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Showing below up to 500 results in range #1 to #500.

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  1. Central and Eastern Europe Bibliography
  2. Art
  3. Art/Care
  4. John Cage
  5. Cyberfeminism
  6. Performance art
  7. Anthropocene
  8. 1990s
  9. Michel Foucault
  10. Architecture
  11. East Central Europe
  12. Friedrich Kittler
  13. Community servers
  14. Avant-garde and modernist magazines
  15. Russia
  16. Steina and Woody Vasulka
  17. Computing and cybernetics in CEE
  18. Video art
  19. Ivor Diosi
  20. Občianska neposlušnosť
  21. Harun Farocki
  22. Dziga Vertov
  23. Petr Uhl
  24. Situationist International
  25. Gilles Deleuze
  26. Decolonial aesthetics
  27. Sigmund Freud
  28. Art and activism
  29. Donna Haraway
  30. LEF
  31. Ernst Chladni
  32. Post-internet art
  33. John Amos Comenius
  34. Artists publishing/Index
  35. Kai Altmann
  36. Talks/Michal Murin/sk
  37. Sound art
  38. Index
  39. Fluxus
  40. Kinetic art
  41. Artists publishing
  42. Net art
  43. Digital libraries
  44. Cubism
  45. Norway
  46. Media technology in Norway
  47. Art/Reference
  48. Neural aesthetics
  49. Permacomputing Aesthetics
  50. Jan Evangelista Purkyně
  51. Vilém Flusser
  52. Experimental film
  53. Futurism
  54. Gilbert Simondon
  55. Conceptual art
  56. Demokraticky priestor a avantgarda
  57. Susan Sontag
  58. Guy Debord
  59. El Lissitzky
  60. Alexander Bogdanov
  61. Friedrich Kittler/Index
  62. Sovremennaya arkhitektura
  63. Hungary
  64. Roman Jakobson
  65. Surrealism
  66. Piotr Piotrowski
  67. László Moholy-Nagy
  68. Czechia
  69. Constructivism
  70. Mikhail Bakhtin
  71. Cybernetics
  72. Concrete poetry
  73. Miklós Erdély
  74. Alexander Rodchenko
  75. Zdeněk Mlynář
  76. Hito Steyerl
  77. Greece
  78. Keywords
  79. Georges Bataille
  80. Fediverse
  81. Baruch Spinoza
  82. Hannah Arendt
  83. Exhibition Library
  84. Mircea Eliade
  85. Central and Eastern Europe
  86. Bibliography of writings on media art in Slovakia
  87. Karl Marx
  88. Soros Centers for Contemporary Art
  89. Milan Adamčiak
  90. CECM/Anthology of Slovak Electroacoustic Music
  91. Jacques Derrida
  92. About Monoskop
  93. Walter Benjamin
  94. Gustav Metzger
  95. Electronic art music
  96. Suely Rolnik
  97. Media art and culture
  98. Dimitrie Cantemir
  99. Arseny Avraamov
  100. New Tendencies
  101. Marshall McLuhan
  102. David Graeber
  103. Alain Badiou
  104. Digital humanities
  105. Seth Siegelaub
  106. Hal Foster
  107. Alexander Kluge
  108. Media archaeology
  109. Conceptual writing
  110. Mundaneum symposium
  111. Aristotle/Poetics
  112. East-Central Europe
  113. Aristotle/Poetics/Whalley
  114. Software art
  115. Władysław Strzemiński
  116. Dušan Barok/2021
  117. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  118. Frantz Fanon
  119. Zdeněk Pešánek
  120. Nicolas Schöffer
  121. Romania
  122. Július Koller
  123. Kazimir Malevich
  124. Michal Murin - TOTAL LIST
  125. Max Bense
  126. Ágnes Heller
  127. Viking Eggeling
  128. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  129. Bauhaus
  130. Poland
  131. Slovakia
  132. Naked on Pluto/Archive
  133. Alanna Lockward
  134. Recent
  135. VKhUTEMAS
  136. Prague school
  137. Walter Mignolo
  138. Plato/Republic
  139. Naked on Pluto/Documentation
  140. Kenneth Goldsmith
  141. Johann Joachim Winckelmann
  142. Dada
  143. Artpool
  144. Rosalind E. Krauss
  145. Talks/Poetics of Research
  146. Lucy R. Lippard
  147. Roland Barthes
  148. Marcel Duchamp
  149. Landscape Architecture
  150. Miloš Vojtěchovský
  151. Serge Valdinoci
  152. Accelerationism
  153. Claude Lévi-Strauss
  154. Talks/Antropocén
  155. Bibliography of writings on media art (outside Slovakia) in Slovak
  156. McKenzie Wark
  157. Michel Leiris
  158. Alexandr Hackenschmied
  159. * Performance Art
  160. Stano Filko
  161. Luis Carlos Rodríguez
  162. György Kepes
  163. Berlin
