Ear | Wave | Event, 1 (2014)
30 August 2014, dusan
Filed under journal | Tags: · art, art history, listening, music, music history, sound, sound art
Ear │ Wave │ Event is a web publication founded and edited by Bill Dietz and Woody Sullender. Its premiere issue contains essays “theoretically framing problems of sonic thinking and articulation (by Peter Ablinger, Amy Cimini & Woody Sullender, Sean Griffin, Jessica Feldman, G Douglas Barrett & Lindsey Lodhie) along with a battery of alternative genealogies for musical practice and thought offering ways out of what feels more and more like the dead-lock of the “sound” scene (Matt Marble, Marina Rosenfeld, Dima Strakovsky, Sean Griffin, Catherine Christer Hennix, Peter Ablinger).” (from the Introduction)
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