Jodi Dean: The Communist Horizon (2012)

3 January 2013, dusan

“Rising thinker on the resurgence of the communist idea.

In this new title in Verso’s Pocket Communism series, Jodi Dean unshackles the communist ideal from the failures of the Soviet Union. In an age when the malfeasance of international banking has alerted exploited populations the world over to the unsustainability of an economic system predicated on perpetual growth, it is time the left ended its melancholic accommodation with capitalism.

In the new capitalism of networked information technologies, our very ability to communicate is exploited, but revolution is still possible if we organize on the basis of our common and collective desires. Examining the experience of the Occupy movement, Dean argues that such spontaneity can’t develop into a revolution and it needs to constitute itself as a party.

An innovative work of pressing relevance, The Communist Horizon offers nothing less than a manifesto for a new collective politics.”

Publisher Verso Books, London, 2012
Pocket Communism series
ISBN 1844679543, 9781844679546
256 pages

Author’s lecture (video, 79 min)
Interview with author (New Left Project)
Reviews: Samuel Grove (review31).


PDF (updated on 2020-5-31)

Melissa Gira Grant: Take This Book (2012)

23 August 2012, dusan

“This is one story of the People’s Library at Occupy Wall Street, as told to me by many of the librarians behind it: how the library began, what happened after the November 15 raid on Zuccotti Park, and why they’re rebuilding. It’s a story about books, danger, and freedom.

Take This Book is an extended essay — just over 10,000 words — based on the stories of the librarians and the library’s patrons. It can’t be the whole story, because it’s still happening.” (from the project’s Kickstarter page)

Publisher Glass Houses Press, New York
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
33 pages

Kickstarter page


David Graeber: Inside Occupy (2012) [German]

19 August 2012, dusan

“Occupy Wall Street!” Mit diesem Aufruf besetzt im September 2011 eine Gruppe von Aktivisten den Zuccotti-Park im New Yorker Finanzdistrikt. Sie wollen friedlich gegen die Finanzmärkte und Banken, die ungerechte Verteilung der Vermögen sowie die Untätigkeit der Politik demonstrieren. Was steckt hinter dieser Bewegung, die in kurzer Zeit Millionen Menschen rund um den Globus mobilisiert? Was steckt hinter den Guy-Fawkes-Masken der Besetzer? Was steckt hinter ihrem Mut und ihrem Zorn? Der Vordenker und Aktivist David Graeber berichtet aus erster Hand, wie alles begann, wie die Bewegung stark werden konnte und warum dies erst der Anfang ist.

Translated by Bernhard Schmid
Publisher Campus Verlag, Frankfur/New York, 2012
ISBN 3593397196, 9783593397191
200 pages

google books

PDF (includes Revolution Guide, 28pp)