Sonora: John Zorn (1998) [English/Italian]

8 March 2014, dusan

This special issue of the digest size Italian magazine Sonora: Itinerari oltre il suono on composer John Zorn includes interviews, articles by and about him, photo and score sections, and listings of his recorded works up to 1998. The volume came with a CD compiled by Eugene Chadbourne.

Edited by Walter Rovere and Carla Chiti
Publisher Materiali Sonori, 1998
144 pages
Book via filboid
CD via El estupor se hizo mármol

CD on Discogs

PDF (26 MB, no OCR)
Eugene Chadbourne & John Zorn ‎– 1977-1981 (Audio CD, ZIP’d MP3s, 58 MB)

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