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- “Decolonial aestheSis asks why Western aesthetic categories like ‘beauty’ or ‘representation’ have come to dominate all discussion of art and its value, and how those categories organize the way we think of ourselves and others: as white or black, high or low, strong or weak, good or evil. Decolonial art, literature, architecture and other arts enact these critiques [...] to expose the contradictions of coloniality. Its goal, then, is not to produce feelings of beauty or sublimity, but ones of sadness, indignation, repentance, hope, and determination to change things in the future.” (Mignolo, Vázquez, et al., 2013)
Fred Wilson, Mining the Museum: An Installation (detail), 1992. (Right) Pedestals described as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Benjamin Banneker; (Middle) Globe (known as Truth Trophy) ca. 1913; (Left) Henry Clay, Napoleon Bonaparte, Andrew Jackson busts. See Wilson & Halle 1993, Corrin 1993, Mignolo 2011, Houston 2017.
Pedro Lasch, Black Mirror/Espejo Negro, 2007-. Installation.
Jeannette Ehlers, Whip It Good, 2014. Performance. Photo: Casper Maare. First commissioned by Art Labour Archive (Alanna Lockward) and Ballhaus Naunynstrasse in Berlin, 2013. Source. [1]
Initiatives, research projects[edit]
- Modernity/Coloniality group [Grupo modernidad/colonialidad], a multidisciplinary and multigenerational network of intellectuals active in Latin America. Includes sociologists Aníbal Quijano, Edgardo Lander, Ramón Grosfoguel and Agustín Lao-Montes, semiologists Walter Mignolo and Zulma Palermo, pedagogue Catherine Walsh, anthropologists Arturo Escobar and Fernando Coronil, literary critic Javier Sanjinés and philosophers Enrique Dussel, Santiago Castro-Gómez, María Lugones and Nelson Maldonado-Torres. It advances a decolonial perspective which starts from the discussion on the power relations installed in the 16th century with the conquest of what we now know as America. This implies a racialization that is at the base of the installation of a capitalist economic system and European modernity. This also allows distinguishing it from Postcolonialism, which has been generally dominated by authors from the old English and French colonies in Asia, Oceania and the Middle East, who argue from a culturalist perspective and begin colonial history 300 years later. See Escobar 2003, Pachón Soto 2008, Wikipedia-ES.
- Decolonial Summer School Middelburg, since 2010. Organised by the University College Roosevelt (University of Utrecht) in cooperation with the Centre for Global Studies and the Humanities (Duke University).
- TDI+Transnational Decolonial Institute aims to explore the formation and transformation of the darker side of modernity: coloniality.
- Colonial / Postcolonial / Decolonial Working Group is sponsored by the British International Studies Association (BISA) and was established in 2013. Its purpose is to bring together scholars interested in the colonial dimensions of world politics.
- Decolonising Practices, research thread of L'Internationale Online, since 2015. Features commissioned texts, visual essays and conversations on questions of power, resistance and the critical potential of art.
- Décolonisons les arts!, France, since c.Spring 2016. Facebook. Twitter.
- Kanon-Fragen / Canon Questions, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2016-2019. A series of research-based exhibitions that grapple critically with the canonization of modernity.
- Decolonize This Place, emerged in New York City, 2016. Twitter. See Brown 2016, Novick 2017, Trouillout 2016, MTL Collective 2018.
- Perverse Decolonization, a (self-)critical research project of the Academy of the Arts of the World, Cologne, Oct 2017-Nov 2018. Project heads: Ekaterina Degot, David Riff. Curator of artistic commissions: Aneta Rostkowska. Institutional partners: Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw (Poland), Para Site, Hong Kong (China), The Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon (Israel), Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, Chicago (USA), Tensta Konsthall, Spånga (Sweden), Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart (Germany).
- Perception, Jurisdiction, and Valorization in Colonial Modernity — On the Nexus of Accumulation, Race, and Aesthetics, 2024-. Organised by Katja Diefenbach, Ruth Sonderegger, and Pablo Valdivia Orozco.
Artists, scholars[edit]
- Dalída María Benfield, Panama City + Boston
- Gurminder K. Bhambra, Warwick
- Manuela Boatcă, Bucharest + Berlin
- María Eugenia Borsani, Rosario + Neuquén
- Sabine Broeck, Bremen
- Artwell Cain, Saint Vincent + Rotterdam
- Kuan-Hsing Chen, Hsinchu
- miriam cooke, Oxford + Durham (NC)
- Roberto M. Dainotto, Palermo + Durham (NC)
- Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Santo Domingo + Amsterdam
- Claire Dodane, Lyon
- Jeannette Ehlers, Copenhagen
- Michelle Eistrup, Copenhagen
- Siba N. Grovogui, Conakri + Baltimore
- Marina Gržinić, Ljubljana
- Guo-Juin Hong, Taipei + Durham (NC)
- Nayoung Aimee Kwon, Los Angeles + Seoul
- Pedro Lasch, México, D.F. + Durham (NC)
- Bruce B. Lawrence, New York + Durham (NC)
- Gregory B. Lee, Lyon + Hong-Kong
- Alanna Lockward (1961-2019), Santo Domingo + Berlin
- Nelson Maldonado Torres, Oakland + New Brunswick (NC)
- Walter Mignolo, Córdoba + Chapel Hill (NC)
- Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet, Havana + Mexico
- Ebrahim Moosa, Capetown + Durham (NC)
- Tanja Ostojić, Belgrade + Berlin
- Elizabeth Povinelli, New York
- Santiago Slabodsky, Buenos Aires + Claremont (CA)
- Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, Bogotá + Durham (NC)
- SAVVY Contemporary, est. 2009 in Berlin
- Robbie Shilliam, London
- Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, Chişinău + Cluj
- Madina Tlostanova, Northern Caucasus + Linköping
- Hong-An Truong, Los Angeles + Hanoi
- Rolando Vázquez, México, D.F. + The Hague
- Catherine Walsh, Boston + Quito
- Walter Mignolo, "Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity",, 2005; rev. as "Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity: Fred Wilson's Mining the Museum (1992)", ch 4 in Globalization and Contemporary Art, ed. Jonathan Harris, Maiden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, Mar 2011, pp 71-85; repr. in Fred Wilson: A Critical Reader, ed. Doro Globus, London: Ridinghouse, 2011, pp 374-391. First delivered as a talk at the annual conference of the International Committee of ICOM for Museums and Collections of Modern Art (CIMAM) in São Paulo in Nov 2005 upon the invitation of Manuel Borja-Villel. [2] [3] [4] (English)
- "Museus no horizonte colonial da modernidade garimpando o museu (1992) de Fred Wilson", trans. Simone Neiva Loures Gonçalves and Gisele Barbosa Ribeiro, Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade 7:13, May 2018, pp 309-324. [5] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Alanna Lockward, "Disolvencias y yuxtaposiciones: ecos para un relato polifónico en materia de videoarte desde Haití, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana", in Vídeo en Latinoamérica: una historia crítica, ed. Laura Baigorri, Madrid: Brumaria, 2008, pp 81-90. [6] (Spanish)
- Palermo Zulma (ed.), Arte y estética en la encrucijada descolonial, pref. Walter Mignolo, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2009, 112 pp; 2nd ed., 2014, 76 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Walter Mignolo, "Prefacio", pp 7-14.
- Zulma Palermo, "El arte latinoamericano en la encrucijada decolonial", pp 15-26.
- Irene López, "Musicología latinoamericana: una genealogía alternativa", pp 27-56.
- Justo Pastor Mellado, "Complejo Museo del Barro: un caso de obra instituyente", pp 57-82.
- Adolfo Albán Achinte, "Artistas indígenas y afrocolombianos: entre las memorias y las cosmovisiones, estéticas de la re-existencia", pp 83-112.
- Marina Gržinić (ed.), Pavilion 14: "Biopolitics, Necropolitics and De-Coloniality", Bucharest: Artphoto, Jan 2010, 170 pp. [8] (English)
- Marina Gržinić, "Biopolitics, Necropolitics and De-Coloniality", pp 5-6.
- Marina Gržinić, "From Biopolitics to Necropolitics and the Institution of Contemporary Art", pp 9-93.
- Šefik Šeki Tatlić, "Metastasis of Democracy, Communication and Mass Intelect", pp 94-135.
- Nejra Nuna Čengić, "Life After Death", pp 137-145.
- Walter Mignolo, "The Communal and the Decolonial", pp 147-155.
- Sebastjan Leban, "De-Linking from Capital and the Colonial Matrix of Power: Class Racialization and the (De)Regulation of Life", pp 156-161.
