Community servers

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For independent, trans*feminist, free/libre, self-hosted, community, collective and artists' servers








The Thing

Past and present

AT, Linz, since 1996
virtual and physical access for artists and cultural producers - initiative netzkultur, Graz, since Apr 1998


(Public) Netbase, 1994-2006,

Silver Server,, Vienna
Now commercial services only, Vienna


Okno,, Brussels

CZ, independent media storage and streaming server, Admin: Michal Klodner, affiliated with Klinika

DE, *1997 [1]. "KEIN.ORG has a strong commitment to the open source content management system drupal which we started to install for the first time in early 2003. By now we serve more than 150 installations in several independent farms. Among the most popular sites are Dictionary of War, Makeworld, the multi-user blog ROUNDTABLE of the Research Architecture Institute at Goldsmiths College, the peer-to-peer video syndication network V2V, the internet platform D-A-S-H, and most lately the Nettime-l mailinglist. As of 2008, KEIN.ORG ran eleven servers situated at various locations in Europe and beyond, hosting more than 500 websites, about 200 content management systems and countless mailinglists from 5 to 5000 subscribers, as well as numerous email-accounts." [2]

D-A-S-H, 2001-2005. KEIN.ORG has served as a laboratory for the development of D-A-S-H, a large scale hosting project on european level. After the end of the funding period for D-A-S-H in summer 2005 KEIN.ORG has resumed the entire service and support program with hosting of the websites of hundreds of antiracist and antifascist activist groups all across Europe. [3]

Internationale Stadt Berlin,, Berlin. Closed down.

Ecobytes,, *Jun 2006, Berlin
"Internet hosting for activists, artists, individuals and small businesses supporting our idea."


Xs4all,, Amsterdam,, *1995


Virose, *1997


Sanchez, Bratislava/Prague, *2008

Smecnet,, Bratislava
Hosted:, indymedia slovakia

ChangeNet, Bratislava
provided hosting for NGO websites

for NGOs, software developers, open source projects

Xena,, Bratislava
Hosts:,,,,,, and others
Hosted until 2008:,
Admin: Martin Baranec


Kyblik,, Bratislava, until 2008
Admin: Frankie

Ephex, - went down in 2003(?), most domains transferred to Xena, Bratislava
Hosted: and many others
Admin: Wired (not a magazine with same name:)


Ljudmila,, *1994, Ljubljana


Anarchaserver, a feminist server


Openmute, London
Hosted: and many others




The Thing, *1995, New York City

RiseUp, Seattle,



GreenNet, commercial,

Events, projects, workshops, collaboration, resources

1990s, 2000s

  • Art Servers Unlimited (ASU), ICA New Media Centre and Backspace, London, 1-4 July 1998. "Conference and event by and about initiatives and organisations in Europe, which focus on supporting the artistic use of the internet. ... The conference was structured into four parts: the preperatory mailing list [u]-unlimited, working meetings at backspace, the conference at the Institute for Contemporary Arts London and the party 'UNLIMITED' at its New Media Centre."
ASU2 2001.png
  • ASU2, KUC Lamparna, Labin, Croatia, 8-15 September 2001. ASU2 = [.art +.alt +.act] + [servers+streamers+spaces] + UNLIMITED. A meeting/festival with hands-on workshops, demos, trainings, presentations, discussions, public performances, webcasts of non-profit cultural organisations/projects/initiatives from the fields of, alternative technologies and activist media. Organised by Z. Blace and LABinary, with Joanne Richardson and support of Nina Czegledy, in collaboration with mama, Ljudmila and Over 70 participants attended.


