Liam Gillick: Why Work? (2010)

18 February 2013, dusan

Art is a place where the rules of engagement are open to question. The knowledge worker also appears to challenge rules of engagement but can only do so in the production of software or a set of new fragmented relationships. The artist can create alienated relationships without all these intricacies.

Why Work? was first presented in New York as part of the Goethe Institut Wyoming Building series What Is the Good of Work? organised by Maria Lind, Director of the Bard College Center for Curatorial Studies and Simon Critchley, Chair of Philosophy at the New School. This short text comprises the presentation made by artist, Liam Gillick – who responded to Lind and Critchley alongside Professor Gianni Vattimo on January 30, 2010.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Post-Office, May-June 2010, Auckland, New Zealand.

Publisher Artspace, Auckland
ISBN 978047316950
49 pages



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