- Madina Tlostanova, "Beyond the State and the Market: Trans-Modern Art as a Way of Liberating Knowledge and Being", pp 162-169.
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Aiesthesis decolonial", Calle14 4(4): "Arte y cultura", ed. Pablo Pedro Gómez, Bogotá, Mar 2010, pp 10-25, PDF; repr. in Arte y estética en la encrucijada descolonial II, ed. Pedro Pablo Gómez, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2014; repr. in Mignolo, Habitar la frontera: sentir y pensar la descolonialidad (Antología, 1999-2014), Barcelona: CIDOB, and Chihuahua: UACJ, 2015, pp 399-413. (Spanish)
- The Potosí Principle: How Can We Sing the Song of the Lord in an Alien Land? Colonial Image Production in the Global Economy, eds. Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer, and Andreas Siekmann, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2010, 303 pp. (English)/(Spanish)
- Walter Mignolo, "Decolonial Aesthetics: Unlearning and Relearning the Museum Through Pedro Lasch's Black Mirror/Espejo Negro" / "Estética descolonial: desaprendiendo y reaprendiendo el museo a través del Black Mirror/Espejo Negro de Pedro Lasch", in Black Mirror/Expejo Negro, ed. Pedro Lasch, John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute/Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Aug 2010, pp 86-103. Catalogue text. (English)
- "Dekoloniale Ästhetik: das Museum verlernen und wiedererlernen durch Pedro Laschs Black Mirror/Espejo Negro", in Kunst, Krise, Subversion: zur Politik der Ästhetik, eds. Nina Bandi, Michael G. Kraft and Sebastian Lasinger, Bielefeld: transcript, 2012, pp 129-147. (German)
- Calle14 4(5): "Arte y decolonialidad", ed. Pedro Pablo Gómez, Bogotá, Jul-Dec 2010. (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Calle14 y su enfoque político-académico como medio de circulación de saberes y conocimientos", pp 8-9.
- Adolfo Albán Achinte, "Comida y colonialidad. tensiones entre el proyecto hegemónico moderno y las memorias del paladar", pp 10-23.
- Cristina Larrea Killinger, "La colonización olfativa de la medicina. cuerpos y espacios urbanos", pp 24-43.
- Zandra Pedraza, "Saber, cuerpo y escuela: el uso de los sentidos y la educación somática", pp 44-57.
- Jaime Humberto Borja Gómez, "La pintura colonial y el control de los sentidos", pp 58-67.
- Olver Quijano Valencia, "¿Qué llaman los golpes de tambor? apuntes sobre música, agencia y re(ex)istencia", pp 68-79.
- Patricio Guerrero Arias, "Corazonar el sentido de las epistemologías dominantes desde las sabidurías insurgentes, para construir sentidos otros de la existencia (primera parte)", pp 80-95.
- Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, "Postales de un territorio excéntrico", pp 118-133.
- Alanna Lockward, "Wild at Hair: IngridMwangiRobertHutter. Masks and Skin Politics as a German DeColonial Knowledge Production", Reartikulacija 10-13, eds. Marina Gržinić and Sebastjan Leban, Ljubljana: Society for Contemporary Creativity HCHO, Summer? 2010, pp 23-24. (English)
- Walter Mignolo, "Que es estética(s) decolonial(es)?", 9 Nov 2010. Video, 12 min. [9] (Spanish)
- Therese Kaufmann, "Kunst und Wissen: Ansätze für eine dekoloniale Perspektive", transversal, Vienna: eipcp, Mar 2011. (German)
- "Art and Knowledge: Towards a Decolonial Perspective", trans. Aileen Derieg, transversal, Vienna: eipcp, Mar 2011. (English)
- "Arte y conocimiento: rudimentos para una perspectiva descolonial", trans. Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, transversal, Vienna: eipcp, Mar 2011. (Spanish)
- Calle14 5(6): "Arte y decolonialidad (2da parte)", ed. Ricardo Arcos-Palma, Bogotá, Jan-Jun 2011. (Spanish)
- Madina Tlostanova, "La aesthesis trans-moderna en la zona fronteriza eurasiática y el anti-sublime decolonial", pp 10-31.
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Bioestética: estética de la naturaleza o naturaleza de la estética", pp 32-44.
- Maria Teresa Garzón M, "¿A qué juega barbie? obligatoria y heterosexualidad agencia cultural", pp 45-54.
- Ricardo Lambuley Alférez, "Genios, músicas y músicos: los sentidos o colonialidad de evangelización estética", pp 55-65.
- Brantley Nicholson, "Fernando Vallejo: y la clausura ciudadanía estética de la literatura mundial", pp 66-78.
- Felipe García Quintero, "Régimen escópico colonial: mural crítica cultural del La medicina en el cauca de Belisario Gómez", pp 79-94.
- Fernando Duque Mesa, "Ceremonial en performance de viento teatro: Pamuri Mahse", pp 95-105.
- Adolfo Albán Achinte, "Estéticas decoloniales y de re-existencia: entre memorias y cosmovisiones", in La arquitectura del sentido II. La producción y reproducción en las prácticas semiótico-discursivas, eds. Julieta Haidar and Graciela Sanchez Guevara, México: INAH, 2011, pp 87-117. (Spanish)
- "Decolonial Aesthetics (I)", TDI+Transnational Decolonial Institute, 22 May 2011; exp. as "Decolonial Aesthetics (I). The Argument As Manifesto", IDEA 39, Cluj: IDEA, 2011, pp 89-97; repr. (without contexts) in BE.BOP 2012. Black Europe Body Politics, eds. Alanna Lockward and Walter Mignolo, Berlin: Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße, May 2012, pp 35-36. Manifesto. Signed by Alanna Lockward, Rolando Vázquez, Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Marina Gržinić, Michelle Eistrup, Tanja Ostojić, Dalída María Benfield, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet, Pedro Lasch, Nelson Maldonado Torres, Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, Hong-An Truong, Guo-Juin Hong, Miguel Rojas-Sotelo and Walter Mignolo. [10] (English)
- "Estetica decolonială (I). Un argument ca manifest", IDEA 39, Cluj: IDEA, 2011, pp 89-97. (Romanian)
- "Estética(s) de/descoloniale(s) (I)", trans. Laura Judit Alegre, c.2013; repr. as "Apuntes sobre la formación y transformación del lado más oscuro de la modernidad: la colonialidad" in BE.BOP 2012-2014: El cuerpo en el continente de la conciencia negra, ed. Alanna Lockward, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2016. (Spanish)
- "Estética Descolonial",, 7 Jun 2017; repr. in Cultura: Jornal Angolano de Artes e Letras 152, Jan 2018, 9-11. (Portuguese)
- Geoffrey Mock, "Creating a New Aesthetics for a Decolonial World: Artists, scholars collaborate on workshop and exhibit looking at the cultural legacy of colonial rule", Duke Today, 26 May 2011. (English)
- Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, "Decolonizing Eastern Europe: Beyond Internal Critique", in Performing History, ed. Bogdan Ghiu, Cluj: Idea Arts + Society, 2011. (English)
- Guillermo Villamizar, "Debate Altermodernidad decolonialidad", part 2, esferapública, Bogotá, 30 Jul 2011 & 4 Feb 2012. Contribution to the debate on altermodernity and decolonial aesthetics in Colombia, sparked by the visit of Nicolas Bourriaud to Bogotá in 2010 (whose book Radicant appeared in Spanish in 2009) and an exhibition organised by Pedro Pablo Gómez (doctoral student in Catherine Walsh's seminar in Latin American Cultural Studies at the Simón Bolívar Andean University in Quito), Walter Mignolo, a.o. that same year, advancing two antagonistic positions. See also further discussion in esferapública and Mignolo 2015 for more context. (Spanish)
- Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet (eds.), "Decolonial Aesthetics: Collective Creative Practice in Progress" / "Estetica decolonială: practici creatoare colective în desfăşurare", trans. Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, IDEA 39, Cluj: IDEA, Autumn 2011, pp 89-109, HTML (ro). A special dossier assembled on behalf of the Decolonial Aesthetics group. [11] (English)/(Romanian)
- "Decolonial Aesthetics (I). The Argument As Manifesto / Estetica decolonială (I). Un argument ca manifest", pp 89-97. The manifesto is followed by contextualising sections entitled "A Convoluted Time Frame", "The Workshops: A Way to Build Collectively", and "An Open-Live Archive: +Decolonial Aesthetics, Durham, May 2001".
