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[[Image:Schoen_Erhard_1538_Drei_maennliche_Figuren_in_einem_Raum.jpg|thumb|258px|[[Erhard_Schön|Illustration from Erhard Schön's book on perspective]], 1538.]]
[[Image:Chladni_1830_Akustik_Table_8.jpg|thumb|258px|[[Ernst_Chladni#Chladni_figures_.28Klangfiguren.29|Chladni figures]], 1802.]]
[[Image:Petzvals_camera.png|thumb|258px|[[Joseph_Petzval#Optics|''Voigtländer'' camera with Joseph Petzval's lens]], 1840.]]
[[Image:JE_Purkyne_kinesiskopic_disc.jpg|thumb|258px|[[Jan_Evangelista_Purkyně#Perception_of_space_and_movement.2C_photomicrography_.281827.E2.80.9353.29|Kinesiscopic disc with the portraits of Jan Evangelista Purkyně]], 1865.]]
[[Image:Pesanek_Zdenek_1930_Edisonka_6.jpg|thumb|258px|[[Zdeněk_Pešánek#.22Edisonka.22_.281926.E2.80.9330.29_and_collaboration_with_Prague.27s_Electric_Company|Zdeněk Pešánek's light-kinetic sculpture for the Edison transformer station, Prague]], 1930.]]
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==Recent additions to Monoskop (selection)==
==Recent additions to Monoskop (selection)==
<onlyinclude>* Page on [[accelerationism]]. (17 June 2014)
<div class="dpl" style="-moz-column-count:3; -webkit-column-count:3; column-count:3; font-size: .9em; width: 850px">
* Selected works by [[Johann Joachim Winckelmann|Winckelmann]], [[Immanuel Kant|Kant]] and [[Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel|Hegel]]. (17 June 2014)
* Collecting writings of and on the [[Russia#Avant-garde|Russian avant-garde]]: artists' books, theory, journals, readers, anthologies, catalogues, glossaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, articles and theses on literature, visual art, photography, theatre, music, film, design and architecture. (10 June 2014)
* Entry on [[cyberfeminism]] has been expanded. (1 Jul 2019)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Michel Foucault]], [[Herbert Marcuse]]. (8 June 2014)
* Section highlighting [[Women in concrete poetry|women in concrete, visual and sound poetry]]. (22 Dec 2018)
* Source bibliography of philosopher of individuation and technology [[Gilbert Simondon]]. (22 April 2014)
* New documentary genealogy of the concept of [[Anthropocene]] and its reception across the arts and sciences. (13 Jun 2018)
* Writings by and about the revolutionary philosopher, utopian fiction writer and early systems theorist [[Alexander Bogdanov]]. (28 March 2014)
* Entry on [[concrete poetry]] has been greatly expanded. (24 Sep 2017)
* Collected writings on [[information theory]] and its impact across the sciences. (19 March 2014).
* Entry on [[kinetic art]] has been greatly expanded. (21 Aug 2017)
* Bibliographies: [[Abraham Moles]], [[Max Bense]], [[Theodor Adorno]], [[Marshall McLuhan]]. Update: [[Walter_Benjamin#Bibliography|Walter Benjamin]]. (12 March 2014)
* New extensive resource on [[performance art]]. (23 Jul 2017)
* Source bibliography of [[Sound art]] and [[Noise]]. (24 February 2014).
* Collated resources on [[conceptual literature]]. (18 Apr 2017)
* Multilingual source bibliography of [[Vilém Flusser]]. (14 February 2014)
* Entry on [[software art]] has been greatly expanded. (12 Apr 2017)
* Archive: [[Arkzin]]. (7 February 2014)
* New collection on the work of [[Trisha Brown]]. (3 Apr 2017)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Russia#Literature|Russian avant-garde]], [[Alexander Bogdanov]], [[Pavel Florensky]], [[Kazimir_Malevich#Literature|Kazimir Malevich]], [[Nikolay Punin]], [[Alexander_Archipenko#Catalogues_and_Literature|Alexander Archipenko]], [[José Ortega y Gasset]], [[Jindřich Chalupecký]], and entries: [[Voldemārs Matvejs]] (Vladimir Markov), [[Vladimir Tatlin]], [[Varvara Stepanova]], [[Aleksei Gan]]. (5 February 2014)
* Bio-bibliographical profiles of artists and activists [[Gustav Metzger]] and [[Armin Medosch]]. (4 Mar 2017)
* Articles: [[Arseny Avraamov]], [[Nikolai Kulbin]]. (17 January 2014)
* [[Neural aesthetics]], an overview of the intersections of art, design and artificial neural networks in machine learning. (29 Nov 2016)
* Biography, films, multilingual source bibliography and musique concrète of [[Dziga Vertov]]. (14 January 2014)
* [[Art|An annotated index of styles and movements in modern and contemporary art worldwide, from the 1860s until today]]. (23 May 2016)
* Updated entry: [[Experimental film]]. (5 January 2014)
* [[Art history|New page]] collects art historians and critics with bibliographies on the wiki. (26 Apr 2016)
* Entry: [[Roman Jakobson]]. (1 January 2014)</onlyinclude>
* The [[Artists' cultures]] template has been finally split into several--more fitting--categories, namely: [[Art]], [[Moving Image]], [[Sound and Music]], [[Literature]], and [[Software]]. All of them are now listed in the left menu. On the scholarly side, the ''Theory'' template has been renamed [[Humanities]]. (26 Apr 2016)
* Entry: [[Viking Eggeling]]. Updated entries: [[El Lissitzky]], [[László Moholy-Nagy]]. (23 December 2013)
* [[Cubism|Resource on Cubism]]. (25 Mar 2016)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Post-digital]], [[Software studies]], [[Software art]]. (17 October 2013)
* Entry on [[lettrism]]. (11 Mar 2016)
* Articles: [[Norway]] and [[Media technology in Norway]]. (September 2013)
* Entry on [[expanded cinema]]. (3 Mar 2016)
* Source bibliographies: [[John Amos Comenius]], [[Karel Slavoj Amerling]], [[Wolfgang Ernst]], [[Claus Pias]], [[MaMa]]. (5 September 2013)
* Pages on the Japanese art and anti-art collectives [[Jikken Kōbō]] (1951-57), [[Gutai Art Association]] (1954-72), and [[Mono-ha]] (1968-75). (2 Mar 2016)
* Articles: [[Cultural techniques]], [[Friedrich Kittler]], [[Zdeněk Pešánek]], [[School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava]], [[Alexander Hackenschmied]], [[Jiří Lehovec]], [[Oskar Hansen]]. (August 2013).
