Central and Eastern Europe Bibliography

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Light-music synthesis

East-Central Europe

  • Sandor Laszlo, Die Farblichtmusik [Color Light Music], Leipzig, 1925.
  • Hans Scheugl and Ernst Schmidt, "Lichtkunst", in Eine Subgeschichte des Films: Lexikon d. Avantgarde-, Experimental- u. Undergroundfilms, 2 vol, Frankfurt am Main, 1974.
  • Jörg Jewanski, "Color Organs", [1]
  • Teun Lucassen, "Color Organs", [2]
  • Cornelia Lund and Holger Lund (eds.), Audio.Visual - On Visual Music and Related Media (English/German), book with DVD, 320 pp, 2009. [3]
  • See This Sound, catalogue
  • Audiovisualogie, Vol. 1 and 2
  • "Bibliography: Synesthesia in Art and Science", compiled by Crétien van Campen (editor), Greta Berman, Anton V. Sidoroff-Dorso and Bulat Galeyev, Leonardo. [4]

Czech Republic

  • Zdeněk Pěšánek, Kinetismus, Prague 1941.


  • Viacheslav Ivanov, "Churlianis i problema sinteza iskusstv" [Čiurlionis and the problem of the synthesis of the arts]. Apollon, no. 3 (March 1914), pp 5-21. For an English translation, see "Ciurlonis and the problem of the synthesis of arts", Lituanus 7, no. 2 (June 1961), pp 45-57.


East-Central Europe

  • Arthur Segal and Nikolas Braun, Lichtprobleme in der bildenden Kunst [Light Problems in the Visual Arts], (German), Berlin, 1925. The book is divided into two parts: Arthur Segal, "Das Lichtproblem in der Malerei" and Nikolas Braun, "Konkretes Licht".
  • László Moholy-Nagy, Painting Photography Film, 1925. Trans. Janet Seligman. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1973.
  • László Moholy-Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947.
  • Douglas Macagy, "The Russian Desert: A Note on our State of Knowledge", Aspen 5+6 (1967), [5]
  • Susan Compton, "Review: The Tradition of Constructivism. by Stephen Bann", Slavic Review, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Sep., 1975), pp. 662-663 [6]
  • Folke Dietzsch, "Zu einigen Aspekten der Internationalität des Bauhauses und seiner Studentenschaft", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / A // Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 33, 1987, H. 4/6. [7]
  • Kristina Passuth, Les avant-gardes de l’Europe Centrale 1907–1927 (French), Flammarion, 1988, 327 pp. [8]
  • Art Journal Vol. 49, No. 1, From Leningrad to Ljubljana: The Suppressed Avant-Gardes of East-Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Twentieth Century (Spring, 1990). [9]
  • Stephen Bann, Traditions of Constructivism, 1990, [10]
  • Ryszard Stanislawski and Christoph Brockhaus (eds.), Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa, exhibition catalogue, Bonn, 1994. Contributions from ca 150 authors. Four volumes: Vol I (five introductory essays followed by 73 short texts on the work of specific artists) 479 pp. incl. 247 col. pls. and 116 b&w ills.; Vol II (36 essays on aspects of architecture, literature, theatre, film and music) 239 pp. incl. 251 b&w ills.; Vol III, compiled by Hubertus Gassner (354 short texts of the period 1894-1994 by artists, critics etc., in German translation), 367 pp.; Vol IV (biographies; selected bibliography; list of exhibited works; index) 99 pp. ISBN 978-3-89322-623-8. [11] [12]
  • George Rickey, Constructivism: Origins and Evolution, 1995, [13]
  • Susanne Anna (ed.), Das Bauhaus im Osten: Slowakische und tschechische Avantgarde 1928-1939, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1997. [14] [15]
  • "The Romanian Avant-Garde", Plural Magazine 3, 1999. [16]
  • Timothy O. Benson, Éva Forgács (eds.), Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-Gardes, 1910-1930, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2002. [17]
  • Esther Levinger, "The Second Narrative, Constructivism in East-Central Europe", colloquium talk, Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass, 2002.
  • Centropa journal, "Central European Architectural Students at the Bauhaus", volume 3, number 1, January 2003. [18]
  • Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (eds.), Impossible Histories: Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, MIT Press, 2003. [19]
  • Kristina Passuth, Treffpunkte der Avantgarden: Ostmitteleuropa 1907–1930 (German), Verlag der Kunst Dresden, 2003. [20]
  • Peter Weibel, "On the Origins of Hungarian Constructivism in Vienna: MA 1920-25. The Only Instance of Modernism Between the Wars", in: Beyond Art: A Third Culture, 2005, pp 57-71. [21] [22]
  • Vojtěch Lahoda (ed.), Local Strategies, International Ambitions: Modern Art and Central Europe 1918-1968, Prague: Artefactum, 243 pp, 2006. Papers from the International conference, Prague, 11-14 June 2003. [23] [24]
  • Viktoras Liutkus, "Lithuanian Art and the Avant-Garde of the 1920s: Vytautas Kairiūkštis and the New Art Exhibition in Vilnius", Lituanus, 2008. [25]

Czech Republic

  • Karel Teige, "Poetismus" [Poetism], Host, Vol. 3, No. 9-10, July 1924. [26]
  • Karel Teige, Foto kino film, 1925
  • Karel Teige, "Manifest poetismu" [Poetism Manifesto], ReD Vol. 1, No. 9, 1928. [27]
  • "Leva fronta" [The Left Front], ReD, vol. 3, no. 2, 1929. The founding manifesto. [28]
  • F. Kalivoda (ed.), Telehor/international revue of the new vision, vol. 1, nos. 1-2, 1936. One of the classic publications on Moholy-Nagy, with a preface by Siegfried Giedion.
  • more: [29], [30]
  • Simone Hain, "Bauhaus und tschechische architektonische Avantgarde", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 26, 1979, H. 4/5. [31]
  • Vladimír Šlapeta, "Zum Einfluß des Bauhauses auf die tschechische moderne Architektur", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 26, 1979, H. 4/5. [32]
  • Alena Adlerová, "Krásná jizba und Bauhaus: zur Produktgestaltung in der ČSR 1928-1938", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 26, 1979, H. 4/5. [33]
  • Vladimír Šlapeta, "Brno/Brünn, die Stadt der modernen Architektur, die Stadt der Villa Tugendhat", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / A, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 33, 1987, H. 4/6. [34]
  • Tomáš Vlček, "Art between Social Crisis and Utopia: The Czech Contribution to the Development of the Avant-Garde Movement in East-Central Europe, 1910-30", Art Journal Vol. 49, No. 1, From Leningrad to Ljubljana: The Suppressed Avant-Gardes of East-Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Twentieth Century (Spring, 1990), pp. 28-35. [35]
  • Susanne Anna (ed.), Das Bauhaus im Osten: Slowakische und tschechische Avantgarde 1928-1939, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1997. [36] [37]
  • Nicholas Sawicki, "Czechoslovakia. Zdenêk Rossmann, Josef Hausenblas, Otto Eisler, Ladislav Foltyn, Antonin Urban, Vladmir Nêmecek, Václav Zraly. Bauhaus Associates: Karel Teige, Peer Bücking", Centropa 3 (2003) 1
  • "Czech and German Avant-Garde Photography", Photo Revue, 2005. [38]
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Studentky z Československa na Bauhausu 1919-1933: Výmar – Desava – Berlin" [Female students from Czechoslovakia at the Bauhaus 1919-1933: Výmar – Desava – Berlin], in: Žena Umělkyně na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní odborné konference ve Středočeském muzeu v Roztokách u Prahy ve dnech 11. a 12. října 2005 [The female artist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Proceedings from the international conference held at the Museum of Central Bohemia in Roztoky on 11-12 October 2005], Roztoky u Prahy 2005, pp. 333 – 344.
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Českoslovenští studenti architektury na Bauhausu" [Czechoslovak Students of Architecture at the Bauhaus], Umění/Art LIV, 2006, no. 5, pp. 406-432. [39] [40]
  • Pavlína Vogelová, "Brněnská meziválečná fotografie: Křižovatka v kulturním spektru města", Bachelor thesis, 2006, [41]
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Bauhaus a kultura v Československu v 1919 - 1939". Disertační práce. Vedoucí: prof. PhDr. Rostislav Švácha, CSc. Katedra dějin umění, Olomouc, 2007.


  • Francis A. Taylor, article on his impressions of a visit to the Bratislava School, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, no. 4332, 1935; "Současné školy umění a řemesel na kontinente" [Contemporary School of Arts and Crafts on the Continent], Výtvarná výchova, Prague, vol. 2, no. 3, 1936, pp. 11-29 (Czech).
  • "Avant-garde and the Present", International Conference at Smolenice near Bratislava, 12-14 June 1968 (papers by Irena Blühová, Júlia Horová, Iva Mojžišová, František Reichenthal, Tomáš Štrauss, Eduard Toran, Marian Váross, Hans Maria Wingler, et al.), published by the Institute of the Theory and History of Art, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ars, Bratislava, 1969, no. 2
  • Iva Mojžišová, "A Slovak Contribution to Avant-garde Movements", Actes du XXIIe Congres International d'Histoire de l'Art, Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1969, vol. 2, pp 347-9.
  • Tomáš Štrauss, "Slovenský variant moderny (ŠUR Bratislava 1928-1938)" [A Slovak Variant of Modernism]. Umění a remesla, 1978, no. 3, pp 10-19; "Die Slowakische Variante der Moderne", Bauhauskolloquium von 27. bis 29. Juni 1979 in Weimar, WissenschaftlicheZeitschriftder Hochschule Architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar, vol. 26, nos. 4-5, 1979, pp 405-13. [42]
  • Fero Tomík, "J. Funke a ŠUR v Bratislave" [J. Funke and the School of Arts and Crafts in Bratislava]. In: Aktuálnost československé meziválečné fotografie. Dum umění města Brna, Brno 1979. pp 54-61.
  • Maria Pötzl-Malikova, "Die Kunstgewerbeschule in Preßburg 1928-1939. Zur Ausstrahlung der Bauhaus-Ideen in der Slowakei", Vorträge der Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum Bad Wiesse vom 23. bis 25. November 1979 und vom 28. bis 30. November 1980, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich/Vienna, 1982, pp 201-324.
  • Iva Mojžišová, "Die personliche Beziehungen zwischen den Angehörigen des Bauhauses und der Kunstgewerbeschule in Bratislava in Lichte neuentdeckter Dokumente", 4. internationales Bauhauskolloquium vom 24. bis 25. Juni 1986, in Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule fur Architektur Bauwesen Weimar, vol. 33, nos. 4-5-6, 1987, pp 335-8. [43]
  • Peter Havaš, "Die slowakische Architektur in der Zwischenkriegszeit als fortschrittliches Erbe der modernen Bewegung", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / A, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen; Jg. 33, 1987, H. 4/6. [44]
  • "Škola umeleckých remesiel v Bratislave a Bauhaus", Ars, Bratislava, 1990, pp 43-54
  • "The First Wave of Avant-garde: Bratislava 1930", Niedzica Seminars VI. October 19-22, 1989, Association of Polish Art Historians, Cracow, 1991, pp 47-51
  • František Foltýn, Slowakische Architektur und die tschechische Avantgarde. 1918-1939, Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, 1991, pp 90-4.
  • Václav Macek, Iva Mojžišová, Dušan Škvarna, Irena Blühová, Vydavateľstvo Osveta, Martin, 1992.
  • Iva Mojžišová, "Avant-Garde Repercussions and the School of Applied Arts in Bratislava, 1928-1939", Journal of Design History, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1992), pp. 273-279. [45]
  • Susanne Anna (ed.), Das Bauhaus im Osten: Slowakische und tschechische Avantgarde 1928-1939, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1997. [46] [47] [48]
  • Vladimír Birgus, "The New Objectivity and Constructivism in Czech Inter-War Photography", Imago, Winter 2000. [49]
  • Mira Keratová, "Slovenská avantgardná typografia v medzivojnovom období so zameraním na grafickú úpravu časopisov". Comenius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Diploma thesis, 2005. (Slovak)
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Studentky z Československa na Bauhausu 1919-1933: Výmar – Desava – Berlin" [Female students from Czechoslovakia at the Bauhaus 1919-1933: Výmar – Desava – Berlin], in: Žena Umělkyně na přelomu 19. a 20. století. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní odborné konference ve Středočeském muzeu v Roztokách u Prahy ve dnech 11. a 12. října 2005 [The female artist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Proceedings from the international conference held at the Museum of Central Bohemia in Roztoky on 11-12 October 2005], Roztoky u Prahy 2005, pp. 333 – 344.
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Českoslovenští studenti architektury na Bauhausu" [Czechoslovak Students of Architecture at the Bauhaus], Umění/Art LIV, 2006, no. 5, pp. 406-432. [50] [51]
  • Markéta Svobodová, "Bauhaus a kultura v Československu v 1919 - 1939". Disertační práce. Vedoucí: prof. PhDr. Rostislav Švácha, CSc. Katedra dějin umění, Olomouc, 2007.
  • Sonia de Puineuf, "A Dot on the Map: Some Remarks on the Magazine 'Nová Bratislava'", The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, 2010. [52]