- Alanna Lockward, "Decolonial Diasporic Aesthetics: Black Europe Body Politics / Estetica decolonială diasporică: soma-politica Europei negre", pp 98-99. Transcript of a lecture given at DAI Arnhem, Oct 2011.
- Marina Gržinić, "Racism, Europe, Latin America, Memory, Queer (2011) / Rasism, Europa, America Latină, memorie, queer (2011)", pp 100-109.
- Daniel J. Sherman, French Primitivism and The Ends of Empire, 1945-1975, University of Chicago Press, Nov 2011, 312 pp. “Primitivism” as a tool for analysis of post-war French society, between a modernization and decolonization movement, and possible forms of resistance. Publisher. (English)
- Dalida María Benfield, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, Pedro Pablo Gómez, Alanna Lockward, Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, "Decolonialidad y experiencia aiéstetica: una aproximación", Jan 2012. (Spanish)
- "Décolonialité et expérience esthétique: une approximation", trans. Jérôme Delgado, Inter: art actuel 111: "Espace public", Spring 2012, pp 35-39. (French)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, Walter Mignolo (eds.), Estéticas decoloniales, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Apr 2012, 92 pp. Exh. catalogue. Review: Belenguer (Otros logos). (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, Walter Mignolo, "Esteticas decoloniales. sentir. pensar Hacer en Abya yala y la gran comarca", pp 6-23.
- Zulma Palermo, "Tejer la memoria, tomar el poder", Organon 27:52, Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2012. [12] (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Estéticas decoloniales: una mirada desde Bogotá", c.2012. (Spanish)
- Alanna Lockward, Walter Mignolo (eds.), BE.BOP 2012. Black Europe Body Politics, Berlin: Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße, May 2012, 38 pp. Catalogue. Contributions by Walter D. Mignolo, Alanna Lockward, Rolando Vázquez, Artwell Cain, Manuela Boatca, Simmi Dullay, Ylva Habel, Fatima El-Tayeb, David Olusoga , Ulrike Hamann, Rozena Maart, José Manuel Barreto, Grada Kilomba, Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Minna Salami, Robbie Shilliam, Michael Küppers-Adebisi, a.o. Event website. (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, Decolonial Aisthesis and Other Options Related to Aesthetics", pp 5-7.
- Alanna Lockward, "Decolonial Diasporic Aesthetics: Black German Body Politics", pp 9-12.
- Walter Mignolo, Pedro Pablo Gómez (eds.), Estéticas y opción decolonial, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Aug 2012, 303 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Walter Mignolo, "Lo nuevo y lo decolonial".
- Madina Tlostanova, "La aesthesis trans-moderna en la zona fronteriza euroasiática y el anti-sublime colonial".
- Dalida María Benfeld, "Ruta del canal de Panamá".
- Tanja Ostojic, "Cruzando fronteras".
- Marina Grzinic, "(Estéticas) decoloniales como/en/a la frontera".
- José Alejandro Restrepo, "Las islas de la utopía".
- Alex Schlenker, "Imagen, memoria, modernidad: perspectivas-otrasʺ para el abordaje de la representación visual".
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Los tropiezos de las estatuas, las estatuascomo tropiezos".
- Javier Reynaldo Romero Flores, "Sensibilidades vitales: fiesta, color, movimiento y vida en el espacio festivo de Oruro-Bolivia".
- "Pensadores de tierra y agua: el arte de tejer la vida y contar historias / Benjamín Jacanamijoy Tisoy".
- Edgar Ricardo Lambuley Alférez with Grupo de Canciones Populares, Nueva Cultura, "Sonoridades otras: músicas de resistencia".
- Adolfo Albán Achinte, "Estéticas de la re-existencia: ¿lo político del arte?".
- Alanna Lockward, Ovidiu Tichindeleanu (eds.), IDEA 42: "Black Europe Body Politics: Testimonials of an Event / Somapolitica Europei negre: testimoniale ale unui eveniment", trans. Anca Bumb, Cluj: IDEA, Autumn 2012, pp 109-140, HTML (en), HTML (ro). A special dossier with reflections on BE.BOP 2012. (English)/(Romanian)
- Alanna Lockward, "Black Europe Body Politics: Towards an Afropean Decolonial Aesthetics", pp 109-114.
- Walter Mignolo, "BE.BOP 2012. Black Europe Body Politics: A Reflection / BE.BOP 2012. Somapolitica Europei negre: o reflecție", pp 114-119.
- Robbie Shilliam, "Decolonial Aesthetics at BE.BOP 2012 / Estetica decolonială la BE.BOP 2012", pp 119-121.
- Simmi Dullay, "Reflection on BE.BOP 2012 in South Africa and Berlin / Reflecții despre Be.Bop 2012 în Africa de Sud și Berlin", pp 121-127.
- Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter, "Reflection on BE.BOP 2012 / Reflecție despre BE.BOP 2012", pp 127-128.
- Rolando Vázquez, "Some Comments on BE.BOP 2012 / Cîteva comentarii despre BE.BOP 2012", pp 127-128.
- Jeannette Ehlers, "Some Thoughts on BE.BOP 2012 / Cîteva gînduri despre BE.BOP 2012", pp 128-129.
- Quinsy Gario, "Here’s My Reflection / Asta e reflecția mea", pp 128-129.
- Julia Roth, "An Evaluation of BE.BOP 2012. Black Europe Body Politics / O evaluare a BE.BOP 2012. Somapolitica Europei negre", pp 129-131.
- Manuela Boatcă, "Black Europe Body Citizenship 2012 / Cetățenia corpului negru european 2012", pp 130-132.
- Teresa María Díaz Nerio, "Off with Her Laughter! Off with His Laughter! Musing on BE.BOP 2012: Delinking Off Genocidal White Laughter / Gata cu rîsul ei! Gata cu rîsul lui! Meditînd la BE.BOP 2012: Desprinderea de Rîsul Alb Genocidal", pp 131-136.
- Alanna Lockward, "Black Europe Body Politics: Towards an Afropean Decolonial Aesthetics", IDEA 42, Cluj: IDEA, Autumn 2012, pp 109-114; rev. in Decolonial AestheSis, eds. Walter Mignolo and Rolando Vázquez, Social Text, Jul 2013; shortened repr. in BE.BOP 2013. Black Europe Body Politics. Decolonizing the "Cold" War, eds. Alanna Lockward and Walter Mignolo, Berlin: Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße, 2013, pp 10-11; repr. in Afroeuropean Cartographies, ed. Dominic Thomas, Newcastle upon Thyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp 132-146. Earlier presented as a lecture at DAI Arnhem, Oct 2011 (transcript). (English)
- "Somapolitica Europei negre: către o estetică decolonială", IDEA 42, Cluj: IDEA, Autumn 2012, pp 109-114. (Romanian)
- "Politique du corps dans l’Europe noire: vers une esthétique afropéenne décoloniale", Tumultes 48:1, 2017, pp 103-115. [13] (French)
- Elkin Rubiano Pinilla, "Discursos curatoriales y prácticas artísticas: aciertos y desencuentros en 'Estéticas decoloniales'", Arte y emancipación estética. Estéticas contemporáneas 3, Medellín: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Nov 2012, 55-74. [14] [15] (Spanish)
- Walter Mignolo, "Re:emerging, Decentring and Delinking: Shifting the Geographies of Sensing, Believing and Knowing", Ibraaz, 8 May 2013. (English)
- Alanna Lockward, "Con la música por dentro: una lectura decolonial de la 26 Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales" / "Music from Within: A Decolonised Interpretation of the 26th National Biennial of Visual Arts", in 26 Bienal Nacional de Artes Visuales: Santo Domingo 2011, Santo Domingo: Museo de Arte Moderno, 2013. (Spanish)/(English)
- Alanna Lockward, Keith Nurse (eds.), Caribbean Intransit 1(4): "Cutting Edges: New Media and Creative Entrepreneurship", African and African American Studies/George Mason University, Spring 2013, 147 pp. [16] (English)
- Keith Nurse, Alanna Lockward, "Introduction: A Conversation between Guest Editors: Journeys in 'Hybridity', Journeys in 'New Media'", pp 8-11.
- Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, "Writing the Decolonial Mariposa Ancestral Memory (Excerpt)", pp 40-45.
- Adetoun Küppers Adebisi, Michael Küppers Adebisi, "Diaspora Documentary Art as Political Intervention Strategy and the question of Decolonial rePrezentation of the Black Berlin Renaissance", pp 138-146.