* Entry on [[neoism]] expanded. (28 Feb 2016)
* Entry: [[Postmedia]]. (12 June 2013)
* Entry on [[post-internet art]]. (20 Feb 2016)
* Statements, catalogues, magazines and reception of early [[conceptual art]] around the world. (9 Dec 2015)
* Monoskop stands [http://custodians.online/ in solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub]. (30 Nov 2015)
* Pages on the conceptual artists [[Július Koller]], [[Stano Filko]] and [[Peter Bartoš]]. (28 Nov 2015)
* [[Deleuze]] online. (20 Oct 2015)
* The works of [[Baruch Spinoza]], with short annotations, reviews, and an account of his life by Gilles Deleuze. (15 Oct 2015)
* [[Constructivism|Resource on constructivism]], focusing primarily on the movement in Russia and east-central Europe from the late 1910s through the 1930s. (25 Sep 2015)
* The [[Contents|table of contents]] has been updated. (28 Aug 2015)
* A major update of pages on the Russian avant-garde – featuring many newly included source documents and reproductions, accompanied with biographies, chronologies and bibliographies. Artists and designers [[Vladimir Tatlin]], [[Naum Gabo]], [[Alexander Rodchenko]], [[Varvara Stepanova]] and [[Lyubov Popova]], art theorists [[Vladimir Markov]], [[Osip Brik]], [[Nikolay Punin]], [[Aleksei Gan]], [[Nikolai Tarabukin]] and [[Boris Arvatov]], institutes [[IZO Narkompros]] and [[INKhUK]] (incl. Working Group of Constructivists), [[Vkhutemas]] school, journals [[Iskusstvo kommuny]], [[LEF]], [[Novyi LEF]] and [[Sovremennaya arkhitektura]], literary theorist [[Viktor Shklovsky]], poet and labour theorist [[Aleksei Gastev]], theatre director [[Vsevolod Meyerhold]], architect [[Iakov Chernikhov]]. [[Russia#Avant-garde|Bibliography]]. (17 Aug 2015)
* Introducing the [[Architecture|flat library of architecture]] – a collection of source documents in the history, theory and criticism of 20th-century architecture on a single page. (23 Jul 2015)
* The life and works of poet, novelist, playwright, musician, and chess enthusiast [[Raymond Roussel]]. (6 Jul 2015)
* A collection of monographs and periodicals focusing on the 20th-century [[Architecture]]. (2 Jul 2015)
* [[Lucius Burckhardt]] and strollology. (27 Jun 2015)
* Entry on [[Design research]]. (26 Jun 2015)
* Entry on the [[Ulm School of Design]] (1953-68), and the writings of its dean [[Tomás Maldonado]]. (26 Jun 2015)
* The life and works of the Majorcan writer and logician [[Ramon Llull]]. (29 May 2015)
* The life and works of [[Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]]. (19 May 2015)
* The works of [[Michel Leiris]]. (11 May 2015)
* Filmographies and bibliographies of [[Alexander Kluge]] and [[Chris Marker]]. (10 May 2015)
* Collections of works by [[Baruch Spinoza]] and [[Jean-François Lyotard]]. (5 May 2015)
* The works of [[Henri Bergson]]. (3 May 2015)
* Section [[Digital libraries]]. (28 Apr 2015)
* Updated entry on [[Fluxus]]. (24 Apr 2015)
* Entry on [[Kinetic art]]. (19 Apr 2015)
* Entry on [[Systems art]]; profiles of [[Jack Burnham]] and [[György Kepes]]. (17 Apr 2015)
* Resource on [[Land art]]. (12 Apr 2015)
* Profile: [[Robert Smithson]]. (10 Apr 2015)
* Collections of works by [[Isabelle Stengers]] and [[Donna Haraway]]. (20 Mar 2015)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Marilyn Strathern]], [[Eduardo Viveiros de Castro]], [[Étienne Souriau]], [[Alfred North Whitehead]]. (8 Mar 2015)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Jakob von Uexküll]], [[Gaston Bachelard]], [[Henri Lefebvre]], [[Bruno Latour]]. (2 Mar 2015)
* The works of [[Mikhail Bakhtin]]. (8 Dec 2014)
* Resource for [[Greece|Greek avant-garde and modernism]]. (3 Oct 2014)
* The passages, manuscripts, editions, translations and studies of the [[Aristotle/Poetics|''Poetics'' of Aristotle]] and [[Plato/Republic|''Republic'' of Plato]]. (24-26 Sep 2014)
* Introducing the [[Index|Monoskop Index]]: an ABC of art, media and the humanities, 10 years in the making. (2 Sep 2014)
* Page on [[Bauhaus]]. (18 Aug 2014)
* Page on Prague Linguistic Circle, also known as the [[Prague school]]. (16 Aug 2014)
* [[Magazines|Guide to 150+ avant-garde and modernist magazines online]]. (15 Aug 2014)
* Films and writings of [[Harun Farocki]]. (4 Aug 2014)
* Bibliographies of the works of [[Claude Lévi-Strauss]], [[Roland Barthes]], and [[Ferdinand de Saussure]]. (15 Jul 2014)
* The works of [[Freud]] in 3 languages. (7 Jul 2014)
* [[Kittler/Index|Index of persons]] in Kittler's ''Discourse Networks 1800/1900''. (6 Jul 2014)
* [[Foucault|Foucault's]] bibliography now in some 30 languages. (2 Jul 2014)
* Works of [[Marx]], [[Louis Althusser|Althusser]], and [[Henri Saint-Simon|Saint-Simon]]. (27 Jun 2014)
* Page on [[accelerationism]]. (17 Jun 2014)
* Selected works of [[Johann Joachim Winckelmann|Winckelmann]], [[Immanuel Kant|Kant]], and [[Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel|Hegel]]. (17 Jun 2014)
