Art and technology centres
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- Vašulka Kitchen Brno
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- Werkleitz
- Stewart Brand, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT, New York: Viking, 1987, 285 pp.
-, Grow Your Own Media Lab, Sheffield: Access Space, 2008, 116 pp.
- Clare Butcher, Angela Plohman (eds.), The Future of the Lab, Eindhoven: Baltan Laboratories, 2010, 128 pp. [1]
- Angela Plohman (ed.), A Blueprint for a Lab of the Future, Eindhoven: Baltan Laboratories, 2011, 343 pp. Essays: Atau Tanaka, Annet Dekker. Publisher. [2]
- Catherine Lenoble (ed.), MCD 62: L’Europe des Media labs: cartographie des lieux et réseaux / Media Labs in Europe, Mar-May 2011. [3] (French)/(English)
- Nederland Labland. Medialabs, FabLabs & Hackerspaces in Nederland, Amsterdam: Virtueel Platform, 2012, 104 pp. (Dutch)
- The New Explorers Guide to Dutch Digital Culture: Medialabs, Game Companies & Festivals in the Netherlands, eds. Michel Langendijk and Tijmen Schep, Amsterdam: Virtueel Platform, Dec 2012, 191 pp. [4]
- Charlotte Frost, "Media Lab Culture in the UK", Furtherfield, London, 28 Aug 2012.
- Maya Livio, Lori Emerson, "Towards Feminist Labs: Provocations for Collective Knowledge-Making", in The Critical Makers Reader: (Un)learning Technology, eds. Loes Boger and Letizia Chiappini, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2019, pp 286-297.
- Darren Wershler, Lori Emerson, Jussi Parikka, The Lab Book: Situated Practices in Media Studies, University of Minnesota Press, 2022, x+333 pp.
- Questionnaire on self-sustainable media culture practice, conducted by RIXC Riga, 2001.
- LABtoLAB, a network of media labs set up by Constant Brussels, Kitchen Budapest, Medialab-Prado Madrid, and PiNG Nantes, 2009-11.
- Mappa, medialabs mapped. A collaborative project of Fiction Lab, ThingTank and Kitchen Budapest.
- The Feminist Labs Project. Organized by Maya Livio, Lori Emerson, and Thea Lindquist.
See also