Continent. journal, No. 1-7 (2011-2012)

5 August 2012, dusan

Continent. maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking, traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, politics and art.

Continent. exists as a platform for thinking through media. text, image, video, sound and new forms of publishing online are presented as reflections on and challenges to contemporary conditions in politics, media studies, art, film and philosophical thought.

Contributors to issue 2.3: François Laruelle, Andy Weir, Henrik Lübker, Berit Soli-Holt & April Vannini & Jeremy Fernando, Andrea Fraser, Sean Gurd, Paul Amitai, Sasha Ross, Thierry Geoffroy.

Contributors to issue 2.2: Vilém Flusser, Bonnie Jones, Eugene Thacker, Gary J. Shipley and Nicola Masciandaro, Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, Sean Joseph Patrick Carney, The Editors of Speculations & continent., Ishac Bertran, Duane Rousselle, A. Staley Groves.

Editors: Jamie Allen, Paul Boshears, Nico Jenkins
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
ISSN 2159-9920

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Alexander Kluge: Raw Materials for the Imagination (2012)

27 July 2012, dusan

Alexander Kluge is best known as a founding member of the New German Cinema. His work, however, spans a diverse range of fields and, over the last fifty years, he has been active as a filmmaker, writer and television producer. This book – the first of its kind in English – comprises a wide selection of texts, including articles and stories by Kluge, television transcripts, critical essays by renowned international scholars, and interviews with Kluge himself. It will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the fields of film, television, and literary studies, as well as those interested in exploring the intersections between art, politics, and social change.”

Edited by Tara Forrest
Publisher Amsterdam University Press, 2012
Film Culture in Transition series
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License
ISBN 9089642722, 9789089642721
440 pages


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Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, No. 1-54 (1974-2011)

3 October 2011, dusan

JUMP CUT: A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY MEDIA is run on a nonprofit basis by its staff and is not affiliated with or supported by any institution. Begun in 1974 as a film publication, JUMP CUT now publishes material on film, television, video, new media, and related media and cultural analysis. As a print publication till 2001, JUMP CUT circulated 4000 copies per issue in North America and internationally to a wide range of readers including students, academics, media professionals, political activists, radicals interested in culture, film and video makers, and others interested in the radical analysis of mass culture and opposition media. Now, with free online access, the readership is much larger and more international.

Editors: John Hess, Chuck Kleinhans, Julia Lesage
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


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