Bagdasarov]] (1978), [[Gívan Belá]]/[[Guy van Belle]], [[Hana Železná]] (1978), [[Initi]], [[Ivor Diosi]] (1973), [[Jakub Nepraš]] (1981), [[Jan Mucska]], [[Jan Náleva]] (1985), [[Jan Rous]] (1981), [[Jiří Havlíček]] (1977), [[Jiří­ Rouš]] (1986), [[Josef Šlerka]], [[Kateřina Bílková]] (1988), [[Katrin Vodrážková]], [[Krištof Kintera]] (1973), [[Kryštof Pešek]] (1986), [[Ladislav Železný]] (1979), [[Lenka Dolanová]] (1979), [[Lloyd Dunn]], [[Lubor Benda]] (1967), [[Lucia Udvardyová]] (1981), [[Lucie Svobodová]] (1963), [[Magdalena Hrubá]] (1978), [[Magdaléna Kobzová]] (1981), [[Markéta Baňková]] (1969), [[Martin Blažíček]] (1976), [[Martin Kermes]] (1974), [[Matěj Strnad]] (1989), [[Michael Bielický]] (1954), [[Michaela Buchtová]], [[Michal Cáb]] (1980), [[Michal Kindernay]] (1978), [[Michal Klodner]] (1975), [[Michal Mariánek]] (1976), [[Michal Pustějovský]], [[Michal Rataj]] (1975), [[Mikuláš Podprocký]] (1978), [[Milan Guštar]] (1963), [[Miloš Vojtěchovský]] (1955), [[Ondřej Skala]], [[Ondřej Vavrečka]], [[Palo Fabuš]] (1983), [[Pash*]] (1984), [[Pavel Rejholec]], [[Pavel Sedlák]] (1977), [[Pavel Smetana]], [[Pavel Sterec]] (1985), [[Petr Šourek]], [[Petr Svárovský]], [[Peter Machajdík]] (1961), [[Petra Jedličková]], [[Petra Vargová]] (1973), [[Prokop Bartoníček]] (1983), [[Radim Labuda]] (1976), [[Radomír Leszczynski]] (1945), [[Róbert Bittner]] (1980), [[Robert Horvitz]] (1947), [[Stanislav Abrahám]] (1977), [[Tamara Moyzes]] (1975), [[Tomáš Dvořák]] (1975), [[Tomáš Dvořák (Floex)]], [[Veronika Trachtová]] (1982), [[Viktor Takáč]] (1982), [[Vilém Novák]] (1981), [[Vít Šisler]], [[Vjera Borozan]].
<div class=threecol>
* [https://ctyridny.cz/ 4+4 dny v pohybu / 4+4 Days in Motion], contemporary art festival, *1996
* [https://www.tba21.org/#item--COI--1886 Class of Interpretation], discursive program, 2018-2023
* [[Lunchmeat]], festival for electronic music and media art, *2010
* [https://matterof.art/ Matter of Art / Ve věci umění], biennale, *2020, [https://march.international/triennials-out-of-time-off-biennale-budapest-and-matter-of-art/]
* [https://studiohrdinu.cz/cs/production/festival-norma-2015/ Norma], festival of devised theatre and contemporary art, *2015, [http://web.archive.org/web/20230330084631/https://festivalnorma.cz/]
* [https://pragueartweek.cz/ Prague Art Week], festival, *2022
* [[Signal]], festival of digital and creative culture, *2013
* [https://sumoprague.cz/ Sumo], international gallery cooperative program, *2020
* [http://transmit.org/ Transmit], festival, *2017
* [https://www.uroboros.design/ Uroboros – Designing in Troubling Times], design-art festival, *2020
* [https://matterof.art/projects/we-are-all-emotional-have-we-ever-been-otherwise-towards-new-gestures-of-empathy We Are All Emotional], [https://matterof.art/projects/festival-performance-2023 To Leave Is to Return Another Way], festival of performance art, *2022
* ''Event listings'': [https://www.artmap.cz/akce/ Artmap], [[jlbjlt]] (*2006).
; Past events
<div class=threecol>
* [https://www.facebook.com/events/2332737710255088/ Regeneration: festival of environmental and decolonial perspectives], 2024
* [https://blackedition.cz/en/forum Cartography of (Eco)systems: Black Edition], forum, 2022