- Alanna Lockward, Walter Mignolo (eds.), BE.BOP 2013. Black Europe Body Politics. Decolonizing the "Cold" War, Berlin: Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße, May 2013, 46 pp. Catalogue. Contributions by Walter D. Mignolo, Robbie Shilliam, Alanna Lockward, Quinsy Gario, Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, Moritz Ege, Rolando Vázquez, Simmi Dullay, Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi, Michelle K., a.o. Event website. Video documentation of event. (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Achmed Sukarno, Richard Wright and Stephen Bantu Biko: Decolonizing the ‘Cold’ War", pp 4-5.
- Alanna Lockward, "Black Europe Body Politics: Towards an Afropean Decolonial Aesthetics", pp 10-11.
- Michelle K., "To my Eighteen-Year-Old Self, on your Departure for Cambridge, September 21st, 2003", pp 24-32.
- "Decolonial AestheSis", Social Text Online, eds. Walter Mignolo and Rolando Vázquez, Jul 2013. Dossier. (English)
- Walter Mignolo, Rolando Vázquez, "Decolonial AestheSis: Colonial Wounds/Decolonial Healings".
- "EsteSica decoloniale. Ferite coloniali/riparazioni decoloniali", trans. Marta Calderaro, Psiche: rivista di cultura psicoanalitica 4:1, Jan-Jun 2017, pp 303-318. [17] (Italian)
- Walter Mignolo, Rolando Vázquez, "The Decolonial AestheSis Dossier".
- Madina Tlostanova, "The Observatory of the Bereaved: Unbinding the Imaginary in Eurasian Borderlands".
- Pedro Lasch, "Propositions for a Decolonial Aesthetics and 'Five Decolonial Days in Kassel' (Documenta 13 AND AND AND)".
- Alanna Lockward, "Black Europe Body Politics: Towards an Afropean Decolonial Aesthetics".
- Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, "Decolonial AestheSis in Eastern Europe: Potential Paths of Liberation".
- Tanja Ostojic, Walter Mignolo, "Crossing Borders / Development of Diverse Artistic Strategies".
- Dalida Maria Benfield, "Flow".
- Raul Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet, Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, "Decolonial AestheSis at the 11th Havana Biennial".
- Vivian Lee, "Decolonial Moments in Hong Kong Cinema".
- Hong an Truong, Nayoung Aimee Kwon, Guo-Juin Hong, "What/Where is 'Decolonial Asia'?".
- Robbie Shilliam, "Be.Bop 2012. Black Europe Body Politics".
- Walter Mignolo, Michelle K., "Decolonial Aesthesis: From Singapore, To Cambridge, To Duke University".
- Walter Mignolo, Rolando Vázquez, "Decolonial AestheSis: Colonial Wounds/Decolonial Healings".
- FUSE 36(4): "Decolonial Aesthetics", ed. Gina Badger, Fall 2013. Produced in collaboration with the e-fagia organization based in Toronto as a reader for the Decolonial Aesthetics symposium, scheduled for 10-12 Oct 2013. (English)
- Berlin Reed, "A New Ñame: An Exploration of Decolonial African American Food Culture and Cuisine", pp 4-5.
- Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, "Indigenous Guard(s): Decolonial Performance, Re-Existence, Cultures of Survival", pp 5-6.
- Gordon Brent Ingram, "Repopulating Contentious Territory: Recent Strategies for Indigenous Northwest Coast Site-Based and Public Art", pp 7-8.
- Heidi McKenzie, "Denyse Thomasos", pp 8-9.
- Modernity-Coloniality Working Group of the Transnational Decolonial Institute, "Decolonial Aesthetics Manifesto", p 10.
- David Garneau, "Extra-Rational Aesthetic Action and Cultural Decolonization", pp 14-21.
- Kency Cornejo, "Indigeneity and Decolonial Seeing in Contemporary Art of Guatemala", pp 24-31.
- Leah Decter and Carla Taunton, "Addressing the Settler Problem: Strategies of Settler Responsibility and Decolonization", pp 32-39.
- "In Memoriam: Arlan Londoño (1962-2013)", pp 52-53.
- Editorial Group for Writing Insurgent Genealogies (Carolina Agredo, Sheri Avraham, Annalisa Cannito, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Marina Gržinić, Marissa Lôbo, Ivana Marjanović) (ed.), Utopia of Alliances, Conditions of Impossibilities and the Vocabulary of Decoloniality, Vienna: Löcker, Oct 2013, 362 pp. A project initiated by the alumni and students of the Post-Conceptual Art Practices class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, PhD candidate Ivana Marjanović and Prof. Marina Gržinić within the context of the project of theory and arts: “Seminar Decolonizing Knowledge and Life through Theory and Art” that has been organized in the class for Post Conceptual Art Practices class, AKBild, since 2009 by Ivana Marjanović. Contributors: AG Migration und Antirassismus, Carolina Ágredo, Jamika Ajalon, Aleksandra Aleksić, Tania Araujo, Teht Ashmani, Jin Haritaworn and Misster Raju Rage, Sheri Avraham, Sarah Binder, Imayna Caceres, Luzenir Caixeta, Annalisa Cannito, Eyal Danon, The Darker Side of the Academy, Petja Dimitrova, Lina Dokuzović, Vulcanita Erupziono, Coco Fusco, María Galindo, Christian Gangl, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Marina Gržinić, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez, du von jetzt-Muzaffer Hasaltay, Peter Haselmayer, Ana Hoffner, Festus Ikeotuonye, Njideka Stephanie Iroh, Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, Tímea Junghaus, Ivan Jurica, Tatiana Kai-Browne, Kanak Attak, Belinda Kazeem, Grada Kilomba, Christoph Kolar, Kollektiv Recht auf Raum, Elisabeth Lnenicka, Marissa Lôbo, Renate Lorenz, maiz – Autonomes Zentrum von & für Migrantinnen, Sylvia Marcos, Ivana Marjanović, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Sophia Mídian Bagues, Movimento Sem Terra (MST), Mujeres Creando, Georg Oberlechner, Okenna Okafor, Plattform Geschichtspolitik, Beatriz Preciado, Jovita Pristovšek, The Research Group for Black Austrian History and Presence, Rubia Salgado, Sans-Papiers, Alessandra dos Santos Silva, Tomash Schoiswohl, Jude Sentongo Kafeero, Stephen Small, Aneta Stojnić, Madina Tlostanova, Reinhard Uttenthaler, Regina Wuzella. Publisher. (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Enacting the Archives, Decentring the Muses: The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha and the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore", Ibraaz, 6 Nov 2013, PDF. An article related to a seminar the author conducted in the framework of the Program of Independent Studies, in June 2014, directed by Beatriz Preciado. (English)
- "Activar los archivos, descentralizar a las musas: el Museo de Arte Islámico de Doha y el Museo de las Civilizaciones Asiáticas de Singapur", in Mignolo, Habitar la frontera: sentir y pensar la descolonialidad (Antología, 1999-2014), Barcelona: CIDOB, and Chihuahua: UACJ, 2015, pp 415-431. (Spanish)
- Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, Eyal Weizman, Architecture after Revolution: Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency, Berlin: Sternberg Press, Dec 2013, 205 pp. (English)
- Hannah Feldman, From a Nation Torn: Decolonizing Art and Representation in France, 1945-1962, Durham: Duke University Press, Feb 2014, 336 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Alanna Lockward, "Decolonising the (White) Gaze" / "Dekolonisierung des (weißen) Blicks", trans. Wilfried Prantner, Camera Austria International 125-128, Mar-Dec 2014, pp 65-66 (in each issue). (English)/(German)
- Alanna Lockward, "Unveiling the Whip: Decoloniality and the 'Unintended Liberating Dimension' of Enslavement", in Truth Is Concrete: A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics, eds. steirischer herbst and Florian Malzacher, Berlin: Sternberg Press, and Graz: steirischer herbst, Apr 2014, 86-95. (English)
- Walter Mignolo, Francisco Carballo, "Estéticas descoloniales", in Mignolo, Carballo, Una concepción descolonial del mundo: conversaciones de Francisco Carballo y Walter Mignolo, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2014, pp 132-150; repr. in Mignolo, Habitar la frontera: sentir y pensar la descolonialidad (Antología, 1999-2014), Barcelona: CIDOB, and Chihuahua: UACJ, 2015, pp 433-453. Conversation. (Spanish)
- Alanna Lockward, Jeannette Ehlers (eds.), BE.BOP 2014. Black Europe Body Politics. Spiritual Revolutions & The "Scramble for Africa", Berlin: Kultursprünge im Ballhaus Naunynstraße, May 2014, 43 pp. Catalogue. Contributions by Walter Mignolo, Alanna Lockward, Artwell Cain, Dennis C. Dickerson, Rolando Vázquez, Anika Gibbons, Temi Odumosu, Anne Ring Petersen, Mathias Danbolt, Kuratorisk Aktion, Sasha Huber, Robbie Shilliam, Yoel Díaz Vázquez, a.o. Event website. (English)
- Walter Mignolo, "Spirituality, Subjectivity and (Im)migrant Consciousness: The Tasks Ahead", pp 3-7.
