Nick Kaye: Site Specific Art: Performance, Place and Documentation (2000)

29 March 2009, pht

Site Specific Art traces the historical antecedents of today’s installation and performance art, while also assembling a documentation of contemporary practice around the world.

The book is divided into individual analyses of the themes of space, materials, site, and frames. These are interspersed by specially commissioned documentary artworks from practitioners and artists working today. The artistic processes involved are demonstrated through new articles from Meredith Monk, Station House Opera, Brith Gof, Forced Entertainment, and Michelangelo Pistoletto.”

Publisher Routledge, 2000
ISBN 0415185599, 9780415185592
238 pages


PDF (updated 2011-9-3)

2 Responses to “Nick Kaye: Site Specific Art: Performance, Place and Documentation (2000)”

  1. JENNY on July 27, 2011 5:01 am

    this file is off. could you please reupload?
    thank you

  2. monoskop on July 27, 2011 4:58 pm


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