* Collecting writings of and on the [[Russia#Avant-garde|Russian avant-garde]]: artists' books, theory, journals, readers, anthologies, catalogues, glossaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, articles and theses on literature, visual art, photography, theatre, music, film, design and architecture. (10 Jun 2014)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Michel Foucault]], [[Herbert Marcuse]]. (8 Jun 2014)
* Source bibliography of the works of philosopher of individuation and technology [[Gilbert Simondon]]. (22 Apr 2014)
* Writings by and about the revolutionary philosopher, utopian fiction writer and early systems theorist [[Alexander Bogdanov]]. (28 Mar 2014)
* Collected writings on [[information theory]] and its impact across the sciences. (19 Mar 2014).</onlyinclude>
* Bibliographies: [[Abraham Moles]], [[Max Bense]], [[Theodor Adorno]], [[Marshall McLuhan]]. Update: [[Walter_Benjamin#Bibliography|Walter Benjamin]]. (12 Mar 2014)
* Source bibliography of [[Sound art]] and [[Noise]]. (24 Feb 2014).
* Multilingual source bibliography of the works of [[Vilém Flusser]]. (14 Feb 2014)
* Archive: [[Arkzin]]. (7 Feb 2014)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Russia#Literature|Russian avant-garde]], [[Alexander Bogdanov]], [[Pavel Florensky]], [[Kazimir_Malevich#Literature|Kazimir Malevich]], [[Nikolay Punin]], [[Alexander_Archipenko#Catalogues_and_Literature|Alexander Archipenko]], [[José Ortega y Gasset]], [[Jindřich Chalupecký]], and entries: [[Voldemārs Matvejs]] (Vladimir Markov), [[Vladimir Tatlin]], [[Varvara Stepanova]], [[Aleksei Gan]]. (5 Feb 2014)
* Articles: [[Arseny Avraamov]], [[Nikolai Kulbin]]. (17 Jan 2014)
* Biography, films, multilingual source bibliography and musique concrète of [[Dziga Vertov]]. (14 Jan 2014)
* Updated entry: [[Experimental film]]. (5 Jan 2014)
* Entry: [[Roman Jakobson]]. (1 Jan 2014)
* Entry: [[Viking Eggeling]]. Updated entries: [[El Lissitzky]], [[László Moholy-Nagy]]. (23 Dec 2013)
* Updated bibliographies: [[Post-digital]], [[Software studies]], [[Software art]]. (17 Oct 2013)
* Articles: [[Norway]] and [[Media technology in Norway]]. (Sep 2013)
* Source bibliographies: [[John Amos Comenius]], [[Karel Slavoj Amerling]], [[Wolfgang Ernst]], [[Claus Pias]], [[MaMa]]. (5 Sep 2013)
* Articles: [[Cultural techniques]], [[Friedrich Kittler]], [[Zdeněk Pešánek]], [[School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava]], [[Alexander Hackenschmied]], [[Jiří Lehovec]], [[Oskar Hansen]]. (Aug 2013)
* Entry: [[Postmedia]]. (12 Jun 2013)
* Featured article: [[Ernst Chladni]]. (May 2013)
* Featured article: [[Ernst Chladni]]. (May 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Jan Evangelista Purkyně]], [[Stefan Morawski]], [[P. K. Engelmeyer]], [[Joseph Murgas]], [[Ludwig Angerer]], [[Ede Kozics]], [[Eduard Schreiber]]. (April 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Jan Evangelista Purkyně]], [[Stefan Morawski]], [[P. K. Engelmeyer]], [[Joseph Murgas]], [[Ludwig Angerer]], [[Ede Kozics]], [[Eduard Schreiber]]. (Apr 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Štefan Anián Jedlík]], [[Joseph Petzval]]. (March 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Štefan Anián Jedlík]], [[Joseph Petzval]]. (Mar 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Dušan Hanák]], [[Dvizheniye]]. (February 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Dušan Hanák]], [[Dvizheniye]]. (Feb 2013)
* Featured articles: [[Zbigniew Rybczyński]], [[Gábor Bódy]], [[Otakar Vávra]], [[Henryk Berlewi]], [[László Moholy-Nagy]], [[Milan Grygar]]. (23 October 2012)
* Featured articles: [[Zbigniew Rybczyński]], [[Gábor Bódy]], [[Otakar Vávra]], [[Henryk Berlewi]], [[László Moholy-Nagy]], [[Milan Grygar]]. (23 Oct 2012)
* A two-year [[Remake]] project which built upon Monoskop research produced a travelling exhibition, conference, performance evenings, workshop series, bilingual magazine, and an issue of open-access student journal. [[Remake|Documentation can be found here]]. (June 2012)  
* A two-year [[Remake]] project which built upon Monoskop research produced a travelling exhibition, conference, performance evenings, workshop series, bilingual magazine, and an issue of open-access student journal. [[Remake|Documentation can be found here]]. (Jun 2012)  
* Featured articles: [[Vladimir Bonačić]], [[Steina and Woody Vasulka]], [[Bulat Galeyev]], [[Stanisław Dróżdż]], [[Nicolas Schöffer]], [[Jozef Malovec]]. (16 March 2012)
* Featured articles: [[Vladimir Bonačić]], [[Steina and Woody Vasulka]], [[Bulat Galeyev]], [[Stanisław Dróżdż]], [[Nicolas Schöffer]], [[Jozef Malovec]]. (16 Mar 2012)
* New categories: [[3D printing]], [[Circuit bending]] (10 December 2011)
* New categories: [[3D printing]], [[Circuit bending]] (10 Dec 2011)
* New categories: [[Internet activism]], [[Data activism]], [[Copyright activism]], [[FLOSS]], [[Filesharing]] (4 December 2011)
* New categories: [[Internet activism]], [[Data activism]], [[Copyright activism]], [[FLOSS]], [[Filesharing]] (4 Dec 2011)
* New categories: [[Electromagnetism]] (May 2011), [[SuperCollider]] (September 2010), [[Film labs]] (June 2010), [[:Category:Hauntology|Hauntology]] (May 2010), [[Surf clubs]] (April 2010).