  • Tomáš Štrauss, Kassák. Ungarischer Beitrag zum Konstruktivizmus (German), 1975.
  • Edith Horváth, "Ungarn und das Bauhaus", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 23, 1976, H. 5/6. [53]
  • Gyula Pap, "Bauhauserziehung in Ungarn: 'Nagy Balogh' - Volkskollegium und Malerschule in Nagymaros 1948-1949", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 26, 1979, H. 4/5. [54]
  • Leo Kohut, "Bauhaus. Ungarn - Tschechoslowakei. Zur Bauhaus-Rezeption in Ost-europa", Bauhaus, catalogue, Berlin, 1981, pp 283-287.
  • Miklos von Bartha, "Carl Laszlo. Der Sturm. Die ungarischen Kunstler am Sturm, Berlin, 1931-32", Basel Galerie von Bartha, 1983.
  • Hubertus Gassner, "'Ersehnte Einheit' oder 'erpresste Versohnung': Zur Kontinuitat und Diskontinuitat ungarischer Konstruktivismus-Konzeption" in WechselWirkungen. Ungarische Avantgarde in der Weimarer Republik, ed. Gassner, 1986, pp 183-220.
  • Esther Levinger, "The Theory of Hungarian Constructivism", The Art Bulletin Vol. 69, No. 3 (Sep., 1987), pp. 455-466. [55]
  • Eva Bajkay-Rosch, "Gruppenbildung in Weimar: Beiträge der unbekannten ungarischen Bauhäusler", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / A // Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 33, 1987, H. 4/6. [56]
  • Oliver A.I. Botar, "Constructivism, International Constructivism, and the Hungarian Emigration", in The Hungarian Avant-Garde 1914-1933, 1987, pp 90-98.
  • S. A. Mansbach, "Confrontation and Accommodation in the Hungarian Avant-Garde", Art Journal Vol. 49, No. 1, From Leningrad to Ljubljana: The Suppressed Avant-Gardes of East-Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Twentieth Century (Spring, 1990), pp. 9-20. [57]
  • Oliver A. I. Botar, "From the Avant-Garde to 'Proletarian Art'. The Emigre Hungarian Journals Egység and Akasztott Ember', 1922-23", 1993. [58]
  • Emőke G. Komoróczy, Kassák és a magyar avantgárd mozgalom (Hungarian), 1995, 137 pp. [59]
  • András Ferkai, "Hungary: Marcel Breuer, Farkas Molnár, Pál Forgó, Ernó Lichtenthal, Laszló Szabó, Tibor Weiner, Alfréd Forbát, István Sebök, Mühely, Atelier Müvészerti Tervezö, Mühelyiskola / András Ferkai", Centropa 3 (2003) 1, pp 13-26
  • Peter Weibel, "Viennese Kineticism and Hungarian Constructivism", in: Beyond Art: A Third Culture, 2005, pp 46-56. [60] [61]
  • Peter Weibel, "On the Origins of Hungarian Constructivism in Vienna: MA 1920-25. The Only Instance of Modernism Between the Wars", in: Beyond Art: A Third Culture, 2005, pp 57-71. [62] [63]
  • Peter Konok, "Lajos Kassák and the Hungarian Left: Radical Milieu (1926–1934)", In: Regimes and Transformations. Hungary in the Twentieth Century, edited by István Feitl and Balázs Sipos. Napvilág, Budapest, 2005, pp 177-194 [64]
  • Éva Forgács, "'You Feed Us So that We Can Fight Against You'. Concepts of the Art and State in the Hungarian Avant-Garde", Arcadia 41.2, 2006, pp 260-274.
  • Éva Bajkay (ed.), From Art to Life: Hungarians at the Bauhaus / Von Kunst zu Leben. Die Ungarn am Bauhaus, catalogues in Hungarian and in German. Pécs: Janus Pannonius Múzeum & Hungarofest, 2010, 419 pp.
  • Krisztina Passuth, "Hungarians at the Bauhaus", Hungarian Quarterly 200, Winter 2010 [65]


  • Irena Kossowska, "MIĘDZY TRADYCJĄ I AWANGARDĄ. POLSKA SZTUKA LAT 1920 I 1930", 2004. (Polish) [66]
  • Alina Kowalczykowa, "The Interwar Years – 1918-1939", [67]
  • Marek Bartelik, Early Polish Modern Art: Unity in Multiplicity, Manchester University Press, 2005. [68]


  • Beata Sniecikowska, Nuz w uhu Koncepcje dzwieku w poezji polskiego futuryzmu, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2008. [69]


Writings and manifestos
  • Leon Chwistek, 1918. Proposed the theory of the "plurality of realities in art" as a reaction against the dualistic model of the first avant-garde. During the following period, in various interdisciplinary discussions about art, mathematics, poetry, architecture and politics, he argued against agitprop and the missionary stance of the avant-garde, in favour of an open, modern and transnational society.
  • Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz ("Witkacy"), "Nowe formy w malarstwie i wynikające stąd nieporozumienia", 1919. Formulated the principles of Pure Form.
  • Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Szkice estetyczne [Aesthetic Sketches], 1922.
  • Leon Chwistek, 1922. He promulgated the 'mathematical' art theory of Strefism [Strefizm], according to which a graphic surface is constructed by means of colours and shapes arranged in contrasting zones.
  • Leon Chwistek, "Wielość rzeczywistości w sztuce", Przeglad Wspolczesny 9, April-June 1924. [70] [71] [72] documentary film


Writings and manifestos
  • Tadeusz Peiper, "Metropolis. Mass. Machine." [Miasto. Masa. Maszyna.], Zwrotnica nr. 2, 1922. Manifesto, initial inspiration for Awangarda Krakowska literary group. [73]
  • Mieczyslaw Szczuka and Teresa Żarnowerówna, "Co to jest konstruktywizm" [What is Constructivism], Blok group manifesto, Blok no. 6-7, September 1924. [74]
  • Władysław Strzemiński, "B = 2", Blok no. 8-9, 1924. Presents a theory of unism.
  • Henryk Berlewi, "Mechano-Faktura", 1924. Published in German by Der Sturm in Berlin and in Polish by Jazz in Warsaw (translated by K.J. Michaelsen). In retrospect, Berlewi placed his manifesto between Witkacy's "Nowe formy w malarstwie" (1919) and Strzeminski's "Unism w malarstwie" (1928).
  • Julian Przyboś, "Człowiek w rzeczach"; "Człowiek nad przyrodą", Zwrotnica, 1926. [75]
  • Władysław Strzemiński, Unizm w malarstwie [Unism in Painting]], Biblioteka Praesens, no. 3, Warsaw, 1928.
  • Wtadysław Strzemiński, et. al., "Komunikat Grupy 'a. r.'" [Communiqué of the Group ‘a.r.’], Europa, no. 9, 1930. [76]
  • more: [77], [78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84]
  • Constructivism in Poland 1923-1936 - BLOK - Praesens - a.r., catalogue, Museum Folkwang, Essen en Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, 1973
  • Aleksander Wojciechowski (ed.), Polskie życie artystyczne w latach 1915-1939 [The Polish artistic life in years 1915-1939], Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocła, 1974
  • Z. Baranowicz, Polska awangarda artystyczna 1918-1927, Warszawa 1975
  • Vladimír Šlapeta, "Die Architektur an der Akademie für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe in Breslau", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 26, 1979, H. 4/5. [85]
  • Andrzej Turowski, Konstruktywizm polski: próba rekonstrukcji nurtu 1921-1934 [Polish Constructivism: an attempt to reconstruct the trend of 1921 - 1931], Wrocław 1981
  • David Crowley, "The Cracow School and the Second Republic", in National Style and Nation-state: Design in Poland. From the Vernacular Revival to the International Style, Manchester University Press, 1992, pp 54-79. [86]
  • David Crowley, "Questioning Parochialism", in National Style and Nation-state: Design in Poland. From the Vernacular Revival to the International Style, Manchester University Press, 1992, pp 80-101. [87]
  • Andrzej Turowski, Budowniczowie świata. Z dziejów radykalnego modernizmu [Builders of the world. From the history of radical modernism], Kraków 2000
  • Esther Levinger, "Return to Figuration: Wladislaw Strzeminski and the Move from Idealism," Art History, 24 (1), 2001, pp. 101-131.
  • Barbara Iwona DeBoer, "Four Arts Redefined. Władysław Strzemiński's Theory of Unism", thesis, 2005. [88]
  • Marek Bartelik, Early Polish modern art: unity in multiplicity, Manchester University Press, 2005.
  • Ilana Löwy, "Ways of seeing: Ludwik Fleck and Polish debates on the perception of reality, 1890–1947", Studies In History and Philosophy of Science, Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2008, pp 375-383. [89]
  • Magdalena Frankowska and Artur Frankowski, Berlewi, Czysty Warsztat, 2009. [90] [91]
  • Samuel Albert, "Poland. Bauhaus Students: Max Sinowjewitsch Krajewski, Arieh Sharon, Munio Weinreb (Gitai), Edgar Hecht (Hed), Isaac Weinfeld, Shlomo Bernstein, Schmuel Mestechkin", Centropa 3 (2003) 1


  • Želimir Koščević, "Jugoslawische Bauhausschüler", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift / A, Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen, Jg. 33, 1987, H. 4/6. [92]
  • Irina Subotić, "Avant-Garde Tendencies in Yugoslavia", Art Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, From Leningrad to Ljubljana: The Suppressed Avant-Gardes of East-Central and Eastern Europe during the Early Twentieth Century (Spring, 1990), pp. 21-27. Published by: College Art Association. [93]
  • Irina Subotić, "Concerning Art and Politics in Yugoslavia during the 1930s", Art Journal Vol. 52, No. 1, Political Journals and Art, 1910-40 (Spring, 1993), pp. 69-71. [94]
  • Esther Levinger, "Ljubomir Micic and the Zenitist Utopia", in Exchange and Transformation: The Central European Avant-Garde, 1910-1930, exh. cat. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, Cal. 2002, pp. 260-278.
  • Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (eds.), Impossible Histories: Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991, MIT Press, 2003. [95]
  • Dubravka Đurić, "Radical Poetic Practices: Concrete and Visual Poetry in the Avant-garde and Neo-avant-garde" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 64-95
  • Darko Šimičić, "From Zenit to Mental Space: Avant-garde, Neo-avant-garde, and Post-avant-garde Magazines and Books in Yugoslavia, 1921--1987" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 294-331
  • Katherine Ann Carl, Aoristic Avant-garde: Experimental Art in 1960s and 1970s Yugoslavia. Dissertation, Stony Brook University, May 2009. [96]


