The Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge (ADILKNO): The Media Archive. World Edition (1992/1998)

3 October 2010, dusan

Dense, rigorous essays concerned not with the secret intentions lurking behind information transmission, but on the parallel worlds created through these transmissions. Media see the world as raw material for their own project, and as they are forced to constant development, the media text can never produce a final understanding. In these essays, ADILKNO looks for models of thought and magic words that will help the media text spell itself out to the point of exhaustion.

Many pieces in the “Media Archive” were originally written for the Dutch media art magazine “Mediamatic” and the Belgian film magazine “Andere Sinema” (Other Cinema).

Originally published as: Stichting ter Bevordering van de Illegale Wetenschap. “BILWET Media-Archief.” Amsterdam: Ravijn, 1992 and Agentur Bilwet “Medien-Archiv”, Mannheim: Bollmann, 1993.
Translated from the Dutch by Laura Martz, Washington, D.C., and Sakhra -l’Assal/Ziekend Zoeltjes Produkties, Amsterdam, 1997
Published by Autonomedia, New York City, 1998
ISBN: 1570270791
Anti-Copyright © 1997 Autonomedia & Adilkno


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