* New categories: [[Electromagnetism]] (May 2011), [[SuperCollider]] (Sep 2010), [[Film labs]] (Jun 2010), [[:Category:Hauntology|Hauntology]] (May 2010), [[Surf clubs]] (Apr 2010).
* Research of history of [[Media_art_in_CEE|media arts and culture in Central and Eastern Europe]]. (2009)
* Research on the history of [[Media_art_in_CEE|media arts and culture in Central and Eastern Europe]]. (2009)
== Writings on Monoskop==
* [[Media:Barok_2014_Techniques_of_Publishing.pdf|A condensed introduction to Monoskop]] as part of a talk given at a seminar on publishing and distribution of texts in the humanities held at Tranzitdisplay in Prague, May 2014, (see Part III). Also [[Media:Barok_2014_K_technikam_publikovania.pdf|in Slovak]].
[[Image:Dusan_Barok_and_Monoskop_2018_Exhibition_Library_at_Mediacity_Biennale_Seoul_1.jpg|thumb|link=Exhibition_Library|350px|[[Exhibition Library]], 2018 ]]
* [[Media:Linkova_Barbora_2014_Monoskop_Interview.pdf|An interview]] with Barbora Linková for her thesis on artistic archives and archives of art. (in Czech and Slovak, March 2014)
[[Image:Dusan_Barok_and_Monoskop_2018_Exhibition_Library_at_Mediacity_Biennale_Seoul_2.jpg|thumb|link=Exhibition_Library|350px|[[Exhibition Library]], 2018 ]]
* Alessandro Ludovico writes about Monoskop in his article on the liquid library in [http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-de.html ''Springerin''] (in German) and [http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-en.html ''Eurozine'']. (August 2013).
[[Image:Monoskop_Architecture_Novi_Sad_2017.jpg|thumb|link=Architecture#Introduction|150px|[[Architecture#Introduction|For a Flat Library of Architecture]], 2017 ]]
* Another [[Media:Monoskop_v_sieti_Rozhovor_Michala_Murina_s_Dusanom_Barokom_2012.pdf|interview]] appeared in the new issue of [http://www.profilart.sk/ ''Profil: Contemporary Art Magazine''] (4/2012), in Slovak. (March 2013)
[[Image:IOK2015_1.1_Manfroid_Paul_Otlet.jpg|thumb|link=Ideographies_of_Knowledge|350px|[[Ideographies of Knowledge]], 2015 ]]
* ''Neural'' magazine published an [[Media:Dusan_Barok_Interview_Neural_2013.pdf|interview]] in its 44th issue, entitled ''Post-Digital Print''. (January 2013)  
[[Image:Lost_Horse_Gallery_2012_Lucid_Light_Comp_2_REMAKE_Brno.jpg|thumb|350px|link=Remake|[[Remake]], 2012 ]]
* [[Media:Bobnic_Robert_Smrke_Jurij_Sepetavc_Jasmina_Monoskop.pdf|An interview]] with Robert Bobnič and Jurij Smrke of a legendary Ljubljana-based student magazine [http://www.tribuna.si/ ''Tribuna''], in Slovenian. (January 2013).
