Flusser’s View on Art: MECAD Online Seminar (2004)

8 December 2012, dusan

The Vilém Flusser seminar took place in 2004 and was a cooperation between MECAD, Barcelona, and the _Vilém_Flusser_Archive. Presented was a text selection of Flusser’s writings on art. The seminar included also a presentation by Silvia Wagnermaier and a reflection text on Flusser’s theory by Siegfried Zielinski.

via _Vilém_Flusser_Archive


Cherry Kino: Wondermental Super8 and 16mm Film Techniques (2010)

5 December 2012, dusan

A DIY filmmaking booklet with information on how to make analog films, DIY techniques, cameraless filmmaking, processing film by hand, what film stocks to use, where to find them, and so on. Inspired by WORM Filmwerkplaats’s To Boldly Go and Helen Hill’s Recipes for Disaster.

Self-published in Leeds, UK, November 2010
24 pages
via pleintekst.nl

author (blog)

PDF (no OCR)
Related: To Boldly Go: A Starters Guide to Hand Made and DIY Films
Related: Helen Hill’s Recipes for Disaster: A Handcrafted Film Cookbooklet

To Boldly Go: A Starters Guide to Hand Made and DIY Films (2008)

5 December 2012, dusan

“This is a booklet for both those eager to begin in hand made film and those who already started but are keen to know more. It signifies a hope and commitment to making sure these techniques, tricks and handy tips remain openly available to all who might need them. Let’s not keep any secrets! These (chemical) receipts, printing processes, after dev. Effects, emulsion extras and celluloid experiments should be absolutely public.

Let’s make hand-made d-i-y films! Let’s make a lot! Images and texts have been gathered, harvested, illegally used, replenished and inspired by a plethora of found sources including those of David Leister, Greg Pope, Dirk De Bruyn, Maia Cybelle Carpenter, Frank Bruinsma, Steve Sanguedolce, Rebecca Moran, Jurgen Reble, Ben Russell, Jeff Scher and many many others.” (from the introduction)

Edited by Esther Urlus
Published at WORM Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam, 2008
20 pages
via super8picnic.wordpress.com

Related: Helen Hill’s Recipes for Disaster: A Handcrafted Film Cookbooklet
Related: Cherry Kino: Wondermental Super8 and 16mm Film Techniques