Conceptual art

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Also concept art, idea art, conceptualism.

Artists, collectives

Only those with pages on Monoskop wiki are listed.

Artist's books, magazines, writings


Magazines, periodicals

  • Art-Language, 1969-78. First issue carried the subtitle The Journal of Conceptual Art. Covers, [3], [4].
  • The Fox, eds. Art & Language, New York, 1975-76. CCIndex.
  • Vision, 5 issues, ed. Tom Marioni, San Francisco: Crown Point Press, 1975-81. Issue 1.
  • Red-herring, New York: C.I.F., 1977-78. CCIndex.

Artist's books, catalogues

Artist's books and catalogues
  • Seth Siegelaub, John W. Wendler (eds.), Xerox Book, New York, 1968, 190 pp. (English)
  • Sol LeWitt, Four Basic Kinds of Straight Lines, London: Studio International, 1969, 36 pp. Artist's book.
  • January 5-31, 1969, New York: Seth Siegelaub, 1969.
  • Joseph Kosuth, Art as Idea as Idea, 1967-1968, Brussels: Paul Maenz, Mar 1973, [12] pp. Catalogue.
  • Blurting in A & L [Art & Language], New York: Art & Language Press, and Halifax: The Mezzanine, Nova Scotia College of Art, 1973, 92 pp; 2002. (English)/(German)
  • Avalanche 4: "Conceptual Art", Spring 1972, 100 pp. TOC. (English)
  • Sol LeWitt, Photo Grids, Paul David Press, 1977, 50 pp. Artist's book. (English)
  • Seth Price, Dispersion, 2002. (English),(Spanish)
Major shows
  • Live In Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form: Works-Concepts-Processes-Situations-Information, ed. Harald Szeemann, 1969. Catalogue from the 1969 exhibition at the Kunsthalle Bern. (English)
  • 557,087, Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1969. Catalogue of the exhibition, 5 Sep - 5 Oct 1969. (English)
  • Konzeption / Conception, Leverkusen: Städt. Museum Leverkusen, et al., 1969. Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Konrad Fischer and Rolf Wedewer, 24 Oct - 23 Nov 1969. [5], 2015 reassessment. (German)/(English)
  • Conceptual Art and Conceptual Aspects, New York: New York Cultural Center, 1970. Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Donald Karshan, 10 Apr - 25 Aug 1970. [6] [7] (English)
  • Art in the Mind, intro. Athena T. Spear, Oberlin, OH: Allen Memorial Art Museum, 1970. Catalogue of the exhibition, 17 Apr - 12 May 1970. [8] [9] (English)
  • Information, New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1970. Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Kynaston McShine, 2 Jul - 20 Sep 1970. (English)
  • Software: Information Technology: Its New Meaning for Art, New York: Jewish Museum, 1970, 71 pp. Catalogue of the exhibition curated by Jack Burnham, 16 Sep - 8 Nov 1970. (English)
  • Documenta 5, eds. Harald Szeemann, et al., Kassel: documenta & Bertelsmann, 1972. Catalogue. (German)


  • Ursula Meyer (ed.), Conceptual Art, New York: E.P. Dutton, 1972. TOC. (English)
  • Gregory Battcock (ed.), Idea Art: A Critical Anthology, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1973. (English)
  • Alexander Alberro, Blake Stimson (eds.), Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology, MIT Press, 1999, 623 pp. (English)

Reception, art historical studies

For publications on individual artists and collectives see their respective pages.

United States, United Kingdom


  • Art conceptuel I, Bordeaux: Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, 1988. Catalogue. (French)
  • L'art conceptuel, Paris: ARC–Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1989. Catalogue. (French)
  • Art Conceptuel Formes Conceptuelles / Conceptual Art Conceptual Forms, ed. Christian Schlatter, Paris: Galerie 1900–2000 and Galerie de Poche, 1990. Catalogue. (French)/(English)

