Sonora: John Zorn (1998) [English/Italian]

8 March 2014, dusan

This special issue of the digest size Italian magazine Sonora: Itinerari oltre il suono on composer John Zorn includes interviews, articles by and about him, photo and score sections, and listings of his recorded works up to 1998. The volume came with a CD compiled by Eugene Chadbourne.

Edited by Walter Rovere and Carla Chiti
Publisher Materiali Sonori, 1998
144 pages
Book via filboid
CD via El estupor se hizo mármol

CD on Discogs

PDF (26 MB, no OCR)
Eugene Chadbourne & John Zorn ‎– 1977-1981 (Audio CD, ZIP’d MP3s, 58 MB)

Benjamin Piekut: Experimentalism Otherwise: The New York Avant-Garde and Its Limits (2011)

14 January 2014, dusan

“In Experimental Otherwise, Benjamin Piekut takes the reader into the heart of what we mean by “experimental” in avant-garde music. Focusing on one place and time–New York City, 1964–Piekut examines five disparate events: the New York Philharmonic’s disastrous performance of John Cage’s Atlas Eclipticalis; Henry Flynt’s demonstrations against the downtown avant-garde; Charlotte Moorman’s Avant Garde Festival; the founding of the Jazz Composers Guild; and the emergence of Iggy Pop. Drawing together a colorful array of personalities, Piekut argues that each of these examples points to a failure and marks a limit or boundary of canonical experimentalism. What emerges from these marginal moments is an accurate picture of the avant-garde, not as a style or genre, but as a network defined by disagreements, struggles, and exclusions.”

Publisher University of California Press, 2011
ISBN 0520948424, 9780520948426
296 pages

Reviews: Thomas Fogg (Current Musicology, 2011), Clemens Gresser (Notes, 2012), Molly McGlone (Twentieth-Century Music, 2013), Jeremy Grimshaw (American Music, 2014).


PDF (updated on 2020-5-3)

George Lewis: A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music (2008)

26 August 2011, dusan

Founded in 1965 and still active today, the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) is an American institution with an international reputation. George E. Lewis, who joined the collective as a teenager in 1971, establishes the full importance and vitality of the AACM with this communal history, written with a symphonic sweep that draws on a cross-generational chorus of voices and a rich collection of rare images.

Moving from Chicago to New York to Paris, and from founding member Steve McCall’s kitchen table to Carnegie Hall, A Power Stronger Than Itself uncovers a vibrant, multicultural universe and brings to light a major piece of the history of avant-garde music and art.

Publisher University of Chicago Press, 2008
The Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr. , Lectures in the History of Cartography Series
ISBN 0226476952, 9780226476957
Length 676 pages

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