COPY, 1: Understudy (2010)

3 October 2011, dusan

COPY is a publication of critical/experimental writing as or in the field of visual art and performance.

This issue of COPY is launched as part of The Plaza Principle, curated by Derek Horton and Chris Bloor in the partially vacant 1980s Leeds Shopping Plaza; an exhibition that aims to acknowledge the economic context in which artists are invited to occupy vacant shop units to disguise or compensate for economic decline in the nations town, city and district centres, supplementing commercial inactivity with cultural activity.

COPY proposes understudy as a point from which to consider, reflects and interrupt this context through a collection of art writing around the stand in – the temporary, illusory, consumed or performed; smoke and mirrors; the assessed, inquired or theorized. The works in this issue address, allude to or form tangents from these ideas and present a range of approaches to the use of the page, print and the form and nature of writing as or within practice.”

Contributors include Huw Andrews, Fabienne Audeoud, David Berridge, Rachel Lois Clapham, Emma Cocker, Sam Curtis, Charlotte A Morgan, Flora Robertson and Rebecca Weeks.

Developed by Critical Writing Collective, a network and platform for art writing and critical dialogue based in the Yorkshire region, UK.
Free to take away, copy and disseminate
26 pages

Magazine website

PDF (added on 2017-12-2)

3 Responses to “COPY, 1: Understudy (2010)”

  1. Stéphanie on October 8, 2011 7:58 pm

    Ah, this sounds interesting, but how are you free to take away, copy and disseminate when you don’t have a Scribd account? (I am trying to resist having accounts everywhere for using it only once).
    It would be great if you would put it here as an alternative download? Thanks!

  2. monoskop on October 12, 2011 4:07 pm

    here we go Stéphanie

  3. Stéphanie on December 12, 2011 2:44 pm

    Thank you! :)

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