Alessandra Petrina: Cultural Politics in Fifteenth-Century England: The Case of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (2004)

8 August 2009, dusan

This volume is an analysis of the development of cultural politics in Lancastrian England. It focusses on Duke Humphrey of Gloucester, brother of Henry V and Protector of England during Henry VI’s minority. Humphrey’s intellectual activity conformed itself to the Duke’s own position in the kingdom: the book explores Humphrey’s commission of biographies, translations of Latin texts, political pamphlets and poems, as well as his collection of manuscripts acquired both in England and from Italian humanists. Particular attention is dedicated to Humphrey’s donations to the University of Oxford and to his relations with English poets and translators, such as John Lydgate and Thomas Hoccleve, highlighting his contribution towards the making of the nation’s cultural autonomy.

Publisher BRILL, 2004
ISBN 9004137130, 9789004137134
381 pages

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