* [http://en.ghmp.cz/past-exhibitions/sounds-codes-images-audio-experimentation-in-the-visual-arts/ Sounds / Codes / Images: Audio Experimentation in the Visual Arts], exhibition, 2019, [http://ghmp.cz/probehle-vystavy/zvuky-kody-obrazy-akusticky-experiment-ve-vizualnim-umeni/]
* [https://rageagainstthealgorithm.wordpress.com/ Rage Against the Algorithm], colloquium, 2018
* [http://25fps.cz/2018/den-videa-1989-2018/ Den videa 1989/2018], exhibition, 2018
* [http://nod.roxy.cz/cs/program/events/778-sympozium-na-tema-videoart Sympozium VideoArt], 2015, [http://nod.roxy.cz/cs/program/gallery/874-sympozium-videoartu-no2-special]
* [[Cafe Neu Romance]], festival, 2012
* [[Babel Prague]], festival, 2012
* [[KontrA2punkt]], festival, 2012
* [[Imagosféra]], 2012
* [[Seed]], *2011
* [[Urban Popcultures]], conference, 2011
* [[Anemic]], festival, *2010
* [[Media Archaeology, 2010|Media Archaeology]], conference, 2010
* [https://ikaros.cz/transistor-2010-aneb-ochrana-elektronickych-dokumentu-a-audiovizualnich-del TransISTor], conference, 2010
* [[Umění, věda a filosofie, pohledem třicátníků]], lecture series, 2010
* [[Wakushoppu]], *2010
* [[Reset]], festival, 2008, 2010
* [[/tmp/ Creative Destruction]], festival, *2008
* [[MutaMorphosis]], conference, 2007, 2012
* [[Media:Open_Archives_prezentace_medialnich_umeni_a_digitalni_archivy_IIM_2007.pdf|Open Archives - Prezentace mediálních umění a digitální archivy]], 2007, [http://www.nekultura.cz/vytvarne-umeni-hlavni/od-webu-k-videu-k-a-zpet.html]
* [[Small Etudes]], 2007
* [[Videoart Festival Prague]], *2007
* [[Upgrade.Komensky.Dot.Org]], 2007
* [[Enter]], festival, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013
* [[Share TAZ]], 2007
* [[TransGenesis]], festival, 2006
* [[Blind Date]], 2006
* [[New Media programs in the Czech Republic]], 2006
* [[Trans DADA Express]], 2006
* [[Art's Birthday Party]], since 2005
* [[Media-Performance]], symposium, 2005
* [[Stimul]], festival, *2005
* [[Media:Authentic Structures 2004.pdf|Authentic Structures]], symposium and discussion platform, 2004
* [[Multiplace]], network culture festival, since 2004
* [[FM@dia]], 2004
* [http://www.svitpraha.org/en/program/past/co14-launch-15-3-2011/ci_34/203.html CO14], lecture series, 2003-2005
* [[Cybercultures]], conference, *2003
* [[Confidence]], *2003
* [[Streets, Stories, Faces]], 2003
* [[deKartografie]], 2003
* [[In Out]], festival, 2003
* [[Excavating the Future]], symposium, 2001
* [[Ready To...]], conference, 2001
* [[Enter Multimediale]], festival, 2000, 2005
* [[Digital.ZOOO]], festival, 2000
* [[Media and Imagery]], symposium, 2000
* [[Cafe9.net]], 2000
* [[Last Underground]], festival, 1999
* [[Translocation new media/art]], exhibition and symposium, 1999
* [[Action Word Movement Space]], exhibition, 1999
* [[Datatransfer]], festival, 1998-2006
* [[Softmodern]], 1998
* [[Dawn of the Magicians?]], 1996-1997
* [[Culture, Communication and New Technologies]], 1996
* [[Along the Frontier]], 1996
* [[Computer Graphic Art 1996|Computer Graphic Art]], 1996
* [[Orbis Fictus]], 1995
* [[Video Art 94 Nature in Motion|Video Art '94: Nature in Motion]], exhibition
* [[Český obraz elektronický]], exhibition, 1994
* [[Computer Graphics in Fine Arts]], exhibition, 1993
* [[Prague Media Symposium]], 1991-1997, 2001, 2007
* [[Festival of Light]], festival, 1991