- Alanna Lockward, "Decolonising the (White) Gaze, 1/4: Who Is Whipping?", pp 9-10.
- Pedro Pablo Gómez (ed.), Arte y estética en la encrucijada descolonial II, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2014, 126 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Introducción: trayectorias de la opción estética decolonial".
- Walter Mignolo, "Aiesthesis decolonial".
- Adolfo Albán Achinte, "Comida y colonialidad: tensiones entre el proyecto hegemónico moderno y las memorias del paladar".
- Madina Tlostanova, "La aesthesis trans-moderna en la zona fronteriza eurasiática y el anti-sublime decolonial / --
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Bioestética: estéticas e invenciones de la naturaleza".
- Jarrett Martineau, Eric Ritskes (eds.), Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 3(1): "Indigenous Art, Aesthetics and Decolonial Struggle", May 2014. (English)
- Jarrett Martineau, Eric Ritskes, "Fugitive indigeneity: Reclaiming the terrain of decolonial struggle through Indigenous art".
- Brandy Nālani McDougall, "Putting feathers on our words: Kaona as a decolonial aesthetic practice in Hawaiian literature".
- Sandra Collins, "Mapurbe: Spiritual Decolonization and the Word in the Chilean Mierdópolis".
- David Winfield Norman, "Control mapping: Peter Pitseolak and Zacharias Kunuk on reclaiming Inuit photographic images and imaging".
- Celeste Pedri-Spade, "Nametoo: Evidence that he/she is/was present".
- Jenell Navarro, "Solarize-ing Native hip-hop: Native feminist land ethics and cultural resistance".
- Susy J. Zepeda, "Queer Xicana Indígena cultural production: Remembering through oral and visual storytelling".
- Jade E. Davis, "The Catholic schoolgirl & the wet nurse: On the ecology of oppression, trauma and crisis".
- Susan D. Dion, Angela Salamanca, "inVISIBILITY: Indigenous in the city - Indigenous artists, Indigenous youth and the project of survivance".
- luam kidane, "contentious art: disruption and decolonial aesthetics".
- Leanne Simpson, "Leaning in".
- Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández, "Decolonial options and artistic/aestheSic entanglements: An interview with Walter Mignolo".
- Wanda Nanibush, "An interview with Rebecca Belmore".
- Jarrett Martineau, "An interview with Tania Willard on Beat Nation, Indigenous curation and changing the world through art".
- Jarrett Martineau, "An interview with Tom GreyEyes on street art, Honor the Treaties and ‘dreaming a new world into being’".
- Lynda E. Avendaño Santana, "Decolonisation: Women and the Politics of Authenticity, Between Sirens, Witches and Human Zoos...: Subverting the Labyrinth of Solitude and Bringing serenity and Humour Black and exhilarating From Santiago Chile to Long Island", in Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age, eds. Anna Guasch Ferrer and Nasheli Jimenez Del Val, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, Aug 2014, pp 195-214. [18] (English)
- Jill Lane, Marcial Godoy-Anativia, Macarena Gómez Barris (eds.), e-misférica 11(1): "Decolonial Gesture", 2014. (English),(Spanish),(Portuguese)
- Sayak Valencia, "Interferencias transfeministas y pospornográficas a la colonialidad del ver". (Spanish)
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Looking for the Meaning of ‘Decolonial Gesture’". (English)
- Colleen Kim Daniher, "The Pose as Interventionist Gesture: Erica Lord and Decolonizing the Proper Subject of Memory". (English)
- Brittany Chávez, "Decolonial Aesthesis: Arte Nuevo InteractivA and A New Generation of Decolonial Thinkers, Makers, and Doers". [19] (English)
- Gretel H. Vera-Rosas, "Regarding ‘the Mother of Anchor-Children’: Towards an Ethical Practice of the Flesh". (English)
- Don Tuer, "Decolonizing the Gesture of Friendship between Indigenous Nations: a Greeting from the Anishanabe of Canada to the Tzotzil in Chiapas". (English)
- Jennifer Reynolds-Kaye, "Exhibiting the Decolonial Option: Museum Interventions by Pedro Lasch and Demián Flores". (English)
- Marcial Godoy-Anativia, "Desobediencia visual: Una entrevista con Benvenuto Chavajay y Kency Cornejo". (Spanish)
- Alpesh Kantilal Patel, "La Chica Boom's Failed, Decolonial Spictacles". (English)
- Alanna Lockward, "A Decolonial Reading of Sammy Baloji Memoire", Else 0, Transart Institute, Oct 2014, pp 8-15. [20] (English)
- Jeannette Ehlers, Walter D. Mignolo, "Global South, Colonial Wounds And Decolonial Healings: Jeannette Ehlers and Walter D. Mignolo in Conversation", Ibraaz, 6 Nov 2014. In response to the question "How do we productively map the historical and contemporary relationships that exist between North Africa, the Middle East and the Global South?". (English)
- Alanna Lockward (ed.), BE.BOP. Black Europe Body Politics. Chronology, 2012-2015, Berlin: Art Labour Archives, 2015, 44 pp. (English)
- Alanna Lockward, "Blesi Doub. Heridas Dobles. Dual Wounds", e-misférica 12(1-2): "Caribbean Rasanblaj", ed. Gina Athena Ulysse, 2015. Multimedia text devoted to Haitian-Dominican poet Jacques Viau Renaud. [21] [22] (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Anecdotario V (Estéticas descoloniales)", in Mignolo, Habitar la frontera: sentir y pensar la descolonialidad (Antología, 1999-2014), Barcelona: CIDOB, and Chihuahua: UACJ, Mar 2015, pp 397-398. Introduction to the section on decolonial aesthesis in Mignolo's selected writings. (Spanish)
- Alanna Lockward, "Spirituelle revolutioner. Afropæiske kropspolitikker og kunstens 'sekularisering'", Kultur & klasse 43(119): "Mellem Eurafrika og Afropa", eds. M.A. Baggesgaard and S. Jonsson, Sep 2015, pp 161-190. (Danish)
- "Spiritual Revolutions: Afropean Body Politics and the “Secularity” of the Arts", in Regimes of Invisibility in Contemporary Art, Theory and Culture: Image, Racialization, History, eds. Marina Gržinić, Aneta Stojnić, and Miško Šuvaković, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp 103-122. [23] (English)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez Moreno, Estéticas fronterizas: diferencia colonial y opción estética decolonial, pref. Wálter D. Mignolo, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, and Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar/Sede Ecuador, Nov 2015, 346 pp. Based on the author's thesis (doctoral--Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, 2014) presented under the title Estéticas de frontera en el contexto colombiano. Publisher. [24] (Spanish)
- L'Internationale (ed.), Decolonising Museums, L'Internationale Online, 2015, 152 pp. Draws from the conference Decolonising the Museum which took place at MACBA in Barcelona, 27-29 Nov 2014. (English)
- Sandra Monterroso, "Del arte político a la opción Decolonial en el arte contemporáneo guatemalteco", Iberoamérica Social, Dec 2015, pp 127-135. (Spanish)
- Benedikts Kalnačs, 20th Century Baltic Drama: Postcolonial Narratives, Decolonial Options, Bielefeld: Aisthesis, Jan 2016, 235 pp. Excerpt. Publisher. Reviews: Tlostanova (Baltic Worlds), Gáfrik (World Lit Stud), Paris-Popa (U Bucharest Rev). [25] (English)
- Angélica González Vasquez, Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias, "'Estética(s) decolonial(es)': entrevista a Pedro Pablo Gómez", Estudios Artísticos 2:2, Jan 2016, pp 120-131. Interview. (Spanish)
- "'Esthétique décoloniale'. Entretien avec Pedro Pablo Gómez", Marges 23: "Globalismes", 2016, pp 102-109. (French)
- Miriam Barrera Contreras, "Aesthesis decolonial y los tiempos relacionales. Entrevista a Rolando Vázquez", Calle14 11:18, Bogotá, Jan-Apr 2016, pp 76-93. Interview. (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, HD: Haceres decoloniales: prácticas liberadoras del estar el sentir y el pensar, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 2016, 64 pp. Based on the exhibition HD: Haceres Decoloniales held at ASAB Exhibition Hall, Bogotá, in Aug 2015. (Spanish)
- Alanna Lockward (ed.), BE.BOP 2012-2014: El cuerpo en el continente de la conciencia negra, pref. Walter Mignolo, Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2016, 198 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Walter Mignolo, "Prefacio".
