Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art) (2010, open draft)

12 September 2010, dusan

In 2007, Jo-Anne Green and Helen Thorington (Co-Directors, New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. | proposed Networked to Eduardo Navas (NewMediaFIX). Along with Sean Dockray (Telic Arts Exchange) and Anne Bray (Freewaves), they developed an application to the National Endowment for the Arts, which funded the project in 2008.

An international Call for Proposals was issued. It defined the project’s Goals and Objectives and invited contributions that critically and creatively rethink how networked art is categorized, analyzed, legitimized — and by whom — as norms of authority, trust, authenticity and legitimacy evolve. A committee of nine reviewed the submissions: four authors were commissioned to develop chapters that are now open for commentary, revision, and translation. A fifth — one of the runners-up — was invited to contribute. Networked is open to additional chapters.

Networked proposes that a history or critique of interactive and/or participatory art must itself be interactive and/or participatory; that the technologies used to create a work suggest new forms a “text” might take.

* Remix and the Rouelles of Media Production
* Deseriis › No End In Sight
* Ulmer › The Learning Screen
* Varnelis › The Immediated Now
* Helmond › Lifetracing
* Freeman › Storage in Collaborative Networked Art
* Munster › Data Undermining
* Lichty › Art in the Age of DataFlo

by Authors and Collaborators of the Networked Book Project.
Facilitator: New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. (NRPA).
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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