Fire!! Devoted to Younger Negro Artists (1926)

5 May 2016, dusan

A legendary single-issue literary magazine published during the Harlem Renaissance in New York City.

The publication was edited by Wallace Thurman in association with Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Bennett, Richard Bruce Nugent, Zora Neale Hurston, Aaron Douglas, and John P. Davis. The magazine’s founders wanted to express the changing attitudes of younger African Americans, exploring issues such as homosexuality, bisexuality, interracial relationships, promiscuity, prostitution, and color prejudice.

Published in New York City, Nov 1926
Reissued 1982 by The Fire!! Press, with introductions by Richard Bruce Nugent and Thomas H. Wirth
[4]+48 pages
HT Temi Odumosu, via POC Zine Project



2 Responses to “Fire!! Devoted to Younger Negro Artists (1926)”

  1. Chaz on May 5, 2016 3:10 pm

    The cover artwork is by Aaron Douglas, the great Harlem Renaissance artist who was a founder of Fire!!

    A later replica of the original artwork (now lost) is here:

  2. dusan on May 5, 2016 3:47 pm

    Thank you Chaz!

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