Soviet Union, Russia

Andrei Monastyrsky, Dictionary of Moscow Conceptualism, 1999/2010, PDF, HTML.
Moskovskii kontseptualizm, 2005, PDF, Log.
  • Andrei Monastyrsky (Монастырский Андрей), Slovar terminov Moskovskoi kontseptualnoi shkoly [Словарь терминов московской концептуальной школы], Moscow: Ad Marginem, 1999. (Russian)
  • Sylvia Sasse, Texte in Aktion. Sprech- und Sprachakte im Moskauer Konzeptualismus, Munich: Fink, 2003. (German)
  • Moskauer Konzeptualismus. Sammlung Haralampi G. Oroschakoff : Sammlung, Verlag und Archiv Vadim Zakharov : Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Cologne: Walter König, 2003, 176 pp. [16] [17] (German)/(English)
  • Moskovskii kontseptualizm [Московский концептуализм], eds. Ekaterina Degot and Vadim Zakharov, Moscow: WAM, 2005, 415 pp. Special issue of World Art Музей (WAM) journal, 15/16. (Russian)
  • Victor Tupitsyn, The Museological Unconscious: Communal (Post)Modernism in Russia, intro. Susan Buck-Morss and Victor Tupitsyn, MIT Press, 2009, x+341 pp. (English)
  • Boris Groys, History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism, MIT Press, 2010, 224 pp. Review: Weibgen (ArtJournal 2011). (English)
  • Matthew Jesse Jackson, The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes, University of Chicago Press, 2010, 336 pp. [18]. Review: Weibgen (ArtJournal 2011). (English)
  • Moscow Symposium: Conceptualism Revisited, ed. & intro. Boris Groys, Berlin: Sternberg, 2012, 176 pp. With essays by Claire Bishop, Keti Chukhrov, Ekaterina Degot, Jörg Heiser, Terry Smith, Anton Vidokle, and Sarah Wilson. [19] (English)
  • Collective Actions: Audience Recollections from the First Five Years, 1976-1981, ed. & trans. Yelena Kalinsky, Chicago: Soberscove Press, 2012, 116 pp. A volume of audience recollections from early Collective Actions performances. Excerpt. [20]. Review: Gerber (Mute). (English)
  • Octavian Eşanu, Transition in Post-Soviet Art: The Collective Actions Group Before and After 1989, forew. Boris Groys, CEU Press, 2013, xvii+357 pp. (English)
  • Victor Agamov-Tupitsyn (Виктор Агамов-Тупицын), Vechnost vechna, potomu chto bespechna. Andrey Monastyrskiy i gruppa “Kollektivnyye deystviya” [Вечность вечна, потому что беспечна. Андрей Монастырский и группа “Коллективные действия”], Moscow: Garage, 2019, 184 pp. Dialogue between Andrei Monastyrsky and Victor Agamov-Tupitsyn. [21] (Russian)
  • Between Spring and Summer: Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late Communism, ed. David A. Ross, Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Art Museum, Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990, 206 pp. Catalogue. Exh. curated by David A. Ross, Elisabeth Sussman, Margarita Tupitsyn, and Joseph Bakshtein. (English)
  • Die Totale Aufklärung: Moskauer Konzeptkunst, 1960-1990 / Total Enlightenment: Conceptual Art in Moscow, 1960-1990, eds. Boris Groys, Max Hollein and Manuel Fontán del Junco, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008, 423 pp. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition held at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, June 21-Sept. 14, 2008 and Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Oct. 10, 2008-Jan. 11, 2009. (German)/(English)
  • Field of Action: The Moscow Conceptual School in Context 1970s-1980s, eds. Aleksandra Danilova and Elena Kuprina-Lyakhovich, Moscow: Ekaterina Collection, 2010. (English)
  • Empty Zones: Andrei Monastyrski and Collective Actions / Пустые зоны. Андрей Монастырский и Коллективные действия, ed. Boris Groys, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2011, 127 pp. The Russian Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, 2011. [23] [24] (English)/(Russian)
  • Moscow Conceptualism in Context, ed. Alla Rosenfeld, Munich: Prestel, and New Brunswick: Zimmerli Art Museum, 2011, 496 pp. [25]. Review: Audureau (Critique d'art 2012). (English)
  • Moskovskii kontseptualizm. Nachalo [Московский концептуализм. Начало], ed. Yuri Albert (Юрий Альберт), Nizhny Novgorod: NCCA, 2014, 271 pp. Catalogue of the 2012 exhibition at NCCA Arsenal curated by Yuri Albert. (Russian)
  • Thinking Pictures. The Visual Field of Moscow Conceptualism, ed. Jane A. Sharp, New Brunswick: Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University, 2016. [26] [27]
  • Thinking Pictures: Conceptual Art from Moscow and the Baltics, eds. Anu Allas and Liisa Kaljula, Tallinn: Estonian Art Museum, 2022, 208 pp. Exhibition. Exh. review: Janušová (Artmargins). [28] (Estonian)/(English)
Journal issues
  • Iskusstvo [Искусство] 5: "Moskovskii kontseptualizm" [Московский концептуализм], 2008. Special issue of journal. (Russian)
  • Iskusstvo [Искусство] 2: "Kontseptualizm. Obraz zhizni" [Концептуализм. Образ жизни], 2011. Special issue of journal. (Russian)
  • e-flux 29: "Global Conceptualism Revisited", ed. Boris Groys, Nov 2011. (English)
Essays, interviews

