Francis Hunger (ed.): How I Learned to Love RFID (2006)

11 May 2009, dusan

Reader / documentation from the workshops by HMKV Dortmund and RIXC Riga, 20-22 May 2006.

With texts and images by Dorothea Carls, Jasmina Tesanovic, Rob van Kranenburg, Bruce Sterling, Oliver Leistert, Timo Arnall, Franziska Nori, Inke Arns, Francis Hunger.

“The series of lectures brings together approaches and projects that artistically and critically deal with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology – a technology that is significantly being developed and advanced by companies and research institutes in Dortmund. This technology which at first glance seems to be a simple further development of the bar code (well known from the supermarket) is much more powerful that the good old bar code technology. RFID tags are passive radio transmitters, which upon receiving a minor wireless energy impulse are sending back the information stored on their memory. Today, this information can be read already at a distance of six meters – without the process getting noticed. In addition, with its unique identification numbering system, this technology will allow for a precise identification of every object worldwide. What will it be like to live in a world where all the objects constantly will be talking to each other?”

Publisher HMKV, Dortmund, 2006
[18] pages

More info (includes audio recordings)

PDF, PDF (updated on 2017-9-8)