Valentina Tanni: Random (2011) [Italian, English]

1 June 2011, dusan

This book came unexpected. It appeared suddenly, just like necessities do. Like all unexpected things, it has an uneven form, and its contents are far from linear. More than a book, it’s a record, an historical document. It brings together a series of heterogeneous texts written during ten years of study, research and dissemination.

Along the last ten years, Random Magazine established itself as the main editorial platform for net art and new media art in Italy. A small percentage of the material you can find on the website is represented in this book. But why put ink on paper all this material? Because sometimes, in order to realize how far you’ve gone, you have to stop and look back. And in order to hand down the history of these ten years of research, and offer it to newer generations of artists and students.

Because of the nature of its source material, this book is mainly in Italian language, and meant for an Italian audience. However, English speaking audience is warmly invited to skim it, enjoy the introduction and the selection of English reviews.

Publisher: LINK Editions, Brescia, May 2011
ISBN 978-1-4477-1182-7
114 pages
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.



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