East-Central Europe

  • Klaus Groh (ed.), Aktuelle Kunst in Osteuropa, Cologne: DuMont-Schauberg, 1972, 222 pp. One of first books to cover performance, conceptual, and mail art in Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and the Soviet Union. Short introduction by the author followed by b&w photographs, artists’ statements, and a bibliography. Archive. (German)
  • Tony Godfrey, Conceptual Art, London: Phaidon, 1998, pp 264-275, IA. (English)
  • László Beke, "Conceptualist Tendencies in Eastern European Art", in Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin 1950-1980s, eds. Jane Ferver, Luis Camnitzer and Rachel Weiss, New York: Queens Museum of Art, 1999, pp 41-51. TOC. Exh. held at Queens Museum, New York, 28 Apr-29 Aug 1999; the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, 19 Dec 1999–5 Mar 2000; Hayden Hall MIT, 24 Oct-31 Dec 2000. Exh. review: Meyer (Artforum), Johnson (NYT). (English)
  • in Conceptual Art, ed. Peter Osborne, London: Phaidon, 2002. (English)
  • Miško Šuvaković, "Konceptualna umjetnost", in Šuvaković, Pojmovnik suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb: Horetzky, 2005. (Croatian)
  • Piotr Piotrowski, "The Critique of Painting: Towards the Neo-avant-garde", "Mapping the Neo-avant-garde, c. 1970", "Conceptual Art between Theory of Art and Critique of the System", chs. 6, 7 & 8 in Piotrowski, In the Shadow of Yalta: Art and the Avant-garde in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989, trans. Anna Brzyski, London: Reaktion Books, 2009, pp 178-237, n454-458, 241-314, n458-466, 315-340, n467-469. (English)
  • Zdenka Badovinac, Eda Čufer, Cristina Freire, Boris Groys, Charles Harrison, Vít Havránek, Piotr Piotrowski, Branka Stipančić, "Conceptual Art and Eastern Europe: Part I", e-flux 40, Dec 2012; Part 2, e-flux 41, Jan 2013. Based on a conference organised by Zdenka Badovinac in Ljubljana, 2007. (English)
  • My Sweet Little Lamb (Everything We See Could Also Be Otherwise), eds. What, How & for Whom/WHW and Kathrin Rhomberg, Zagreb: What, How & for Whom/WHW, 2017, 167 pp; new ed., exp., eds. Emily Pethick, Kathrin Rhomberg, What, How & for Whom/WHW, and Jill Winder, Berlin: Sternberg Press, and Vienna: Kontakt Collection, Mar 2023, 456 pp. Based on a series of exhibition episodes based on the Kontakt Collection and dedicated to the artist Mladen Stilinović, held in Zagreb, 4 Nov 2016–8 May 2017, and The Show Room, London, Jun 2017. Texts in exp. ed. by Branislav Dimitrijević, Miguel A. López, Oxana Timofeeva, Marina Vishmidt. Publisher. (English)