  • Ljubomir Micić, Ivan Goll and Bosko Tokin, "Manifest Zenitizma" [Zenithist Manifesto], Zenit no. 1, Zagreb, 1921. [97]
  • Branko Ve Poljanski, "Manifesto", Svetokret, 1921.
  • Ljubomir Micić, "Man and Art", Zenit, 1921.
  • Ljubomir Micić, "The Spirit of Zenithism", Zenit, 1921.
  • Ivan Goll, "Expressionism is Dying", Zenit, 1921.
  • Ljubomir Micić, "Šimi na groblju latinske četvrti, Zenitistički Radio-Film od 17 sočinenija" [Shimmy at the Latin Quarter Graveyard, Zenitist Radio-Film in 17 Parts], Zenit, 1922. In his prose text, Micić used constructivist and montage principles of cinema. He christened this new narrative structure "radio-film".
  • Ljubomir Micić, "A Categorical Imperative of the Zenithist School of Poetry", in The Rescue Car, 1922.
  • Ljubomir Micić, Zenithism as the Balkan Totalizer of New Life, manifesto, Zenit, 1923.
  • Drago Ibler, "Group Zemlja Manifesto", 22 May 1929. [98]
  • Traveleri, manifesto, 1930
  • Jadranka Vinterhalter (ed.), Prodori avangarde u hrvatskoj umjetnosti prve polovice 20.stoljeca / Flashes od avant-garde in the croatian art of the first half of the 20th century. Zagreb: MSU, 2007. [99]


  • 1920, poet Anton Podbevšek develops his program along anarchist proletcult lines for the journal Rdeči pilot.
  • Avgust Černigoj, "Greetings!", tank, 1927.
  • Mirko Polić, "Marij Kogoj's Black Masks", tank, 1927.
  • Ferdo Delak, "Theater Co-op", tank, 1927.
  • Avgust Černigoj, "Tank Manifesto", tank, 1927.
  • Ferdo Delak, The Modern Stage, manifesto. [100]
  • Avgust Černigoj, "The Constructivist Group in Trieste", tank, 1927.
  • Peter Krečič, "Avgust Černigoj and His Constructivism: A Memoir", Leonardo Vol. 15, No. 3 (Summer, 1982), pp. 215-218. [101]
  • Andrej Hrausky, "Yugoslavia. Bauhaus students: Avgust Cernigoj", Centropa 3 (2003) 1
  • Toshino Iguchi, "Avant-garde Design Beyond Borders. The Slovenian Constructivist Avgust Černigoj", 2008. [102]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Heide Frensel, "Yugoslavia. Bauhaus students: Selman Selmanagić", Centropa 3 (2003) 1


  • Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto published in Romanian in Craiova in a local newspaper, on the same day (20 February 1909) as in the Parisian Le Figaro.
  • Marcel Janco, "Notes on Painting", Contimporanul, 1922.
  • Marcel Janco, "Art Notes", Contimporanul, 1924.
  • Ilarie Voronca, "Victor Brauner", 75HP, 1924.
  • Ion Vinea, "Activist Manifesto to the Youth" [Manifest activist către tinerime], Contimporanul 46, May 1924.
  • llarie Voronca, "Aviograma", 75HP, Oct 1924. [103]
  • llarie Voronca. Untitled statement, 75HP, 1924.
  • Victor Brauner and llarie Voronca, "Pictopoetry", manifesto, 75HP, Oct 1924. [104]
  • llarie Voronca, "Assessments", Punct, 1924.
  • Scarlat Callimachi, "The Contimporanul Exhibition (Notes)", Punct, 1924.
  • Tudor Vianu, "The First Contimporanul International Exhibition", Miscarea literara, 1924.
  • llarie Voronca, "Marcel Janco", Punct, 1924.
  • Max Herman Maxy, "Visual Chrono-metering", Contimporanul, 1924.
  • FeLix Aderca, "Conversations with Lucian Blaga", Miscorea literara, 1925.
  • llarie Voronca, "Gramatica" [Grammar], Punct, no. 6-7, Jan 1925.
  • llarie Voronca, "Voices", Punct, 1925.
  • Oscar Walter Cisek, "The International Exhibition Organized by the Magazine Contimporanul", Gandirea, 1925.
  • editors of Integral, "Man", Integral, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1925. [105]
  • llarie Voronca. "Surrealism and Integralism", Integral, 1925.
  • Mihail Cosma, "De la futurism la integralism" [From Futurism to Integralism], Integral, no. 6-7, Oct 1925.
  • Corneliu Michailescu, "Black Art", Integral, 1925.
  • Mililsa Petrascu, "Note about Sculpture", Contimporanul, 1925.
  • G. C. Jacques, "Initiation in the Mysteries of an Exhibition: The Sensational Pronouncements of Militsa Petrascu and Marcel Janco", Contimporanul, 1926.
  • Marcel Janco, "Cubism", Contimporanul, 1926.
  • Marcel Janco. "Coloring", Contimporanul, 1927.
  • Geo Bogza, "Urmuz", Urmuz, 1928.
  • more: [106], Julian Semilian, translator
  • "Moments in the Romanian Literary Avant-Garde", [107]
  • Petre Răileanu, "1922-1928. The Beginnings. Magazines and Manifestos. The Intellectual International. The Theorizing Machines. 75 HP – the New Start of the Romanian Avant-garde. Integralism and Synthesis. Synchronism and Internationalism", Plural Magazine 3, 1999. [108]
  • "The Romanian Avant-Garde", Plural Magazine 3, 1999. [109]
  • Dan Gulea, Gentlemen, Tovarishes, Comrades. A History of Romanian avant-garde, Paralela 45 Publishing, “Deschideri” Series, Piteşti, 2007, 484 pp. [110] [111] [112]
  • Andrei Oisteanu, "The Romanian Avant-Garde And Visual Poetry", in Exquisite Corpse. A Journal of Letters and Life. The original study was published for the exhibition 'Dada East? The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire = Dada Est? Romanii de la Cabaret Voltaire', curated by Adrian Notz, Raimund Meyer, and Juri Steiner for the Cabaret Voltaire Dadahaus, Zurich (20.09.06 - 22.02.07) [113]
  • Contimporanul. Istoria unei reviste de avangarda?, Institutul Cultural Roman, Bucuresti 2007
  • Irina Carabas, "Can Aesthetics Overcome Politics? The Romanian Avant-garde and its Political Subtexts", lecture for 'New Histories of Politics' a conference at Central European University, Budapest (18-20 May 2007). [114]
  • Radu Igazsag and Alexandru Solomon, Strigat in timpan [Shriek Into the Ear-Drum. A visual essay on Romanian avant-garde, 1916-1947], film, 1993. [115] [116]


  • Milka Bliznakov, "Bulgaria. Bauhaus students: Niccola Diulgheroff", Centropa 3 (2003) 1


  • In 1913, the Vilnius daily Przegląd Wileński (No. 48-49) reprinted F. T. Marinetti’s Manifesto of Futurism.
  • Kairiūkštis' constructivist manifesto, in the catalogue of The New Art Exhibition, 1923


  • Mai Levin, "The Group of Estonian Artists", Estonian Art 2/01. [122]

Literature, Literary theory, Aesthetics

Light art

Experimental film

Czech Republic

  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in the Czech Republic" Central European Review (October 1998) [123] (English)
  • Arthur Cantrill, "Profil: Dušan Marek" Cinepur 23-24 (2002) [124] (Czech)
  • Michael Bielický, "Prague–A Place of Illusionists" in: Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel (eds), Future Cinema. The cinematic Imaginary after Film, exhib. cat., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA/ London, 2003
  • Milan Čihak, "Český amatérský film", (Czech). [125]


  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Slovakia" Central European Review (October 1998) [126] (English)
  • Ivana Gašpieriková, "Experimentálny film I. Pokus o vymedzenie." Trištvrte revue 5-6 (2000) (Slovak)
  • Jozef Macko, "Slovenský alternatívny a experimentálny film," Aurel Hrabušinský ed. Slovenské vizuálne umenie 1970-1985 (Bratislava: SNG, 2002) (Slovak)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, "Rozšírený film v digitálnych kontextoch" Profil 2 (2003) pp. 76-85 (Slovak)
  • Ján Adamove, "Svet je obraz a zvuk (rozprávanie o rozprávaní experimentálneho filmu)". Master thesis. [127]


  • György Gerő, "Film", Dokumentum, January 1927. Republished in Filmvilág, Sep 1987, pp 8-10. [128]
  • Miklós Peternák (ed.), F:I.L.M. A magyar avantgarde film története. Budapest: Jelenkor, 1991.
  • Film / Művészet. (A magyar kísérleti film története). Budapest, 1983.
  • Gábor Gelencsér (ed.), Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret. Szöveggyűjtemény, Budapest, Korona, 1998. [129]


  • Karol Irzykowski, Dziesiąta Muza. Zagadnienia estetyczne kina [The Tenth Muse], Krakow, 1924.
  • f.a. (art film), *1937, journal of SAF co-operative, edited by Franciszka and Stefan Themerson
  • Marcin Giżycki, Walka o film artystyczny w miedzynarodowej Polsce [A Battle for Artistic Film in Poland Between the Wars]. Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw, 1989.
  • Marcin Giżycki, Awangarda wobec kina. Film w kręgu polskiej awangardy artystycznej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego [Avant-Garde and Cinema: Film in Polish Avant-Garde Circles Between the Wars], Wydawnictwo male, Warsaw, 1996. [130] [131]
  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Poland" Central European Review (November 1998) [132] (English)
  • Lukasz Ronduda (eds.), 1,2,3 -- avant-gardes : film, art between experiment and archive, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw ; Berlin ; New York : Sternberg, 2007.
  • Lukasz Ronduda: The Films of Polish Women Artists in the 1970s and 1980s - From the Archive of Polish Experimental Film. [133]


  • Nevena Daković, "The Unfilmable Scenario and Neglected Theory: Yugoslav Film Avant-Garde: 1895-1992" published in the Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Djuric and Misko Suvakovic (MIT Press: 2003), pp 466-489
  • "Experimental Ex-Yu", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [134]
  • Ana Janevski (ed.): As Soon as I Open My Eyes I See a Film. Experiment in the Art of Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, 2010. With essays by Ana Janevski (on experimental art and film in Yugoslavia), Stevan Vuković (on political upheaval in 1968 in Belgrade), and Łukasz Ronduda (on contacts between Yugoslav and Polish artists in the 1970s). [135] Interview with Ana Janevski, June 2011
  • Bojana Piškur et al (eds.), This Is All Film: Experimental Film in Yugoslavia 1951-1991 [Vse to je film: Eksperimentalni film v Jugoslaviji 1951-1991], catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, 2010. 154 pages. ISBN: 9789612060909