[[Image:ReCYSP1_2012_REMAKE_Brno.jpg|thumb|350px|link=Remake|[[Remake]], 2012 ]]
* [[Media:Monoskop.column.TheWire.Nov2012.jpg|The Wire magazine takes on Monoskop]]. (October 2012)
* [https://www.hkw.de/en/programm/projekte/2019/the_whole_life/das_ganze_leben.php The Whole Life: Archives and Reality] event organised by Berlin's Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) featured eleven seminars addressing the recent establishment of the [https://archiv-der-avantgarden.skd.museum/en/ Archiv der Avantgarden] in Dresden. The seminar led by Dušan Barok (Monoskop) addressed the problems of digitisation, connectivity and modes of presentation of art archives, with excursions to the Graphic Collection of SLUB library, the exhibition [https://riesa-efau.de/kunst-erleben/motorenhalle/aktuell-vorschau/ Poetry & Performance] at Motorenhalle, and a discussion with Vera Lauf, curator of the [https://gfzk.de/en/2019/debewusstes-unvermoegen-das-archiv-gabriele-stoetzer-1/ Gabriele Stötzer walk-in archive] staged at GfZK in Leipzig. In the limited frame of several days, participants produced an [https://twitter.com/dubravka/status/1131869254771499009 inventory of digital archiving ''isms'']. [[Media:The_Whole_Life_Academy_Dresden_Reader_2019.pdf|Academy Reader]]. [[Media:The_Whole_Life_Archives_and_Reality_2019.pdf|Event booklet]] (also available [[Media:Das_ganze_Leben_Archive_und_Wirklichkeit_2019.pdf|in German]]). (19-24 May 2019)
* Monoskop discussed as part of the [https://www.tabacka.sk/program/nova-europa/ New Europe] convention organised by Katarina Živanović and Marko Popović at Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Košice. (24-25 Nov 2018)
* Commissioned by the [http://mediacityseoul.kr/2018/ Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018], Monoskop produced the first iteration of the ''[[Exhibition Library]]'', bringing together thirty, mostly newly created works in the form of catalogues of fictitious exhibitions. With works by the [[Exhibition_Library#Monoskop in collaboration with the Archive of the Museum of American Art-Berlin|Museum of American Art-Berlin]], [[Exhibition_Library#Joana Chicau|Joana Chicau]], [[Exhibition_Library#Annet Dekker|Annet Dekker]], [[Exhibition_Library#Leslie Drost-Robbins|Leslie Drost-Robbins]], [[Exhibition_Library#Espen Sommer Eide|Espen Sommer Eide]], [[Exhibition_Library#Kenneth Goldsmith|Kenneth Goldsmith]], [[Exhibition_Library#Sarah Hamerman and Sam Hart|Sarah Hamerman and Sam Hart]], [[Exhibition_Library#Seewon Hyun|Seewon Hyun]], [[Exhibition_Library#Václav Janoščík and Eva Skopalová|Václav Janoščík and Eva Skopalová]], [[Exhibition_Library#Geraldine Juárez, Josefina Björk, Bhavisha Panchia|Geraldine Juárez, Josefina Björk, Bhavisha Panchia]], [[Exhibition_Library#Lee Jungmin|Lee Jungmin]], [[Exhibition_Library#Mara Karagianni and John Colenbrander|Mara Karagianni and John Colenbrander]], [[Exhibition_Library#Richard Kitta and Michal Murin|Richard Kitta and Michal Murin]], [[Exhibition_Library#Signe Lidén|Signe Lidén]], [[Exhibition_Library#Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg|Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg]], [[Exhibition_Library#Ilan Manouach|Ilan Manouach]], [[Exhibition_Library#Darija Medić|Darija Medić]], [[Exhibition_Library#Multimedia Institute Zagreb|Multimedia Institute Zagreb]], [[Exhibition_Library#Michal Murin|Michal Murin]], [[Exhibition_Library#Possible Bodies|Possible Bodies]], [[Exhibition_Library#Purple Noise|Purple Noise]], [[Exhibition_Library#Jürgen Rendl|Jürgen Rendl]], [[Exhibition_Library#Danny Snelson|Danny Snelson]], [[Exhibition_Library#Supermuch|Supermuch]], [[Exhibition_Library#Technopolitics Working Group|Technopolitics Working Group]], [[Exhibition_Library#Charles Turner|Charles Turner]], [[Exhibition_Library#Takuma Uematsu, Yuki Hayashi, Tadashi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Goto|Takuma Uematsu, Yuki Hayashi, Tadashi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Goto]], [[Exhibition_Library#Marina Valle Noronha|Marina Valle Noronha]], and [[Exhibition_Library#Amy Suo Wu|Amy Suo Wu]]. [[Media:Monoskop_XL_Seoul_2018.pdf|Catalogue]]. [[Exhibition_Library|Entries]]. (5 September-18 November 2018)
== Events==
* The symposium [http://web.archive.org/web/20180905032204/http://www.sgt.gr/eng/SPG2096/ "Shadow Libraries"], part of the ''[http://web.archive.org/web/20181112013802/http://www.sgt.gr/eng/SPG2018/ Shadow Libraries: UbuWeb in Athens]'' programme organised by [[Ilan Manouach]] and [[Kenneth Goldsmith]] (UbuWeb), brought together [[Dušan Barok]] (Monoskop), [[Marcell Mars]] (Public Library), [[Vicki Bennett]] (People Like Us), [[Cornelia Sollfrank]] (Giving What You Don't Have), [[Peter Sunde]] (The Pirate Bay), and Prodromos Tsiavos. The event was held at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST) and Onassis Culture Centre in [[Athens]]. [[Talks/Shadow_Libraries|Talk]]. Reports by [http://popaganda.gr/ti-ine-i-skotines-vivliothikes-ke-pii-ine-i-internetiki-rompen-ton-dason/ Αναστασία Βαϊτσοπούλου] and [http://www.athinorama.gr/cityvibe/article/kenneth_goldsmith_%7C_o_peiratis_tis_texnis_mas_eksigei_pos_einai_na_exeis_oikeiopoiithei_oli_tin_istoria_tis_avant_garde_-2527484.html Δέσποινα Ζευκιλή] (in Greek). Video documentation is forthcoming. (16-18 Mar 2018)
* Monoskop was part of [http://www.kuda.org/en/series-discussions-archivelive-archiveunarchive-and-public-library-workshop An Archive/Live Archive/UnArchive and Public Library workshop], with Kenneth Goldsmith (UbuWeb), Simon Worthington (Mute Magazine), Marcell Mars (Public Library), and kuda.org. The event was held in [[Novi Sad]], Serbia. (15-16 July 2013)
* Monoskop has contributed a [https://www.are.na/monoskop-org/cybernetics-conference-2017-library selection of works on cybernetics] to New York's ''[http://cybernetics.social Cybernetics Conference]'' and its [http://cybernetics.social/#lib temporary circulating cybernetics research library] prepared by [[Sarah Hamerman]], David Isaac Hecht and [[Dan Taeyoung]]. The conference was organised by [[Sam Hart]], [[Melanie Hoff]] and [[Francis Tseng]]. [https://www.are.na/blog/case%20study/2018/01/19/cybernetics-conference.html Report]. (15-18 Nov 2017)