  • Urszula Czartoryska, Od pop-artu do sztuki konceptualnej, Warsaw, 1973. (Polish)
  • Stefan Morawski, "Konceptualizm obcy i rodzimy", Projekt 3 (1975), pp 26-33 (Polish)
  • Urszula Czartoryska, Od pop-artu do sztuki konceptualnej, Warsaw, 1976. (Polish)
  • Alicja Kępińska, Nowa sztuka. Sztuka polska w latach 1945-1978, Warsaw: Auriga, 1981. (Polish)
  • Piotr Krakowski, "O sztuce konceptualnej", ch 6 in Krakowski, O sztuce nowej i najnowszej, Warsaw: PWN, 1981, pp 112-134. (Polish)
  • Grzegorz Dziamski, "Konceptualizm", in Od awangardy do postmodernizmu. Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku, ed. Dziamski, Warsaw, 1996, pp 369ff. (Polish)
  • Refleksja konceptualna w sztuce polskiej: doświadczenia dyskursu, 1965-1975 / Conceptual Reflection in Polish Art: Experiences of Discourse: 1965-1975, eds. Paweł Polit and Piotr Woźniakiewicz, Warsaw: Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, 2000. Essays by Alicja Kepinska, Andrzej Kostolowski, Pawel Polit; interviews with Andrzej Turowski and Jerzy Ludwinski. Preface (EN). Exhibition 1. Exhibition 2. Lum & Szymczyk (ArtMargins EN 1999). Book review: Murawska-Muthesius (ArtMargins 2003 EN). (Polish)/(English)
  • Martin Patrick, "Polish Conceptualism of the 1960s and 1970s: Images, Objects, Systems and Texts", Third Text 96: "Socialist Eastern Europe", Spring 2001, pp 25-45. (English)
  • Autonomiczny ruch konceptualny w Polsce, ed. Zbigniew Warpechowski, Lublin: Galeria Stara BWA Lublin, 2002. Catalogue. (Polish)
  • Grzegorz Dziamski, "Spór o sztukę konceptualną w Polsce", Dyskurs 7 (2007), pp 194-224. (Polish)
  • Luiza Nader, "Sztuka konceptualna w Polsce",, 20 Nov 2007. (Polish)
  • Luiza Nader, Konceptualizm w PRL, Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego & Fundacja Galerii Foksal, 2009, 429 pp. Based on dissertation (2007). Reviews: Sienkiewicz (Dwutygodnik 2009), Szewczyk (Frieze 2010 EN), Kemp-Welch (ArtMargins 2010 EN). (Polish)
  • Łukasz Ronduda, Sztuka polska lat 70. awangarda, Jelenia Góra: Polski Western, and Warsaw: CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, 2009, 379 pp. Editorial concept: Piotr Uklański. [38] [39] (Polish)
    • Polish Art of the 70s, Jelenia Góra: Polski Western, and Warsaw: CCA Zamek Ujazdowski, 2009, 379 pp. Reviews: Szewczyk (Frieze 2010), Kemp-Welch (ArtMargins 2010). (English)
  • Wokół sporów o definicję przedmiotu sztuki. Miejsce konceptualizmu, kontekstualizmu i sztuki pojęciowej w historii sztuki najnowszej, ed. Bogusław Jasiński, Gorzów Wielkopolski: Galeria Sztuki Najnowszej, 2009. (Polish)
  • Grzegorz Dziamski, Przełom konceptualny i jego wpływ na praktykę i teorię sztuki, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010, 294 pp. Chapter 6. [40] (Polish)
  • Sztuka i Dokumentacja 6: "Sztuka jako idea, ludzie, czas. W kręgu polskiego konceptualizmu", Łódź, 2012. (Polish)
  • Permafo: monografia galerii i ruchu artystycznego, ed. Anna Markowska, Wrocław: Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław, 2012, 496 pp. Lead essay. [41] (Polish)
  • Łukasz Guzek, "Performatywność sztuki konceptualnej", Dyskurs 17 (2014), pp 189-219. (Polish)
  • Klara Kemp-Welch, "NET: An Open Proposition", e-flux 98, Feb 2019. (English)