  • Hvorje Turkovic, "Croatian Avant-Garde Scene", Zagreb, 1993. [136]
  • Heiko Daxl, "Film and Video-art in Croatia. Fragmentary Sketches of a History and a Description of the Status Quo", August 1993. (English), (German)
  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Croatia" Central European Review (November 1998) [137] (English)
  • "Uncharted Serbia: The Avant-Garde of the Kino Clubs", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [138]


  • Alternativni film u Beogradu od 1950. do 1990. godine [Elektronski izvor] : vreme kino klubova : zbornik priloga za buduća istraživanja / [priredio] Miroslav-Bata Petrović. - Novi Beograd : Dom kulture „Studentski grad“, Arhiv alternativnog filma i videa, 2009 (Beograd : Pink digital system). - 1 elektronski optički disk (DVD) : tekst, slika; 12cm. - (Biblioteka „Istorija alternativnog filma“), ISBN 978-86-7933-052-9.
  • "Uncharted Serbia: The Avant-Garde of the Kino Clubs", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [139]


  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Slovenia" Central European Review (September 1999) [140] (English)
  • "Uncharted Serbia: The Avant-Garde of the Kino Clubs", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [141]
  • "Experimental Ex-Yu", film selection with an introduction, 2009. [142]
  • Kino-Integral: Prispevki k zgodovini slovenskega eksperimentalnega filma, Nr. 11-12, 2011. Issue on the history of Slovenian experimental film. [143]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Amir Muratović, Slatka slast periferije: Enciklopedija Ivice Matića. [144]


  • George Sabau, "Contextual history of Kinema Ikon" (2005) [145]


  • Eva Näripea, "New Waves, New Spaces: Estonian Experimental Cinema of the 1970s", KinoKultura, 2010. [146]

Geometric abstraction, Neo-constructivism, Op art, Kinetic art


  • Ľuba Belohradská, "Konštruktívne tendencie v zrkadle slovenskej umenovedy". [147]
  • Ľuba Belohradská and Eva Trojanová (eds.), Hranice geometrie / Borders of Geometry (Slovak/English), Petum, 2009, 429 pp. [148]


  • Alexandra Titu, "Experimentalism in Romanian Art after 1960" (Experimentul în Arta Românească după 1960), 2003. [149]
  • Ştefan Bertalan, "Fragments of a Possible Program", Arta, No 8, 1970.
  • George Lecca, Flondor, de la '111' + 'Sigma' la 'Prolog' [Flondor, from 111+SIGMA to "Prolog"], IDEA Design & Print, Cluj, 2005, 197 pp. [150] review

Cybernetics, Technology and Politics

Audiovisual compositions

Czech Republic

  • J. Stanislav, L. Kuba, Prague 1968.
  • Vladimír Lébl, "O meznich druzich hudby" [On the Limit Types of Music], Nove cesty hudby, 1969, II, pp. 216-247.
  • M. Klivar, "Nove formy audiovizualniho umeni" [New Forms of Audiovisual Art], in Estetika, 1970, 2, pp. 149-154.
  • Vladimír Lébl, "M. Grygar", in Hudebni rozhledy, 1971, 9; in Electronic Music Reports, Utrecht 1971; in Jazz Bulletin, 1979, 9.
  • J. Doubravová, "Z rane tvorby E. Schulhoffa" (Early Works of E. Schulhoff), Hudebni rozhledy, 1976, 6, pp. 281-285.
  • J. Doubravová, "Music and Visual Art: Their Relation as a Topical Problem of the Contemporary Music in Czechoslovakia", in International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 11(2), 1980, pp 219-228.
  • Jaromír Fiala, "On My Work with the Pioneer of Kinetic Electric Light Art, Zdeněk Pešánek (1896-1965): A Memoire", in: Leonardo 3 (Summer 1980) (English) [151]
  • Jiří Zemánek, Milan Grygar, Obraz a zvuk, catalogue, Praha 1999
  • Alois Piňos and Ivo Medek Multimedial Scene of Brno (Brno: JAMU, 2005)


Electroacoustic music

East-Central Europe

  • Golo Föllmer, Markus Steffens, Melanie Uerlings (eds.), Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010, 2012. [154]

Czech Republic

  • Miloš Bláha — Miroslav Mandík, "I. seminář elektronické hudby v ČSSR" Rozhlasová a televizní technika 4 (1964), Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [155] [156] [157]
  • Vladimír Lébl Elektronická hudba (Prague: Státní hudební vydavatelství, 1966) [158]
  • J.Berg and Alois Piňos, "History of Music Experiment in Czech and Moravia", 1967
  • J. Kapr, "Constants, Outline of Personal Method of Specific Signs of Composing Selection" (Konstanty, nástin metody osobního výběru zvláštních znaků skladby), Panton Praha 1967
  • Hugh Davies (ed.), International Electronic Music Catalog. Cambridge: MIT, 1968. [159]
  • Z. Vostřák, "Lectures on Music Poetics" (Kapitoly z hudební poetiky), in: Konfrontace 1969 N. 1, pp. 6–13.
  • J. Kapr, "Theory of Indication and Variation" (Teorie naznačování a vychylování), in Hudební rozhledy 1970, pp. 358–365, 417–422.
  • Vladimír Lébl "Brno Experimenting" In: Hudební rozhledy Praha 5/1970 [160]
  • J Kopřiva "Samočinný počítač jako pomocník skladatele experimentální hudby" Deset let práce laboratoře počítacích stroju (Brno: VUT, 1972)
  • M. Ištván, "Method of Montage of Dissociated Elements in Music" (Metoda montáže izolovaných prvků v hudbě), Panton Praha 1973
  • Alois Piňos, "Elektroakustické skladby brněnského kompozičního týmu 1968-1974" [161] (Czech)
  • Jiří Hanousek, "O začátcích a konci Brněnského elektronického studia" [162] (Czech)
  • J Ludvová Matematické modely v hudební analyse (Prague: Supraphon, 1975)
  • Rudolf Růžička Využití samočinných počítaču při vzniku umělecký děl se zvláštním zaměřením na hudbu a soudobou kompozici (Brno: JAMU, 1980)
  • J Gebrich - M Štědroň Počítače a hudba (Sofsem, 1985) [163]
  • Jan Jirásek, "Changes in the Semantic Relationships Among Basic Musical Parameters and Their Perspektive in EAM", lecture in Graz. Opus musicum, Brno 1988
  • Vladimír Lébl "Brno in Sixties" In: Opus musicum Brno 6/1990
  • Alois Piňos, "Zum Princip der Latenz in der zeitgenössischen Musik", in Otto Kolleritsch (ed.), Musikalische Gestaltung im Spannungsfeld von Chaos und Ordnung , UE Wien, N. 26823m, 1991, pp. 103–113.
  • Rudolf Růžička, "Creative, Pedagogical and Social Perspectives of Electroacoustic and Computer Music Art", "Tvůrčí, pedagogické a spoločenské perspektivy elektroakustického a computerového hudebního umění," IFEM '92 Medzinárodné fórum elektroakustickej hudby. Bratislava-Dolná Krupá. November 1992 http://www.radioart.sk/avr/visuopage.php?id=81 (English and Czech)
  • Miroslav Kaduch Česká a slovenská elektroakustická hudba 1964 - 1994. Skladatelé, programátoři, technici, muzikologové, hudební kritici, publicisté. Osobní slovník (Ostrava, 1994) (Second Edition: 1996) [164] (Czech)
  • Libor Zajíček, "The History of Electroacoustic Music in the Czech and Slovak Republics", Leonardo Music Journal, Vol. 5, (1995), pp. 39-48 [165]
  • Kateřina Růžičková The Multimedial Art and his Manifestation on the Brno Music Scene. Dissertation. (Brno: JAMU, 1999)
  • Lenka Dohnalová, "Electro-acoustic music in Czech Republic", 2000, [166]
  • Lenka Dohnalová, "Aesthetic Models of the European Electroacoustic Music. Electroacoustic Music in Czech Republic", Pedagogical Faculty of the Charles University, Praha 2001
  • Michal Rataj. Dissertation. [167]
  • Michal Rataj Elektroakustická hudba a vybrané koncepty radioartu (Prague: Kant, 2007)
  • Zvukem do hlavy: Sondy do současné audiokultury, Prague: AMU, 2012. (Czech) [168]


  • Miroslav Kaduch Česká a slovenská elektroakustická hudba 1964 - 1994. Skladatelé, programátoři, technici, muzikologové, hudební kritici, publicisté. Osobní slovník (Ostrava, 1994) (Second Edition: 1996) [169] (Czech)
  • Libor Zajíček, "The History of Electroacoustic Music in the Czech and Slovak Republics" Leonardo 5 (1995) pp. 39-48 [170] (English)
  • Milan Adamčiak, "Slovak electroacoustic music history" 1995. [171] (English)
  • Vladimír Godár ed. Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (1996) (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin ed. Avalanches 1990-1995 (Bratislava: SNEH, 1996), ISBN 80-967206-4-3 (Slovak) [172]
  • Vladimír Godár, "Slovenská elektroakustická hudba a slovenská normalizácia," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [173] [174] (Slovak)
  • Vladimír Rusko, "Slovesná tvorba v experimentálnom štúdiu," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [175] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Cseres, "Iný rozmer hudby z pásu," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [176] (Slovak)
  • Peter Janík, "Elektroakustické intermezzo," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [177], [178], [179] (Slovak)
  • Juraj Ďuriš, "Mýtus obrov sa rozpadá!?" Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [180] (Slovak)
  • Juraj Ďuriš, "Symbol i," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [181] (Slovak)
  • Ivan Stadtrucker, "Slovenské osudy hudby elektronickej," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [182], [183] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Malovec, "Spomienky na začiatky elektroakustickej hudby v Bratislave," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996). [184] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Malovec, "Reminiscences of the beginnings of EAM in Bratislava", November 1994. [185] (English and Slovak)
  • Milan Adamčiak, "Príbeh jednej hudby," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) [186] (Slovak)
  • Peter Kolman, "Elektronická hudba v Bratislave," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) (Slovak)
  • Alena Čierna, "Elektroakustická kompozícia na Slovensku," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) (Slovak)
  • Roman Berger, "Esej o elektroakustickej hudbe," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) (Slovak)
  • Tadeáš Salva, "Impresie z elektroakustického štúdia," Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996) (Slovak)
  • Jozef Cseres, "Blázni sú tí, ktorí v hudbe vnímajú len zvuk," 1996, Vladimír Godár ed., Slovenská elektroakustická hudba. Slovenská hudba 1-2 (Bratislava: Slovenská hudobná únia, 1996), OS 8 (2000) pp. 69-71. [187] (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin ed. Sound Off 1997: The Piano Hotel (Bratislava: SNEH, 1997) CD-ROM
  • Jozef Cseres, Michal Murin ed. Sound Off 1995 – 1996 (Bratislava: SNEH, 1997). With audio CD. ISBN 80-967445-0-X
  • Sound Off 1998: Husle/Hegedű/Violin (Bratislava: SNEH, 1998)
  • K. Pichlerová Crossings - Art and Sound, catalogue (Vienna: Kunsthalle Wien, 1998) (English)
  • Michal Murin, "Radioart" 2000. [188] (English) [189] (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Sound art" 2000. [190] (English) [191] (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin: "Rádio-Art" Profil 4 (2000) [192], [193] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Cseres ed. Sound Off 1999/2000: Beams & Waves (Bratislava: SNEH, 2000) Audio CD
  • Július Fujak Tvorivosť v načúvaní hudobnému tvaru (interpretačné sondy do /ne/konvenčnej hudby) (Nitra: Ústav literárnej komunikácie Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa, 2000) ISBN 80-8050-364-8 (Slovak)
  • Rastislav Dubovský, "Elektroakustická hudba na Slovensku" 2001. [194] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Cseres Hudobné simulakrá (Bratislava: Music Centre Slovakia, 2001) ISBN 80-88884-30-6 [195] (Slovak)
  • Jozef Cseres ed.Sound Off 2002: Typewriting Aloud, Typoxxs Allowed, catalogue (Nové Zámky: HEyeRMEarS DISCORBIE, 2002) With audio CD.
  • Július Fujak, "Sound Off 1995-2002" 2004. [196] (Slovak)
  • Vladimír Godár, "Slovenská elektroakustická hudba" Slovo 12 (2004) [197] (Slovak)
  • Július Fujak ed. Slovenské hudobné alternatívy (Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, 2006). With audio CD. (Slovak)
  • Kamil Zbruž, "Peter Machajdík: S Karlheinzom Stockhausenom sa stretávam na hviezde Sírius", Kloaka 3, 2011 (Slovak) PDF
  • Slávo Krekovič, "Organized Sound and Experiments in Slovak Music", in Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010. (English) (German) (Slovak)
  • Marcus Gammel, "Black Holes and White Spots. Visiting the Experimental Studio at Slovakian Radio. In conversation with Milan Adamčiak, Juraj Ďuriš, Michal Murin", in n.b.k. Sounds: Radio - Kunst - Neue Musik edited by Marius Babias and Katrin Klingan, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2010, pp 93-111. (English, German) PDF