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  • Are You Being Served?, meeting days, Constant and multiple locations in Brussels, 12-15 December 2013. "The fourteenth edition of the meeting days Verbindingen/Jonctions was dedicated to a Feminist review of mesh, cloud, autonomous, and DIY servers. ... How do we keep a sharp eye on the politics and ethics of hosting technologies when all so often (paraphrasing the Free Software Foundation), software is sold as service? ... We questioned what is seemingly commonly understood by terms such as server, service and hosting and were curious to investigate what could make current networking technologies into hospitable habitats for critique, as space for artists and solidarity, teaching and learning."
  • Technologies of Autonomy, conference stream, Autonomy (im)possible!, Art Meets Radical Openness (AMRO) festival, Linz, 29 May 2014. "The time of ridiculing those who were not taken seriously as “paranoid geeks” seems to have passed at the moment, as the surveillance scandals have reached the mainstream. There is a newly awakened discussion of decentralizing infrastructure and alternative possibilities outside the realm of the large monopolists that determine access to information and tools and cooperate with secret services. Do these new insights actually result in a chance for alternatives, and who really needs them? Why is digital self-defense left up to the users?" Unitary Networking, [8]. [9] [10] [11] [12]
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  • TransHACKfeminist! camp, Calafou, Barcelona, 4-11 August 2014. "The TransH@ckFeminist (THF!) convergence, organised in collaboration with Calafou & /etc (eclectic tech carnival), is a gathering of intersectional feminists, queer and trans people of all genders interested in better understanding, using and ultimately developing free and liberating technologies for social dissent, as an alternative to the corporatisation of technologies and the digital world. We understand technologies in their broadest sense including computer systems, (distributed) networks, “pirate”, community and/or independent radio/ tv, guerilla knitting and gardening, looming, hardware hacking as well as gender hacking." VIDEO. Report. Report (ES). [13]. [14]
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  • Ministry of Hacking, exhibition, esc, Graz, 27 September-28 November 2014. "The concept of connectivity is one possible counter position that focuses on practices of freedom in the net, and combines social and technical networks. In order to provide a visible forum for the concept of connectivity, the esc media art laboratory in Graz has been transformed into the subversive headquarters of a MINISTRY OF HACKING, with internationally connected "Departments": "Department of Trust", "Department of Shadows and Waves", "Department of Care and Wonder", "Department of Anonymity", "Department of Difference", "Department of Tactical Feminism". The networked Departments conceptualize guidelines and lines of flight that act as manifestos and spatial embodiments of connectivity." [15]
Segundo Encuentro TransHackFeminista Mexico THFMx2015.png
  • Second TransHackFeminist-México Meet-up (THFMx2015), Puebla, Mexico, 25-31 July 2015. Organised by Centro Comunitario ADA - Accion Directa Autogestiva. "We are joyfull to summon feminist, queer and trans* bodies and collectives who are hacking the patriarchal–capitalist system. ... We believe that our dissident bodies and identities can, as well as changing their own spaces, generate technologies and tools for liberation. The tradition of free software enables us, today, to amplify hardware and software to hack bodies, gender, academia, gynecology, maternity and child-rearing as well as operating systems, distributed networks, autonomous servers, “pirating”, open media, electronic devices." Program. CfP, (es). Report (es). [16]
  • Autonomous Infrastructures stream, THF! 2016 Third TransHackFeminist- Meet-up, Studio xx, (Tio’tia:ke a.k.a Montreal), unceeded Kanien’keha:ka* (Mohawk) territory, 18-22 August 2016. "While we recognise that no infrastructure can be fully autonomous, since autonomy is relative and as they depend, for instance, on already existing communication networks and technologies designed by mainstream companies (such as computers, servers, undersea cables, and access devices), what does it mean for us to conceive and use autonomous infrastructures?" Website. CfP, (fr), (es). [17]
Ruminating Relearn 2017 2019.png
  • Relearn 2017, Poortgebouw, Rotterdam, 29 August-2 September 2017. "This year's Relearn general focus is to reconsider forms of self-organising in regard to both machinic systems and social formations. We started to use the term 'co-autonomies' to refer to these ideas. We hope to make use of the proposed tracks as a looking glass to reconstruct notions of agency and consider ways of maintaining them. Particularly within the current political and economic vortex, we would like to discover ways in which co-autonomies can be re-explored, re-shared and re-created from many different angles." Documentation (2019).
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  • Welcome to the Federation, series of gatherings, Varia, Rotterdam, June-December 2018. A project by Roel Roscam Abbing in collaboration with Manetta Berends. WttF "explores alternative federated ecosystems for online services such as social media and chat. It will focus in particular on those software projects whose activities have stimulated new interest for their underlying protocols, such as XMPP or ActivityPub, in part by their focusing on design, language and user experience (UX). The WttF question is to explore how arts and design communities can play a supportive role in these processes by contributing skills, knowledge, time and exposure."
Networks with an Attitude 2019.png
  • Networks with an Attitude, worksession, various locations in Antwerp, 7-13 April 2019. Developed by Constant in collaboration with ooooo, Varia and amongst others Samenschool, City harbour, Wireless Antwerp. "The internet is dead, long live the internets! In 2025, the internet will consist of either gated communities or decentralised independent instances. For those who want to be connected while choosing their own dependencies, there is no other option than to draw up new networks and experiment with both historical and innovative protocols. During this intensive week we stretched the imagination of what a network is, and what it can be." 2019.png
  • Relearn 2019, Varia, Rotterdam, 7-9 June 2019; Hacktiris, Brussels, 21-22 June 2019; La Générale, Paris, 6-8 September 2019. Facilitated by Varia, OSP, Anne Laforet and Quentin Juhel. "For the Rotterdam control point on the Relearn curve, we propose to together attend to a subject zone (*) where different digital network practices intersect. This subject zone can morph into multiple directions throughout the session. Our specific interest is in how publishing formats (**) operate with/on/through this zone. ... You are invited to come and experiment with the local Relearn server that travels between each session of the curve."


