Lee Hoinacki, Carl Mitcham (eds.): The challenges of Ivan Illich: a collective reflection (2002)

27 May 2009, dusan

This unique collection examines the man Utne Reader has called “the greatest social critic of the twentieth century.” The essays — all but one written by people who knew Illich personally — discuss how his life and thought have affected conceptualization, study, and practice of psychotherapy, notions about education, ideas concerning the historical developments of texts, perceptions of technology, as well as other topics. All of Illich’s books are discussed and his ideas on education, theology, technology, anarchism, and society are examined in relationship to those of Rene Girard, Karl Polanyi, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Ellul. Illich’s previously unpublished paper offering a new view of conspiracy in European history is included.

Published by SUNY Press, 2002
ISBN 0791454215, 9780791454213
256 pages

Key terms:
CIDOC, Tools for Conviviality, Boyars, Puerto Rico, Cuernavaca, Jacques Ellul, Deschooling Society, Carl Mitcham, E.F. Schumacher, Rene Girard, homo economicus, David Cayley, Barry Sanders, Leopold Kohr, iatrogenesis, Dalmatia, Karl Polanyi, Duden, Louis Dumont

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