  • Laszlo Dubrovay, "Hungarian Electroacoustic Music", 1994, [198]
  • Zoltán Pongrácz, "Electroacoustic music in Hungary", 1992, [199]
  • Gyorgy Kroó, "New Hungarian Music", in: Notes, Second Series, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Sep., 1982), pp. 43-71 [200]


  • Krzysztof Szlifirski, "Electroacoustic music in Poland. Brief history and present time situation". 1993. [201]
  • Monika Pasiecznik, "A History of Electroacoustic Music in Poland from the Perspective of the Polish Radio Experimental Studio 1957-1990", in Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010. (English) (German) (Polish)
  • Antoni Beksiak, "The Avant-Garde Alternative of the Last 20 Years: In Search of Points of Intersection", in Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010. (English) (German) (Polish)


  • Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman, "Problems and Paradoxes of Yugoslav Avant-garde Music (Outlines for a Reinterpretation)" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 404-441
  • Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman, "Stvaralačko prisustvo evropske avangarde u nas" [The Creative Presence of the European Avant-Garde in Serbian Music], Belgrade, Univerzitet umetnosti, 1983.
  • Vladan Radovanović, Vokovizuel (Vocovisual), Belgrade, Nolit, 1987.
  • Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman, "Fragment o muzičkoj postmoderni" [Fragment on Musical Postmodernism], Novi Sad, Matica srpska, 1997.
  • Vladan Radovanović, “Srpska avangarda u odlasku od muzike (1955–1980)” [Serbian Avant-garde in the Process of Leaving Music (1955–1980)], Gradina, 10, 1984, pp. 5–37
  • Melita Milin, "Serbian Music of the Second Half of the 20th Century: From Socialist Realism to Postmodernism", in: Katy Romanou (ed.), Serbian and Greek art music: a patch to Western music history, Intellect Books, 2009, pp 82-97.
  • Sintezijska umetnost Vladana Radovanovića [The Synthesic Art of Vladan Radovanović] monograph for his retrospective, 2005. Includes collection of essays by Dejan Đorić (The Founder of the Serbian Avant-Garde), Ješa Denegri, Nikola Šuica (on vocovisual), Ivan Rastegorac (On the Recording of Dreams and the Literary Works of Vladan Radovanović), Melita Milin (Metamusic and Music of Vladan Radovanović), Vladan Radovanović (Sintezijska umetnost / Synthesic Art); and catalogue of works. [202] [203]
  • Ivana Janković [Medić], "Sintezijska umetnost Vladana Radovanovića" [Vladan Radovanović's 'synthesic art'], Muzikologija 3, 2003, pp 141-186. (Serbian) [204] [205]


  • Mirjana Veselinović-Hofman, "Problems and Paradoxes of Yugoslav Avant-garde Music (Outlines for a Reinterpretation)" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 404-441


  • Aurel Stroe, Grădina sunetelor - eseuri despre muzică [Sound Garden - Essays on Music], Bucureşti, Edit. Muzicală, 1991
  • Breve Histoire de la Musique Electroacoustique en Roumanie. 2007. [206] (French)
  • Ciprian Lorin Jalbă, Electro-acoustic Music - Technology and Composition Implications in the Romanian Music, doctoral thesis, 2010. [207]
  • Octavian Nemescu, "Avangarda în componistica românească", Muzica 1, 2010. [208]


  • Simo Lazarov, "Bulgarian Electronic and Computer Music Electronic Studio - Radio Sofia", 1994. [209]
  • Simo Lazarov, "Composing and Performing Computer Music By Using Personal Computers", PhD thesis, 1991. Technical University in Sofia.


  • Mark Rais, "Some Notes about Soviet Computer Music", Leonardo Vol. 24, No. 5 (1991), pp. 535-539. [210]


Czech Republic

  • Josef Hiršal and Bohumila Grögerová Slovo, písmo, akce, hlas (word, letter, action, voice) (1966). Presented the parallel trends of the 1960s in the rest of Europe in a condensed form, they made use of the term "experimental art" in order to set parameters. editors included new types of artificial poetry, permutational and programmed art and happenings under the flag of experimental art, as their selection of manifestos, essays and artistic programs presented it. [211]
  • Vít Havránek (ed.), Akce slovo pohyb prostor. Experimenty v umění šedesátých let, catalogue (Prague: 1999) [212]
  • Pavlína Morganová, "Umenie akcie 1965-1989", Profil 3, 2001, pp 6-15 (Czech) PDF
  • Vít Havránek, "Action word movement space. Czech experimental art of the 1960s". Exhibition catalogue. [213]


  • Michal Murin, "Performance?" Profil 17-18 (1991) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "San Francisco performance art" Profil 22 (1991) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Transmusic Comp. (hudobné performance)" Slovak Music 2 (1991) pp. 24 (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Transmusic Comp" Dotyky 10 (1991) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin (ed.), Profil 3/1993. [214] (Slovak)
  • Jozsef R. Juhász ed. Transart Communication. 7th International Contemporary Art Festival - 8th International Contemporary Art Festival 1995-1996 (Nové Zámky: 1997) CD-ROM (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Studio Erte - Jozef. R. Juhász", In: PARAF - Joszef R. Juhasz monography [215]
  • Gábor Hushegyi, "Stúdio erté 1987-1997" Jozsef R. Juhász ed., Transart Communication. 7th International Contemporary Art Festival - 8th International Contemporary Art Festival 1995-1996 (Nové Zámky: Studio erté, 1997) CD-ROM (Slovak and English)
  • Michal Murin, "Performance na Slovensku v 90. rokoch" A.K.T. (Brno: Dům umění, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Ivan Jančár, "Performancia," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Performance Art in Slovakia in the 90s (From the Position of the Art-Form, through its Reflection to the (Co-Existence of Solitary Worlds))" Slaps Banks Plots 4 (2000) [216] (English)
  • Michal Murin, "L´art de performance en Slovaquie - A partir d´une forme artistique et de sa réflexion vers la coexistence de mondes solitaires" [Performance Art in Slovakia - From the Art-Form, and its Reflection Towards the Co-Existence of Solitary Worlds]. In: Art Action 1958-1998. Ed.: Richard Martel. Éditions Intervention, Québec, Canada, 2001, 454-457.; Hushegyi, Gábor: Importance. Place et rôle du Studio eré (1987-1997) dans l´art de la (Tchéco)Slovaquie. / The Importance. Position and Role of Studio erté (1987-1997) in the Art of (Czécho)Slovakia. U.o., 458-467.
  • Pavlína Morganová, "Umenie akcie 1965-1989", Profil 3, 2001, pp 6-15 (Czech) PDF [217]
  • Andrea Bátorová, "Zopakovať jedinečné. Rozhovor so Zorou Rusinovou", Profil 3, 2001, pp 16-29 (Slovak) PDF [218]
  • Andrea Bátorová, "Považujete akčné umenie za revolučné? Rozhovor s Luciou Gregorovou-Stachovou", Profil 3, 2001, pp 30-39 (Slovak) PDF [219]
  • Gábor Hushegyi, "Actinart - medzinárodné sympózium", Profil 3, 2001, pp 40-47 (Slovak) PDF
  • Michal Murin, "Performance art in Slovakia in the 90s". [220] [221], also at a book: [222]
  • Július Fujak, "Transmusic Comp. + SNEH. Adamčiak, Machajdík, Murin and Cseres" 2005. [223] (Slovak) [224] (English)
  • Gábor Hushegyi, Zsolt Sőrés (eds.), Transart Communication Performance & Multimedia Art Studio erté 1987 – 2007 (Kalligram, 2008) (Slovak, Hungarian, English) [225]
  • DigiVAF(ex), Festival Performaction 2010, 2010. ISBN 9788089078769 (Slovak) PDF


  • Bea Hock, "What was Aided, Rejected, Tolerated in Hungary in the 1970s and 1980s", 2001. [226]



  • Ileana Pintilie, "Performance Art In Romania. Between gesture and ritual", [227]


  • Raivo Kelomees, "RÜHM T on Toompea Hill", Kultuurileht, 25 October 1996, [228]

Multimedia environments

Czech Republic

  • Vít Havránek, "Laterna Magika, Polyekran, Kinoautomat" Future Cinema. The Cinematic Imaginary after Film (ZKM-The MIT Press, 2003)

Computer art

Czech Republic

  • Josef Hlaváček, "Otázky pro Zdenka Sýkoru", Výtvarné umění 3/1968, p. 116
  • Jiří Valoch (ed.), Computer Graphic, catalogue, Brno: Dům umění města Brna, 1968. 16 pages. (Czech)
  • Zdeněk Sýkora - J Blažek, "Computer-Aided Multi-element, Geometrical Abstract Paintings" Leonardo 3 (1970) p. 409
  • L Granát, H Sechovský Počítačová grafika (Prague: SNTL, 1980)
  • H W Franke, "Zdeněk Sýkora" Angewandte Informatik 4 (1980)
  • Miroslav Klivar, Zdeňka Čechová Aplikace počítačové grafiky v textilním průmyslu ČSSR (Prague: ÚBOK, 1981) [229]
  • Počítačové grafické umění, catalogue (Prague: Obvodní dum kultury v Prahe 8, 1982)
  • Zdeněk Sýkora interviewed by Vítek Čapek, 1985 [230]
  • Miroslav Klivar, "Počítač v umění a experimentální estetice" Estetika 3 (1986)