De-platformization Artycok 2020.png
  • De-platformization, Ethics and Alternative Social Media, symposium, workshop, Display, Prague, and online, 25-26 September 2020. "We seek to open a discussion, which will not only critically discuss platforms and commercial social media, but explore possibilities of the commons through a number of practical and theoretical positions, public discussion and hands on workshop. We know and repeatedly analyze a host of issues with commercial social media and digital labour, but little attention is paid to efforts at building alternatives, such as community-run social media and other forms of de-platformization." VIDEO (Artyčok).
ATNOFS A Transversal Network of Feminist Servers 2022.png
  • A Transversal Network of Feminist Servers (ATNOFS), series of events in six chapters, Varia, Rotterdam; HYPHA, Bucharest; LURK, online; ESC, Graz; Feminist Hack Meetings, Athens; Constant, Brussels, March-October 2022. A collaborative project "formed around intersectional, feminist, ecological servers. Understanding servers as computers that host space and services for communities around them, this project exists inside, and in between, roaming servers and different networks. Its decentralized programme was developed in 6 chapters hosted in 5 different locations." ATNOFS website. Radio broadcast.
Feminist Infrastructure Collage 2022.png
  • TransHackFeminist Convergence 2022: Feminist Infrastructure, Calafou, Barcelona, 1-8 August 2022. "From below and from the sides, sometimes precarious, sometimes not very visible or invisible. What is our feminist infrastructure? The one that gives us a mattress, a den, a space of peace, fresh water and shade when we are on fire. The one that shares with us a little piece of land from which we can see the stars and imagine possibilities." Zine. [18]
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  • International Trans★Feminist Digital Depletion Strike, multiple locations. "On 8th of March 2023, we call for a Counter Cloud Action Day. On this day, we will try to withhold from using, feeding, or caring for The Big Tech Cloud. The strike calls for a hyperscaledown of extractive digital services, and for an abundance of collective organising. We join the long historical tail of international feminist strikes, because we understand this fight to be about labour, care, anti-racism, queer life and trans★feminist techno-politics." Convened by Anarchaserver, Constant, esc, Varia, Systerserver, TITiPI, a.o. Events. Mastodon. List. [19] [20]


Art Servers Unlimited, 1998, PDF.
  • Relearn, "A Feminist Net/work How-to", in Portable Relearn Archive, Jul 2014. Material from the 2014 edition of Relearn, held at Variable, a collectively run F/LOSS Arts Lab in Brussels.
  • Servidoras feministas, Anarchaserver, 2018, 34 pp. Documentation from Open Days Femservers, Calafou. (Spanish)
  • Mara Karagianni, ooooo, Nate Wessalowski, vo ezn, "Feminists Federating", A Peer-reviewed Newspaper 12(1): "Toward a Minor Tech", Aarhus: Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus University, Feb 2023, p 4.

See also

Federated networks, Technofeminism, Internet activism