Manford L. Eaton: Bio-Music (1974)

13 February 2013, dusan

“Bio-Music is the term used by ORCUS Research to describe a class of electronic systems that use biological potentials in feedback loops to induce powerful, predictable, repeatable, physiological/psychological states which can be elegantly controlled in real time. The types of states that can be programmed are as powerful as chemical (drug) states, and the hallucinogenic powers of electronic sensory feedback systems can be controlled and guided with a precision utterly impossible with chemical methods. [..] It is the purpose of this book to provide some guidelines for researchers in this fascinating field and to attempt to prevue the types of systems that are now or soon will be within the state of the electronic art. We hope that this book will be read by those within the arts who hold as their thesis that only through the development of arts as powerful as the technology around us will we ever be able to regain any of the peace and understanding that was ours in a more pristine world.” (from the Preface)

Publisher Something Else Press, Barton/VT
ISBN 0871101246, 9780871101242
65 pages

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