Marcel Duchamp (1973)

27 September 2016, dusan

Catalogue for a retrospective exhibition co-curated by Anne d’Harnoncourt of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Kynaston McShine of The Museum of Modern Art. In addition to these venues, the show traveled to The Art Institute of Chicago. This exhibition, the third retrospective dedicated to Marcel Duchamp and the first organized following the artist’s death, was also an inaugural exhibition of the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s newly formed 20th Century Art Department. The museum has a substantial collection of Duchamp works, the majority of which came to it through the 1950 gift of the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection.

The book contains a documented photographic survey of Duchamp’s works (over 90 pp), passages from Duchamp’s lectures, comments and tributes from 50 contemporaries, documentary illustrations, a chronology (over 20 pp), a bibliography (10 pp), and ten original essays by scholars and critics: Michel Sanouillet, Richard Hamilton, Lawrence D. Steefel, Jr., Arturo Schwarz, David Antin, Lucy R. Lippard, Kynaston McShine, Robert Lebel, Octavio Paz, and John Tancock. The essays cover Duchamp’s explorations in the areas of language, poetry, the machine, alchemy, and the epistemology of art; on a more personal level, they treat the milieux and the friend ships that shaped his character, the life style to which he adhered, the influence his example has exerted.

Edited by Anne d’Harnoncourt and Kynaston McShine
Publisher Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 1973
ISBN 0870702963, 9780870702969
345 pages
via MoMA


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One Response to “Marcel Duchamp (1973)”

  1. "He was wrong" on September 29, 2016 9:38 pm

    Many many thanks for Duchamp!

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