Robert Adrian X (2001) [German/English]

25 May 2010, dusan

Robert Adrian X is an artist making installations, music and radio projects as well as works in public space since 1950s; since early 1980s he is the pioneer in the field of telecommunication.

A fragile sculpture made of cigar packages, painted in the style of De Stijl, a canvas that radiates in the subdued hues of Yves Klein’s “patented” blue, and a faded Amiga monitor with colourfully gleaming computer graphics, all lined up on a red shelf. Modern Art IV (1990), thus runs the title of this work, finds a common denominator for the art of the 20th Century, including that of the sampling brand.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Robert Adrian X, Kunsthalle, Vienna, 7 Dec 2001 – 10 Feb 2002. With essays by Timothy Druckrey, Georg Schöllhammer and Reinhard Braun.

Edited by Kunsthalle Wien, Lucas Gehrmann, and Gerald Matt
Publisher Kunsthalle Wien, 2001
ISBN 3852470285
152 pages
via Kunsthalle Wien


PDF (updated on 2017-3-19)

2 Responses to “Robert Adrian X (2001) [German/English]”

  1. FDM on March 19, 2017 7:31 pm

    Hi Dusan, This link seems to be broken. Any chance of getting it fixed? Many thanks.

  2. dusan on March 19, 2017 8:41 pm


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