* Warsaw's Museum of Modern Art hosts the exhibition ''[https://artmuseum.pl/en/wystawy/inny-trans-atlantyk The Other Trans-Atlantic: Kinetic and Op Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America 1950s-1970s]'' prepared in partnership with Monoskop. (17 Nov 2017-11 Feb 2018)
* Monoskop was part of a [http://creatingcommons.zhdk.ch/?cat=5 workshop on art and commons] organised by [[Felix Stalder]], [[Cornelia Sollfrank]] and [[Shusha Niederberger]] at the [[House of Electronic Arts]] (HEK) in Basel. (19-22 Oct 2017)
* Discussion and presentation at the [https://brakfestival.sk/ Bratislava Book Festival] held at the Arena Theatre, Bratislava, upon invitation of its director Peter Michalík. (1 Jun 2017) [https://www.facebook.com/events/620356768155206]
* Monoskop's ''[[Architecture]]'' page was printed as a single scroll and displayed as part of the [http://kuda.org/sr/pravo-na-stanovanje-pravo-na-obrazovanje-javne-borbe-i-javna-knji-nica-04-12052017-omladinski-centar Public Library / Javna knjižnica] exhibition. [[Tomislav Medak]] read our statement [[Architecture#Introduction|For a Flat Library of Architecture]] [[Architecture/Za_plosnu_biblioteku_arhitekture|(in Serbo-Croatian)]]. (5 May 2017)
* Presentation at [http://thesunview.org/ The Sunview Luncheonette] in Brooklyn, NYC, upon invitation of artist [[Matej Vakula]]. (29 Oct 2016) [http://clakula.org/?p=133] [https://www.facebook.com/events/558487104349713/]
* Monoskop supports the open letter [http://custodians.online/ ''In solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub'']. For translations see [http://monoskop.org/log/?p=15700 Monoskop Log]. (1 Dec 2015)
* [[Ideographies of Knowledge]], a symposium on documentation and classification of knowledge was held at Mundaneum in Mons, Belgium, on 3 Oct 2015. The event brought together digital librarians, media theorists, designers, researchers and artists to discuss the poetics, aesthetics and politics of information and knowledge in relation to digital libraries, search engines and the legacy of library/documentation science. With [[Dušan Barok]], [[Matthew Fuller]], Geraldine Juárez, Stéphanie Manfroid, [[Marcell Mars]], Nikita Mazurov, [[Tomislav Medak]], [[Michael Murtaugh]], [[Robert M Ochshorn]], [[Barbora Šedivá]], [[Femke Snelting]], and [[Matěj Strnad]]. (5 Oct 2015)
* Our [[Magazines|avant-garde and modernist magazines]] section served as a trigger for the organisation of the ''[http://www.kassakmuzeum.hu/en/index.php?p=avant-garde_magazine Local Contexts / International Networks: Avant-Garde Magazines in Central Europe (1910-1935)]'' conference at Kassák Museum, Budapest, on 17-19 Sep 2015. (Sep 2015)
* [http://www.campusderkuenste.ch/claudia-mareis-2/3517/ Sources and Resources], a panel discussion in the framework of [http://www.elia-artschools.org/activities/economies-of-aesthetics-conference-basel/programme Economies of Aesthetics] conference was held at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Campus of the Arts, Basel. The panel was prepared by FHNW's [http://www.ixdm.ch Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures]. (Jun 2015)
* A [[Talks/Public_Library|statement on the notion of public library]] and presentation of Monoskop at the ''[[Technopolitics]]'' seminar in Vienna, upon invitation by [[Armin Medosch]]. (Jun 2015)
* [http://mi2.hr/en/2015/05/javna-knjiznica/ Javna knjižnica / Public Library], an exhibition and conference organised by [[WHW|What, How and for Whom/WHW]] and [[MaMa|Multimedia Institute]], and hosted by Nova Gallery, Zagreb, [http://www.whw.hr/galerija-nova/izlozba-javna-knjiznica.html], [http://www.whw.hr/galerija-nova/javna-knjiznica.html], [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/blog/2015/05/28/exhibition-conference-workshop-zagreb/]. On the occasion, the curatorial collective WHW created an online hybrid-archive exhibition featuring selected works from the archives of UbuWeb and Monoskop: [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/hr/1-poglavlje/ Part 1: Art and Its Dissatisfaction], [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/hr/2-poglavlje/ Part 2: Art Is Not a Mirror, Art Is a Hammer], [http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/hr/3-poglavlje/ Part 3: The Rights and Freedoms, Tricks and Pranks] (commentaries in Croatian).
* Together with [[BEK]], Monoskop organised a series of seminars, [[The Extensions of Many]], at Hordaland kunstsenter in Bergen, Norway. The series explores the ambiguity of the notion of media from an aesthetic and technological perspective; the speakers include [[Ina Blom]], [[Florian Cramer]], [[Knut Ove Eliassen]], [[Olga Goriunova]], [[Aud Sissel Hoel]], [[Eleni Ikoniadou]] and [[Femke Snelting]]. [[Talks/The_Extensions_of_Many_1_Introduction|Introductory talk]], [[Talks/The_Extensions_of_Many_2_Introduction|Part 2]]. (26 Feb 2015)
* Monoskop picks [http://www.ubu.com/resources/feature.html#monoskop UbuWeb's Top Ten for September]. (1 September 2014)
* Monoskop serves as a starting point to develop an extensive film programme [http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/features/experimental-cinema-in-eastern-europe.html Artists, Amateurs, Alternative Spaces: Experimental Cinema in Eastern Europe, 1960–1990] at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. (5 Apr-22 Jun 2014)
* Monoskop was part of [http://www.kuda.org/en/series-discussions-archivelive-archiveunarchive-and-public-library-workshop An Archive/Live Archive/UnArchive and Public Library workshop], with Kenneth Goldsmith (UbuWeb), Simon Worthington (Mute Magazine), Marcell Mars (Public Library), and kuda.org. The event was held in [[Novi Sad]], Serbia. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jQ4jgA5l-k Video documentation] (80 min). (15-16 July 2013)
* [http://www.a4.sk/program/2013-03-22-20-00 Monoskop was discussed] in the ''Krakatoa'' talk series organised by [[Mladý pes]] initiative at [[A4 - Zero Space]] in [[Bratislava]], on 22 March 2013.
