Danjel Andersson, Mette Edvardsen, Marten Spångberg (eds.): Post-Dance (2017)

6 February 2019, dusan

Post-dance was a conference held at MDT in Stockholm, 14-16 October 2015, created by Danjel Andersson, André Lepecki and Gabriel Smeets.

“Postdance or Post-dance or POSTDANCE is an open source concept. We reversed a normal conference. Instead of saying what Postdance is, we in vited a wide range of thinkers to fill the concept with us. To let it be open, and a bit weird, and by doing that keeping it urgent. And now post-dance is a book.” (from the Introduction)

Contributions by Alice Chauchat, Ana Vujanović, Andre Lepecki, Jonathan Burrows, Bojana Cvejić, Bojana Kunst, Charlotte Szász, Josefihe Wikström, Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Samlingen, Valeria Graziano, Samira Elagoz, Ellen Söderhult, Edgar Schmitz, Manuel Scheiwiller, Alina Popa, Antonia Rohwetter, and Max Wallenhorst.

Publisher MDT, Stockholm, 2017
Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International License
ISBN 9789198389104, 9198389106
393 pages

Conference (2015)


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