- Alanna Lockward, "Introducción".
- Erna Brodber, "El continente de la conciencia negra: una mirada sobre la historia de la diáspora africana desde la esclavización hasta la actualidad".
- Fatima El Tayeb, "L*s otr*s Europe*s".
- Walter Mignolo, "Reflexiones sobre BE.BOP".
- Teresa María Díaz Nerio, "Deshaciendo la risa de la colonialidad".
- Artwell Cain, "Acerca del conocimiento y el universo BE.BOP".
- Robbie Shilliam, "BE.BOP: indignación, resistencia y sanación".
- Rolando Vázquez, "El reto de decolonizar Europa".
- Simmi Dullay, "Breve recopilación de reflexiones y declaraciones acerca de BE,BOP (2012-2014)".
- Manuela Boatcă, "Ciudadanía corporal de la Europa negra 2012".
- Julia Roth, "Un agradecimiento profundo".
- Lesley-Anne Brown, "Revoluciones espirituales en Dinamarca (o por qué sonreímos al encontrarnos)".
- Teresa María Díaz Nerio, "Curando la colonialidad y creando colectivamente".
- Yoel Díaz Vázquez, "Túmbenlo: derrocando las esculturas sociales de la colonialidad".
- Jeannette Ehlers, "Sanar y actuar en las plantaciones de arte de la modernidad".
- Patricia Kaersenhout, "Descalza en la nieve".
- Quinsy Gario, "Las redes tienen muchos agujeros".
- Alanna Lockward, "Revoluciones espirituales: políticas corporales en el continente de conciencia negra".
- Transnational Decolonial Institute, "Apuntes sobre la formación y transformación del lado más oscuro de la modernidad: la colonialidad", trans. Laura Judit Alegre.
- Laura Judit Alegre, "La traducción intercultural como acción y cooperación decolonizante".
- Alanna Lockward, Walter Mignolo (eds.), BE.BOP 2016. Black Europe Body Politics. Call & Response, Berlin: Art Labour Archives, Jun 2016, 46 pp. Catalogue. Project website. [26]. (English)
- Alanna Lockward, "Introduction", pp 5-9.
- "Descolonizaciones inciertas/Uncertain Decolonizations, I", eds. Dorota Biczel, Andrea Giunta, and Luis Vargas Santiago, arteBA 3, Buenos Aires, Jul-Dec 2016, pp 170-192. [27]. A dossier based on a text written jointly by Dorota Biczel, Andrea Giunta and Luis Vargas Santiago on the situation of art in the contemporary world; that text was sent out to a group of theorists, artists, and curators (Walter Mignolo, Agustín Pérez Rubio, Gonzalo Aguilar, Nestor García Canclini, Nelly Richard, and Nicole Franchy) who contributed replies. [28] (Spanish)/{[en}}
- "Descolonizaciones inciertas/Uncertain Decolonizations, II: #NiUnaMenos (<==> #MuchasMás)", eds. Dorota Biczel, Andrea Giunta, and Luis Vargas Santiago, arteBA 4, Buenos Aires, Jan-Jun 2017, pp 99-124. [29] [30] (Spanish)/(English)
- David Corbet (ed.), The Museum of Dissensus: Erasure and Memory, Sydney: Sydney College of the Arts, Dec 2016, 73 pp. (English)
- Madina Tlostanova, Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art: Resistance and Re-Existence, Palgrave Macmillan, Feb 2017, xi+224 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Ars Hungarica 43(4): "(Poszt)kommunizmus és (de)kolonizáció", 2017, PDFs. (Hungarian)
- Alessandro Petti (DAAR), Refugee Heritage, eds. Nick Axel, Nikolaus Hirsch, and Anton Vidokle, e-flux Architecture, Feb 2017. A dossier compiled through a series of workshops, lectures and a course hosted at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm; nominates the Palestinian refugee camp of Dheisheh in Bethlehem, for UNESCO recognition. Responses. [31] (English)
- Madina Tlostanova, "On Decolonizing Design", Design Philosophy Papers 15(1): "Design and the Global South", Mar 2017, pp 51-61. [32] [33]
- Madina Tlostanova, "Transcending the human/non-human divide: the geo-politics and body-politics of being and perception, and decolonial art", Angelaki 22(2): "Tranimacies", May 2017, pp 25-37. [34] (English)
- Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 18(2): "Postkoloniální a dekoloniální myšlení ve feminismu / Postcolonial and Decolonial Thought in Feminism", eds. Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová and Blanka Knotková-Čapková, Prague, Jun 2017, 180 pp. [35] (Czech),(English)
- Alessandro Petti, "Refugee Heritage. Part III Justification for Inscription", Humanities 6:3, Aug 2017. (English)
- Macarena Gómez-Barris, The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Sep 2017, 208 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Kolb Ronald, Richter Dorothee (eds.), OnCurating 35: "De-Colonizing Art Institutions", Dec 2017, PDF. Based on the symposium De-colonizing Art Institutions at the Kunstmuseum Basel (21-22 Jun 2017) and a summer academy at the Zurich University of the Arts (13-24 Jun 2017). (English)
- Nkule Mabaso, "Decolonisation and the Scopic Regime".
- Same Mdluli, "Chasing Colonial Ghosts: Decolonizing Art Institutions in “Post-Apartheid” South Africa".
- Binna Choi, Yolande van der Heide, "Decolonizing Art Institutes from a Labor Point of View".
- Ivan Muñiz-Reed, "Thoughts on Curatorial Practices in the Decolonial Turn".
- Claire Wintle, "Decolonising UK World Art Institutions, 1945-1980".
- Rohit Jain, "How to Be Affected in Postcolonial Public Spaces? Ethnographic Remarks on a Multifocal World in the Making...".
- Marie-Laure Allain Bonilla, "Some Theoretical and Empirical Aspects on the Decolonization of Western Collections".
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, Catherine Walsh, Edgar Ricardo Lambuley, Aprender, crear, sanar: estudios artísticos en perspectiva decolonial, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Feb 2018, 106 pp. (Spanish)
- Catherine Walsh, "Estudios (inter) culturales en clave de-colonial".
- Edgar Ricardo Lambuley, "Decolonialidad y Sanación: disertación desde los estudios interculturales".
- Pedro Pablo Gómez, "Lugares de encuentro y colaboración entre los estudios culturales y los estudios artísticos".
- Alanna Lockward, "Blesi Doub, Heridas Dobles, Dual Wounds: Re-writing the Island", in The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics, eds. Olivia Rutazibwa and Robbie Shilliam, Routledge, Feb 2018, pp 431-440. (English)
- Aïcha Diallo, "Decolonial Aesthetics/Aesthesis has Become a Connector Across the Continents. In Conversation with Walter Mignolo", C& América Latina, 8 Mar 2018. (English)
- "La estética/estesia decolonial se ha convertido a un conector entre los continentes. Charla con Walter Mignolo", trans. Nicolás Gelormini, C& América Latina, 8 Mar 2018. (Spanish)
- "A estética/estesia decolonial tornou-se um conector transversal entre os continentes. Conversa com Walter Mignolo", trans. Heitor Augusto, C& América Latina, 8 Mar 2018. (Portuguese)
- Juan G. Ramos, Sensing Decolonial Aesthetics in Latin American Arts, University Press of Florida, Mar 2018, 266 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Kunstlicht (Aline Hernández and Rosa te Velde), "From Globalizing Towards Decolonizing: Art History and The Politics of Time. Interview with Rolando Vázquez", Kunstlicht 39:1, 2018, pp 98-105. [36] (English)
- Alanna Lockward (ed.), BE.BOP 2018. Black Europe Body Politics. Coalitions Facing White Innocence, Berlin: Art Labour Archives, Jun 2018, 84 pp. Catalogue. [37]. (English)
- Walter Mignolo, "The Politics of Respectability: Marronage, White Innocence and Epistemic Disobedience", pp 4-12.
- Alanna Lockward, "A Respectable Maroon", pp 14-30. An autobiographical essay.
- Jeannette Ehlers, "Into the Dark", pp 51-60.