* Monoskop Log is featured at the online exhibition ''[http://espacevirtuel.jeudepaume.org/erreur-dimpression-1674/ Erreur d'impression/Publier à l'ère du numérique]'' [Print Error/Publishing in the Digital Age], curated by [[Alessandro Ludovico]] at the ''Espace Virtuel'' of Jeu de Paume, Paris. The exhibition runs from October 2012 through March 2014. ''Culture Mobile'' portal provides [http://www.culturemobile.net/artek/erreur-impression-une-expo-virtuelle/monoskop-log-dusan-barok-20002013 additional coverage].
* Monoskop Log is featured at the online exhibition ''[http://espacevirtuel.jeudepaume.org/erreur-dimpression-1674/ Erreur d'impression/Publier à l'ère du numérique]'' [Print Error/Publishing in the Digital Age], curated by [[Alessandro Ludovico]] at the ''Espace Virtuel'' of Jeu de Paume, Paris. The exhibition runs from October 2012 through March 2014. ''Culture Mobile'' portal provides [http://www.culturemobile.net/artek/erreur-impression-une-expo-virtuelle/monoskop-log-dusan-barok-20002013 additional coverage].
* [http://www.stanica.sk/2013/02/26/alef-0/ Monoskop was discussed] at the [[Stanica]] cultural centre in [[Žilina]] as part of a new discussion series ''Alef 0'', moderated by [[Zuzana Husárová]]. (28 February 2013)
* [http://www.stanica.sk/2013/02/26/alef-0/ Monoskop was discussed] at the [[Stanica]] cultural centre in [[Žilina]] as part of a new discussion series ''Alef 0'', moderated by [[Zuzana Husárová]]. (28 February 2013)
* Monoskop was presented at the andragogy seminar at University of Prešov, and later that same day at Wave club in [[Prešov]] within [[CyberTalks]] series. (15 October 2012)
* Monoskop was presented at the andragogy seminar at University of Prešov, and later that same day at Wave club in [[Prešov]] within [[CyberTalks]] series. (15 October 2012)
* [[Symposium|Unlimited Editions]] - A public discussion on personal collecting and media archiving. Launch of the Monoskop library. 5 July 2012, TENT, Rotterdam.  
* [[Symposium|Unlimited Editions]] - A public discussion on personal collecting and media archiving. Launch of the Monoskop library. 5 July 2012, TENT, Rotterdam.  
* Monoskop was [http://www.msuv.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=271%3Apredavanja-prezentacije-projekata-monoskop-i-nove-tendencije&lang=en presented] at The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in [[Novi Sad]], as part of [http://digitizing-ideas.hr/ Digitizing Ideas] project. (18 April 2012)
* Monoskop was [http://www.msuv.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=271%3Apredavanja-prezentacije-projekata-monoskop-i-nove-tendencije&lang=en presented] at The Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in [[Novi Sad]], as part of [http://digitizing-ideas.org/ Digitizing Ideas] project. (18 April 2012)
* [[Monoskop/Brno_2012_talk|Monoskop talk]] at the Remake conference in [[Brno]], Czech Republic. (11 April 2012)
* [[Monoskop/Brno_2012_talk|Monoskop talk]] at the Remake conference in [[Brno]], Czech Republic. (11 April 2012)
* [http://www.a4.sk/program/2013-03-22-20-00 Monoskop will be discussed] in the ''Krakatoa'' talk series organised by [[Mladý pes]] initiative at [[A4 - Zero Space]] in [[Bratislava]], on 22 March 2013.
* [[Remake|REMAKE: REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments]] [http://www.dum-umeni.cz/en/vystava/remake exhibition] opened in [[Brno]], Czech Republic. Remake is an international art project taking place between June 2010 and May 2012. Its aim is to foster creation and presentation of contemporary works inspired by the history of media arts. The project’s final part is an international touring exhibition which is currently shown at The Brno House of Arts. The project builds upon a long-running collaborative research of media art histories, [[Monoskop:About|Monoskop]]. Remake was started by several cultural organisations coordinated by [[Atrakt Art]] with an intention to create and present the contemporary art works inspired by history of media arts in the East-Central Europe. (11 March 2012)
* [[Remake|REMAKE: REthinking Media Art in K(C)ollaborative Environments]] [http://www.dum-umeni.cz/en/vystava/remake exhibition] opened in [[Brno]], Czech Republic. Remake is an international art project taking place between June 2010 and May 2012. Its aim is to foster creation and presentation of contemporary works inspired by the history of media arts. The project’s final part is an international touring exhibition which is currently shown at The Brno House of Arts. The project builds upon a long-running collaborative research of media art histories, [[Monoskop:About|Monoskop]]. Remake was started by several cultural organisations coordinated by [[Atrakt Art]] with an intention to create and present the contemporary art works inspired by history of media arts in the East-Central Europe. (11 March 2012)
* The first public presentation of the [[Monoskop/Zagreb 2011 talk|Monoskop media archive]], at the [http://najave.razmjenavjestina.org/2011/12/01/g33koskop-seminar-03-12-2011-1500-o-arhivi-i-knjiznici/ G33koskop] seminar in [[Mama]], [[Zagreb]]. (3 December 2011)