* [http://25fps.cz/2018/den-videa-1989-2018/ Den videa], exhibition, 1989
==Art workers==
<div class=threecol>
* [[Adéla Komrzý]] (1992)
* [[Alena Kupčíková]]
* [[Aleš Zemene]] (1968)
* [[Alexandra Morales]] (1989)
* [https://alicaminar.com/ Alica Minar]
* [[Alžběta Bačíková]] (1988)
* [[Andrej Boleslavský]]
* [[Anetta Mona Chisa]] (1975)
* [[Anežka Bartlová]] (1988)
* [[Anna Remešová]] (1990)
* [https://vimeo.com/barborakleinhamplova Barbora Kleinhamplová]
* [[Bohuš Získal]] (1971)
* [[Borjana Dodova]]
* [[Dana Recmanová]] (1970)
* [[Daniel Kordík]] (1976)
* [[Darina Alster]] (1979)
* [[David Šmitmajer]] (1986)
* [[Denisa Kera]] (1974)
* [https://www.artlist.cz/teoretici/edith-jerabkova-6192/ Edith Jeřábková]
* [https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Koťátková Eva Koťátková]
* [[Eva Skopalová]]
* [[Federico Díaz]] (1971)
* [[František Týmal]] (1987)
* [[Gabriela Jurkovičová]] (1981)
* [[George Bagdasarov]] (1978)
* [https://artalk.cz/author/hana-janeckova/ Hana Janečková]
* [[Hana Železná]] (1978)
* [[Initi]]
* [[Ivor Diosi]]
* [[Jakub Nepraš]] (1981)
* [[Jan Mucska]]
* [[Jan Náleva]] (1985)
* [[Jan Rous]] (1981)
* [[Jakub Hybler]] (1974)
* [[Jiří Havlíček]] (1977)
* [[Jiří­ Rouš]] (1986)
* [[Jiří Žák]] (1989)
* [http://novamedia.ff.cuni.cz/osoba/josef-slerka/ Josef Šlerka] (1974)
* [https://artycok.tv/40102/karina-kottova Karina Kottová] (1984), [https://www.artlist.cz/prispevatele-artlistu/karina-kottova-7803/]
* [[Katarína Gatialová]]
* [https://berlinskejmodel.cz/cs/umelci/katerina-bilkova/ Kateřina Bílková] (1971)
* [[Katrin Vodrážková]]
* [[Krištof Kintera]] (1973)
* [[Kryštof Pešek]] (1986)
* [[Ladislav Železný]] (1979)
* [https://www.artlist.cz/ladislava-gaziova-2619/ Ladislava Gažiová] (1981), [https://artycok.tv/42836/lacka-ladislava-gaziova]
* [[Laura Luna Castillo]] (1991)
* [[Lenka Střeláková]]
* [[Lloyd Dunn]]
* [[Louis Armand]] (1972)
* [[Lubor Benda]] (1967)
* [https://www.artlist.cz/prispevatele-artlistu/lujza-kotocova-8526/ Lujza Kotočová] (1995)
* [[Lucia Udvardyová]] (1981)
* [[Lucie Svobodová]] (1963)
* [[Lukáš Likavčan]] (1991)
* [[Magdalena Hrubá]] (1978)
* [[Mária Júdová]]
* [http://www.bumbumsatori.org/en/artists/mary-c/ Marie Čtveráčková] (Mary C, 1984)
* [[Markéta Baňková]] (1969)
* [[Markéta Jonášová]]
* [[Martin Blažíček]] (1976)
* [[Martin Kermes]] (1974)
* [[Martin Kohout]] (1984)
* [[Matěj Strnad]] (1989)
* [[Michael Bielický]] (1954)
* [[Michaela Buchtová]]
* [[Michal Cáb]] (1980)
* [[Michal Kindernay]] (1978)
* [[Michal Klodner]] (1975)
* [[Michal Mariánek]] (1976)
* [[Michal Pustějovský]]
* [[Michal Rataj]] (1975)
* [[Mikuláš Podprocký]] (1978)
* [[Milan Guštar]] (1963)
* [https://www.instagram.com/bartlova191/ Milena Bartlová]
* [[Miloš Vojtěchovský]] (1955)
* [[Miro Tóth]]
* [[Monika Čejková]]
* [[Noemi Purkrábková]]
* [http://nikolabrabcova.com/ Nikola Brabcová]
* [[Ondřej Skala]]
* [[Ondřej Trhoň]] (1993)
* [[Ondřej Vavrečka]]
* [[Palo Fabuš]] (1983)
* [http://kzt.famu.cz/pedagogove/pavel-rejholec/ Pavel Rejholec]
* [[Pavel Sedlák]] (1977)
* [[Peter Gonda]]
* [https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Marek Petr Marek] (1974)
* [[Petr Šourek]]
* [[Petr Svárovský]]
* [[Peter Machajdík]] (1961)
* [[Petra Jedličková]]
* [[Petra Vargová]] (1973)
* [[Prokop Bartoníček]] (1983)
