Roundhouse Journal: Reimagining the University (2011)

21 May 2011, dusan

“The University’s future is uncertain; uncertain because we – editors, contributors, readers – intend to change its structure, practices and relationship to society. Left to the government, market, bureaucracy and hopeless academics, its future is certain: fueling the free market – a slave shoveling coal aboard a Titanic no government can steer. Our call to re-imagine the university was not an invitation to rearrange the deck furniture or write the score for the string-quartet as the ship sinks. Rather, it was a call to loot the vessel and abandon ship to whichever destinations contributors thought best or, for now, reachable.

There is a thematic narrative to the structure of this journal: Situation – where we are, Source – why we are here, Strategy – where we could go. Contributions were diverse: from personal anecdotes to poetry to practicable plans for parallel institutions and practices. Reassuringly some of these projects are already being implemented.” (from Editorial)

Editors: Evan Harris, Tom Jeffries, Dora Meade, Henry Palmer, Andrew Walker
Concept from The Really Open University
Published in May 2011
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license
76 pages

via Thomas Gokey

PDF (updated on 2017-4-20)

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