Journal of Media Sociology 1(1/2) (Winter/Spring 2009)

22 February 2009, pht

This peer-reviewed scientific journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers and essays and book reviews that advance an understanding of the role and function (and dysfunctions) of mass media and mass communication in society or the world.

With contributions by Robin R. Means Coleman, Mark Deuze, John Hatcher, Amani Ismail, Mervat Youssef and Dan Berkowitz, Leo W. Jeffres, Kimberly Neuendorf, Cheryl Campanella Bracken and David J. Atkin, Ruben P. Konig, Hans C. Rebers, and Henk Westerik.

Edited by Michael R. Cheney
ISSN 1940-9397
130 pages

PDF (updated on 2014-8-28)

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