  164. Ernesto Laclau
  165. Raymond Roussel
  166. Design research
  167. Alfred North Whitehead
  168. Immanuel Kant
  169. Zenit
  170. Ernst May
  171. Jozef Cseres
  172. MaMa
  173. Information theory
  174. Piet Zwart Institute
  175. Mihai Pop
  176. Chantal Mouffe
  177. Sylvia Wynter
  178. Bruno Latour
  179. Women in concrete poetry
  180. Art/Museums
  181. Photography
  182. Miklós Peternák
  183. Louis Althusser
  184. Henri Bergson
  185. Japan
  186. Josef Svoboda
  187. Armin Medosch
  188. Afrofuturism
  189. Oskar Hansen
  190. François Laruelle
  191. Alexis karpouzos
  192. Radovan Richta
  193. Slovenia
  194. Excavating the Future/Programme
  195. Karel Teige
  196. Félix Guattari
  197. Dvizhenie
  198. Cultural techniques
  199. Antonio Gramsci
  200. Boris Groys
  201. New York City
  202. Expanded cinema
  203. Ştefan Bertalan
  204. Aristotle/Poetics/Benardete-Davis
  205. Naked on Pluto/Preservation
  206. Velimir Khlebnikov/Radio budushego 1921 1927
  207. Audre Lorde
  208. Tacita Dean
  209. Jacqueline de Jong
  210. Arts and engineering groups and collectives in CEE
  211. Jozef Božetech Klemens
  212. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  213. The living
  214. Construction in Process
  215. Paul Otlet
  216. Computer with a Printer
  217. Ivan Illich
  218. Andrea Fraser
  219. Abraham Moles
  220. Marcel Broodthaers
  221. Wassily Kandinsky
  222. Hans Haacke
  223. Shannon Mattern
  224. Jean-Luc Nancy
  225. Computer art
  226. Vladimir Tatlin
  227. Norbert Wiener
  228. Viktor Shklovsky
  229. Sigma
  230. Boundary objects between arthistory, history of technology, and sociology
  231. Raoul Vaneigem
  232. Andrei Platonov
  233. Jozef Murgaš
  234. Land art
  235. UbuWeb
  236. Claire Bishop
  237. Indigenous futurism
  238. Hugo Ball
  239. Postmedia
  240. Community radio
  241. Robert Smithson
  242. Joseph Petzval
  243. Henri Saint-Simon
  244. Transmusic comp.
  245. Vsevolod Meyerhold
  246. Franco Berardi
  247. Paul Klee
  248. Media ecology
  249. Geert Lovink
  250. Electroacoustic music
  251. China
  252. Aleksei Gastev
  253. Media theory
  254. Theodor Adorno
  255. Václav Magid
  256. Matthew Fuller
  257. Germany
  258. Oslo
  259. Velimir Khlebnikov
  260. Silvia Federici
  261. Erwin Panofsky
  262. Florian Cramer
  263. Ars Electronica
  264. Stefan Morawski
  265. Ferdinand de Saussure
  266. Botschaft e.V.
  267. Vladimir Mayakovsky
  268. Prague
  269. MetaForum
  270. Multiplace
  271. Henri Lefebvre
  272. Pierre Bourdieu
  273. Post-digital aesthetics
  274. Franciszka and Stefan Themerson
  275. Unlimited Edition
  276. Catherine Malabou
  277. Aleksei Gan
  278. Lettrism
  279. Rosi Braidotti
  280. Ludwig Angerer
  281. Leon Chwistek
  282. Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan
  283. Ekin Erkan
  284. Aristotle/Poetics/Tarán
  285. Jack Burnham
  286. Maryanne Amacher
  287. Der Sturm
  288. Brutus
  289. Film Form Workshop
  290. Media and technology in CEE
  291. Gerald O'Grady
  292. Original quotes
  293. Gábor Bódy
  294. Karl Popper
  295. Jean-François Lyotard
  296. Édouard Glissant
  297. Naum Gabo
  298. Julien Greimas
  299. Bratislava
  300. Herbert Marcuse
  301. Bálint Szombathy
  302. Manfredo Tafuri
  303. Conceptual comics
  304. Gregory Bateson
  305. Józef Robakowski
  307. Book (2)
  308. John Zorn
  309. Harald Szeemann
  310. Collaboration and art
  311. Jindřich Chalupecký
  312. Umberto Eco
  313. Maker culture
  314. Warren Brodey
  315. Aristotle/Poetics/Kassel
  316. Book: Issues
  317. Center for Metamedia Plasy
  318. Anarkhiia
  319. Module:Citation
  320. Isabelle Stengers
  321. Étienne Souriau
  322. Futurisms
  323. Software studies
  324. Mail art
  325. Art as Research
  326. Edgar Morin
  327. Balvan
  328. IZO Narkompros
  329. Rudolf Arnheim
  330. Hybrid Workspace
  331. Trisha Brown
  332. Nové technológie v slovenskom umení alebo vyhoďme sa z kola von
  334. Marina Gržinić
  335. Mária Beňačková Rišková