- Madina Tlostanova, What Does It Mean to Be Post-Soviet? Decolonial Art from the Ruins of the Soviet Empire, Duke University Press (On Decoloniality, 2), Jun 2018, 160 pp. Reviews: Emerson (ARLISNA), Coe (Visual Studies). Publisher. (English)
- MTL Collective, "From Institutional Critique to Institutional Liberation? A Decolonial Perspective on the Crises of Contemporary Art", October 165, Summer 2018, pp 192-227. (English)
- Gabi Ngcobo (ed.), 10. Berlin Biennale für Zeitgenössische Kunst: We Don't Need Another Hero / 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, Berlin: Distanz, 2018, 214+181 pp. Exh. catalogue. Excerpt. Exhibition. (German)/(English)
- Filipa César, "Meteorisations: Reading Amílcar Cabral’s Agronomy of Liberation", Third Text 32(2-3): "The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions", eds. Ros Gray and Shela Sheikh, Sep 2018, pp 254-272; upd. as "Mapping Agropoetics of Liberation", in Agropoetics Reader, eds. Elena Agudio, Marleen Boschen, and Lorenzo Sandoval, Berlin: Institute for Endotic Research Press, and Berlin: Savvy Contemporary, 2020, pp 39-58. (English)
- Leïla Cukierman, Gerty Dambury, Françoise Vergès (eds.), Décolonisons les arts!, Paris: L'Arche, Sep 2018, 144 pp. Contains a series of artistic and political manifestos about the current ethnic discriminations in the arts and lack of diversity on the stage. Contributors: Kader Attia, Marine Bechelot Nguyen, Rébecca Chaillon, Myriam Dao, Eva Doumbia, Daïa Durimel, Karima El Kharraze, Amandine Gay, Mohamed Guellati, D' de Kabal, Hassane Kassi Kouyaté, Jalil Leclaire, Olivier Marboeuf, Pascale Obolo, Sandra Sainte Rose Fanchine. Publisher. Review: Kodjo-Grandvaux (Le Monde). (French)
- Seloua Luste Boulbina, Les miroirs vagabonds ou la décolonisation des savoirs (art, littérature, philosophie), Dijon: Les presses du réel, Sep 2018, 160 pp. Introduction. Publisher. Review: Kodjo-Grandvaux (Le Monde). (French)
- Bonaventure Soh Bejend Ndikung, "Those Who Are Dead Are Not Ever Gone: On the Maintenance of Supremacy, the Ethnological Museum and the Intricacies of the Humboldt Forum", South as a State of Mind 10, Summer/Fall 2018, pp 60-63; repr. as Ndikung, Those Who Are Dead Are Not Ever Gone: On the Maintenance of Supremacy, the Ethnological Museum and the Intricacies of the Humboldt Forum, Berlin: Archive Books, Nov 2019, 56 pp. A post-colonial pamphlet on the ethnological museums of Europe, primarily the upcoming Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Publisher. (English)
- Ceux qui sont morts ne sont jamais partis: la préservation de la suprématie, du Musée ethnologique et les complexités du Forum Humboldt, Berlin: Archive Books, Jan 2020, 56 pp. Publisher. (French)
- Frieze 199: "Decolonizing Culture: Where Do We Go from Here?", Nov-Dec 2018. (English)
- "Decolonial Documents: A Partial History", Part Two, Part Three. Contributions by Ângela Ferreira, Hou Hanru, Natasha Ginwala, Shanay Jhaveri, Omar Berrada, Sean O’Toole, Julieta González, Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi, Simon Njami, Vivian Ziherl, Devika Singh, Kapwani Kiwanga, Naima J. Keith, Raqs Media Collective, Zoe Butt.
- Ngugi wa Thiong’o, "Where Do We Go From Here: To The Horseman of the Sixties".
- Paola Balla, "Across Australia, Artists are Disrupting the Colonial Mindset".
- Aruna D'Souza, "Where Do We Go From Here: Coffee, Care, and Black Panther".
- Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, "Where Do We Go From Here: For They Shall Be Heard".
- Pablo Larios, "Teresa Burga: Profile of a Peruvian Woman".
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Reconstitución epistémica/estética: la aesthesis decolonial una década después", Calle14 14:25, Bogotá, 2019, pp 14-33. (Spanish)
- Rosa Wevers, "Decolonial Aesthesis and the Museum: An Interview with Rolando Vázquez Melken", Stedelijk Studies 8: "Towards a Museum of Mutuality", Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Spring 2019. (English)
- Fiona Siegenthaler, Marie-laure Allain Bonilla (eds.), Tsantsa 14: "Decolonial Processes in Swiss Academia and Cultural Institutions: Empirical and Theoretical Issues", Swiss Anthropological Association, May 2019. Contributors: Patricia Purtschert, Claire Brizon, Anna Christen, Beatrice Voirol, Irène Zingg, Marie-laure Allain Bonilla, Fiona Siegenthaler, Karin Kaufmann, a.o. (English),(German),(French)
- Gearte 6(2): "Ensino/Aprendizagem das Artes na América Latina: colonialismo e questões de gênero", eds. Analice Dutra Pillar and Maria Helena Wagner Rossi, Porto Alegre, May-Aug 2019. Based on the congress Teaching / Learning Arts in Latin America: Colonialism and Gender Issues conceived by Ana Mae Barbosa and held at SESC Vila Mariana, in São Paulo, from 23-25 April 2019. (Brazilian Portuguese),(Spanish)
- Luis Camnitzer, "Padre Matria (Meu inimigo, o ícone)". (Spanish)
- Fernanda Pereira da Cunha, "Coração Enjaulado versus Cibervida Artista: um processo de descolonização da alma". (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Eduardo Junio Santos Moura, "Des/obediência docente na de/colonialidade da arte/educação na América Latina". (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Patricia Raquimán Ortega, "Em busca de práticas decolonizadoras: WITRAL o tear mapuche e suas abordagens didáticas". (Spanish)
- Pedro Pablo Gómez. "Decolonialidad estética: geopolíticas del sentir el pensar y el hacer", pp 369-389. (Spanish)
- Gabriela Canale Miola, "Navegar entre fronteiras: apontamentos sobre o Ensino de Artes Visuais na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana". (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Alanna Lockward, "Call and Response: Conversations with Three Women Artists on Afropean Decoloniality", in A Companion to Feminist Art, eds. Hilary Robinson and Maria Elena Buszek, Wiley Blackwell, Jun 2019, pp 419-435. Conversations with Teresa María Díaz Nerio, Jeannette Ehlers and Patricia Kaersenhout. (English)
- Third Text: "Decolonial Imaginaire: Potentialities of Art and Fabulation", eds. Alice Correia and Natasha Eaton, Jul 2019ff. Special section of the journal. (English)
- Madina Tlostanova, "Decolonial AestheSis and the Post-Soviet Art", Afterall 48, Autumn/Winter 2019, pp 102-109. [38] (English)
- Raphaël Grisey, Bouba Touré (eds.), Semer Somankidi Coura: A Generative Archive, Berlin: Archive Books, Nov 2019, 320 pp. Based on a research project led by artists Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré around the archives of the self-organized agricultural cooperative Somankidi Coura, in Mali. A historical reflection on agricultural, archival, health, and migratory issues through a decolonial perspective. Contributions by Raphaël Grisey, Tobias Hering, Olivier Marboeuf, Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, Jean-Philippe Dedieu, Karinne Parrot, Romain Tiquet, Kaddù Yaraax, Sidney Sokhona, interviews with Bakhoré Bathily, Goundo Kamissokho Niakhaté, Mady Koïta Niakhaté, Ladji Niangané, Ousmane Sinaré, Siré Soumaré, Bouba Touré. Publisher. (English)
- Semer Somankidi Coura: une archive générative, Berlin: Archive Books, Nov 2019, 320 pp. [39] (French)
- Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, "Plunder, Objects, Art, Rights", ch 2 in Azoulay, Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism, London: Verso, Nov 2019. (English)
- Diedrich Diederichsen, Anselm Franke (eds.), Love and Ethnology: The Colonial Dialectic of Sensitivity (after Hubert Fichte), Berlin: Sternberg Press, and Berlin: Haus der Kulturen Welt, Dec 2019, 220 pp. Halfway between a catalogue and a reader, this publication documents a long-term, touring exhibition project on the critical reception of Hubert Fichte's ethnographic travel literature. This large-scale initiative brings forth a multi-faceted debate on colonial modernism, ethnography, poetry and sexuality. Contributions by Dulcie Abrahams Altass, Kader Attia, Jan-Frederik Bandel, Jürgen Bock, Lisa Deml, Diedrich Diederichsen, Rosa Eidelpes, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Anselm Franke, Renée Green, Ayrson Heráclito, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz, Koyo Kouoh, Dirck Linck, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, Mario Navarro, Amilcar Packer, Marleen Schröder, Erhard Schüttpelz, David Simo, Kerstin Stakemeier, Yesomi Umolu. Publisher, Publisher. Exhibition. [40] (English)
- Anthony Downey (ed.), Critique in Practice: Renzo Martens' “Episode III: Enjoy Poverty”, Berlin: Sternberg Press, Dec 2019, 372 pp. Explores the legacy of Renzo Martens' landmark film Enjoy Poverty, a provocative work establishing how poverty became Congo's most lucrative export. Contributions by Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, Pieter van Bogaert, Jelle Bouwhuis, Eva Barois de Caevel, J. J. Charlesworth, T. J. Demos, Angela Dimitrakaki, Anthony Downey, Charles Esche, Dan Fox, Matthias De Groof, Xander Karskens, J. A. Koster, Kyveli Lignou-Tsamantani, Suhail Malik, Renzo Martens, Nina Möntmann, René Ngongo, Laurens Otto, Paul O'Kane, Nikolaus Perneczky, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Kolja Reichert, Els Roelandt, Ruben De Roo, kąrî'kạchä seid'ou, Gregory Sholette, Sanne Sinnige, Emilia Terracciano, Nato Thompson, Niels Van Tomme, Frank Vande Veire, Eyal Weizman, Vivian Ziherl, Artur Żmijewski. Publisher. (English)
- Vjera Borozan (ed.), Artalk Revue 4: "Návrat / The Return", Brno:, Jan 2020. (Czech)/(English)
- Vjera Borozan, "Dědictví kolonialismu a nebezpečné důsledky hromadění kapitálu" / "Heritage of Colonialism and Dangerous Consequences of the Accumulation of Capital".
