Tan Lin: Heath: Plagiarism/Outsource (2009)

23 February 2010, dusan

“Poetry. Cross-genre. HEATH (PLAGIARISM/OUTSOURCE) exists somewhere between a Project Gutenberg version of Samul Pepys Diary and a minute-to-minute news feed and blog of Heath Ledger’s death. Sad, appropriated, lyrical and confused, the book contains a brief history of recent performance art, a legal defense of plagiarism, the diary of a poetry workshop at the Asian American Writer’s Workshop, an MP3 protest song, and an examination of SMS and GMS technologies as distribution networks for human sadness. Multi-authored, and with numerous text blocks and photos, HEATH (PLAGIARISM/OUTSOURCE), NOTES TOWARDS THE DEFINITION OF CULTURE, UNTITLED HEATH LEDGER PROJECT, A HISTORY OF THE SEARCH ENGINE, DISCO OS is in full color.”

Publisher Zasterle Press, La Laguna, 2009
ISBN 9788487467479
86 pages

Review: Kristen Gallagher (Criticism, 2009).


PDF, PDF (135 MB, no OCR, updated on 2017-4-20)
Annotated edition by Danny Snelson

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