  336. Noise
  337. INKhUK
  338. Douglas Crimp
  339. Janneke Adema
  340. Les Immatériaux
  341. Liliane Lijn
  342. Yvonne Rainer
  343. Book (4)
  344. Alex Mlynárčik
  345. Ramon Llull
  346. The Extensions of Many
  347. Brazil
  348. Boaventura de Sousa Santos
  349. Estonia
  350. Art Workers' Coalition
  351. Krzysztof Wodiczko
  352. Nikolai Kulbin
  353. Henryk Stażewski
  354. Jean Baudrillard
  355. Book (3)
  356. Talks/Communing Texts
  357. Ukraine
  358. Lucien Goldmann
  359. Zine culture
  360. François Dosse
  361. Bruce Sterling
  362. Sandy Stone
  363. Peter Lamborn Wilson
  364. Arnold Schoenberg
  365. André Malraux
  366. Tomislav Medak
  367. Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten
  368. Old Boys Network
  369. Sergei Eisenstein
  370. Monoskop/Brno 2012 talk
  371. Jiří Valoch
  372. Beauty and the East
  373. Pavel Florensky
  374. IDC
  375. Pontus Hultén
  376. Okwui Enwezor
  377. ProjectDescription
  378. Margaret Mead
  379. Gáspár Miklós Tamás
  380. Moscow Conceptualists
  381. Allan Sekula
  382. Free software
  383. Kurt Schwitters
  384. Zdenka Badovinac
  385. Richard Huelsenbeck
  386. Alexander R. Galloway
  387. Niečo visí vo vzduchu
  388. Neoism
  389. Bratislava in 2006
  390. Elizabeth Povinelli
  391. Monoskop/Zagreb 2011 talk
  392. Serbia
  393. Alfons Schilling
  394. Daniel Grúň
  395. STEIM
  396. Voldemārs Matvejs
  397. Johanna Drucker
  398. Ulises Carrión
  399. Video activism
  400. Ryszard Winiarski
  401. London
  402. Iskusstvo kommuny
  403. Plato/Republic/Badiou-Spitzer
  404. Arkzin
  405. Dušan Hanák
  406. Cornelia Sollfrank
  407. Erich Hörl
  408. Vladimir Bonačić
  409. Palo Fabuš
  410. Gene Youngblood
  411. Lyubov Popova
  412. School of Arts and Crafts, Bratislava
  413. New media art in Slovakia (1990s-2000s)
  414. Remake
  415. Vladimir Propp
  416. Talks/Algoritmy a sloboda
  417. Edward Artemyev
  418. Le Corbusier
  419. Nikolai Tarabukin
  420. Nam June Paik
  421. Miško Šuvaković
  422. Piet Mondrian
  423. Paul B. Preciado
  424. Osip Brik
  425. Nová Perla
  426. Nettime
  427. Kinema Ikon
  428. Plato/Republic/Adam
  429. Prometheus
  430. International Seminars on New Music, Smolenice
  431. The Media Are With Us
  432. Marcell Mars
  433. Siegfried Zielinski
  434. Susanne Langer
  435. Katarzyna Kobro
  436. Aleksei Kruchenykh
  437. Systems art
  438. Indofuturism
  439. Emmanuel Levinas
  440. Mierle Laderman Ukeles
  441. Media archives
  442. Carolyn Steedman
  443. Nicolas Bourriaud
  444. Alternative Film & Video Festival Belgrade
  445. Video art in Slovakia (1990s-2000s)
  446. Sean Dockray
  447. Book (5)
  448. Otto Neurath
  449. South asian futurisms
  450. Experimental Studio of Czech Radio Pilsen
  451. Constantin Noica
  452. Cybernetic Serendipity
  453. Marxist aesthetics
  454. Wolfgang Ernst
  455. Start-up art
  456. Lucius Burckhardt
  457. Arthistorical methodologies
  458. LABoratory
  459. Pier Paolo Pasolini
  460. Amsterdam
  461. Yuk Hui
  462. Lajos Kassák
  463. Dušan Barok
  464. Bulat Galeyev
  465. Anthony Davies
  466. Régis Debray
  467. Michel Chion
  468. Susan Buck-Morss
  469. P. K. Engelmeyer
  470. Radio art
  471. Book
  472. Ernst Cassirer
  473. László Moholy-Nagy/Produktion-Reproduktion 1922
  474. Karel Slavoj Amerling
  475. Jiří Anger
  476. Olga Goriunova
  477. Milan Knížák
  478. Martin Heidegger
  479. Beatriz Colomina
  480. Transart Communication
  481. Open Form
  482. Kairus
  483. Zamir
  484. Raoul Hausmann
  485. Mikhail Larionov
  486. Nancy Mauro-Flude
  487. John Heartfield
  488. Situationist Times
  489. Art in Ruins
  490. Talks/More Than Numbers Less Than Words
  491. Peter Szondi
  492. UNOVIS
  493. Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
  494. INDIGO
  495. Talks/The Extensions of Many 1 Introduction
  496. Provo
  497. Patrice Guillamaud
  498. Varvara Stepanova
  499. Brian Holmes
  500. Colab

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