* The first public presentation of the [[Monoskop/Zagreb 2011 talk|Monoskop media archive]], at the [http://najave.razmjenavjestina.org/2011/12/01/g33koskop-seminar-03-12-2011-1500-o-arhivi-i-knjiznici/ G33koskop] seminar in [[Mama]], [[Zagreb]]. (3 December 2011)
* Monoskop was presented at the [http://www.goethe.de/ins/ee/prj/gtw/ueb/kbe/en8140048.htm Gateways: Workshop for Curators from Central and Eastern Europe] in [[Tallinn]] by [[Mária Rišková]]. (October 2011)
* Monoskop was presented at the [http://www.goethe.de/ins/ee/prj/gtw/ueb/kbe/en8140048.htm Gateways: Workshop for Curators from Central and Eastern Europe] in [[Tallinn]] by [[Mária Rišková]]. (October 2011)
* Monoskop was presented at the [[New Media Art & Digital Art Meeting Point]] seminar in [[A4 - Zero Space]], [[Bratislava]]. [[Media:Barok.monoskop.talk.bratislava.18-5-2011.pdf‎|PDF of the talk (Slovak)]]. (18 May 2011)
* Monoskop was presented at the [[New Media Art & Digital Art Meeting Point]] seminar in [[A4 - Zero Space]], [[Bratislava]]. [[Media:Barok.monoskop.talk.bratislava.18-5-2011.pdf‎|PDF of the talk (Slovak)]]. (18 May 2011)
== Writings on Monoskop==
* Museum librarian William Blueher (Thomas J. Watson Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art) [https://arlisna.org/publications/multimedia-technology-reviews/1282-monoskop reviews Monoskop] for the Art Libraries Society of North America. (October 2017)
* [[Media:Dekker_Annet_2017_Copying_As_a_Way_to_Start_Something_New_A_Conversation_with_Dusan_Barok_About_Monoskop.pdf|An interview]] by [[Annet Dekker]] appears in her book ''[http://www.valiz.nl/en/lost-and-living-in-archives.html Lost and Living (in) Archives]'' published by Valiz in Amsterdam, 2017. In English. (September 2017)
* [[Media:Barok_Giorgetta_Nicoletti_2015_Monoskop_Interview_EN_IT.pdf|An interview]] by Davide Giorgetta and Valerio Nicoletti appears in a [http://www.aiap.it/documenti/14730/77 special issue of design magazine ''Progetto Grafico''] on publishing, Milan. In English with Italian translation. (November 2015)
* Librarian [[Sarah Hamerman]] discusses Monoskop in her [http://www.fvckthemedia.com/issue61/pirate-libraries survey essay on pirate libraries] in a special issue of ''The Media'' on immaterial digital labour. In English. (September 2015)
* [https://monoskop.org/images/e/ef/Medak_Mars_WHW_eds_Public_Library_Javna_knjiznica.pdf#page=112 McKenzie Wark] and [https://monoskop.org/images/e/ef/Medak_Mars_WHW_eds_Public_Library_Javna_knjiznica.pdf#page=122 Tomislav Medak] contribute essays on Monoskop and Ubuweb for the book ''Javna knjižnica / Public Library'' edited by [[Tomislav Medak]], [[Marcell Mars]] and [[WHW]] in Zagreb. In English with Croatian translation. (June 2015)
* [[Media:Barok_Rehus_2015_Softver_je_tiez_literaturou.pdf|An interview]] by Michal Rehúš for an issue of literary magazine ''[http://kloaka.membrana.sk/2015/03/kloaka-32014/ Kloaka]'' published in Bratislava. In Slovak. (December 2014)
* [[Media:Dusan_Barok_rozhovor_Enter_2014.pdf|An interview]] by [[Michal Murin]] appears in the [http://www.divebuki.sk/sk/casopis-enter/enter-no-16 16th issue of cultural magazine ''Enter''] published by Dive Buki in Košice. In Slovak. (Autumn 2014)
* [[Media:Barok_2014_Techniques_of_Publishing.pdf|A condensed introduction to Monoskop]] as part of a talk given at a seminar on publishing and distribution of texts in the humanities held at Tranzitdisplay in Prague, (see Part III). In English, [[Media:Barok_2014_K_technikam_publikovania.pdf|originally in Slovak]]. (May 2014)
* [[Media:Linkova_Barbora_2014_Monoskop_Interview.pdf|An interview]] by Barbora Linková for her thesis on artistic archives and archives of art in which she [http://is.muni.cz/th/361388/ff_m/LINKOVA__Barbora_Diplomova_prace_final.pdf#page=61 discusses Monoskop]. In Czech and Slovak. (March 2014)
* [[Alessandro Ludovico]] writes about Monoskop in his [http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-en.html article on the liquid library in ''Eurozine''] and [http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2013-08-26-ludovico-de.html ''Springerin'']. In English with German translation. (August 2013)
* [[Media:Monoskop_v_sieti_Rozhovor_Michala_Murina_s_Dusanom_Barokom_2012.pdf|An interview]] by [[Michal Murin]] appears in a new issue of [http://www.profilart.sk/profil/profil-4-2012/ ''Profil: Contemporary Art Magazine''] (4/2012) published in Bratislava. In Slovak. (March 2013)
* ''Neural'' magazine publishes [[Media:Dusan_Barok_Interview_Neural_2013.pdf|an interview]] by [[Alessandro Ludovico]] in its 44th issue, entitled "Post-Digital Print". (January 2013)
* [[Media:Bobnic_Robert_Smrke_Jurij_Sepetavc_Jasmina_Monoskop.pdf|An interview]] with Robert Bobnič and Jurij Smrke of a legendary Ljubljana-based student magazine [http://www.tribuna.si/ ''Tribuna''], in Slovenian. (January 2013).
* [[Media:Monoskop.column.TheWire.Nov2012.jpg|The Wire magazine takes on Monoskop]]. (October 2012)

Revision as of 10:17, 9 August 2019

Recent additions to Monoskop (selection)


Remake, 2012
Remake, 2012


Writings on Monoskop