  • Tomáš Štrauss, Slovenský variant moderny, 1979 (samizdat); 2nd ed., Bratislava: Pallas, 1992, pp 55ff. (Slovak)
  • Radislav Matuštík, ...Predtým. Prekročenie hraníc, 1964-1971, 1983 (samizdat); repr., Žilina: Považská galéria umenia, 1994, 27ff. [44] (Slovak)
  • Tamara Archlebová, "Príspevok k problematike konceptuálneho umenia na Slovensku", in Súčasné výtvarné umenie, ed. Dagmar Srnenská, Bratislava, 1989, pp 98-132. (Slovak)
  • Aurel Hrabušický, "Počiatky alternatívneho umenia na Slovensku", in Šesťdesiate roky v slovenskom výtvarnom umení, ed. Zora Rusinová, Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 1995, pp 218-251. (Slovak)
  • Jana Geržová, "Konceptuálne umenie", in Slovník svetového a slovenského výtvarného umenia druhej polovice 20. storočia, ed. Jana Geržová, Bratislava: Profil, 1999, pp 145-149. (Slovak)
  • Jana Geržová, "Konceptuálne umenie", in Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia 20. storočia, ed. Zora Rusinová, Bratislava: SNG, 2000, pp 170-178. (Slovak)
  • Marián Mudroch, Dezider Tóth (eds.), 1. otvorený ateliér, Bratislava: SCCAN, 2000, 143 pp. (Slovak)
  • Konceptuálne umenie na zlome tisícročí / Conceptual Art at the Turn of Millenium / Konceptuális művészet az ezredfordulón. International Symposium, October 15-16, 2001, Budapest/Bratislava, eds. Jana Geržová and Erzsébet Tatai, Bratislava: Slovak Section of AICA, and Budapest: AICA Section Hungary, 2002, 174 pp. Symposium proceedings. (Slovak),(English),(Hungarian)
    • Jana Geržová, "Mýty a realita konceptuálneho umenia na Slovensku" / "Myths and Reality of the Conceptual Art in Slovakia", pp 22-51. (Slovak)/(English)
  • Jana Geržová, "N(e)oklasický koncept", in Na križovatke kultúr? Zborník z medzinárodného sympózia, ed. Zora Rusinová, Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 2002, pp 107-118. (Slovak)
  • Dušan Brozman, Boris Kršňák, Zo slovenského konceptuálneho umenia, Budapest: Slovenský Inštitút Budapešť, and Zvolen: Oznka, 2008. Catalogue. (Slovak)
  • Zuzana Bartošová, Napriek totalite. Neoficiálna slovenská výtvarná scéna sedemdesiatych a osemdesiatych rokov 20. storočia, Bratislava: Kalligram, 2011, 360 pp. Commentary: Hrabušický & Macek (Profil 2012). (Slovak)
  • Beata Jablonská, "Spor o slovenské 'More'", Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny 15, Prague: VVP AVU, 2013, pp 6-19. (Slovak)
  • Tomáš Pospiszyl, "Národní konceptualizmus. Obrozenecké motivy v díle Stana Filka a Júliuse Kollera", ch 3 in Pospiszyl, Asociativní dějepis umění: poválečné umění napříč generacemi a médii, Prague:, 2014, pp 81-121. (Czech)
  • Miękkie kody. Tendencje konceptualne w sztuce słowackiej / Soft Codes: Conceptual Tendencies in Slovak Art, Wrocław: Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław, 2015, 224 pp. Catalogue. [45], Exhibition. (Polish)/(English)
  • Daniel Grúň, Christian Höller, Kathrin Rhomberg (eds.), White Space in White Space / Biely priestor v bielom priestore, 1973-1982. Stano Filko, Miloš Laky, Ján Zavarský, Vienna: Schlebrügge, 2021, 228 pp. Project archive. Publisher. [54] [55] (English)
  • Denisa Kujelová (ed.), ČS koncept 70. let, Brno: Fait Gallery, 2021, 363 pp. Catalogue. [56] [57] [58] (Czech),(Slovak)
  • Richard Gregor (ed.), BAC: Bratislava Conceptualism / Bratislavský konceptualizmus, Bratislava: Kunsthalle Bratislava, and Liptovský Mikuláš: Liptovská galéria Petra Michala Bohúňa, 2022, 480 pp. Proceedings from the conference Could We Speak of Bratislava Conceptualism (2015). Essays incl.: Gregor, Gregor, Kralovič. [59] (English)/(Slovak)
  • Aurel Hrabušický (ed.), U.F.O. Umenie Fantastického Odhmotnenia, Bratislava: Slovenská národná galéria, 2024, 261 pp. Exh. catalogue. (Slovak)
  • Haptická ozvena. Príroda, telo, politika v umení bývalej Juhoslávie a Československa, ed. Daniel Grúň, Bratislava: Galéria mesta Bratislavy, 2024. Catalogue. Exhibition. (Slovak)


  • Elképzelés: A magyar koncept művészet kezdetei. Beke László gyűjteménye, 1971, Budapest: Open Structures Society & tranzit. hu, 2008. (Hungarian)
  • Bookmarks: Hungarian Neo-avant-garde and Post-conceptual art from the Late 1960s to the Present / Bookmarks. Neo-Avantgarde und postkonzeptuelle Positionen in der ungarischen Kunst von den 1960ern bis heute, ed. Katalin Székely, Berlin: Distanz, 2015, 88 pp. Catalogue. [65] (English)/(German)
  • Cristina Cuevas-Wolf, Isotta Poggi (eds.), Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Art and Culture in Cold War Hungary, Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2018, 160 pp. Fehér's essay. [68] (English)
  • 1971 – Párhuzamos különidők, eds. Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Zsóka Leposa, and Enikő Róka, Budapest:, 2022. Exhibition. Exhibition. Publisher. (Hungarian)
    • 1971 – Parallel Nonsynchronism, eds. Dóra Hegyi and Eszter Szakács, Budapest:, and Bucharest: PUNCH, 2022, 332 pp. Publisher. Publisher. Review: Świtek (Art East/Central). Exh. review: Laszlo & Roka (mezosfera). (English)



  • Tony Godfrey, Conceptual Art, London: Phaidon, 1998. [69]
  • Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin 1950-1980s, eds. Jane Ferver, Luis Camnitzer and Rachel Weiss, New York: Queen's Museum of Art, 1999. Catalogue.
  • Rewriting Conceptual Art, eds. Michael Newman and Jon Bird, London: Reaktion Books, 1999.
