The Occupied Wall Street Journal, Nos. 1-2 (2011) [English/Spanish]

15 October 2011, dusan

“Occupy Wall Street is the beginning of a whole new kind of democracy: a bottom-up people’s democracy led by the 99%. It is a bold vision for the future that is beginning to inspire the nation. However, to pull it off, we’re going to need a robust people’s media unbeholden to corporate money. If we want people’s democracy then we’ve got to build a people’s media — the two are inseparable.

We want to be the people’s media. Our first project is The Occupy Wall Street Journal, a four-page broadsheet newspaper with an ambitious print run of 50,000. It’s aimed at the general public. The idea is to explain what the protest is about and profile different people who have joined and why they joined. We will explain the issues involved and how the general assembly process operates at Liberty Plaza. It will also offer resources and ways to join. The emphasis will be on quality content, design, photography and artwork that uses incisive humor to make it a lively read.

Future projects include longer editions of the newspaper, bold stickers, edgy posters, colorful palm cards and inspiring flyers.

This project is a volunteer effort: every penny you donate will go directly to printing and distribution.

Occupy Wall Street Media is not the “official” media of the occupation — there is no official media! This is one attempt by a group of journalists who support the occupation to offer a way for the general public to hear the stories, perspectives and ideas from inside the movement. We think the more voices, ideas and media the better.” (from project’s Kickstarter page)


commentary on Issue 2 (Daryl Lang,
commentary on Issue 1 (Daryl Lang,

Issue 1, published in early October 2011, 4 pages
PDF, Scribd (EN)
PDF, Scribd (ES)

Issue 2, published on 8 October 2011, 4 pages
PDF, Scribd (EN)

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