  • Miroslav Klivar, "Kybernetika a teória odrazu vo vzťahu k umeniu" Slovenské pohľady 10 (1962) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka "Filmy z počítača" Elektrón 12 (1984) pp. 29-31 (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka et al. Počítačová grafika a numerické metódy (Bratislava: SVŠT-Alfa, 1985) (Slovak)
  • Počítačové umění ČSSR, catalogue (Prague: 1985)
  • Imrich Bertók, Jozef Jankovič, "A Collaborative Investigation of the Line: Interactive Computer-Aided Drawings" Leonardo 1 (1986) pp. 27-30. [231] (English)
  • P Slavkovský, "Niektoré aplikácie počítačovej animácie" Počítačová grafika '86 (Bratislava: JSMF, 1986) (Slovak)
  • Miroslav Klivar, "Počítačová grafika v súčasnej výtvarnej kultúre" Výtvarníctvo, fotografia, film 10 (1986) (Slovak)
  • Zdeňka Čechová "Aplikácia počítačovej grafiky vo výtvarnom umení" Počítačová grafika, Proceedings of conference, Smolenice, 1986 pp. 15 - 20
  • Martin Šperka "Počítač ako maliar" Elektrón 12 (1986) pp. 8-15 (Slovak)
  • Imrich Bertók, Ivo Janoušek Počítače a umenie (Bratislava: SPN, 1989) (Slovak)
  • Lucie Holá Počítačové umění v ČSSR a ve světě, catalogue (Prague: Dům techniky Praha, 1989)
  • Martin Šperka Počítačová grafika vo výtvarnom umení, catalogue (Banská Bystrica: Štátna galéria Žilina, Regionálne kultúrne stredisko, 1992) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Míľniky počítačovej grafiky na Slovensku" Profil 3 (1993) pp. 10-11 (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka "Počítače na VŠVU" Projekt 4 (1993) pp. 46-47 (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "The Origins of Computer Graphics in the Czech and Slovak Republics" Leonardo, Vol. 27, No. 1 (1994), pp. 45-50 [232]
  • Martin Šperka, "Počítačové umenie - genéza a súčasnosť," Podoby súčasného umenia. Zborník prednášok o súčasnom výtvarnom umení a architektúre" (Bratislava, 1994) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Some notes on the history of electronic and computer art in Slovakia" 1996 [233]
  • Martin Šperka E_Mail_Art_1_2_3 - Počítačová grafika - výber z diel, catalogue (Žilina: PGU, 1997) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Počítačová grafika," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Počítačové umenie," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)


  • Miklós Peternák, "Hungarian Computer Art", in: Peter Weibel (ed.): Beyond Art. A Third Culture


  • Marina Gržinić (ed.), The Future of Computer Arts, 2004. [234]


  • Sherban Epuré, "Cybernetic Attitude, Mathematical Thinking", România Literarã No. 25, Bucharest, June 13 1970. [235]
  • Adrian Rogoz, "Arta Programativã", Stiinta si Technica, Bucharest, June 1970.
  • Sherban Epuré, "Cybernetics and Art", Arta Review # 7, Bucharest, Sep 1970. [236]
  • "Glossary", Arta Review, Bucharest, Romania, February-August 1971. The "Glossary" was published throughout most of 1971, as a series of monthly articles. It deals with such terms as: cybernetics, structure, input, output, feedback behavior, information, the significance of information, feedback, black-box, redundancy, noise, sensibility, original, entropy, etc. [237] [238] [239] [240] [241]
  • Viktor Ernest Maşek, Arta şi matematica. Introducere în estetica informaţională, Editura Politică, Bucureşti 1972. The first Romanian text applying Max Bense's aesthetic theories to semiotics of visual art. The book is based on his PhD thesis, "Introducere în estetica informaţională", 1971.
  • Viktor Ernest Maşek (ed.), Estetică, informaţie, programare [Aesthetics. Information. Programming], Editura Ştiinţifică, Bucharest 1972, 216 pp. Anthology comprising important texts by A. Moles, M. Bense, H. Frank, S. Maser, K. Alsleben, but also Mihai Dinu, Cezar Radu, Stefan Niculescu, and others.
  • Mihai Nadin, Elements of Meta-Aesthetics, Eminescu, Bucharest, l972.
  • Sherban Epuré, "Mathematics and anatomical constructions", the Secolul XX Review #11-12, Bucharest, Romania, 1973. [242] [243]
  • Sherban Epuré, "Realism Mathematic", the Arta Review, Bucharest, Romania, 4.13.1973. [244] [245] [246]
  • Abraham Moles, Artă şi ordinator [Art and Computer], Editura Meridiane, Bucharest 1974. Classic book translated to Romanian.
  • Sherban Epuré, "Applications of Cibernetical Methods in the Fine Arts", the Arta Plastica Magazine, Bucharest, Romania, October 1974. [247]
  • Sherban Epuré, "Painting and Cybernetics", Installation and Extensive One Man Show, part of the 
Art and Energy exhibition, at The New Gallery, Bucharest, Romania, 1974. Catalog text. [248] [249] [250]
  • Viktor Ernest Maşek, review of Jalobeanu's exhibition 'Computer Graphics', Arta 6, Bucharest 1976
  • Radu Bagdasar, Informatica Mirabilis - Arta şi Literatura de calculator [Computer Art and Literature], Editura Dacia, 1982.
  • Solomon Marcus (ed.), Semiotica matematică a artelor vizuale [Mathematical Semiotics of Visual Arts], Editura Ştiinţifică si Enciclopedica, Bucharest 1982, 409 pp. Contains two substantial texts in the field of the computer–art relationship, namely, Mihai Jalobeanu, "Imaginile, producerea si prelucrarea lor cu sistemele actuale de calcul" [Images, their Production and Processing with today's Computing Systems] and Mihai Brediceanu, "Timpul polimodular în artele vizuale" [Polimodular Time in Visual Arts].
  • pamphlet accompanying 'Art and Computer' exhibition, 1985. Text by Horia Medeleanu.
  • Ambroise Barrac, Poezia electronică, 2008. [251]
  • Sherban Epuré, "An Artist's Journey in Art and Science: From behind the Iron Court to Present-Day America". Leonardo, October 2006, vol. 39, #5, MIT Press, Boston. pp.402-409 and 436. [252]


  • In one of the biggest and well-known daily newspapers “Narodna Mladej” (Peoples’ Youth) with approx. 100 000 daily issues circulation, Rosen Petkov, promoted electronic arts (ca 1987 [253]). “Mlad konstruktor” (The Young Developer) magazine and “Grafika s komputar” (Computer Graphics) magazine were other well known media where Mr. Petkov presented the electronic music and computer graphics achievements during that time.
  • Rosen Petkov, Old books and computer arts, 2010. [254]


Czech Republic

  • Michael Bielický, Praga Caput - Praga Caput Medii. [255]
  • Miloš Vojtěchovský, "Nástin: Gary Hill a videopoetika", Profil 14-15, 1992, pp 80-87 (Czech) PDF
  • Bohunka Koklesová Video, Multimedia, Performance Studio - Tomas Ruller's Studio (Bratislava: VŠVU, 2003) [256] (English/Slovak)


  • Miroslav Klivar, "Videoumenie I, II" Výtvarníctvo, fotografia, film 4-5 (1987) (Slovak)
  • Radislav Matuštík Suterén, catalogue (Bratislava: 1989)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, "Videoumenie," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, "Umenie videa," Zora Rusinová et al. Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia – 20. storočie (Bratislava: SNG, 2000) (Slovak)


  • Bálint Szombathy, Video Art in the Mid-Seventies (Új Symposion, No.128, 1975)
  • György Somogyi, Video-Visions (Mûvészet, 1977 Yearbook)
  • Gábor Bódy, Creative Thinking Device, film journal Filmvilág, 1982
  • The World of Video, first comprehensive collection of translated articles covering the field of video, providing information about the international developments of almost twenty years of video art and video theory, 1983
  • Miklós Peternák: Data Toward the Study of the History of Hungarian Video Art. SVB VOCE, Budapest, Soros Foundation/Soros Center for Contemporary Arts (SCCA) - Mûcsarnok/Kunsthalle, 1991 [260]
  • C3: History and archive of video art in Hungary 1972-2000, http://www.c3.hu/collection/videomuveszet/indexen.html
  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Hungary" Central European Review (October 1998) [261] (English)
  • Vera Bódy, "Magyar Video", 1987. Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 1#4 [262]
  • Miklos Peternak, "Die neuen (kuenstlerischen) Medien und die ungarische Gesellschaft", (German), [263]


  • R. W. Kluszczynski, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Poland. An Historical Outline", in: The Middle Of Europe. The festival of avant-garde films and video from Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary and Poland, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, ed. R. W. Kluszczynski, Warsaw 1991, p. 52-73
  • R. W. Kluszczynski, "Video Art in Poland. An Historical Outline", in: Ostranenie. 1. International Video Festival at the Bauhaus Dessau, catalogue ed. by I. Arns and E. Tharandt, pp. 148-152. [264]
  • Ryszard Kluszczynski: "New Poland - New Video. Some reflections on Polish video art since 1989". In: translocation_new media/art. 1999. [265]
  • Ryszard Kluszczynski, "AN OUTLINE HISTORY OF POLISH VIDEO ART" [266]
  • Piotr Krajewski and Violetta Krajewska (eds.), From Monument to Market. Video Art and Public Space, Wroclaw: WRO Art Center, 2005 [267]
  • Ryszard W. Kluszczynski and Anatoly V. Prokhorov, "VIDEO ART IN POLAND. AN HISTORICAL OUTLINE", [268]


  • Marijan Susovski, "Video u Jugoslaviji", Spot, no. 10, Zagreb 1977.
  • Raša Todosijević, Video, Videosfera: video/društvo/umetnost ("The Video: Videosphere: video/society/art"), Studentski izdavački centar, ed. Mihailo Ristić, Belgrade 1986.
  • Mihailo Ristić (ed.), Video, Videosfera: video/društvo/umetnost (The Video: Videosphere: video/society/art), Studentski izdavački centar, Belgrade 1986. Anthology of theoretical texts about video, including contributions from video-makers.
  • Barbara Borčić, "Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 490-524. [269] [270] [271]


  • Heiko Daxl, "Film and Video-art in Croatia. Fragmentary Sketches of a History and a Description of the Status Quo", August 1993. (English), (German)
  • Tihomir Milovac (ed.): Insert / Retrospective of Croatian Video Art, MSU: Zagreb, 2008. The publication is a follow-up of the museum’s 2005 retrospective and presents the works of some one hundred video artists on 360 pages with 466 reproductions, in Croatian and English. Authors: Tihomir Milovac, Silva Kalčić, Antonija Majača, Branko Franceschi. [272]
  • Andrew J Horton, "Avant-garde Film and Video in Croatia" Central European Review (November 1998) [273] (English)


  • Dejan Sretenović, "Video Art in Serbia". POGLED /VIEW/ series, Centre for Contemporary Art, Belgrade, 1999.
  • Barbara Borčić, "Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism" published in Impossible Histoires (Historic Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991) edited by Dubravka Đurić and Miško Šuvaković (MIT Press: 2003), pp 490-524. [274] [275] [276]
  • VIDEOGRAFIJA regiona = Videography of the Region : 2006-2009 : [katalog projekta = project catalogue] / [priređivač, edited by Aleksandra Sekulić]. - Beograd : Dom kulture “Studentski grad”, 2009 (Beograd : Alta Nova). - 245 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm [277]