- Ladislava Gažiová, "Nitroglycerin v granátovém jablku" / "Nitroglycerin in Pomegranate".
- Françoise Vergès, "Dekolonizujme umění! Dlouhý, těžký a vzrušující boj" / "Let’s decolonise the arts! A long, difficult, and passionate struggle", trans. Sára Vybíralová (CZ) and Adriano Hundhausen (EN).
- Rolando Vázquez, Vistas of Modernity: Decolonial Aesthesis and the End of the Contemporary, Prinsenbeek, NL: Jap Sam Books, Jan 2020, 182 pp. Essay commissioned by the Mondriaan Fund as part of its essay series on current topics within visual arts and cultural heritage. Publisher. Book launch. Interview: Boven (Metropolis M). Reviews: Walsh (Art Monthly), Yakoub. (English)
- Alice Procter, The Whole Picture: The colonial story of the art in our museums & why we need to talk about it, London: Cassell, Mar 2020, 304 pp. [41] [42]. Author runs Uncomfortable Art Tours since 2017. (English)
- Mathias Danbolt, "Ind i friktionen", Kunstkritikk, 15 May 2020. (Danish)
- "Into the Friction", Kunstkritikk, 15 May 2020. (English)
- Huey Copeland, Hal Foster, David Joselit, Pamela M. Lee, et al., "A Questionnaire on Decolonization", October 174, Fall 2020, pp 3-125, PDF. [43] (English)
- Billedkunst 1: "Ulikhet 1: Avkolonisering", ed. Kjetil Røed, Oslo: Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK), Mar 2021. Introduction. (Norwegian)
- OnCurating 49: "Decolonial Propositions", eds. Nkule Mabaso and Jyoti Mistry, Apr 2021. (English)
- Claudia Mareis, Nina Paim (eds.), Design Struggles: Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, and Perspectives, Amsterdam: Valiz, May 2021, 411 pp. (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, Pedro Pablo Gómez, Reconstitución estética decolonial, Bogotá: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Jun 2021, 126 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
- Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, An Ongoing-Offcoming Tale: Ruminations on Art, Culture, Politics and Us/Others, Berlin: Archive Books, Nov 2022, 528 pp. [44] (English)
- Das Museum Sem Nenhum Caráter: Resisting the Universal, eds. Michael Dieminger and Thaís Mayumi Pinheiro, Rio de Janeiro: Goethe-Institut, 2022, 133 pp. PDF, PDF. The publication’s initiation resulted from the tragic fire, which almost entirely devastated the Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro’s collection and building. With some 20 million objects, the collection is one of the most important in Latin America and the world, with the loss including perhaps the last testimonies, in the form of artefacts or language records, of the numerous Indigenous communities in Brazil. (Brazilian Portuguese),(English),(Spanish)
- K. J. Abudu (ed.), Living with Ghosts: A Reader: Writings on Coloniality, Decoloniality, Hauntology, and Contemporary Art, London: Pace Publishing, 2022, 160 pp. Exh. catalogue. Introduction. Publisher.
- Carolin Overhoff Ferreira, Dekoloniale Kunstgeschichte. Eine methodische Einführung, Deutscher Kunstverlag (DKV), Dec 2022, 302 pp. (German)
- Michaela Ott, Babacar Mbaye Diop (eds.), Decolonial Aesthetics I: Tangled Humanism in the Afro-European Context, Springer, Jan 2023, xii+195 pp. Publisher. (English)
- НА чија страна си?: за неврзаната деколонијална констелација: меѓународна групна изложба и јавна програ / Which Side Are You On? On the Non-Aligned Decolonial Constellation, ed. Ivana Vaseva (Ивана Васева), Skopje: Faculty of things that can’t be learned, 2023, 205 pp. Texts by Ivana Vaseva, Bojana Piškur. Exhibition. (Serbian)/(English)
- Joanna Page, Decolonial Ecologies: The Reinvention of Natural History in Latin American Art, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, Jun 2023, xviii+278 pp. OAPEN. (English)
- springerin 4: "Imperiale Gewalt" / "Imperial Violence", Vienna, 2023. [45] (German)/(English)
- Katy Deepwell (ed.), De-/ Anti- / Post-colonial feminisms in contemporary art and textile crafts, London: KT press, 2023, 181 pp.
- Françoise Vergès, Programme de désordre absolu: décoloniser le musée, Paris: La Fabrique, 2023, 249 pp. A call to end the Western museum. (French)
- Decolonizar o museu: programa de desordem absoluta, trans. Mariana Echalar, São Paulo: Ubu, 2023, 268 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- A Programme of Absolute Disorder: Decolonizing the Museum, forew. Paul Gilroy, trans. Melissa Thackway, Pluto Press, Jul 2024, xvi+208 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Programa de desorden absoluto: descolonizar el museo, trans. Francisco López Martín, Ciudad de México: Akal, 2024, 227 pp. (Spanish)
- Für eine Dekolonisierung des Museums, trans. Luca Homburg, Vienna: Passagen, 2025, 296 pp. Publisher. (German)
- Mathias Rollot, Décoloniser l'architecture, pref. Françoise Vergès, postf. Émeline Curien, Lorient: Le passager clandestin, Mar 2024, 240 pp. Publisher. (French)
- Aníbal Quijano, "Colonialidad y modernidad/racionalidad", Perú indígena 13:29, Lima: Instituto Indigenista Peruano, 1992, pp 11-20, PDF. Describes coloniality as the indispensable underside of modernity, which began in the 15th century and continues today, and defines it as a matrix of power that operates through four interrelated domains: the control of economy, the control of authority, the control of gender and sexuality, and the control of subjectivity and knowledge. (Spanish)
- "Coloniality and Modernity/Rationality", trans. Sonia Therborn, in Globalizations and Modernities. Experiences, Perspectives and Latin America, eds. Goran Therborn with Lise-Lotte Wallenius, Stockholm: Forksningsradnamnden, 1999, pp 41-51; repr., Cultural Studies 21:2-3, 2007, pp 168-178; repr. in Globalization and the Decolonial Option, eds. Walter Mignolo and Arturo Escobar, London/New York: Routledge, 2009, pp 22-32. [46] (English)
- Arturo Escobar, "Mundos y conocimientos de otro modo: el programa de investigación de modernidad/colonialidad latinoamericano", Tabula Rasa 1, Bogotá, 2003, pp 51-86, PDF. Presents and examines critically the work of a group of researchers in Latin America and the United States that are crafting a novel reinterpretation of modernity, globality and difference. (Spanish)
- "Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise: The Latin American Modernity/Coloniality Research Program", Cuadernos del CEDLA 16, 2004, pp 31-67; rev. version, Cultural Studies 21:2, Mar/May 2007, pp 179-210. (English)
- Walter D. Mignolo, "Delinking: The Rhetoric of Modernity, the Logic of Coloniality and the Grammar of De-Coloniality", Cultural Studies 21:2, Mar/May 2007, pp 449-514. (English)
See also[edit]