Amodern 2: Network Archaeology (2013)

2 October 2013, dusan

“This special issue of Amodern features original research, initially presented in 2012 at the Network Archaeology conference at Miami University of Ohio, on the histories of networks, the discrete connections that they articulate, and the circulatory forms of data, information, and socio-cultural resources that they enable. Drawing from the field of media archaeology, we conceptualize network archaeology as a call to investigate networks past and present – using current networks to catalyze new directions for historical inquiry and drawing upon historical cases to inform our understanding of today’s networked culture. In this introduction, we elaborate how network archaeology opens up promising areas for critical investigation, new objects of study, and prospective sites for collaboration within the productively discordant approach of media archaeology.” (from the Editorial)

With contributions by Braxton Soderman, Nicole Starosielski, Jussi Parikka, Scott Pound, Alan Liu, John Cayley, Adrian Johns, John Cayley, Rory Solomon, Liam Young, Lisa Gitelman, Brian Jacobsen, Veronica Paredes, Shannon Mattern, James Purdon, Sebastian Gießmann, Brooke Belisle, Peter Schaefer, Alex Ingersoll, John Shiga, Kris Paulsen, Sandra Gabriele, Darren Wershler, Kalervo Sinervo, and Shannon Tien.

Edited by Nicole Starosielski, Braxton Soderman and cris cheek
Publisher Concordia University and Lakehead University, October 2013

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