  • Vera Horvat Pintarić (ed.), Televizija danas/Television Today, Zagreb, 1972. Includes texts on the first video experiments.
  • Stane Bernik, 1973, in Sinteza magazine he defined video art as an experiment and as a creative experience of contemporary fine art expression. This marked the beginning of discussions about video as a new medium in texts.
  • Ekran magazine published a historical overview of tendencies in video, including a selected bibliography, edited by Brane Kovič, 1977.
  • Bogdan Lešnik wrote in Ekran magazine, 1979, about video technology and procedures, and about video as `a medium whose specific conditions place it in the sphere of art and thus deprive it of political alertness'.
  • Tomaž Brejc on Miha Vipotnik and Nuša and Srečo Dragan, in Delo magazine, ca 1979. [278]
  • Dušan Mandić, text in Viks, a ŠKUC-Forum bulletin, 1983. Mandić wrote about the new codes of signification, and highlighted the difference between the formalistic approach to video in the `70s and the mass dimensions and social engagement of the audio-visual video explorations of the `80s.
  • Brane Kovič edited a thematic supplement on video for Ekran magazine, no. 1-2, Ljubljana, 1984. In addition to a text by Dušan Mandić, "ŠKUC-Forumova video produkcija", it was dedicated to the pioneer of video production, Nam June Paik.
  • The joint issue of Ekran and Sinteza in 1986 published the hitherto largest number of texts by domestic and foreign authors about video art, its history and relationship with television and design.
  • Barbara Borčić, "From Alternative Scene to Art Video: Video Production in Slovenia 1992-1994", Ljubljana, March 1994. [279]
  • Barbara Borčić, "Reception of Video Production in Slovenia", [280]
  • "Video from Slovenia", [281]
  • Marina Grzinic, "Video Art in Slovenia and in the Territory of Ex-Yugoslavia (Toward an Electronic Art Media Theory in Eastern Europe)", Mute Jan 1997. [282]
  • Igor Španjol, "An artistic evening: television presentation and production of art video", in: Videodokument: Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998, ed. Barbara Borčić, SCCA-Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1999.
  • Zemira Alajbegović and Igor Španjol, "In the tehnological grip of a television station: an interview with Miha Vipotnik", in: Videodokument: Video Art in Slovenia 1969-1998, ed. Barbara Borčić, SCC – Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1999.
  • Videodokument. Video art in Slovenia 1969-1998, SCCA Ljubljana. Catalogue, book of essays, CD-ROM, 2001. [283]
  • Ana Fratnik, "Locality in the global medium: Video art in Slovenia". Diploma thesis, 2010. (Slovenian) [284]
  • http://www.videospotting.org/eng/texts


  • "Videokunst in Mazedonien", (German), [285]


  • Calin Dan (ed.), Ex Oriente Lux, Bucharest: The Soros Center for Contemporary Arts, 1994. (catalogue)
  • "Videokunst in Rumänien", (German), [286]
  • Natalie Musteata, "Wired to History: Romanian and Lithuanian Video Art Post-1989", PhD Program in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center, 2010. [287]


  • Auszuege aus Rossen Milev, "Video in Osteuropa", Balkan Media, Sofia (Bulgarien) 1993, (German) [288]
  • Rossen Milev, Video in Osteuropa, Balkanmedia, Sofia 1993
    • Review by Geert Lovink, "Video in Osteuropa, Rossen Milev", in: Mediamatic, Vol. 7 # _, 1994, p. 342.


  • Renata Dubinskaitė, "Artist Roles in Lithuanian Video Art (1990-2003)", Athena: Philosophical Studies. Issue: 3, 2008: 156-172. [289]
  • Renata Dubinskaitė, "Experiments of documentary cinema language in Lithuanian video art", Menotyra, vol 15, Nr 2, 2008, pp 40-49. [290]
  • Natalie Musteata, "Wired to History: Romanian and Lithuanian Video Art Post-1989", PhD Program in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center, 2010. [291]


  • Raivo Kelomees, text on video art in Estonian, Kunst, 1988.
  • Raivo Kelomees, "Estonian Video Art", June 1995, [292]
  • Raivo Kelomees, "L'art vidéo vieillissant. L'académie de l'art électronique", [293]
  • Raivo Kelomees, "Jaan Toomik - Beyond Classification", 1997, [294]

Electronic music

Czech Republic

  • Petr Dorůžka ed. Hudba na pomezí (Prague: 1991)
  • Z K Slabý, Petr Slabý Svět jiné hudby (Prague: 2002)


  • Susanna Niedermayr, Christian Scheib European Meridians - New Music Territories. Reports from Changing Countries (Saarbrücken: PFAU, 2002) ISBN 3-89727-248-2. Two bilingual books with two audio CDs. [295] (English and German)

New media art, Media culture

East-Central Europe

  • Stephen Kovats (ed.), Media Revolution. Electronic Media in the Transformation Process of Eastern and Central Europe. (German title: Ost-West Internet.) Edition Bauhaus 6, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/M. and New York, 1999. 381 pp., illus. (All texts Engl. and German.) ISBN: 3-593-36365-8. With CD-Rom: Ostranenie 93 - 95 - 97. Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Dessau, 1999. Mac & PC. ISBN: 3-910022-30-8, [296]. Review by Andreas Broeckmann
  • Syndicate Publication Series
    • Inke Arns (ed.) 1996 V2_East Meeting. Syndicate Publication Series 000. [297] [298] [299]
    • Inke Arns and Andreas Broeckmann (eds.) Deep Europe: The 1996 - 97 edition. Selected texts from the V2_East / Syndicate mailing list (143 pp.), Syndicate Publication Series 001, Berlin, October 1997. [300]
    • Inke Arns (ed.) Junction Skopje: The 1997 - 1998 Edition. Syndicate Publication Series 002. [301]
  • ZKP series 1-6, 1996-2001, [302]
    • ZKP1. Amsterdam, January 1996 [303]
    • ZKP2. Madrid June 1996. [304]
    • ZKP3. Budapest, October 1996. [305]
    • ZKP3.2.1. Ljubljana, November 1996. [306]
    • (ZKP4) Pit Schultz, Diana McCarty, Geert Lovink, Vuk Cosic (eds.), The Beauty and the East. Ljubljana, May 1997. [307]
    • (ZKP5) Josephine Bosma, Pauline van Mourik Broekman, Ted Byfield, Matthew Fuller, Geert Lovink, Diana McCarty, Pit Schultz, Felix Stadler, McKenzie Wark, Faith Wilding (editors). README! Filtered by NETTIME: ASCII Culture and the Revenge of Knowledge. New York: Autonomedia, February 1999. 556 pages. ISBN: 1570270899. [308]
    • (NKP6) Net.art Per Me. Catalogue of the Slovenian Pavillion. Venice Biennale 2001. [309]
  • Rossitza Daskalova, "The ground for net.art in the former Eastern Block (Central and Eastern Europe)", 2001, [310]
  • Rossitza Daskalova, "Web projects" reviews, 2001, [311]
  • Inke Arns and Andreas Broeckmann, "Small Media Normality for the East", Jun 1997. [312], (German version)
  • Inke Arns (ed.), "New Media Cultures in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe", Convergence: Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 2, University of Luton Press / GB, Summer 1998 [ISSN 1354-8565] [ISBN 1-86020-032-X]. [313]
  • Slavomír Krekovič, "New Media Culture. Internet as a Tool of Cultural Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe", 2003. In Crossing Boundaries: From Syria to Slovakia, ed. S. Jakelic and J. Varsoke, Vienna: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows' Conferences, Vol. 14. [314]
  • Dušan Barok, Magdaléna Kobzová (eds.), Save Before It's Gone, 2006. Includes interviews with Dirk Paesmans, Maja Kuzmanovic, Darko Fritz, and Andrei Smirnov. [315]

Czech Republic

  • Český obraz elektronický. Vnitřní zdroje , The Czech Electronic Picture - Inner Sources Catalogue of the Czech (and Slovak living in Prague) creators of video and intermedia art. (Prague: Gallery Manes, 1994) [316]
  • Kolektív autorov: Silver: Shadows of Flames/Stíny plamenu, catalogue (Prague: GHMP, 1996) [317]
  • Orbis fictus: nová média v současném umění, catalogue (Prague: Sorosovo centrum současného umění Praha, 1995) (English and Czech) ISBN 8085433265
  • Lanterna magika: nouvelles technologies dans l’art tchèque du XXe siècle = New technologies in Czech art of the 20th century, catalogue, Praha: KANT, 2002. — 261 p. — ISBN 8086217361. Includes timeline on media arts in the Czech Republic since 1920. [318]
  • "Nová média" Teorie vědy 2 (2002)
  • Denisa Kera, "Utopická média - Internet a rádio" 3/4 revue 16 (2003) pp. 70-75 (Czech)
  • Denisa Kera, "Anarchi_tekt" 3/4 revue 15 (2003) (Czech)
  • "Archeologie interaktivity" Teorie vědy 2 (2004)
  • Světlana Hejsková Internet jako umělecké prostředí (nejen) pro ženy. Net art: ženy-tvůrkyně a ženy-objekty. Dissertation. Consultant: Jiřina Salaguardová. (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky, 2003)
  • František Kůst Estetické strategie nových médií Master thesis. Consultant: David Kořínek. (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky, 2003)
  • Jana Geržová, "Rozhovor s Michaelom Bielickým", Profil 4, 2004, pp 88-90 (Slovak) PDF
  • Jana Kadeřábková Nová média a příběh v současné kinematografii Master thesis. Consultant: David Kořínek. (Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky, 2006) [319]
  • Slávo Krekovič a Pavel Sedlák, "Má pojem nová média dnes ještě co říci?", in: Literární noviny 31 (2007). [320]
  • František Zachoval, "Hacking art", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Czech) PDF
  • Lucia Udvardyová, "Ciant", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Czech) PDF
  • Pavel Sedlák, "Umění z kráteru", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Czech) PDF
  • Martin Flašar, Jana Horáková, Petr Macek et al, Umění a nová média, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011 (Czech). [321]