* [[Radim Labuda]] (1976)
* [[Rado Ištok]] (1989)
* [[Radomír Leszczynski]] (1945)
* [[Robert Horvitz]] (1947)
* [http://sarapinheiro.com Sara Pinheiro] (1985)
* [https://www.artlist.cz/slava-sobotovicova-2622/ Sláva Sobotovičová] (1973), [https://www.artmap.cz/artist/slava-sobotovicova/]
* [[Stanislav Abrahám]] (1977)
* [[Sylva Poláková]]
* [[Tamara Moyzes]] (1975)
* [[Tereza Stejskalová]]
* [https://www.instagram.com/dirrtina/ Tina Poliačková]
* [[Tomáš Dvořák]] (1975)
* [[Tomáš Dvořák (Floex)]]
* [[Tomáš Pospiszyl]] (1967)
* [[Václav Janoščík]]
* [[Václav Magid]] (1979)
* [[Veronika Trachtová]] (1982)
* [[Viktor Takáč]] (1982)
* [[Vilém Novák]] (1981)
* [[Vít Havránek]] (1971)
* [[Vít Šisler]]
* [[Vjera Borozan]]
* [[Zbyněk Baladrán]] (1973)
* [[Zuzana Blochová]]
''Formerly'': [[Branislav Matis]], [[František Zachoval]] (1979), [[Gívan Belá]]/[[Guy van Belle]], [[Ivana Rumanová]], [[Lenka Dolanová]] (1979), [[Magdaléna Kobzová]], [[Petr Bergmann]] (1967), [[Róbert Bittner]] (1980), [[Saša Gojdičová]], [[Zuzana Jakalová]].<br>
''RIP'': [[Jakub Hybler]] (1974-2023).
* Michaela Pixová, ''[[Media:Pixova_Michaela_Struggle_for_the_Right_to_the_City_Alternative_Spaces_in_Post-Socialist_Prague_2012.pdf|Struggle for the Right to the City: Alternative Spaces in Post-Socialist Prague]]'', Prague: Univerzita Karlova, 2012, 224 pp. PhD dissertation. {{en}}
* Andra Nikolayi, [https://daily.bandcamp.com/scene-report/prague-experimental-scene-report "Experiments in Solidarity in the Prague Underground"], ''Bandcamp Daily'', Sep 2021. {{en}}
* Gabriela Kontra (ed.), ''Location TBA: Dočasná utopie pražských raves 2015-2020 / Temporary Utopias of Prague’s Raves 2015-2020'', Prague: Divočina, 2021, 300 pp. [https://location-tba.com/ Book website]. [https://divocina.org/nakladatelstvi/porodem-to-zacina/ Publisher]. [https://34.sk/location-tba-skryte-obrazy-prazskej-rave-sceny Interview]. {{cz}}/{{en}}
* Radim Kopáč, Gabriela Kontra, ''Padáme i na tvou hlavu. Skvoty, centra, kluby v Praze: Co bylo, co zbylo z devadesátek'', Prague: Pulchra, 2021, 360 pp. [https://www.pulchra.cz/p/padame-i-na-tvou-hlavu-skvoty-centra-kluby-v-praze/ Publisher]. [https://obalky.kosmas.cz/ArticleFiles/296457/296457.pdf/FILE/padame-i-na-tvou-hlavu.-skvoty-centra-kluby-v-praze_296457.pdf Excerpt]. [https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/kultura/3445290-co-zbylo-z-devadesatek-squaty-a-kulturni-centra-byla-po-revoluci-spolecenskou] {{cz}}
==See also==
[[Brno]], [[Olomouc]], [[Ústí nad Labem]], [[Plzeň]], [[Czechia]].

Latest revision as of 20:50, 2 July 2024


  • more: USE-IT, city guide, 2017.

Initiatives with no permanent event venue

Academy and university programs


Past events

Art workers[edit]

Formerly: Branislav Matis, František Zachoval (1979), Gívan Belá/Guy van Belle, Ivana Rumanová, Lenka Dolanová (1979), Magdaléna Kobzová, Petr Bergmann (1967), Róbert Bittner (1980), Saša Gojdičová, Zuzana Jakalová.
RIP: Jakub Hybler (1974-2023).


See also[edit]

Brno, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem, Plzeň, Czechia.

alternative base

Amsterdam, Bergen, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Kyiv, London, New York City, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Rotterdam, Seoul, Tokyo, Vienna, Warsaw, Zagreb