  • Michal Murin (ed.), Tematické číslo časopisu Profil, Profil 1 (1993) pp 1-20 (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Elektronické umenie," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Multimédiá," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Nové technológie v slovenskom umení alebo vyhoďme sa z kola von" Almanach 98 (Bratislava: SCCA, 1999) [322] (Slovak)
  • Martin Šperka, "Virtuálna realita," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, "Postfotografia," Jana Geržová ed., Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia (Bratislava: Profil, 1999) (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin (ed.), Tematické číslo časopisu Profil, Profil 4 (2000) pp 4-73 (Slovak)
  • Slávo Krekovič, "Net radio.. net.audio" Trištvrte revue 5-6 (2000) (Slovak)
  • Jana Geržová, "Intermédiá a (alebo) multimédiá?", Profil 4, 2000, pp 64-65 (Slovak) PDF [323] (Slovak)
  • Michal Murin, "Nové médiá" Profil 4 (2000) pp. 4-5. [324]
  • Zora Rusinová, "Objekt v multimediálnych kontextoch" Zora Rusinová et al. Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia – 20. storočie (Bratislava: SNG, 2000) (Slovak)
  • Dušan Barok, "Net.art. Internet ako umelecké médium" 3/4 revue 1 (2001) pp. 22-24. [325] (Slovak)
  • Juraj Čarný, "Topical Status of Contemporary Media Arts in Slovakia" Conceptual Art at the Turn of Millennium (Budapest-Bratislava: AICA Section Hungary, Slovak Section of AICA, 2002) pp. 94-112 (Slovak)
  • Miloš Vojtěchovský, "Umenie a elektronické technológie," Karel Císař, Josef Čermák, Terezie Petišková ed., Dejiny umenia 12 (Bratislava: Ikar, 2002) (Slovak)
  • Juraj Čarný, "Aktuálne postavenie súčasného mediálneho umenia na Slovensku" Conceptual Art at the Turn of Millennium (Budapest-Bratislava: AICA Section Hungary, Slovak Section of AICA, 2002) pp. 95-113 (English)
  • Jozef Cseres, "Interaktívnym umením za novú senzibilitu" Dart 10 (2003) (Slovak)
  • Mária Rišková et al., New Media Nation. Festival of Festivals, catalogue (Bratislava: Buryzone, 2003) (Slovak and English)
  • Michaela Sečanská, "Elektronické umenie na Slovensku po roku 1990", Trnava: Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta humanistiky, Katedra dejín umenia a kultúry, 2004. Master thesis. Consultant: Zora Rusinová.
  • Michal Murin, "Od utópií cez virtualitu k digitálnej realite" Profil 2 (2004) pp. 80–94. [326] (Slovak)
  • Miloš Krekovič, "Internetové umenie", master thesis (2005)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, "The Correlation of Image and Text in Contemporary Media Art" Human Affairs 1 (2005) pp 35-44
  • Katarína Rusnáková (ed.), V toku pohyblivých obrazov. Antológia textov o elektronickom a digitálnom umení v kontexte vizuálnej kultúry (Bratislava: AFAD Press, 2005) (Slovak)
  • Katarína Rusnáková, História a teória mediálneho umenia na Slovensku (Bratislava: AFAD Press, 2006), with DVD (Slovak)
  • Magdaléna Kobzová (ed.), Multiplace 2007, catalogue (Bratislava: Multiplace, 2007)
  • Slávo Krekovič a Pavel Sedlák, "Má pojem nová média dnes ještě co říci?", in: Literární noviny 31 (2007). [327]
  • Martin Beťko, "Hysteria.sk a Kyberia.sk – sonda do virtuálnej komunity", Brno: Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, Fakulta sociálních studií, Katedra mediálních studií a žurnalistiky. Consultant: David Kořínek, 2008. Master thesis. [328]
  • Ivana Madariová, "Festival ako sociálny experiment", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Slovak) PDF
  • Jan Rylich, "Ivor Diosi", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Czech) PDF
  • Mária Rišková, "Agónia a extáza nových médií", Flash Art 9, July-October 2008. (Slovak) PDF
  • Zuzana Husárová, "Písanie v interaktívnych médiách. Digitálna fikcia", Bratislava: Ústav svetovej literatúry Slovenskej akadémie vied v Bratislave, 2009. Consultant: Bogumiła Suwara. Doctoral thesis. [329]
  • Jozef Cseres, Michal Murin (eds.), Od analógového k digitálnemu. Nové pohľady na nové umenia v audiovizuálnom veku, Fakulta výtvarných umení, Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici, 2011. (Slovak) [330]
  • Katarína Rusnáková, Rozšírené spôsoby diváckej recepcie digitálneho umenia, Fakulta výtvarných umení, Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici, 2011. (Slovak) [331]
Digital prints
  • Michal Murin: Digital Male. Central European project of Exhibition of digital prints. Interview with Michal Boďa. In: Profil 4/2000. [332] (Slovak)
  • Zuzana Habšudová, "What have computers got to do with classic art?", In: The Slovak Spectator. October 2002. [333]


  • János Sugár (ed.), Buldózer. Médiaelméleti antológia, 1997. (Hungarian) [334]
  • Drótos, Schiller, Karácsony, Beke, Moldován, Auby (eds.), Magyar tartalom. Írások a magyar webkultúráról, C3 Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ, Budapest, 1997. (Hungarian) [335] [336]
  • Iván Horváth (ed.), Contentware, Gépeskönyv Contentware Labs, 1999. [337]
  • Zsuzsanna Tószegi, "A highly personal overview on Hungarian CD-ROMs", [338]
  • Michal Murin, "C3. Rozhovor s Miklósom Peternákom", Profil 4, 2000, pp 56-64 (Slovak) PDF
  • Nina Czegledy, "Media Art: The Hungarian Model", CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine 12 (2001) [339]
  • Maja and Reuben Fowkes, "Budapest Box: The Hidden Scene in the 1990s", in: Umelec: Contemporary Art and Culture, no.3 2002. [340]
  • Miklós Peternák, "Art beyond the Pictorial Turn", 2008. [341]


  • Ryszard Kluszczyński, Obrazy na wolności. Studia z historii sztuk medialnych w Polsce, 1998, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Kultury, ISBN 83-85323-62-7
  • Ryszard Kluszczyński, Film – wideo – multimedia. Sztuka ruchomego obrazu w erze elektronicznej (1999, wyd. II z 2002)
  • Ryszard Kluszczyński, Społeczeństwo informacyjne. Cyberkultura. Sztuka multimediów (2001, wyd. II 2002)
  • Lukasz Ronduda, Strategie subwersywne w sztukach medialnych, Krakow: Rabid, 2006 (Polish) [342]
  • Monika Górska-Olesińska, Słowo w sieci. Elektroniczne dyskursy, 2008
  • Ryszard Kluszczyński, Sztuka interaktywna. Od dzieła-instrumentu do interaktywnego spektaklu (2010, wyd. I)
  • Eugeniusz Wilk, Monika Górska-Olesińska (eds.), Od liberatury do e-literatury, 2011
  • Monika Górska-Olesińska, Od liberatury do e-literatury 2. Remiksy, remediacje, redefinicje, 2012


  • Tom Bass, "A Travellogue from the Balkan", Telepolis, 19.06.1997. [343]



  • Dejan Sretenovic lecture on Media Art in Serbia, MonteVideo/Amsterdam, 2 May 2000. [349]
  • Branka Curcic, "The constant state of emergency: Report from Serbian media scene", 2003. [350]
  • Zana Poliakov, "Think in layers: Piracy dilemma in Serbia", ISEA Newsletter #93, 2003. [351]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Darko Zovko, "Sarajevo Link", 1995. [352]
  • Seki Tatlic, "Fragmentation space. A brief overview of media and art in Bosnia", ISEA Newsletter #93, 2003. [353]


  • Eliza Deac, "On the matter of language in digital works", 2010. [354]
  • Calin Dan, "Media Arts Get Media Free: A Small Anthology of Older Views", in: Transitland: Video Art From Central and Eastern Europe: 1989-2009, 2009.


  • Iliyana Nedkova, "Inside Out. Curating the New Media Culture of Bulgaria", 2001. In: Communication Front 2000 Book, "Crossing Points East-West". [355]
  • Rupert Francis, "A view of the growing Bulgarian electronic art scene by an outsider looking in", 2001, [356]


  • Geert Lovink, "Media Art in Albania, First Steps. An Interview with Eduard Muka (Tirana)" (1996) [357]
  • Geert Lovink, "After the Chaos - A New Beginning for Albania. An Interview with Edi Muka - part 2" (1996) [358]


  • Renata Šukaitytė, "New Media Art in Lithuania", Athena: Philosophical Studies (3/2008). [359], [360]
  • Renata Šukautytė, "Media art as a scientific-experimental space. The case of Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian art in the 20th (2nd part)–21st centuries", Menotyra, vol 15, Nr 2, 2008, pp 50-61. [361]
  • Face the Unexpected: Media Art from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, catalogue, 2006, [362]


  • Acoustic space, 1998 and 1999. Net audio publications. Both issues are collections of net activists writtings, presentations and interviews focusing on subjects of networking, media culture theory, models of collaboation and exchanging experience in technological and creative process. Both issues are complemented by presentation of on media culture projects in Latvia and projects developed by international collaborative organisations and individuals.
  • Māra Traumane, "Words - Worlds. New Media in Latvia", Mare Articum 2 (7), 2000. Includes interview with members of E-Lab. [363]
  • Māra Traumane, "The Question of Changes: The 1990s in Latvian Art", 2002. [364]
  • Māra Traumane, "Interview with Mara Traumane on her research in Latvia". [365]
  • Face the Unexpected: Media Art from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, catalogue, 2006, [366]


  • Raivo Kelomees, "Kunstiserverid ja võrgukunstniku argileib" [Art Servers and Daily Bread of Net.Artist], 1998, [367]
  • Estonica encyclopedia, "Contemporary technologies and art". [368]
  • Face the Unexpected: Media Art from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, catalogue, 2006, [369]
  • Estonica encyclopedia, "Time of re-independence — the 1990s in art". [370]
  • Raivo Kelomees, "The State of Estonian Media Art AD 1998", in: Estonian Art, nr 1, 1998. [371]
  • Katrin Kivimaa, "Eine Identität or Keine Identität: Zeitgenössische Kunst und Neue Medien in Estland", Springerin 1999 (German), 5 pages.
  • Katrin Kivimaa, "Changing spaces: new media/art in Estonian Culture", Mare Articum 2 (7), 2000. 30 pages. [372]
  • Hanno Soans and Anders Härm, "We Are Glad it's All Over", 2002. [373] [374]
  • Katrin Kivimaa (ed.), Avalöök: uus meedia ja kunst Eestis [Opening acts: new media and art in Estonia], Estonian Academy of Arts, 2004. (Estonian), 108 pages, ISBN 998594657X
  • Raivo Kelomees, Meediakunsti ajalugu ja elektroonilise kunsti probleemid [History and Problems of Media Art]. Media art history teaching tool, 1996/99. [375] [376]


  • Ianina Prudenko. "Media Art in Ukraine: The state of the theory and practice". May 2011. [377] [378]
  • Ianina Prudenko. "Współczesna sztuka ukraińska i nowe technologie". Sierpień/wrzesień 2009. [379]
  • Aaron Moulton. "A Revolution on Standby. Author Aaron Moulton tries a 72 Hours jump into Kiev's Contemporary Art scene". August 2007. [380]
  • Katya Stukalova, "In Expectation of Reloading: Ukrainian Media Art", 2005. (English, Czech, Spanish). [381] [382]
  • Galina Miazhevich, "Recent Developments in the Post-Soviet New Media: Ukraine and Belarus", presented at the F3 RuNet in a Global Context conference, 2011. [383]

Art theory, Art history, Media theory

Czech Republic

  • Vilém Flusser Za filosofii fotografie (Prague: Hynek, 1994) (Czech)
  • Vilém Flusser Moc obrazu Výtvarné umění 3-4 (1996) (Czech)
  • Keiko Sei Konečná krajina (One Woman Press, 2004)
  • "Remediace" Teorie vědy 2 (2005)
  • Jana Horáková, "K historii a (hyper)estetice 'tekutého uměleckého díla'" Profil 1 (2006) pg. 102-107
  • Tomáš Dvořák (ed.), Kapitoly z dějin a teorie médií, Praha: Akademie výtvarných umění, 2010. (Czech) [384]


  • Miklós Peternák, The Influence of Conceptual Art within Hungary, 1997 [385]


  • Andrzej Gwóźdź (ed.), Między obrazem a narracją. Szkice z teorii telewizji, „Wiedza o Kulturze”, Wrocław, 1990, s. 110.
  • Andrzej Gwóźdź (ed.), Pejzaże audiowizualne. Telewizja, wideo, komputer, Kraków 1997, Wyd. Universitas, ISBN 83-7052-346-3
  • Andrzej Gwóźdź, Sław Krzemień-Ojak (eds.), Intermedialność w kulturze końca XX wieku, Białystok, 1998
  • Andrzej Gwóźdź (ed.), Widzieć, myśleć, być: technologie mediów, Kraków 2001, Wyd. Universitas, ISBN 83-7052-593-8

See also

Media art in Central and Eastern Europe


The research was supported by cOL-mE, International Visegrad Fund, and ERSTE Foundation.

Colme logo.png Logo ivf.png Erstestiftung.gif

Contributors include Dušan Barok, Guy van Belle, Nina Czegledy, Lenka Dolanová, Eva Krátká, Magdaléna Kobzová, Barbora Šedivá, Joanna Walewska, Darko Fritz, Miro A. Cimerman, Matko Meštrović, Paul Stubbs, Rarita Szakats, Călin Man, Raluca Velisar, Miklós Peternák, János Sugár, Pit Schultz, Diana McCarty, Barbara Huber, Maxigas, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Grzegorz Klaman, František Zachoval, Sølve N.T. Lauvås, and many others.